IIliiill Earning THRlllS Hair WITH Villth vhis lttllllitlllt revealed itself in anus MN TRY iiiis ii YOURE NitrousciiANKviiiiiooui On CERTAIN DAYS of The Month Do feman fanctional monthly For over 70 years thousands of disturbances make you feel ner girls and Women have reported dont vous fid ycty cranky so tired and benet Just see if you too dragged iitat such times report excellent results Worth Then do try Lydia Pinkharns trying tVEGETABlE cpMPOUND seedless raisins if cshorteiiii1g 33 cihone eggs we beaten sifted IIIpurpose our RIIISB raisins drain scissors Work shortening creamygrudunlly work with spoon Gradually stir in sifted dr Spuull until smooth Add xt eta Isms off blend Bake in greased Ilg irly ourc pair at snow for hours 1E 1iv if II IIII rI It rlill iv it llt ilu ir tit at pii22il Itlllti wt in lill lititililltllvlil is ilill wt Zieli IIilidliAtli ii tier in ie ll ti lillltlll llllt liiliivill iiiiiald liI be pro iies iiltlwivhii Ittilri Illllltil litillllll tiu ililtlltl tm Ipiiiiilt liie In tp illi tllfl ll JHIHI Niiil riiiietil1 iiiiiiic it Moist itiayezl this tiiih ei iiIlitlllit il 11iuiild be ilijill itiiciiilittiitl The lilllltwllltl tiills ol the Ar Iilllt the accuracy at the Ili IIiilll1 piicattosIiniucd to sllIh eiioi lttltltrlillill1 revealed viilzovsky as in fectioiiist ind iiiitvr violinist liie iiiiuiilc ancestry of his lllti Stradi tiiilis liill vm nowhere liettit zcertified glittlll lll Schubert Ave IMaiia lltiigtmher lltllliltgt nf ibeiiuty rather than beauty It IIlillllltgt lllltKlttI Iill after ligt pity liliL as done me tell lllldl trite llllltlillltl it he had any lltltltlli enjoyed playing Ilzirtoks Ilouiiiaiiiaii liolk Iitllttj above The Wizardry of ttbe melodic line of haiiiionics on the string producing as it were inoseiiiit IBEING PLANNED TILE BARN MINER BARRIEUIN loner SUCCESSFUL YEAR ISAYS MR MANNING DRIVE IElderly Oro Resident Taken to RV Hospital By Provincial Constable 67 iaiiucrzieo Van DeWoll Included ItIiiIi ztpa in Magazine Photograph MM OllimwiBoy Parliament Members tl Il wt i7 ovai lllfliilltX iliI Buys Western llL liar iii til lvI sludt till ili an III truest llliiltlaltlll li at pvt plv mil de lIl Ill vt lav ipiii of iiiV fillltlillllllti if xii II ltl en 32llll the tre Ieiillv of Western ILiltlllllI iizwiiiiiit Itiltlli cicd li ir iitl Matti l1 JlIUI invii ll Izritioi iiLii IKiiif titer coir iltl I1l lxif iliiint AXNIXG litli ll limitti tlllvlii Out llIHIrtii 14 tot ll Ulcilih Itlttllll reply voiizmtttcc siililil llitlllll tllll ire million lolli it is Clllltnn by Iiiili ritl ifol vhilds play ll UlElI lit contact piliicii in otkiei tiilltkll ludiillbf to Buys i513l ile Idfllditlll iso decided to paiblidi bingoinc oik to this ilvl lr iIIigtLIlC Icta Iliitllllg on it IIIK xvvid Iiltl duiiizt iiiifii 151i rain zlilid tlial hum 1th llt owl and Itltltls Very Ilil ltllllilt Ilfl out if they would accept the515120 was Iill1tl zltl the lib iliouldbe rainl In the but tlb le pit not the job the iiiaiil Mitcliiiisoii ainsi inoiiiiu loo IlimilByyrl tiII said it would take time to into full svxiirt proposed itpuit toininii tee ilmt vidtd that the iepiesentatiyes presv lllltl buil dt lill Illtl Ill lltl tOIl l3tllliiii iligt pl lloyf Parliament should consider duly Bible Iild personal prayer and devotional life The Buys lirliiiterit which is untieiiummatrenal the Ontario Religion Editortional Council Liigeiiieiit for suitable date the ilu lHllmlVil iiiiioiiuced mould litlljlltltgt ed that the ntirio grins trim The iil2etl chairman it Ill iiiitiv Lilitlllll ohm l7ll mum llobeitsoii ytilllllltlflltlli iiiiiliiitint iiipan tttelfltltl iiiilliirii lt1Ilil ltigzli iiiLace Iiv0ll iivi lt ll Iponorcd by IIIIIIII III lllis pr imini Hut it three attend iiieet consider and utl unable iiiliiliiillet Vill hence ilivlilIthe titlltillitlllllil committee which presented it that tune taken amendment favor who be considered ti Cl Iirtitlllilv liiiiiiii to tire Hull am Makes You Fe So MuchBeHer The Vitamin Bi Tonic Ileflllcl used ftlrlltllilfilllf lossoi sleep nervous indigestion chronic fatiuiie and diarrhea of the weeks rcpoi Zli their fiii meeting Club 79 on lltuijsday March 15 at eight oclock port will be presented by lIlfIlll inatiiig comiuittec KEEN SCOlTlZR Canadas 100000 lioy Scouts join llm 15an hd ppm ed with nearly five million other members tlirouizlioin in the tragic death inIan airplane Royer lligliiiessl lPiince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden ter Bo cliairiiiaii thci held would vote report and that time as including the majority lloett siretible minority iii iludiiia their voted PRINCE W1 nits several iipiiit Movement After consultiiiiz illl nian wotIt mornnu Iii czsler mos fittiiiely with another tribute to the VirtnoseComposer Sarasate in his Introduction and larantelle lruly it was an evening of fari tisy tor the listener who found it hard it believethat the very best in violin iiiiisicpl2iyed by an out itgiiidiiir here in our own town of Barrie VAF ANT VKW rjre names clear closed program crash tlfonorary President of the In national Committee of Scouts Association and Chief Scotti for Sweden The Prince had been an active supporter of the IIOVCI meni since joining it as boy News items are appreciated artist had been heard the sound of baritone flute or clarinet on the violin The Ukelele Serenade by Copland Ii the ill departure from an lothertvise classical program Its modern idioms were entirely pleas Iint and in good taste with the Iyounuer members of the audience In the Carmen Fantasy of Sara sate one was ltllllltl with the tonntioii and the engaging style of ithe artists Spivakovsky generous 1y encured with highly sym pathetic treatment of Ravels lla could be 12 Spam and Shine my Vegetable Compound to reIIicIva suchsymptomshis ne medicme is very effective for this purpose tsp Magic Baking Powder tsp salt tsp vanilla extract tsp lemon extract dry on towelcut fine with tth spoon until uffy and dd honey wlille continuing to Add beaten eggs and blend igrcdi nts beat with MADE IN ADA technical facility the faultless llt banera In the Caprice Viciiiiois his stychivas direct and Viennese probably the best compliment that paid to the intisic of DEPOSITS llithilratvable by Cheque $3390347987 GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Time Deposits ti3401432o TOTAL 433824352313 INCREASE $242061606 asrAras nusrs This AmountRprsents the Total of Estates Under Administration Aftr Distribution During the Year of $1121668 lftESIDENT SIMIDDLEBRO ice DILA DANARDZ IManuenLAN JIG rimsnit NJCOOIER 1E General Manager for copy ANNUAL intro Call or alwri AIIAUAI tillllt 1213 our tlI liiiiiii il lli irritability iiiiaciniii lttIVUIH hlSIHIl OUR ANNUAL REPORT FORI91946 IN AN EASY IREADABLE FORM Received People in All Walks of Life and Invested As Follows TOTAL ASSETS iN OUR REY 3BRUCE TRUST SAVINGSCO OFFICERS and DIRECTORS II Peterborougti Advisory Board MACKAY giIONounABLE HI Mo rresh active yeast goes right to work but avtioiino LXIIJSICPS iixcs sum iei iisticr ltc1tl lliioiirlihi smooth IeXItlICIltllUI trtsh ll YOU IiiKli AT Ilthlf ll 85 lll Htischinanns rffli Yeast with the familiar yellow label 1LILltilU for more than ll ILll Dacia Wt09 ltlltl tested idltllllllk cts Economy size 5150 Dr Chases NerveF ma dad ADDITIONAL SECURITY apital reserves $81223416 15208 921 85 $368586363 hk MORTCAC BONDS DOMINIUN PROVINCIAI OTHER BONDS AND SlitUltllIlIIS ACCRUED INTEREST CASH till 88l350tt 7275i4i7 is 52i736i3 TOTAL $824362313 CARE $163331104 vainruminants an FLEMING MANNiNo unfti iiiiOLMiss was LEMON Dlt RIllOWlY me nnowu jNicelytin rec IlSLlfOIllD Secretarylrcasurei Sec II HENRY andEthICli for first Mortgage Loans NianiiosoN ii scorr JR SINCLAllt MeKAY Miiiiiigcr