Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1947, p. 7

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111111 11111 111111 11111 St Pierre Scores Overtime Game Thriller At Arena iLtlel 11 5111111 2111211 1I 11111 111111 1111 1111 1111 11111111 Willi 111111 to play 11 2111 111111 git11111 1121 l1tl away as 11111 tltiillmlt play l11E11111 111 vile11 1111 1111 1111212 to count twice 1111 roun 11111 111v11 rim11 11111 to 231111111 1111 11111111 ilhzr 21111111 1111 1111111 1111311 1111111 11 i1pl1 111 1111111113 1111111 to 1115 111111 1111111 11111 111111511 2111 lit11 Wing 11151 911111 111111111 11 11 11111 11111 1111 11 11111 311 11111 pm 111 111 111ui 1111 11111 ltl11 11 1Ill 21111 l1i1111u 111111111 111 111 Ivioti 111 12 111 111 1111i 111111 111131 lrll 111 1211 1111 11=1111111211t 111 1111 1111 1111 twl 111111 1111 lo 11 111 1111 1111 11111111111 Hml 11 111111 1111 point Tinj 1111l 1111 ilti 111111 111 1111 111111111 111 tumultx 11111 11111 11 1nd 1111 11111111 o111 Ht 111111 11311111 11 111111 to 11111111 11 11111111111 1I11 tiltm 1111 11111111 1111 purl 111111111511 11111 11 11111111 111111 1111 Hunt lllllli 11 111 1111 111111111 111111 11 111 1111111111 1111 111l11v1 lo11 11 1111 1111E ll ilumz 111 11111113 111 1111 11a 1111 lot11 ax 1111 11151 lliu Barrie 5Morlboros 1111rr11 Ari111 l1l1 31 leltldA ltt ti 114 111x111 11 illllllif 111lle 1111 Stanly 111 1111r111 iiltll 111111 1111111 lllfl1llt 111111 lll llfc Muirl 1111y112 litftlri 115 111101 lllllllif1 1111111 ll11a 11111 111111 llltHl lainp 1111111111 lllllgt1 111111111 11 not Molllnln 1111 1111t 1111 lllll 1111111 ll 191111 111 lnm 111111 11131 121 1111 1111 111 11111 11111111 111 1121 11 11211111 l11 111 11111Z 11 111 111l 111111111111111 1111 1311 llnrllmzo 11 111111 11011 11111 tltlntl 11111111 11 llilt11 lit11 111i ll Halal11113 to 1111111111 111 1111111 11 t1111 1111111 cumy 111111 111 1111 l1r111olo wow11 11111111111 111111 ltd111111 1111 11 11111 potter 1111 1111 11111111 11111111 11p 11111111 111151111113 ll1 1111 1111 111111111 1111311111 5111111 111111111111121111111411 11111 11111111111 111 Vllltit vllltlllitl up With l1111 M1111r scor 111111 1111 Shortly 11111 Hilly lord 11111 1111111 e111 penalty for tripping 11111 1111111 to take advant 11111 11111 they when 111111 1111 11111 11111 1111 churning ll111 as increased to It 11111111115 1111 11111111111 when 111 tripped 1111 r1 11111 whih prTilestiun vigormisly After 1111 111111 were no penalties 1111 1111 next two periods plus invertiinc lh1 1111115 couldnt af lord to 1111113 chant1 1111 hciuJ gt11111111111111111 not with 1111 match 11 close SECOND llilthl itAtiGlll The second period was 1111 only out rather rugged and llulhoros had somewhat the better of 11111 play The visiting 1111111 perked 11p considerably and carried the puck to the Barrie zone more and more Ilmvevcr the Flycrs hung on dog tedly despite weary legs and with 31111111 batting out 1111 of close ones managed to survive the on slaught That is almostwith two minutes 111 go they collapsed just enough for Church and Kent to combine around the net and tir 1he score sizzling shot by Garicpy in PS sccond of the third period put Barrie in the lead again and the IIyers seemed to get their second wind long enough to take over the play completely At 920 with the pressure on around Philby Larry Zeidel got his first goal in wacksI on assists from Mousseau and Fife1 the same pair who had set up Meger for the second Barrie score TIREDBUNCH OF FLYERS That lead of 42 looked safe en nigh but it wasnt In the first placc the locals Were short two forWurds Favero was hurt in To ronto and couldnt play Early in the 11m period Joe Laflance went WAisciiis imsrsoauouomcr 1111 11111111111111 llitthll lliltlUl 15111112 l1111lt lllllll Len13 Z1L1111 lilti Ktitll ililtltlll li l1 11 1l11 111 131111 11111111111111 ll111l1 111llllgtli 11111 11311121 lltlliiillt WI111113111 llilllttl 511 11111 111111 111r11 111131 No penalties 1111111 111 after 11111111 in 1111 111111111 about 111114111 1111111 to draw considerable l11tl1llli 111111 room 111 groggy After 1111111111111111111 by Dr 11111 was taken to 1111 11111111 11111 was four11 to have 1ll1llhfiitlll Tha 11111111 lltlr 111 1111 Si pt1111 of 812111111111 ioncurds right and 1111 111111211 out of ac tion with the same 1111111 111 accil obtained in contact111111 1111 same opposing player llyers were plenty 111111 almost out on their feet but it looked as if they could hang on to victory collapsed when the defence lagged just on for liinurcu to pet for his second goal with Formica assisting 1111111 made bad passout from be hind the Barrie net Ford picked it up and slipped it over to Frank who beat 1111 1111111 1511 not 1111 gate low 111111 111111 same way 1111111 balloon 11l3 ouch through Twenty seconds later Kent Strachan equalizer OVlIlillME SIZZLER The overtime was sizzling1 with tension and close plays but halfa dozen times lVlarleoros were beaten byquick work aroiiud the Barrie net But the payoff finally Came just when it looked as if the teams would have to go into the second Marlboros the Barric cnd with the defence meh throwing caution to the wind as they were past the redline try the winning goal Meger the blueline icrre managed Not once overtime were log to get backfiredand how the puck out somehow and St to get behind the Duke rearguards ipped the puck up Pierre grabbed it just before he hit the line and went in with only Philby 10 beauPhilby came rush ing out of his net instead of stay ing in to make St Pierre make the first move Slick stickhandler that he is Gilly simply moved around Philby and pasually deposited the puck in the empty net Bill Thorns took the goalie out and sent in sift forwards to try andtie it up in the last 40 seconds but Flycrs not only held them off but got the puckm twice and almost scored MJH Collier Midgets Bea Stroud Juveniles ll3 Meger George Dangerfields Collier St Midgets had no trouble in dispos of Strdudduveniles last week ith the onesided Score of 11 to bition game TMacDonf aid Page Hagan and Armstrong tallied for the local team with Kirk doing 121 splendid job of net minding lnspite of the loss the Stroud boys are stillanxious for games and any local Midget lcan be obliged by phoning Simpkin of Stroud Hockey Club in on eth team sealrite insulation Co Now is the time to insulate your home Comfort and Economy with Roanwoor FOR INFORMATION AND SERVICE rar4551 or 511 lltlitl 1111 1llv 1111 114111 BARRIIE VS GALT JUNIOR PLAYOFF 10 111 1111111111 136 01111111111 Ines in 1111 HI won111111 round 11n11 81111 r1111 fllllt in the Htltl 1111 local club llil arranged has Io 111 11 11111 1111 S1111r111 11111111111111 bus tickets are Ior tl11 garni in 2111 11 Jack sons trill Suzitx 111111 on 1l1 llli morn 111 for match 11311 SUNOIC INTIIRTN BOWLING 1111 11111 1111 1111111 boys 1111111 lt veindon 1111 1111 l1111111 1111$11S1l11 11 1111 1111 1111 111111 oi lligt 11111111I111j1115 Wm 11111111 li1111 scorc 1311111 ltlllllltill 1111 111 cracked the 11lp 111 111111131111 1111111 mo 11 11111 51111111111 win1 1111 111111 11 l1L11 1o111111 111111 File put 11 b11111111 1151581111 play vhciii T111 111 l1lli i11 Urillra Barrie tollinuwood Midland Monday Night lltttlt some 111 1111 Monday 11111111lt 11141111 Montla l1lr to 111mm week only games tlt rolled 1T1111111111 111 gt1v1n from 01511111111 11111 13111 111 Tanning troru Dominion Auto li111111lt Auto Vlreckers Cl111pia Barrie Tannin Morrison Motors Clarke Clarke COII McAuhy llaulaue Seats Uudrhil Dixi Copaco Knights Smiths Dairy CI Sparkles Bull Planing MasseyHarris Emms Electric Bell Telephone Barrie Tanning Barrie Eitamiuer Cusdens Pharmacy libicks Aces Greer Transport Dominion Stores Teams note hockey game is night the late games will be push ed on to Friday dian Legion Ladies Kangaroos Flyers fLiVQ Wires Flippers Rattlers June Bugs High single Flyers No Lucky Smoothies ESmiths Stinkers No AllSt =High Scores Marsellus 717 288average Williams 188T111ne1 187 High Sc Raymond 66 288 average Clarke Clark Finishers Tanners Bookkeepers Tuckers Boomers Shippers Managers Hatters Dyers Jicklers Dopers SingleLMen Maguire 202 Bain 771 ladies McFadden 6111 Norrie lyers Oust Marlboros Mice Last Period Rally Gives gLocals Five Goals Toronto That Sweet Smile of Victory KVTA ks llt 11111111111111 tlozi 1111 I1 111 11111111111 lvl 111 lllt H1111 11 1112111 11111 ll 11111111 11111 1I1111 luuior 11111111111l 1111 minim4 11l 1l1 111 1llttlif 111 t11 111111 llr1i1 1111111 1111 igixtm 11 trlltll 11llll 111111 111111 1111 111 1111 mu 111111 tlJTit 21011731 ORlLLlA BRINGlNG SPECIAL TRAIN ltl11 Ltolip 121 11111 111 1311 111111111 1tl 111111 011111 lllllloi llll ol 111111 llurx 111 11 1111 on iii4111 IlII1111 1l1 ll 1111111 garm quirtd it 1111111l1 l1111111r1111l1 wail 1n 111111 11111 11111 1111 tlai 111oil1l 11111 l1111111111 11111 1111 llir 111l 11ontl llon ttr 11 1111 on The inner pl1 111 $1 Mikeskhan 111i11r filizllx 1111111 Itll 1111111 111111 111111 111111111111 111111 1111 lo Il11111 7111 11M 11 111111 ix 1hr 1111111 11t111 11111 1111 111 lll1 1111 1111 must 11in 11i 111 11111 1111lv1l pl1oll 111111111 111111 tinx 1111111111 111111 111 oiliuiuoml lllrll 111 11111l 111i111 to wiloul 1111 111111111 111 1lll pi 1111 111 411111 xpnt 111l 011 1111 11111 1111 111 11il1l1l1 111 11112111 Itllll 11t xiiizrtinl 1114111 111v1111111l 11111 111111111 111111 11 11111 11111 1111 liarrit no inrrmw All 111111 lul lltl 111111l 11111 1111111 oniniamlm 3111111 Then over waxonx prims cation1 1point to 11 new 11111111 attendant1 tor llarric ltlll 111 111 1111111 In1 HAWKESTONET MEET OAKLAND HILL IN 11111111111n Nor STRIKES AND SPAR EBARRIE BOWLING LEAGUES 11 iliti 1111 FINAL 11 1111 ES 11 ill lo111m 1to 111 111 51 111 My 1ll l111 111311 1111111111 31 11111111 111 111113110 look WW NAMii Vim 1111 11m 1111 111111111 111 111111111111111 11111 11111 l11 tll 111111111111111 Ilillll 1111 For hilha carried to 1111 1111si111ltlt 111111111 11111 condition Till ti11 1111111 111111 1111 ponitgt 12111 1v to 11111 1111111 wihirz 11211111 rz 11 11 1111 11111 11111 111111111 11111 11111 1111311 111111 11111211111l11 llulit iilinumi nil111 111 11 11 11111 1111 111111 1111 were 11111 111s 1113111111 111l=11 1111111 11119311 iloxto to 11 1111111 Hon 11 11117 s11111 1th1111h ll 711 111 km 1147 1111151 lltili Tull l111 1111 11112111l1 111111 131 pa 11 11111 1311 lll 11111111 131111 111111 111121 11111 ll1l 1o111111 1111111 11111111111111 ltilllis lllti 1111111 one clear 311111 on 11111zit1n111 llltllir 11111111 1111111 gt11111 Stttiul 511115 p1111 11E or 1111111 llt 1111111m ti1gt1 i11 ltrill lo 11111111111111gt11111u11 111 to 11153 Lio 1v1n pl xi 111111 1111115 11l 111r11l 121 iotl ended 711 1111111 nature 1111l uni1 5111118 11111 lriday l11 1111gt However inthc last period tox 111 the llllf wagt LAlttl 111111 1111 11110 1111 llycis scored out of 1111 for 111 gt111ri1111 they have ant oi 111 111111 111111 1111111 tltlltl 111111 Mich about 1111111111 111111 111111111 11K 11111111 111 1111 111111 1gt 111 1111111111 Gurup1 hlt slick rumor1i Ftyrri iion 1111 four 11111111 11111 l111l 5111111111 11111111 11111111111 1111 11illfl 11 111 11111111111 1111 11111 111 11111 2111111 11111111111111 11111 111 was well make11 1111 ont eh 1010111 1e1c11 131111 some 1111 1c1 111 1211 ittllllltll lilltl 111 penalty 1101121 mark llo gttl 111 1111111 1111111 t111111 was 1111 1111111 1511111 l11 11111 111111 to Itoi1 lJon lhrwcuhxas tho individual star wrth two 1411115 111111 11111 witn kayo 111110 l11li111ox 115111 live rhlc11111u1n 1111211 llll11 il111bt11olt 1111 i11 111115 with little loc 191111111111 1411 12111 11 Short 1111 1111 11 under 11 1111 1111 11 111111111111111 forward lints 1111 11112151 111111 11111 11111 111111 gtlit1l11s 111 1115 scalp 11 from this without any 111111 111 It was fairly 1111111 retire 13111 11111 11111111111 111 1111 1111e1 v11 1111111 gt11u 111 111111 spread 111111114 man 1111111 01 lllLll 11111 31cr1 liar c1 for Rangms 111111 very 1111 OCKEY STA111111115 the finish when the Tor111111 11111111 showed they were uot 1111112 their licking Sulllt hickory hell come loll clashed with lit117 of Dukes in 1111 corner hey were 1111111111111111111 111111 ilricu gtt1rl 11111111 the gt11o1111 111 L111t lay on final began Just 11 fivegout 1110 Lzuue Montiu tin11 1111 crowd Station went 1111111cs111111 lath know 1111 111111111 business and in 1111 11111111112 halt not led thrce Shssor and Norm 111211 Eric Leigh started the scoring foi 11111112111le with an curl 1111 period 32 Currie Tuesday Nighters MasseyHarris took fall out ol the leaders from 131111 have been Bruces talkie from Barrie lanning took four Sparkics took seven from Domin ion Stores fromWBell Telephone Dairy stayed in the running tak ing seven from Greer fransport caruicit Oro io 11 livc There much static for Cusdens took four Dicks Aces Electric1 points 1111151 taking Planing too 131$ 111l 11115111111 111111 poked hilt and Fllluttlil mick having match way illlu the battle Lon1 quite time to break it up 111111 that aslong began to 5111111 wuh Ford still on 1111 icc MOUSSEAU AND MEGlZli outstanding in the SCoring parade Mousscuu with two goals and 111 1111 1111111 IIA INIICRMICDIATIC 1111 111 Orillia Barrie Collinewood Owen Sound Midland from side They Currie 1300 from hm ms mm fm took five and Smiths Examiner Rangers and other second started the of Oio 111 21111 and llarry SltSsm notched another at Hawkesiout put on pressure and at 1300 Earl Leigh on rush notched his third goal of the With play gettingr fast and checking heavy Eric Leigh netted again with 11 few minutes to an In the third 0111 went but the Hawkcstone playing Bombers out mark when Oro got goal ers came rightback to tie up the game and the period ended 66 Barrie 7411213111301 tMaple Leaf Gardens Feb 22 BARRIEMFLYERSGoal Strach an defence Gariepy Long centre Neale wings Fife Lafruncezhltern ates Zcidel Mousseau B1rrettMeger Aikin TORONTO MARLBOROSGoal Philby defence limitingRaglan centre Hussard wings Timgren Nay101alte1nates Cox McLagan Formica Kent Church Jack scoring Entry Tees Saskatchewan Bonspiel were Whit and 111111 Mcgcr each both also got two assists first two periods it was this pair with Favcro who p111 some life into the Barrie offensive after the other two lines had played rather slow When the whole clicking Flyer attack in the last period was something beautiful to behold Rusty Aikin Gil St Pierre and Ray Garipr camc 111 with single tallies while Gartepy had two 15 infrance Barrett were all in there pitching in the scoring 11603 7210 $0111 tCrcemore Star Saskatchewan is noted for curl ing and good curlers who really 17 play and for big stakes Talking the west this 4week we learned about big b1111 spiel in small town in Northern Saskatchewan At this spiel the entry fee for rink is one hundred dollars and the grand prize is four Chrysler worth over $2000 each The second prize is $4000 whichmelons $1000 to each man on thTirikiIhe eu try is limited to 112 rinksowhich means take of over eleven thous informant told us rinks go 500 miles to this spiel and every home 151 the town is billet for at least one rink Inci dehtally the winner Of this years bdnspielwas an entry nipegr game three lines unit 1111 out began one from was to visitor goalie game and kept halfway Rang NQGCOOGOOO great If the GallBarrie until for Monday 31315 Long Fife and Cam super luxe sedans with one assist parade THAT MARLBORO GOAL The goal that Marlboros were given with minute to play in the second period and which put them again iiithe lead was very bad There was 11 scramble directly in front of the Burrienet and in fact with most of the players 1ight in The puck disappeared fourall of 15 seconds with Strachun and others lying onthe ice The referee never botheredto bloivhis whistle and he could hairdly have kept track of the puck H11wevcr eventually Dukepoked the rub ber into thetcage after 111 came out from under the goalie Bill Morrison on AMEN and dollars Our Matheson234 Favero St Pierre thigh three Matheson 637 Standings Minor Leah 15 Strikes ll from Win Heggie the crease Ford OFFICIALSLReferee Bill Mom son Oshawia linesman FIRST PERIOD MarlborosHussard Timgrenl PenaltyHosking SECOND PERIOD MarlborosChurch tHeggie Kent BarrieAllan Gm py BarrieMousseau Meger 1727 1MarlborosNaylor tRaglan Timgren l8 PenaltyFord THIRD PER BarrieGariepy tLong BarrieMegcr tFife Mousseau Barrie81 Pierre Gariepy Lafrance BarrieMousseau tBorrett Meger BarrieMeger Mousseau 844 lto Buy TIIREAE TEAMS TO OWENSO Three Barrie teams Gwen Sound tonight for triple hezider plziyoff in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association Barrie Lions meet Owen Sound in the first jofjtheieruvenile play offs BarrieFlyershave entries in both the Bantam and Midget series and they will be playing Owen Sound likewise Ailthese teams are classified in the grouping Hap Emms is Bantams and Midgets Cook iscoaching the Juveniles The return matches in the form 61 of tripleheader will be played 11 54 Barrie Arena neitt weekprobably Thursday or Friday ladies are off to Peg Hurst Three Oshawa sezisn Raymond single srr ohres Feb 201Three single Raymond Raymond 220 League of Oshawa must have been 21 bit bothered by the importance cf the playoffs was only one of Thereiwas the Gariepy episode of getting hit on the head and bleed ing quite freely Morrison claimed he didnt see it Anyway it wasno bee sting goal Barrie scored in thelast per The puck slithered over the inch when The 847 This several boners after the while Cec locking TOD Then there was 1011 red line at Philby quickly pulled it out goal umpire neutral from Hamil saidrnoscore and failed to Although least PARTS GENUINE CHRY izcrbeth St TIRES 19 ain 3111 822 TheeMen Perry 178 Hazel Webb 178 Alma 10 Hunter 177 men Ambrose Rivett ll MarlborosNuylor 217 Vic Berry 207 High Average Ladies Viola 1101 laul Laurila 201 1011 flash the light iieds in the Gardens clearly saw 55 El hun tnaksmd Timgren 13114 IellckllltSLUX 51 lacrm Gordon Bain Tl 11 WEE re litter safety Performance Mileagevelue Yes heres the tire youve been waiting to buyw vlirestone the only synthetictiremacle that has been safety and mileage proved on Speedway emergency needs only but place yourorder today to be surebl having tires for spring driving DOW rh ohrsnimhfc mir PROVID 011m srnowo moo 1111 PERHOUR HAROLD HILL WHOLESALE and RETAILe ACCESSORIES SLER PART mals 111 mm us of he 151 gt111 liiil 111111 11111l 111121111i1n11 11111 Sportsmen lll AMMUNITION foliowine im 1303 Savagut 131 1110 Spriuutxolrii W111 133 11112111 Wan11 Lilitllrl 4110 $11111 tang1 111 lmpcria Max1111 A1511 217130 anti 11111 li tiatstt slinxnunt 11111111111 111111111 popular shortly i71 lrirt lllt1 Sim1 15111 We advis1 that plllllilSt your needs you now canals Tel 31171 11 1111111111 s1 11 Wsauu Barrie

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