Iii unada that lc llic dciiimiatics luii liw ol us li yr 21 omments on VERYBODYSi ll lit BUSINESS It 12 ii Ii IKIIM IiIl il lll think riidiilv El=i lltlllllltllt cur Stop In think how lllc llll things oi llt Ltl llltl lilitl iliougliiliil friend who does unit ll lxllt said it you rciilic ll tlllIllllll to nic ol ntllci canal in liilit it for granted that llll liisurantc irn lllllllllllll Ll of life Insurance and the number is gr day be sound the Life Insurance coiiipaiiics inlanada nieanstbatyou can bl1 illnth tionl llltlilil Lullll upon pick your plan policies and vlll under unadiaiis invest with one plcie umlidencc lilo insurance is evuybody 9100 protons llie lolulc million polityboldo ones lilo Insurance ollers system um and easy way to save Consul vHu llie liariip lzllllllltl llllg ilic gtccond largest circulation of any 7toii weekly in Canada It gives nn auihwixed agent aboul plan bcst suited my 1040 am c405 pm afexcept Tdemept Sat Sun tLtllt ior us To Orillia Sat Sun and Holidays eSathSun and Holidays only IgSun and H01 ITOPARRvsoUND In BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR BUFFALO DETROIT MONTREAL Fares are LOW NORTH BA PARRY SOUND $5705 One way OWEN SOUND life are pro ctr uni llHll in in illlf Iltll ltl Illl in lc they ml Alumni too would in Il li izioi nine lIn oltl coliilc li irliltl llilvlil llltl loudo to iiii 51 =1 lmzi on Lil ll lilcitth liifl lion lwzi iiii ind tomillions PM Iml lull Kill Il Stulx llltl ltiiitlcllfv Ml le tlii and liltltil of it ftLI Thy riic Collegiate institute lt 11 inidiui oun iii llltl dilllcd llil llzey lay down owing ccrv iiiliIl iislinJ reputation of cdllit dd iiiiii your kind oi mm our company ll minim lpranies lta lllc lieilIta olI litll lo tltllll iliovv tinii cf tiilnt lll Gantoi isucii belief is not true to is One man lay out dead for buim bUI lsiv iveeks before being found an cINPUW Whit other one week and these tbrceI ol more than four lone llllilll Yet no attack upon and limit loved by the canny coyt our requiremenvs ilieIliews LEAVE BARRIE Effective Monday Nov 25 BUSES LEAVE BARBIE ITO TORONTO 905 am 635pm 1040 105 pm 940 pm 330 pm 425 am y405 pm 750 pm 1040 am e1010pm c405 pm To Collingwood 85 Hot Standard Time RoundTrip Tax Included $3 DETROIT Tickets and Information at BARRIE Phone 3l62 coiliiu under in US lll ill THREE FROZEN IN SASKATCHEWAN llIll llll ll from the rlUllll lll inwiln llillltlttl llicy Mllltlll rest in ntiiiil sleeping pwitioi llllllllfillllltI lltwfllllll they were froen In death1 ln tli is coiiiuiorily believed on till devour llllllll beings ii lIlt thll dcatils the be says the the ll$lII To NORTH BAY 750 pm xg 1005 pm 135 am To Gravenhurst Friday Sat Sunand Holidays T0 PENETANGUISHENE 7T0 OWEN SOUND 111750 pm g1010 pm $445 MONTREAL cISaturdayII only Il25 pmi $945 BUFFALO Js925 $1405 $l 900 Barrie Bus Terminal liecoiii1 il ll tlieir froen bodies had been made TAMBLYN AlD TO BETTER FARMING Til BARBER EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA lll li in ninth li Ul il lll lllVliHHlll In tt IIII zJ Softer Safer II1I2ltc 27 ina 93 MQDIS$BIELTS 15 mu lli One HOTWATERBOTTLES THE GREAT SOURCE Provides Rich Source ol Natural Vitamins and so Necessary to Meet the Needs of Growing Children and as Sustaining and Stimulating Tonic for Adults GOLD LABEL 33 80088 on llllER ill 55110 coo LIVER l0l 91 OIL AYERSIBUDLIVER milsrsi129 gt II II Iq COINTAlNEl WVT Edit liltilltiellllirW 822ilflilliil 3f WAIERBURYS COMPOUND 93c 32v 89 Mill EXTRACTstriar47r79i139 LipsTICKS Maw ww audio mossr llIfgllngyiRcldi Red NEGCHEMICAL FOOD ei 125 65 VIMALTOL SOFT FOCUS The Delicious CAKE MAKEUP Orange Flavored lightMediumT30 Concentrated HEMlCAL FOOD Vitamin and 175 BOUQUET LENTHERlC The Daytime Fragrance TweedMiracle Mineral Food The Special TWIN KIT Combination Offer The NcwIILIoIngIerIWear CUTEX Polish and CUTEX Oily Polish Remover Reg 45c Value 39 Culcx Nail Polish 25c Cuticle Remover 25l Nail While 29C Powder Polish 19C Hand Cream 25C DE VILBISS ATOMIZERS The lVorIds Best Appliances For Nasal Antrunl and Oral Trealment DEVlLBlISSI ATOIMIZERI No its Container 25c Refundable gt gt PLASTIClorany solirlion 150 23 DEVILBlSS VGLASS ATOMIZER coon GSQOTHINIG No 31For Oiland EFBVESWNG Reg 49c 39 iiioz leg 159 99 mum 150 BiscAnBco BENZOALMOND CREAM mm m37i GLEME summon 49 ATLAS ATOMIZER No I82 Handy and Compact 100 DEVILBISS ATOMIZER No Hard rubber NOSFId Throat Blown SYRUP SANTAXELINVIMIENTA 11343 illifiiTiff IorviLaIsSj NEBULlZERI No 44 GLASSFor Ephedrine 0f any BaoMOSIELTZER For Simple Headaches ColdI Distress and NeuralgiIa 2549 95 TvcoLGATa RAPID SHAVE CREAM RCOLGAES newSHAVE incur Relieves Acid indigestion Soul and Upset Stomach Heartburn etc djuclablc gt Tip Combination IATOMIZER For general purpose Sprays aqueous or oily solutions 200 ferCleaner Clo$er Shaves 29 43 Ell Dolls Eyes ould you please tell me here can get my dolls eyes fixed in lorointo laELe lm in to Mt ii liilll Yong ll lizv ll gels iriii i1l will pair lm lz lUlil 4i ll Soiled Plaster an lean plaster ornaments They are Ullltl with dust not finger marks the Inland ll um ieuioxe sul or dud in $7 Coffee for 50 run making enf Llec for 50 people Ilou nunh lereain and coffee shall Illtl How in coffee for 50 best ninth3 Cotva for lltttls Nb 15 aid lea ln itiivide ize oi rcltizh llgt tit ta loosely liriig Lli gallo vlll to the boil ill lowly ttttl illitlt kettle llltl in lic llIl1C gbags and turn down tin ilil Cover again and let initiates IsoIlulionewaler oil 12 all stirring the sionally lift out yr lt Old War Savings Stamps have iscvcral or savings stamps left Over from my shopping Illllt loan get war stamps to finish my book ocean cash these stamps No more War Savings Certifi cates available but you can your slumps at any Bronco Office 4H lt it Cracked Hands Winterlime my hands crack and split and my face chaps an you give me Irecipe for lotion Two parts glyeeiinc to three parts rose water are healing and curative You can buy the lllI gredients Separately or buy it by the bottle from your nearest Tamblyii Druy Store 4K lK Apollo and Awning have garden umbrella which needs re covering Where can have it done Who is Apollo For the garden vumbrella try Pike and Co 125 King St East Apollo His whole name was Phoebus Apollo and he was the sun god of Greek niyihology handsome and with personality in it it Plastic Clothes Lines How can keep plastic clothes line Clean damp cloth wont move the dirt and the clothes mark so Salt moves the dirt Rub on little with dry not wet cloth It cleans like magic it Tips for Shipboard rm going to Englandcabin class What tips should give Bedroom Steward $250 Din ingroom Steward $250 Deck Steward $150 Library Steward if you read and bother him $100 If yOu use the Cocktail an its up to you Each week in this column we will try loianswerthe ques tions you send in Address all letters to KATE AITKEN 225 Jarvis StreetToronlo FOurtlr KIWHNIVS FESTIVAL Eaton Auditorium February 244March I8 Afternoon and Evening Come and Hear The Stars