Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1947, p. 12

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send your new bookletFARMING WITH load and provides your bodys ljggglygi Uhohli138df HikhtmlhutHAbA MWW HalvwWSM tiilillr iliiH iii JOURNEY TO JAPAN WITH TROOPS NAMED TO BOARD FEDERATION PRESIDENT thlm miumm WELL DESCRIBED BY roan BELL IBeware of the Farm 40Hr Week INTERESTING THINGS IN JOURNEY 55 Mm 3i gm TO mum it kill Biggllflglggs in IV gt we it TONIGHl Ago uni it We have CI SiOCk Oi gt CEMENT LAUNDRY TRAYS wtlil lliiiltlii mil iiii aaiir iiiii Itil ii fitti=ii BAYVIEW HAROLD FORSTER iiin fl ilH TAXE PLUMBING and HEATING ii ll tilllll or lll it lull Hi ST itemmtzrmmaia My It gt PM mm MHHWW 1qu 11 noii silltVltlL ping Mr WALK at 51 or iiiiii ltipwriai illllivll liXSiHiiirnaii lrith Iill filial iii it li it lvizilii iii ilfi iIi ii ltllVlT iitvyinnt ivi il itlw vliw Vi iil iiiiiiiiimil Lil iii LQlgCSi Tanker itiiihiail 005 Sirinhl it itltllwi it high lI IVAiilii it Collingwood ShIPYOKdS Hm 95 liisiili Doors lliiililini llltl vt liiinil izw in It =1 Alasoiiit hr ntri MI in lli lililiiil2il tl 1Iiti lilt lisiiinitiiiliioiilih in iiiii tilliiviiiiiiaiilii Asphalt Shingles C310 lli per stllltllt ll liiiiltt Iiii tin ttillslltltlititlr iilonrx iiitlll liiaik llllll tlorir illiiiil it liit liiit niavr lil um mi llarilnilll lliisiir lInislnng lillllt Maxims Lime Im tiii ilt aiihiliun Itiim iilti i=tii NL lt in lviu llil iu ltttl en one ii iii mirrri impmfi 1l1lll Jlmul Sillmw ill Willl or Moon liiil tiltout iiiiiiiilil mummy it lili M133 lllllilttl iii liii liil liittl mm WW mm nilHr Min llllliilli vttlti on the urnrm oi inn lIllllil 11in ltlizi law iilitillL iiillilt5tlllllliltii1 IIEIHE Hl l1itl ml illii nun ltti or ill olii 1x it that Hi 3110 ilW ii ll li ll ii it vl II iim 1m Elmiiph Hi my Wiwy wt in IL MM MN ill Lillil lilriit lxill lttli lllitlll tint ill in mi 1s ir ii ill tot tt ii iiitiii tli all iii liti hi kiln ityfylhliivHillitltliri imi iitiii liii iiiitirt in liti will hr 0300 ions the hull Often it lttlllltllO in viiiiBiil ll fllllltlll MW 4mm mmimlnilt1rw tIii iti illltliti Eiliti lll hr WM will ran of tlw lwl fur HImuwl limlllt ilw llltllt it 1w lilililiiri ill ililtliiiiliyl Mimi iiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii Iiiiiiiiiiimthnuwmmmwmrsmm millHIM VI Hwy itiiiiiiato mm Wt ltlinlnii ltligtirlillili Wdemy mm mm ml mmmmm by SM hmmm 35 them in nroiiiiim tiii ii ii itrlllilii iiiiii iiiii iitiiiiox lliilllt sitam tor iiitlttl tiiibinil IV lilillltltk Blooil Bitters For illiiiliiilt lllimil til Ii 116 iiinmiinin litli iii oi 13000 shalt hmsiponir to single hitters is favourite remedy for minor intestinal itimirilnra lt lmlin to vlii imin iiti tilthi mlUilitiiiin inlil ill iiliilivhmi iihr srriir propulsion giVIns ervice regulate thiiligestivo organsonenptiielirir and uh tin initnral iitiiio of pi in it of 13 knots an hour tho llthlR Asa resulttiierernnylieiiii lllllirttltllltlll in the general health lilllii this L1H 1151i immiiwu HVHM Ill him iu For the trust till years Iliiriloik lilooil ltittim has lltilttil thousands of etiiw liiri lli ho ilih ti Willi iii iii gt11ilillhi letuniriih Council has iilttl iiiutiliank It should do the Sillilt for you lluriloilr illoiJii Bitters is Simes an 1mlt WIN Th MW LN lllll lllltl 1ml 33m in Slimoi liorleratiim or iri hold at all drug counters in at ilti ilN Klilt llliiian n1 yi yinflvqlh llf iii in Mill lliltruimy JiieiMilburnCuIiiuiiteiliiironlo0nt um Hermon Eif Kilrww it 51 11fo gt Hlv lll nii illtltirt It V3 30 lgt only stiftniini lXtltiM In ixtlll Tl in not Elzlk illil them in anti to tiiMllt ltillLLt wilyim fill ifiiuiiiunl wtlikniiiisihl in itiiuttillillilt1 tin or The lilil1lpill shorthour vin mm know liblmlnlinn is 5mm iiiaiininni Jill it 7L1m1hP11lCiCrlllrll$l iizihl ilgtillimilt tiltH lt i3 1itilltililillitllii imiririiiii ML itll315 in and expected Swill in Imdim mim mnixmgtziiiii rellLi tilliilzltlillLiliilj 3111VlalllxlniipilzititlZIllcttllililxi lllltli inin int ziiount titfngt0 12 5H lillll iieil lJllllLtlllll mililtinpmlitiriixsilllhH5Hdii Sfllwj millK illiwmili ian Siddiinly Iliipmiiiiiil 1iltllllllitilill ii air were ordered it llllllilll mi liltt Siiriie Men club room 54 HS 5M li EliS lii to N0 W000 05 Mlddlcscx COUllY former W05 Pleased imllsjlm ill ml Iflllkjfllnflllgp the Camp as well as barber shuns filial 311 iiuhill =ad with the 5260000 he jot for his 40 acres ofsoybeons iffii hlflilihfimmi SW tailor shot ltllCl01llli gtilEV It simply of tiiil irlltl teeil month last yearwhen it took no extra farm equipment to i3lmim glutkl ClummuttycgschiL WC mmmom NW lietore they Will he lltctittliini you grow them Shortage of labour at harvesttime was viae liliteilit aluminum lock hmn we pugsotilnmmh my hill lltfl Vltjllilialil llllllljf no problem either as he go in his sow with combine iiiiri tiara 11533ziiiri inn tlll Ontario farmers are sure ofa ieadymarket for soybeans DU 01 it vimcmllllow 35 mull bl ll ilitllllltrl than lax my lto at tilltt ltl of us ha anothLi bomb KM NRUMW too For Victory Millsheeds over 3000000 bushels Hutmy it hunt our clothing in md Im mdMCUphjHMW llllllllltmv mi llllmllagnlllrllI ear nowand the Canadian so bcon cro must be it tiliiittiii are finished in till illttlltll will g5 Lcreased many mes to near ngadion reguiremems wlintu tile anil contain SllClSm Shad with mmm than equal three lizitiliiil rnv June and plenty of hot and cold vater might add mm JOIN mm SWOIVWJJ Cttllillfilli llllillliig tile Tli ml micnished wmic Km illlCd December 30 lie hail hilt 0trlm lw on Ml Elem ligated wmdww been training atFort lediSWasli tilliiiihfllieimtti jim mill Vllilitln Clllmwd will satchel mil until November 217 when he was Lu mint imv in 31 1M tilt liltOl surroundings ot illielbaiiivcn mounh md NIM mg Ull llllllll ow shim lTn it it riclrs are smart and Clean noting llllllll illll 01 vllllll it ttlllilllt liie mess halls are the same tprfgmllclhmli Balttlgclchggl The Ahoultry producers oi tanaila of structure everything now aiid December 10 nd Smcd from Qm eatinot attoril Itol llosuuilm otltle the foods far is just fine Thor or eggs prime 10 Iiiesen Si llitth planted many trees in the isd2EEKIETCSTDBLCCizbCFgyms BllilSllftliitit and their renewal grounds and there are hedges sur MM vqdd further Um 1Wij lt ot Htal llliltlilllt to ICly building The name hroineer eeus in anai Eli so Soybeans have long plunmg penod ltitliltlllih Ll the three and onehalf Mats that and tire EASY TO GROW Using standard Mull2113333111221 incel have been living in Vaneoiiverl 1mm 1131 mm methods of cultivation and standard term WVCJWIWforlfrd ilc7l TIMOTHY SEED OUTLOOK CCi in Lop of the Examiner clUPmenl and it has been very pleasantl While the plOdllCliOlliUl timothy protable CASH CROP Theres ready way to RegaintouchWith evenislsecd Canada 1946M 930000 llisBobbystenih binhduyUncle mmket for ou can row in the old home taunt pounds was about 400000 less than VJohn hm senlhim cheque Hi SOIL BUYILDER TI Yours truly in 1945 tliere is however Siil on 00 rec improvrng SOI iii THOMAS BELL tieient supply available to meet all and some nirogensoybeqns Ireqnirements SOmt 0i lllC SCCd hebunkndge cashhu very imo any crop roiaiionpianning rmWt Egg Agggngiy fyg5c13uei 4L Soybeql HARDY cropwleSslunl l9 prices prevailingr for Clovors and drought light frosts and heavy ruins alfalfa may increase domestic eonl WrWmr during growing seasonh i$132591gorrtigiowiy iCVCen guilt 51G9Wll9 Soybean is BENEFICIAL in Gl 115thviilliislzwifhb LIOEOHDOIDIUIUllPTUVliiSCilil AgiiCUllt if Llooaening eftecln tight heuvwexlured OWEN tirralCoiiference When Qu makeoui cheque you give atiordgrtuyout soils gtjltli01figt3311 73le551 treatment its 00 as horrible Miss SUM Tilyl homily 10 bank to Pay the amount speuhed toll psison game The is supply 9f th prnydcr Saturday CllIh llCl lway 10 Igoliilittsu gt gt Ivzilahle at the Township titer1 to resume ier Woreas res eriiin gt get off 10 an ml CS awa gun to the more W59 the A5 mm Fommmd tonsimc bully my Ciglitfyears 11 take Wu Cheque 111510C31 batik 30d the 11101103 Costs of District Hospital If Themesideuts of Innisfil incluct Single copies atyneWodealers 285 FLEET szEET EASY initheTalieqhore folk aietahave 7V WlthOUtd WigillsSlgllilmftg911 thb TF3Zfggflluffnllll $3513 backOf the cheque If yours isaCurrent Account youryciieque rononro CAN AD wriniiocom stuffs up thevnose gt causes mouth breathing throat in plans as outlined at meeting It comes back the end of the lnonth andgso you have Per tickle and night coughing use of the Rotary Club and visitors on lialtimetgtglmlgcstiient Feb When representatives of sur maneutrecord and receipt Of the payment aoes Zwaygsatonce igdgfaggggflpilm wnvenieme k3 Atecllfime ghogotodcgg 1hc project which cm up wenwmw enormous equing system 15 lust apo on kTh watchitsPENETllMlNG to millionydolldrb when fully nits dull emu one of the man serv1ces rovtded ourbankr for our VICTORNMILLS Limited giiinumlriiiii action bring relief equipped will have camfiiaign onlnygtym yy 235 near 5mm EASY Homo CANADA from dsiess committee to raise the unds wimuicosior obligation to epease It PENEIRMESlto upper breathlt Every summer resident every Liver bile helpsiligut my mg passages With 500011113 traveller over the highways With SOYBEANS NAMEJotiltlllnoltlotvoIIIll ADDRESS Ask your Agricultural Representative or local Grain Buyer about SOYBEANS medicinal vapors It SIIMuUlIEs chest and back surfiices like warming comforting poultlce and it keeps on working for hours even whlle you sleept0 ease coughing spasms relieve muscu lar soreness and tightnessand bring grand comfort Try it tor night Vicks VapoRub in radius of Barrie is vitallyin crested in hospital accommoda tion Dr Ebb of the Sick Chil drens Hospital told the gathering Innistil can be counted on to be well represented when the results Eiie averaged representative Willbe chosen to attend the com mittee meeting on the 20111 natural laxative Lark oi bile causes headaches constipatiouniiigestiinloss of energy For glowing health lone up your liver and get needed title will prover Fiuilalives Canada largest selling liver tablets Made from mills and herbs lRlllTAIIVE unim ihiswAelverlisement is AC your Bank Sponsored8

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