PAGE TW MilIE EARRIEEXAMINER TEE BARBIE EXAEZINER BARRIE ONTARlO CANADA THURSDAY iil WW mm by MEETING RE TOINTNG ALLISTON AREA Hit Hihltll 15X ilNHt IlHHH MM 1H llll XS BlKlNiSs Wng L1== v1 1w 11 lt ll ii iii 11 lila ill 11 31 11 1131 ll 11 IL 11 1111 11111 11 r2111111 11 ll 11 Lt 11 11 u1 III1 3I1II Mud Irr uii 111 lT 11 Mlllr thntk ll 31 Ivvi 11 11 z1e uv111 Ihllllllt have 1l1H1 tl iltlv Jul lil11llltllli 111 IIIy III 11a till Lis 11 11 alum 11 Hood crop is not e11o11 14v III 2111 the i11d111lu1 1111m1 up ll 11111l increase tlw lJlJl is slant WW lt1ltt ill 1111 11111 iiittcase li1r II III 1111 1112111111111int1111 Llllll which 111 imul 111121l11l 11 111 llilltltv 1Z II lhe ilvllili farm of 200 11 l31l1ce =1 11 II it 1loud ltouse and barn and sliml 1113 1111 lfl lltliml ll elements represents 111 fitei11vl 11111 Jill 35 illll housiud dollars The 1111 r1 AlilliilW UWlHE l0 1131 11 lfii lvkvup 15111 in litllnlnll wlv 111 11 tun1 lltllgtfllllZI lift lllt llll l1lllil1l lllWl II WMIIHI III 11 WWI 13 IMWMWI 3pr HEMLVHV l1111111 lost Illt1l I11 it II humus ampI11 Ipign3 11 up 111 Alli and the till he 11 1111 armI H111 1t afford to spend all his hours at 11111111 ill Vtl lNlllHl Nlllllfltl1illllilll 111 WW 1111 mi 111 $121 11 tour and neglect to 1111111 how the tiltiltlfvlt rzunes in and where it times As the farmer has learned to intreasel pollination 111 the value of his potato crop by lllllllll9 eerr lllthlfv 11m tuied seed and wuh judicious use of term imrs and insecticides increase his net income by keeping careful 1110 ll Wild records these items of were reeexved desnuu to kumvitlun 1311 thzs stenihiggly popular le1 tare Would be llsillltl ne of the last re longz distance 11511111 llll tlleliainsou ot Baton Rouge lotus11111 This 11 mm 1mm mistarted another search for the desired lilr ound The writer who selects former days appreciates very Everv individual farmer is branch rr1n mlhil llli Kind triviluces to the interest mm Canada gums iniitr1II with which these are read We trust that Ann The first report of the Board o1 Works this year shows that Aid Griffin the chain man has got 01f to good start It has sevN eral excellent ideas Addressing meeting of the Ontario Hotel 111113112111 11 211111 111111011 1l1 Association in Toronto few days ago At this service may be maintained vzthout ink lfYlllpliou OPINIONEOE OTHERS WORK IN ANY IIY 1l1thlri1e lleraltil l31ert 1s Izothiu to prevent lelhbri1lile from ll people no to torncyGeneral Leslie Blackwell said that II jhe was convinced that outaridIout proI LEM 01 SAM FOR SIIVI lPbr toasts liFLHMWLWt Moi iee new eorporals guardY 11 that remark doesnt my the liour 11 1lr lt il1 tltili 11d 11111 11 wor 1111 lou lIil1 11 res of the world seeinsinad aI 30 ms Partymny lllmdlidS 0f VOLPS WfIspolulsmzm for industry announces that pro 1er lSlil if curries will he linked to prttrlueiion 1W ever linked to 111thincr clse miss our guess The average Canadian household owns about $3500 of life insurance and the av 1m 111 lltll 11115011 FEifm 271 years the market service the place housed l1s been steadily act111111 until 111111 11 1ner ally womans world for four hours week on Saturday inor niug The revenue is ml and does1 SOME 300000 PERSONS T0 GETHHJ pay for heating why should FREE CHEST XRAYS 1047 The Editor Barrie Examiner 3111i0 Ontario Dear Sir On behalf of the Nat ional SanitariuurAssociation may otfer our sincere thanks for your generous cooperation in support of the lBChristmas Seal Campaign The campaign has been very satisfactory and we believe that we will be able to provide free chest xrays to some 300000 per Milli during the coming year Willi Sincere appreciation and best wishes for the year 1047 Yours very truly BUDDY President REPLY TO DISGUSTED The Editor Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont Dear SidOn reading the Ex aminer dated Janjl6 read from your letters column letter sigiiedDISGjlSTED resident of Angus living on Fraser St wish to reply to this letter through your column and hopeyou will find space as apparently the writer is not at all familiar with the limited powers given trustees in Police Village Yours very truly Dexter In reply to your letter may state that thevillage trustees made every effort to have this snow situation righted and little en quiry on yourpart will prove this Tiact also you may learn what they are trying toaccomp1ish for the fittttteegiRRareetlb you take Iit tle interest in vlagiiiirsor you would know what you pay taxes for and how 1Jthis money is spent May suggest you iainiif iarize Iyfourseli with what powers trustees have in Police Village iI this can be done by attending meetings or reading the Municipal TRUSTEE Act TOWN PLANNING To the Editor The Barrie Examiner Dear Sir The matter contained in an editorial in your Jan is sue re Barries progress and In tore townJplanning is very heart ening indeed gather that the most impOrtant item for this year is the modernizing of our Town Hall The location being the fin est and the building our oldest centre there should be no further debating as to what should now be done Fifty years ago the town council then resolved that the place should be our municipal centre but nothing more was done then For there be sentimentalsubsidy giveul lby the town As to the tlllllllgl on of market service that hasl been depleted by changes in the ways and1neans of distribution in the business world around us granted there should be LLllljltlitl continued in Barrie may wfhear from the men 111 the farms as to the complete reorganization and plan for the future servieeof their triarkctznu with the town and people agreeing as to where their place be located We would by change surely give emphasis to better andereater market for Bar rie lau li 1047 NELLIE RANKIN SISSONS To the Editor The Barrie Examiner January 1047 Dear SimThrough the medium of yourvaluedvpiumr Wish to give my hearty support in getting us out of the snow in which we are laying as if it were dormant for twoimonths of the year or more resulting in great loss Of money to allgeconcerned How can we expect other see lions of the countryto reach our services if we keep ourselves hid den for quarter off our lifetime It is unwise to blamethe admin istration of any township for we all are at faultI Let us forget the past as the future isliie the past is death Life requires action death re quires nothing The Creator dee tests lazy beings andwallowsthem to rot so in appreciation let us Combine our efforts in promoting better district aetivities which in retum willf bring better living Of efficiendy and an outside atI traction the only means whereby acommunity is built up good They overcame the snow Why cant we As resident of Stinnidale Twp wish to give my hearty support to the administration in getting pressure to bear in obtaining the snow plow in queStion provided NO politics are meddled with it for it does not matter what party politics we belong to once we get stuck in the snow We are all there inrtheI some way This week is Citizenship Week in aCCOrdance with recognition made by our Government defining our true citizenship the best that could happen to our national liie Due to combination of differ snow REMOVAL conditions with Ia higboitidegree example Of this is Toronto City When people net ll through their heads that wealh must lie created before can be enjoyed they may and tel down to work 25 YEARS AGO from the files of THE BARRIE EXAMINER JANUARY 19 l032 Barrie Local Notes The members of the BCI track team which won the ludhopc lrophy were Delmorc Adams llarry Carson Morley Livingston Brock Jamiesou Ross Robertson Fred Blllingsley Ken Johnston llerbcrLilatnidson Harold Smith and Arthur Walker Barrie municipal bond issue of $13980002 was sold at par plus $251000 Willi ice l0 inches thick the CNR started the ice harvest expecting to cut 25000 tons Barlie Boys Work Board declared in favor of paid secretary AIj Smith elected president of Barrie Horti cultural Society with TI Young as secretarytreasurer receipts for year $4049 gale receipts $1466 paid $18010 for prizes Good sleighingr rind ideal winter condi tions Election expenses for Barrie Town Council $293 Judge Ranold Gunn buried in St Marys cemetery Barrie 20 firemen on CNR return to workencouraging NEWS Simcoe Comtty Briefs Flos Council passed 11 bylaw to provide for drainage work in the township and for borrowing $12 11086 to complete some lhe orl on 1111 mulznuuv it 11 the 2111111111211111 ls111 H111 1417 been 11s1riftril liv tl erril ltlllllltlll ilei1li1u1l11 11i ilattou if was asked if hoods could be bought at less than first cost stalls could be built 1111 the north gt11l11lr larlitr will tlzal 1111ll be all right for few lays in the summer it looks to me is though Barrie wanted our lollr but they tliuul ant us Should that he the ease 1sl us tolscnd our lul lar lll lllll we stay out lht safest place to build outside s1 llslllllmsl would be outside the town li1lt1s1 lllltl of selling as high as 100 lmul DKZHARVEY 1917 111111111111 Continued from page one ears of coruou the market of 11 Saturtlay He admitted the 11111 Ike was poor in the 11st few weeks partly because tlie roads are heavy But he added that Eli tourists like to patronize the marl lie in summer sell thousand bags of potatoes in the sununer llis Worship Mayor aslfd l0 luisiGcorsc 12 DilVlT sured the vendors that somelhuigi ll Crawford Cunningham would be done But he added lth 31003511 is none other than the marketersGeorge Banting All spoke briefly who have not been attending Itlie1ithrthc exception of Mr Cunning 1111kelle like to see lllll111i ham of Alliston who gave vigor of Commuhisls Said illi mmliCirirandidescribed them as people out was not going to be done av1yIm1uvugo the earth with He said the press had given 11 WITHLL iIIlIUGleH Bill 0105 were Ernest Miller and George PVCUm bllllfllllm is wing 10 belPatterson and County Zleik done array with as market lIcl Simpson Reeve Mmef gma Reeve Flleswl llml Patterson are continuing to Serve lion oi slightmc the farmers butt on County Council Aso given an opportunity to say was Edgar Jamieson West Simcoe gt About 100 personsraltended the opening ceremonies stood at the back of the Council Chamber Walter Middleton was appointed chairman of the striking commit tee to bring in the names of those to serve on the standing commit tees for the year Single copies of the EXamlner on solo by news dealers FUEL lRETAIN lNNlSFlL 1NTACT IN PRESENT isrATUs lS VERDICT or COOKSTOWN 11il 1211 run to luldtlv you let 12 11y 11 llilllllll 1111 l1 if the so 111115 11m 12 1o tll toiizil 111 11l ll121e lvuu1e le peaEzer 111 lul 1M llllll litter mlvml will lie 111 lllr guess he sani lllttWtl prrli iwll 1111 euezull m1 l1u of public lllll ttllll1 llu 1111 wt htuldi il le iltelareu e1gt11111 ufirout it llm 111lt llllllil eouunuurp 11f lll wen 11 to 1v 911 Yllllllh 211111111 nltutillor as sujvlut Fred llobsoo Vespra inrnwr SHORTS 3143 per 100 if BthLliZ Lillli MILLS 50 YEARS AGO from its film of llllllll lC Wu ORINEORMATION BUSlNESS MEN OF BARRlE uses oun lillll1t liltil 1111111 11r2111 liitl not lttstllili llltllllttl oi the 111mm illl lat held in the Cltiliitltlllllf HOUSE ON TUESlAN 28 Cit 780 pm LYGDN usual 11 Hi Aw Commencin Inwmwrm ol ll 1111 111111 Elll short to 11 ii1111121 lltlllll tliilllltl ttllllllll lNlHl llllri gums SPEND THOUSANDS snow REMOVAL 11 tiruitta rinlilhilzh 111 itntlt to 111llt Hi wlilllr 111611111111aHlI 11l llu lt lIlll lilill1lh 5112111 art12111 till in Hm uill llul l1t 1I lil 11 1lilt lue11 pluv fflllll li of ltllillillltll ltlif l1 reuunuu the lluirotrilzllues lllllt of slllelx hip lili 1u1l 11I 111 HHl mum1p lllllf izttun luI tilts li111z lllvlklt epuuxuuttx 112 in need ofdeferservice hell ilult1 l111 car owners have come to us and said lxe lugiril so mam nice things about 1111 tiriie ll lo fltat llte loader tlt11111 Tour To met more stieels spetml l1l1le gtllllflli ouuh lliicls 11111111l 1liillll1 sheet show value illitl 4111 lilult tlturius 11t1i1llIv to purchase plow lrutlut lJlllllltUtl and this ltll0 Ulill iltlllllt 111ul1e111uicl estimate that wish you would semite III 1311 l1ut llv ltelI HII0 iIl h111dyvuw tl111 unuuluuhelv 11 N11 lllltl or rt 111t1111l1 lit 341 1111 lus ll1lll lVllt l1old1n1111112111wi il lll Kuhn1 1l11lt Hltl right lltlL and now we cordially l111ltetl1 111oiorist11o matter what make of car he tliiwx to mine to us if he is looking for bent1 service We guarantee the same prompt attention careful work aml 11m tlcaling that has lllllC our Chrysler and Plymouth owners ill HM lttllil annals Iliulia just expended iirouithout Simeoe ounly in snow However reatll lllitlilIV l11 111ml money liIHl much ikw lb 11f Sglilllll il1 special 11211 lens ltlllllklll 11iltl 111 thousands of dollars daily lur Flttllll Motorists lluouizli so liappv HAROLD HILL Plymouth Fargo 55 Elizabeth St Barrie Phone 2427 easily into 1111 ll eilg 11 half piue t2ltl lililli lH1lu for 1111 for snow removal gasoline province tees laruc amount road mainten tuct and also to subside the road peudiiures The County fill per cent rebate on road uhuiu l1 been much heavurlNlhlllllllllPS llflllllllii FHUW 11 townships l1l 210 per cent and some as l1il1 73 per cent on such work llut of llll the great projpcls of snow removal the most important motorist is that of shovelliuu nut his own lrlveuuy After 1111 hour of heavy work with rllmtl and getting his car out on always depend on it that by the tune he hires back home in the evening one of those 510000 plows will have been driveway wilh fourfoot mound of heavy snow 11 the inluude of Ihrvliiuaely Chrysler Ilw this revenue on 111 boots llll11l 11ll municipali Sinuoe lleIr linctl 10 1111 11 Cougar lectors lul1 it 1111l receive individual road ul blocked nutrkcttu no market 11 all Aid ri1auk Cr the market hardly needs asbig building lVllSIl0lllilVltllt of Oro Town ship asked why tho Council didl not publicize the fact there would be inmarket and not let the vendors get the impression itwduld be closed And she asked the Mayor how he got the impression thci farmers had beenletting down the market She had attended for 20 lyears She emphasized it was not the fault oithe farmers they could1 not take butter and cream to mar ket Assuming that the Chamber Of Commerce was to bringmiore cooperation she asked why they did not show some concern for the market Grant Mayor then asked Ilown following figures showed as in Clerk Smith to put note CIUded in ChlllChUm0n 01 these in the paper saying the market three fields Dalston 12 families was being continued and 23 members Edgar fan Ald gVern Jiambly asked Ethe ilies with 61 members Rugby 32 Mayor to assure the members Of families and IabIOut 50 members Pittsburgh syndicate buys Methodist building as good as the present Islandopposite PortrMcINicoll on one Ald James said the which erection of club house plan ned AWmaskedv man held Inp ting badweather His Worship the woman in Goldwater and got $800 Mr and Mrs John IScott former residents ofIThorIntoIn mark their diamond wedding in Van CO lee lilorld PHILIP VERHEYDEN rate is three cents word out races with admitted action in the various stations Of lifefas we have in Canada great nation will develop as example Of physical mental and moral activities so bad lywneeded in an everchanging RRI1 New Lowell To get the cash price for Classi fied Adlets in The Examiner they must be paid for lEEFORE NIOON onWEDNESDAY After that the the delegation there would be pa building would be available dur Mayor spoke of his seven years on the farm and said his sympathies werewith the farmer Speaking Once more Charles Parker said the Town had not been able to support the annual Fall Fair Barriehad lost that enter prise and heurged that more con sideration be given the market After the delegation hadleft repOrt previously prepared was presented by Ald Charles Griffin chairman of the board of works This report suggested that the board of works building on Mul casteistreetmight be used as market zi Dont delay in sending your Todd and ous denunciation Other exWardens at the scssmn few words cxMLA for and several Prompt Deliveryon the It fondWmEEuelr POCAHONTAS Brquuets and Stove Size COMO sea Bennsylvania Anthracite STOVE NUT VAND PEA SIZES IIAHard please Weare breaking all lines switchboards and buildings But more than equipment is required something money cant buy That 18 the pride every person in the company takes in continuing to give the best service at the lowest cost HIunmmi sew SCfVlCC 13 the ways keen to make it better to beat theirownrecord No matter how goo RACITEI telephone people areal OOKEI Nut and Stove Sizes CAVALIER STOKERI COAL ALLANDALE LUMBER FUEL Range COFdS with our $100000000 programme for Dlmm Jhrpunm THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY or CANADA Classified IAdlets to The Examiner Cash rate applies up to WEDNESA my NOON 40 ESSA ROAD PHONE 3553