vtriva5aavauvvorvc Rem cation Round Ticrte tr i14i 11111 111ts tilziwzs 11 121 113 11 1111s ironissox yon11112 11 llt gt1tv vIvloollrltaooaiovowooo rill1411Iltltltlrtlvallllll lxu lload Irl11lllilll 1l 11 111 11111 1114111111 Barrie Flyers 56011 sooxxmsm and ACCOUNTING SERVICES 101 retail and wholesale businesses Income tax form completed Weekly or Monthly Audits INQUIRIES INVITED Oaks 189 Bradford St Barrie Ontario 111 1111111111 lrs 11111 11 1111111111 111 11 1li1111 um 111 lf11l 1111 llldnl 11111111111 1211 111 31 11111111111 yinpzitl 11 11111111111 51 1111111JI1 ll11111111111ly 111111111111111 1111111 div11 111111 t11 1111 E111 111111 11111111111y 111111111 x1111111 1W11l1 11 li11lil 11111111111 11111 1111 1111 111 11111 1111 111111111111111111111 1111 lz11c 111t11p1liti1111 L11il 111111111s 1211 1111111 1ly1 1lL11 111111111111 ii111 1111111 11111 Hill Horne yr Ital Iltlltltu sinllitl Illvlttll olrroctltlltllottootrooollllo ABC AngusBorden Company ANGUS ONT COLD STORAGE BUTCHER SHOP MODERN MILK PASTEURIZATION PLANT PHONE 835er WNONminmIMMMNINltmlmJON1 itllcot 1111151 111111 11p its 111 11 tmw i1l 1i will 111111111112 inm 1113l 1111 ai111 111113111 111 1111 1111 111 111111111 115 111111 111 lii1 11111 Quebec 111111 111121111 111l ll 11111111 11111 1111 111111 111111111 V111rs 1111111 ttllli 11111111 111 I1111 11l1 11s111 111llit 111f11t 111 1111111111 11 1111li11111 hustlers s11 fourth 1ffiy 11 bigknown as 1111 mainly representing 1111 11 11111t lllzil st2lt1 tl ll1 rrpoooooloooooo lor 1111111 11111 1pi1 11 Boys 1111 district who are still 1111111111 sweaters 111111 will under 311 1111111 yhic attached l1ecl111duli 1111 ti3WithHtetstiltigtftllitllliu1 1ts 111151111111 fight It 11 been agreed 1111 1111111111 111 single schedule all teams will enter the playoffs and the tcill 1111 winners will automatically be 11111111 11 as the ChampionsVof Sonic 11111114 or other Arthur liil 111111111 l1tt STOT ADIANs Thrift assics aninusehold Aids For theiLadyoftheHouse who likes to have place for everything and everything in its place Zellcrs present Household Aids that will helpgreatly towards spieandspan tidiness REIAiisii 11111111 AN Pugh well known ooxsrown lrcparatioiis 1111 111111 111211111 for the annual 1111111111 111 the R111 tross to 1111 111111 011 January 211 in the town hall 111 1111 is enrolled for the postgraduate course 111 Sunnyhrook 1on Vllospital Toronto from Jan 21 By chum mumm being ducted Military 11111111 Mathewsmin Stevenson 11111111 orial Hospital Alliston 0111111111on lucsday Jan iii17 to Mr 211111 llis Ernest Mathews ookstowu $1111 Graduation of Nursing ltrservc iass Th1 graduation of 1ooksfown TO CONSERVE CLOTHING and achieve extra storage space buy of these allraclivelyfinislud tardrobes of durable fTiieboard Designed to keep out lust and prevcntVthe breeding of moths Easy to assemble 11 reinforced with tight closures by 201115 fitted with strong crossbar to hold several garments Extra space at bottom for rubbers shoes etc $749 numbers of ll11r1rg111ry Nursing losernun the 11111111111111 11111 roshV Society was 11111111111111131 17 111 the town hall 1111s Dewar 111 list rictsullcivioi 1f Voluntccr Nurs 1111 Service spoke on Peace 111111 the lied Crossf work 1illilgvcr he done as long as 11111111 is human suffering in 1111 91111111 around 111 your own community for work 3VV0302 $1114 Size about 50 by2 Zelldialucs at Mlk world 511 said 111 he done 11 rs 111wai 1111111 pry bcilttd tho 11111sand 11111111111sl11p 11r11stollr following ladies who completed the course Mrs Mary All1111lrs litkins0n Mrs Alici 11111111 Miss Betty Baker Mrs ll Beeston Mrs Bessielllaekniore Mrs Iiuiarr Mrs Earltarr rs Cook Mrs Elsie lous Z1ails 1lrs iliilhcrine GARMENIHANGERS so111111511111ous11113 11111 suinrs Wood hangers at for 151 1011 Mini35 VDiwssiis 1111111 11111131115111 Mrle Farris Mrs 1111111 iilroyMrsMay florist1111 011Vc111lltllt Mrs1 12111911111 Mrs John 111111glttotizlirs lhasl 11111111s11111c Mrs Annie llnnter Miss 1111 Jack Mrs Aliilil MIPS ilalbci rs 5c ea 11011 8111151 111151111111111 style cooling at 1r 11111251 Mrs 111111 Morris Manes Eunice Nevrls Miss l1tlorso11 Mrs Beth ltohinsoii Miss 1117111111111 lllrs Woods Presentations of gifts 111 apprec iicLOPAtl GARMENT UAGSntinet rs11 1111111 111111111 111 the leaders Supt 1111s Sutherlandand her Glass Ray Window iation were 49c assistants Mrs Mrs Geo Whyte Mrs Cair read the address gift had 1ULil given also to Mrs 11 Simpson 111 loie she left for 1101 home 111 Sits katcheWan The local ladies deeply appreciate this excellent course which wasgivcu here The group sroama GARMENT 1111 291 llMlTED Phone 2224 was reorganized for this year with illrs Hunter as president Mrs Atkinson Secretary and Mrs lunch was ZELLERTS HouseWares Dept Baker Treasurer seryed T111 11111111 131331133311 15211131218 TARIQ CANADA H1W WHITESIDE AT POTATO snow BLACiTlABEL 31 311111 1111 li1111 I1111liili 111111111 1t 11 111 111111111111111 11 11111111 l15 1115lii in 11 111 lsrd lo Hort 111 hicdgl 11 ltaftllljv l1lli11le1cs 1114 11111 111111 111 1111111s 1111111 11 11 11 111i1111 111 51111 111 VV 11111111 lllt 111111l 111111 11111 1111ls l11 15111111111h of 11 VVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV 171111 thlTllll3 Vllicrcs Holding lc Save 1i1 rerun ll 111111111 Marlin 31193013m Bless You loull lu1ysl1llie 0111 131 111 111171 11111 13111 11 ill 11111 1111111 HV 11 VV 110W 1111111L111 th11 1111 111t forgotten 111 11111 11 1111 111i no1 VV rillwu 51111121111111 11 the 1111111 sacrifice 01 The Other 151111 of Kiss 1n llitlll 111111 111 11 lly lletly 1111111111 11111111111V that the 111111t111es for 0818 Horn Staceato Dinicu llcifctl RECORDS My Number 0111 Dream aine Truc You Should flare Told Me By Les Brown CSOZli And 511 To Bed Sooner Later fly Dinah Shore ieuce Ctlll 511 Would This Time 815 Too Late 111n1waurs11111111111111111 we 11 gritf and suffering lly lired Lowery fROJI If Its Love You Willll Wrap Your flroubles in ifth Drcullis By Woody Herman 1111 patience RECORDS finUtilllmltose of The Alamo Me 10 Where You 110 Amigo ly Rosalie Allon 11 lil1ll lied atch 11 My Trousers Rootin Tootin owboy 1111 Will 1111111 Why 11 You ry Little Darling Lonesome Homesick Blues Eva ill L1isMiss Audrey 15 11 111 The Carter Family 55 217 111 Not Fern11111 Mothers Iriiycr 1V 511111in Side of The Mountgiil lliillli1i1lt Yodellinp 011111111 Hung 11 111 111111 ampillectin Tumbling Tumble Weeds V1 VIuSt 1n By Sons Vof The Pioneers Motor Complete was to 46 Passenger VCar 85 Truck Motors Shippedout of town WRITE or PHONE and VV DANGERFIELD DODGE nusoro DEALERS humour sr 115 Collier St 111111 4121 VBAlutlll Phones 24878 rie Maureens3 2$t5aJ Janette ructccchMttthnwl VV Childrens Heavy Plastic Dis twl 11 111 1111111 ll Z1 V11 VllV1V 11 Complete with Box Armmom ItilllrllJlailllll IrllIlrlllllltlrttcrlloorl IIIIIIOI lttlliltllilillllllll Illllllllclr ltk lity To 51 111111111111111 llior11 11 WU 111 li11111 11 11 11111521111 111111l111111l t112311111 111 home lgfmiff flll UNVVEIL MEMORIAL Ar ST ANDREW 11 ill 5111511 11151i 111 1111 ls lrrlty tiirl 51111 1141 111 1111 111111111 111 th 111 11111 111 111111111 113 Illc 1114111 11111 1111lkiii 1111111 Holds 111 1111131111 111111 111 11 11111111111211 M111 1111 VI WV $111 1111111111 1h1V 1111 1i1 11111 they 1111111 gtlil 1111111l 1111 gt11 1111111 11111 p111 1111111111 111 guhl 11111 l1 i1 1111I tilviir 1111 11cv 11111 111 11 1111 it liil 1l1111 11 11111111111111 11111111111121 11 Shoilt 1111111111 11 1111111111 11111 1111111 11111 wl 111w lore 11x ii 11 11 11 1111 1111111111111l 111111 HmInummr Hymii 11i 11 ll 111111 1111 1111 11 um 111 poll by 111111 union1111 11 1t 1111 11111111111 mmmm t1 111111 1111111 11111 lhcn 11 11117 1111 Vm lie ninth1111 VVV VVVVVVV VVV VEVVVV VVVVVVVV Vt VVMVVV VVVVVVVVIVV 1111111 V11 1111111 1VV11 1111111 lc VV VVV IVVVVV VVVVVVVV IWHPU VV1V Jim 11111 3111 1111 i111 iio1 111 11111 11 11 11111111111gt1111 Lilwlll by it The church 1111111 1111 1111 11i11 11111 was decorated with beautiful llvwi pi 11111 by 111111 ltilitilits 111 11111 11111151 11111114E Elizabeth 111 is 1111 Li1 Itlgt1iltLtl till 111 lllt 1111ll211 117 H111 lw 1111 111111 1111th outpost 11 the 1111111111 11 lltulll 1111 when they li11 1111 Di Short 111 11 1111 cwmrw 31111111 after 11 aha11cc 111 live years prov111 v11 happy 11111 1le 11111115 11111l1i111111lt pave You Owe It To Yourself To Investigate THE DOBBS TRUSS METHOD For Treatment of Rupture Its Ruthless Its 1111111155 Its Strapless It has no bulb or ball to spreadithc VVwcakencd muscilc tissu and enlarge the rupture opening 11 has no belt or strap 170 irritate the skin or bind theVbodyand im pede lrec circulation l1l11li 111111111 113111 cxp11c1111t 1111111 11 11111 111 11s gieulVVVVVVV 111111 most cordial 1111111111115 111 gtllil11 that was warmly lttillliiClllttll by Dr 51111111 91111111 1111111 V1111111 11111111111 have the in civil1 1111 TV TilIt 510131 lllCll runs 11111111111sl1rrecallcdlhc letter 11 syiiipalhy 1IL11tlll 1111 coin li1111 to mother who had 11 1511s11gt1111he war 1111 111111111111 11111111115111vcs 1111 recular 111acting 111 the to NS met at 1111 home of 311s 111111111115 with 14111111 attendance arrive at peace since the Close 111 Mrs lxiiby was 111 charge 111 the war e1tinc1l iiilerininableV111 211511111111 l1icstc1l lililtl1111l111 be 11 spirit of conciliation rather 111111 11 spirit of suspicion and impat ience11111111114 those countries that lost so mugm 111 the war Let us putin the foreground of all prob lems the Christian spirit of pat We carry complete line of Vgenuine springs for Speaking of 111111Cationstl1at there would be Third World War he asserted cannot believe it lrefuse to believolt lie add ed that 11115 ncver settled any thinu and brought only an abund Auto Wreckers Again reiterating the importance of patience the speaker related how Vlcllincton through planning and waiting was able to defeat Npolco11 who although great military leader was ruined by his Day 3355 Recalling service he had c1111 duclcd some years ago at the Slin coc County gaolllihulli ill they started to sing What friend we have in Jesus The music was weak But from under the door 111 an adjacent cell where dangerous criminal was confined 111111 came burst V111 111clodyin fine clear baritone Ur Shortt and the men of the gaol slbod spell bound wl1ile this prisoner went through the three Verses in an in FPOIOQQIMCMNOOQW illURSIA JANUARY 15 11111 IllfltifllfllllolltlflllOatlllllllrlllllflltllfllllIllIOIOOIllIflIlllOIOIlIIIIIIOI The Green Front Stores HARDWARE CHINA TOYS GIFTS WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS 1111101115 lUIlllli 515115 H111 2111 31171 3113 11i 11131 1111i 1111511 11111 slits 3311 111111111 1V 121 11211 1111 liiiclish How 11 Set 5151311 111 111 111131 llflttilAllll 21111 lLAlilH $151 9133 Electric R1111 1411111 8893 $1193 111l1i111111i1ti11 tiLt us 11111112 PIN1 LAMPS 1itli Shades $331 $493 11151 lll complete $3011 $3213 5153 01011111 ll1l lllllildili 151 GLASS SALAD BOWLS 15c 20C 25c 79c 85c Htlll SETS Mllililllit1illl 5193 $3111 81111111 liicn 11 511 lil lll SlllAltllUR PARTS Sil1l01 ill XNl 111 011 111 l1 11111rili1 Disinfectant 731 $150 luri lhiie Shellac large bottles 511w ilil llld DAL SCOOPS itlllllttl 1l Sitters 13 111 llUtil lollslicls 53133 111 1111 11111 111 sour 111 3111 111 111145 1311 3111 1111 Skis 11111 lolcs Sleiglls illllllrn 5111111 Shovels 131100115 title $1131 $1311 5151 81115 lltll Bllths 1351p to 53111 1S liiolciie lotor il 111 l1 Viceroy Motor 011 111 title Qt 351 1111 Oil 111111111 11131119 1511119 tllainlicr Pails galvanized covered $1110 chambers 5511 191 751 1151 1111113111 10811718 White $11193 You 111 1111 311 111tl11l 11 kill 11111111 1111 llt 111215111 1111 but nothing ioibui 1111 111 l1ilt1 that l1 1s urowiirz 1111111 day and thats roantiring ANGUS Notice to the Public There is only one Lsiincoc Radio Stiles Service 111 111111111 you 111 1111115111 11111 times res in Cronin and Red each 891 Mixing Bowls Heavy While Opcil Ware Decorated29c 39c 50c 55c hildiens Hot Plates in Pink Blue sizes $225 $295 35325 love curd Sink Mats colours Blue Red Green Black c1149c 75c 89c $125 TUDOR and CONGRESS PLAYING CARDS Double Decks Prices $150 and $2753 PHONE 2801 ootovorooluoo 5111 11 111 if 1311111111 1111 11 111 1111 111 111 11111 119 1111 tin 111111 11 111 111 ll1ll 111 11 111 111311 1111 11 11111 1111111111ilv1111llIXlii 111111111111111t11ti 11111111 VHM Vl1VH WWIL HMiili 1111 11 91 llll 111111 11 11ll1t1 Hamlin111 1111111 1111111 111110111111 111 111 1111 1111 111 Barrie It has 1111 bulb or 11111 to spread the weakened muscle lllllyaiil 1131 11 11 112 persons 11t1 been trading under this registered 1111111 Also contrary to persistent rumours this business is owned solely by lloward loolc The store is operated 11y Mr Poole and Mr Whit brczul Anyone trading on other than these facts is doing so under false prelences POOLE St Phone 2704 DOBBS TRUSS Asoft concave pad holds the rupture tightly closed at all tuneswhile walking lifting working or swimming Presses the body in but two places Cannot 5111 Is CARS AND TRUCKS sanitarycan be washed qualified Fitter of the Dobbs Truss Co will be at DOMINION QUEENS HOTEL BARBIE and Supplies PHONES BAnItIIi Night 3469 11 HARDWARE TUESDAY JAN 28 200 p111 to p111 ASk For Mr LHomme Free Demonstration No Obligation Clip This Advt Now7 CORNER cssARpa11d GOWAN sr P110111 BARBIE 3997 ALLANmu