that hijiiii lllh liftititll inksmains tijiitii Uflmiito sham strawrut MHUAM in NMM ri ay 3rd to Once again Jacobi Graham are holding their Annual CleanUP Sale ONTHESE Prior to taking stock great deal of hardlogol merchandise was deliv ered to us during the Christmas rush and while we were to busy to have this stock marked at the time we are passing it along to you now during this sale So visit our store during the week of January 3rd to lllh and share in these SGVmgSv 111011 CiePCiflmeIllS you will find bargains galore Shop and save at lacobi and Graham Your headquarters for Quality merchandise Sale starts Cum Friday lQnuGrY we reserveihe right to hunt ElUClllillleS liar thirty pillows OWlttl with cstra ItiuulitIv blnu stripc ctw ICOD ticking and HUG Ilill Xiiillll Wiltiiltd 11nd Iciinycd ClllCKLil lLtltllLlb Sim IIXUUI velar 18 II IMI of Millin Iv CHECK Wlde imp ilimliti Hmk hut YI ilIi iii ll llI llllIl lii Hilt llt lllL lllllll lltllll ll Klllt llil lll ill LIHIUIII mILlIHIHHII ii wmiu my with it WW Mme NV IllliIl ifily nmwd WW Inf lIlhw I121 smart suits coats illilli and hlilili outlils Munuiacturtrs ltllllflr lino thirds lart lincii tca toiv II lioiii oi blrrlwivileh lltllIl ii and color It riniw znni itillllil to slow or xlii tons Not tint milIi mini width Hm ls Ill odd lrnglhs blriptd bordirs lltmlllttl iitivri IIIIII III IIIIIIII sing PRICE 49c SALE PRICE $259 yard SALE pRICE $349 Yard SALE PRICE 25 each GRAY WOOL WI Size X88 Cotton cnds Knittcd ironihcuvy cotton yarn unlicin Bqlll 11 hi iyuy 001 blUlkCiR lllllillld Sillgl Closely QVCH bliliktS in Mind Shady 0111 ntgMv All HKlUUkl Dim UUli Doublc bod size about tjix80 Whipped sinvlv in ltlllblt hul sin llJUlll 06xI Willis 4111 Iviivr in hood llsrtllillltlll or styles and 00 mu Idtll 01 11511 ClothSi DUIWhUlE LlOLlib lilthlb 610 Size about 15IIX20 101013 SimS 13 In RPULWU $1005 51905 II II II IITI II II II and TeenAge Winter Coats Bedroom Mats Clearance of 0m mum sLocktm girl Winter Coats Luxurious looking cotton delOOlll Rugs in the modern reduced prices good assortmgnt of styles and colors loop pile weave pastel shades IV in plain and fur ilIIllltlilUCl Sizossl to lix Regular $1095 to $1995 128 30x60 Re Prlce earlng Prlce II III lze eg $695 II II II II Slze 24X36 Reg Sale Prfce II Yard II 129 eg Sale Place Shop early i01 tlIiS 0110 500 yards of swabHSSO 811d Fruit of the Loom printsv is 1111 an ll 415 COIOIS Clearing line of blouses in Cyclets spuns and cropos 00 yards only As egrar 8270 to $095 77 Just i1 small quantity 100 yards Only of this but we thoughtI llm WNW llJ Clearmq at Regular Price would pass it along unit Huh to urstomcr HIILUBEnigma Iundieds 0t remnants in dress goods cottons wool Wabasso quality 44 In SINISIUIILIhOdI lensv dlapely and uphomtery fabrlcs Yardage fmm 14 am to ardsI slititniu the famous II iII WI II II IIPW$ eases III 21 iissu unlit 1274thlxlccvi lii Inc 50 v3 Braile style niats idcal tor hulls bedrooms etc Color Sale Price tul oval designs reversible gt 81 1110 900 yard Size 30x80 oval Reg $795 Sale Price irculur cotton for II Limit jards to Custom CHSlOImCIv III if IOVICIIII $4I59I sale IPrice III II $350 and yarn tor knitting mitts andhcavy sweaters Colors of3whitc royal Egreyy caiiilinalaiitf Pressedth scatter MMIIsIIII II III COTTON SHEETS IISALEI PRICEI MW Largo sized Mats in hard wearing pressed fclt Oval 57 Style has runged edge obiongstyle fringe on ends dozeir only Lady Roppcrcll lnand Shoots in an cxtra good Colors of wine rose andgreen II Pacific brand extra strength cotton pillow cases rquuIalltyv 131921011061 cotton Extra length in sizes 11 lb Size 27x51 Ioblojng Rog $4954 Sale Price with plain hemmed ends Size 45x35 before hem for three quarter and double beds mg SiZC72xIl08 Size 81x1I08I AIfi Size 27x5iyo til Rog 3695 SalePnce IlMR mug IfLimithiIDi1 lensiomei Limit Illilil t0 fa Houstomcr Sturdybluecottorribnigge table coverswithVboxedreolgesv INet II II dues Wine 399 $139K II IPRICE jI III SIIAILE PRICE SALE PRICE yang 100 yards only Cotton Curtains IIIIFiiieiy wovenoottorrnetin novelti chignI EtLChIII curtainqboutlltzmwide and yards =i0ng fin Egglgrggn 22121316611ng dwgn itimade ishedlengthi Bottoms areiinishcd With fringe RC $110 VIVIQIYShQO only edging Regular $795 l3 ya Sale II LI Limit yards to customer