THURSDAY DECEMBER 19 1946 mmwnc MM mltWW uwww gta Midhurst Station Ingram conne ONTARIO CANADA wuwrvwmlwu wwwcw Neshitl Rebigmon KBLVINATOR sous THE er Sultryguilt an up Utah ll 2L llartl llmtdczf uetzi ten days Elnare sympathy extended to Mt lhtc no Vw in lomntg film Blhrhhimll tho of her the brie cf jig Him LT nth umtltcl Mrs Ronald tiilthrlst AME Sluts ulin xgrh IV lltl tmnizriltxxn lmlw No 513 Iawd my awn mum My MN 332 51 Il to mt hemimt mlhthr In it unit of lztjhl tltu Jl lilWlV 1sl er WalkerI llialc= Ht tIV 7I sitlt the following ltotllt ll wlo tlttl in Unlila hwyle tm IA IIIAIII IIIIIIII IIt litznltrcd Mulllltlll WM Zilarj 33 flitIll lir SIAl Him orio Frztlah llhl qu lml nu and Brainpch Vil IL ltw annual meeting ul the AUTHORIZED COMMERCE DEALER Commercial and Domestic NESBnr 13mm rcgthIi NFL lulllulu 13v Um Inert rr lnznsJIznu Mtllliltfllt llltv mIIIV BURN III mug II Phone 3837 113 Owen St mam um Matty V1 It WV VIII II III II VI IIAiIi II mired It hanging you litht at ilL tuuztzc am tul tt II III II II MI swiggt 311 tunVin ltmIV Wlllt itllLuttl2itlltsll tum ImII IIII II wwmmw mu fond Fr imig than titu lititililmi Aifm 191 llAlIVN iNA3A A7 Erma tingle with th tollowam PW ffI JIllifll litv PF mum wmnuynizt Mummih Mrs PrimIv SetIv Hrs MAI Ohm MRI Mm IMAM ngItlilthxitt Amy Mm lllllyllAILIi MANIFACIIKEBS OF Vx lltltlhnllfxiI lush WWI 5l lIr Mr lhlruh ongratueut out in llamt and lIItnhru Lung WSW 151 Hug 4th itll Amt Mrs they utdmll MIMI IIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIII IIII III IIIIII rtans lAiUlnl Utilliv URN AUIllIvI ivltlwct lllm NAWWH Bsfht ttiullt itllwranI lunAim til liwdvtllAlA tuA iliAA wzmur 310mm Muvi Mr Bert Jamiemu 5121ti Tum Il III tutu Long ywmmmr Minimum utI It lte M13 Bantu IIII It II WV at Ith Mt tum mew The annual whorls or tllt IIfIII IIII anadas Own factory is lroducmg and Shipping II xnttee lZtuav ltllllltull lnruml WA were very vncuurunmg 3th lotI ml rtntt lhia Vital Bulldmg Material Evcrv Dav Srigluy Love was In tllitlKt of the Wur Wk IIIIII IIIIIII III III II lixrlndxv Fclory Ahwtrtllttotr ship Stri=ittllix was lwuutiful lAtittnv hill 5h Uh iiil lulllllellglllSENl1lllWlllthnCYtlitl IHI III VI tI II III members took tmrt Mrs Wight VA DA VHM LA Ai ltA Mt 3V7 II II FNIIII HmuI to Halo tho ll Vgt hut up ll lt Au nI Amum tltmm tnAUAt Wk wime Sihl lb lwl mnVtt NTluu llrlwm mu in II ll IVVvV lt which nlltWLll the cuntraq lltthtttl l1IIIIIVlL ml IlAIlJl LtVKlljmrl ltd at laxington l33 St Paul St II IV HI VI ntmletIn llltllu nil lnnlta it 3h VIII II IM II IVIIHI WI EIII YIIIIIIII III VII thlmlmnl tlUt MA Jill ztgu th gtltoltl the fatinn hitht IIVII IIIIIII VIII MI II II It It MIMI II had lzirgvly Innnrilvutttl to lllt Int IIIIIIII fund Omittth DALSTON II II 111l HOLlDAY STORE HOURS 11 Wedding lltlll arc Ingrnll MONDAY DEC 23 AM TO PM llltftlll TUESDAY DEC249AlvltTOGPM Butt wighm Esther lrllitvr In WIWINhWlblnrlviurI CtUSlBBXlNG DAY THURS DEC 26 lw The Young lunplrs llltllllltf tll lo WM thy church on Monday AA AB mA IIth Woulcn IMlttlltlll hihl EAlirhmwlmimiiimtAIHilm OMAWS NEST ORANGE mom MR3 Hfilllllllls ivcrs lit rs iV out or ll or 30 Mn lelley lllLSltlttl at the tlcttton owin rcs rs IHII twillfsl vii All Eilllilfsmlilim n23 39c $12 77c Brown SUCV Mrs llzmdv Lonmws DELIClOUS wt lroasm MIS hclwn llMHl Cm MINI lI MUIIHIHI MRI OI BAG hornam Mrs Jury urtiva IOBIAWS vncuumiiincxeo Allb warm ltd lit 13 mini and Willow COIN Ml vl SlleA TIN to low Mrs ltl will It PFRFFCT MleRLOBIAWS 30 07 SAGY vI AA MrV BillIlVmi lifInmiilggIIIlmf BOTTLES 311th II Bearing Il0utldk Han NEW LOW pRICEIKEMIIS THYML 35 5l 80 wns it it mxcn snmn NUTS roz vacuum 39 lilln hv tar11v wt Al My CONDENSED 10 QZIHNS IIZ43c NIOIhIngI$ more accepmbe to ww robe2LdE203ch22 IV Snow fog VI IIIIIlfIh 2915 RISSET BR 1202 25c nd re oId 1ncth onIIlIunitlyII mIdi In Iit PKGS uI omeI I56 cult 01 hug kettllltllllt tII CANADA BREAD railwo hcketthis year the teacher hitW lgtlclhllmt1 IIIf hIIVIIIIIIII IIIII Any Canadian Pacific agent ngftlllllglclc 031Il ll willorronge delivery and explain III II 1202 cboui special low holiday fares MAllthjelI 11511IIItuIHIIIII PKG llllle Ololllflighlultchlrm 5A Friends he were sorry to himn William lIuslints of the tledtl of Aqquith ngk tnmm ms II IV IIII lllt ot IalItVaiI SItInIinfth tV IL tended to icictliu it Mastercra Skis 12 BAND SAW $7450 MAPLE Selected $535 JIGSAWS VPARCELS BIRCH $645 $9175 and $1735 LAMINATED $9 95 OR UNHED KINGDOM BALL BEARING SAW SHVPPED mm on POLES $447 mom otNMaKI 259 to $698 GRINDER HEADS No COUPONS RQU ED Cl31 Harness 98i$655 $955 EACH $125 to $550 SANDERS Belt Drum and Disc 639m BLANKS AT iton AUTO ITOP CARRIERS LIOIITIIIWISIIIOREI Metal Ba1 Type $850 $1095 $935 $695 IIV IOR DELIVERY Mm II II DcLuxe Handee Tool CHRISTMAS Limited Supply Price $2995 1m CANADim MADEDOUBLEFILLED II 1H CA glitg Mllfablitm lit Mlxnn NUTS msmm 49 CHRISTMAS 335555 mlmin AgainlIh5Year 9C 61 accessories in steel kit FANCY BRAZIISniAglfsitlB49c CRACKEBS OF 12 12 Equlpment Suitable to the Hobbyist WALNUTS CALIItIIIognIIEIRvauI 41 IOBIHWS Innggn nggggl Izgggs lsqI II VI for many uses Sticks Gloves Pads and Pucks Woorlworking Lathe 36 bed $2985 IBLOWITORCHES $498 III II Special Drill Press for the hobbyist $2875 Clear Vision keeps frost goff inside ofIIIwindshield WIND HEATER Super De Luxe type Suitable for any large vehicle or where excess iveI heat is required Heats in 90 scoonds II itting KBAESJHlmmmltllllllm Ion Bum assr cmnm giglt15 1349 nusr numcmznsn 843 whommt Mcmnms onus new 092 436 normminor nun Phil agoVIM ARE SCARCE BE ASSURE HOWEVERTill IEIVEBv EFFORT IS BEING MADE TO SECURE SUPPLIES L51 son sum tinnitus Wow WALNUTS when ssc 2451111121 mamrs aozzsc sinan amorous 4oz 23 SHELL mazus wz 26c sununn means 4oz 43c sunny murmurs new lllllllllllls so mums ISEEDLESS SIINKISTNAVELS utmost Stzes to Choose From in Each Store ASverciIQPYs of FLASHLIGHTS ALL PRICES DOORLVCHIMESA SINGLE DOUBLE and TUBULAR IV ammo cinnamon LAMP Sim $685 Choice Selection of MILEEDI ROASTING CHICKENS BB1 Ion BLUEV BBAni STEAK orIIROIAST PORTERHOUSE gt45c RosaBr soon menus Vgggxggmzo msz syrisnucn oz some 25 cagnrmcu sane oz ndiiic now or Tin3m BESTTEXAS scmimass may gmdntr Price $4050 VI St CHANGES 20 FL IMOFFATS 80s GMPEFRU IozI Tm 16 BabyiAuto 3249 ECTBOPAIL 261102 Tm $389 Emcee 9WMBASVBESTTEXTM FANCYVVGMD LITTLE Illa5 foRKV In Very 59ml mmc DELICIOUS nouns GBHPEERUITJUICE Wmmnc Imme Jaok3 tenuaxlevIII hcelgglttrtothe tarmac mo VVEIIm um MUM IVGBAVISHPPL JUNE 20 mozm 136 camps gtypeur $585 on $1675 sue33250 113s 00 47C 138s Do2390 II AV III mo orIItheIAboveIIsgzes In Erich Store IV Tins Ich IIdeeilFor IPonlhy Dressing II Inna VmiBsi DEFAINABLEIAEATMOR BRANDI at eeuo pllanelkgtz cI for comment cuntsmas witth QUALITY IMPORTED VEGETABLES SPROW 1135 VBHGACICOIIT aam Fife GWPEAS 35333331 b1967 Tcaul$le 3329c gut congcnoczmgscouncon consume Enemnrr II 33323 THE TRIENDLY cm CHRISTMAS HHMHBS OUR MANAGERIWILL amour 0mm soccssnonsrnsgro AVAILABLE MERCHANDISE Box 35mm arms LonLAWs RICH DARK cumsrmns can racism 47c IVAITASTY comm MEATSs forIjINBETWBBmsnAcstI IBaconandLivetSAIsatteit Brunswick 5mm Fi38 somethmr 7V 47 mm