TURSDAY DECEMBER 19 1946 flLtrrt iPtr MOUNT sthoUls WNBW LOWELL king 531411311er lid Mt Flotilla lltulh lrcluro by John Hark Ur llcr ll Amos Elortz THEME EXAMINER BARBIE Oimimo CANADA omenowamomomm NEWS or ELMVALE Stanley Haiti baited natives Hugh llunt mm Alhxndslc fills lriwlu mt flush ioiolltn in cultural Society held in 151111 nigh liq Jolly ltntrntul lutitltr rrr Rumblew lip 113w Ml tensting display of litotltr is thirst Short Frugal 13 igm Hamil imitation in four school pits dott by Elaine West and John lthlrll and asutlg by RM ll Lorry ntd tialz amt 5L2 13 lug ip gt VT xttbfptt Wm will ME Arlilelrnu at ninthti rlm funeral of their sister unhiu Mr Ruhr llwirzt or trtv tt Yolk wt to 1ltlr ill Mortal to brand lLl1l piano selection by loll Album ltimp om mu tttjoyctl 11 id SPgt 11 lltlllllr oz any prl Int lr lfttrh liltttrtl llm union uni 112 on will ll Ml dimly ltlutluri of tilluv gplllitll in full2n llui 111 lfolrrtt loin1 llr MN llzo or flltlhlw of llcm Sitillty ihtrilututl ls ltl tin Ml ll Slurtor furrow lllllllltx of thiE lllk Mt Qtni lllht19 Arigm lirlittiil ILunlzt inc man tvllttttml hourly hold on hungry nary Mr Zilill MIN Noll lltllt honor Vol holy thinlrhttl Portmi luzth of Not ill vitllttli litllrrti START your car rnsily in the old your buttery ft in 1mm of In at 11min 35 Mornings ll IAST ycur uple err as mm as tlrlors rt ts but this yrair tells ilimrmr tnry Much to cvciyoucs dc illt trim11 be plcnty of upplrs iiiwlu in it llliltl AW spurliphugs sizirtvr unmixrtur wot Mil r5 mm 11 Mlltllclur no in order DRIVE IN ltlllAY BRENNAN Auto Electric Service HARRIET NI Ali lnttuu Mrs Sippinlm lul loldtri tirrwctvlltttl Sufi lll lillllr llutl luliitl ltillinli l1 li until l1tllt of lillldll pr Iv Ill lltill1rlil For it Mii 71 gt llul ftillt hudlt lito lovuitwl 1lol tllllll ltttti ul lllt llult ll Mttllllitlrllll uld Mr hooplw lr Til eiilty rmrtr lip toph We lltt jttrt tltlllt til toll you Vina lt wilttwin Pianist Mlx hturui ill uitlonnnittw ll Kn tultvl ll and MM llizi nmrls v111 tltl strrvv till your fuvourit apple recipes this Full and erltrr rylt puddings mum muffins or dc nous hillml ripples And nutthat lltW to add to your lot uswspky flrlvounrich or Apph Mttntllztlrlnl llrr brim pastry is rxtra rrunih with spCtiul nutty or hrtr luluh irlrd lhn ltilltq ll lno inldou Mn lrrid Mumhtrmn rllll Mr itullil lltsft flown ltlcul 11511 Winter drswrt tllryirgrspcciolly gm Hing 1m 33mm Mntlnl ltir lillgql Hr not log in thrir our tifrcxiiiug iniccl Tlxtyu just lhv thingi llukc the bite out Pill fll of at Hull Full Slipllv and 51 plrusr thr pullith of our hunt brood 1111 Vl it in For illnl mt Iilrlllllfillt hit o1h Mir littll r11 liililltt1triat lot llritl lhtth mo tl 2111 tiptmh lit ltll 111 APPLE DUMPllNGS 131111 Entry lllipgt0ll cirm mon 1ronn writ upplra pftlttl rorrd gtczispoozi nulrm o1lilipnnsbrownutzilr on huttcr if FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS WITH FREE cum xRrus tublrspoons tnrltrd butter llt nod ltritlil no tild ll llili puim il1 it lleuilth twntrw llthtrllftlln tlzwd tl 11 11 lll1 fiff ff ITE If 31 lflimpzig1123weretgrzgglgumgngwrmgagia61if pryikwkr 36 BAYFIELD ST Skis Bindings oles Boots For Experts or Beginners We attach Bindings Free if purchased there Experienced Workmen $31 tlltilrlll hnli tim um tlrfl vttid dr ltlll imitrd tl lllzltlltw lot lln hm ii thi iiiilllllllll Roll out pastry into huge rtttnngle about inrh thick rut into squnr yigdi about llltllt Plutc upplr in the tcnttr of curb pzlstry square Fil llltf of tIltll npplc with mixture of brown sugar TllllllllllUll and nut nirg dot with httttcr llrinp opposite corners of pastry togctlirr over top of upplc ItltllSltll edges with wattr and seal chtt with other corners Prick pastry with fork Place in plcnscd rzisscrolv Bake in hot ovcn lSUF 15 minutes COllllllllt stupor water and melted butter basic dumplings Reduce llCuL to 35001 utttitlttt baking dumplings about 45 minutes basting every 15 mirth with syrup Yield Suilogs Hm ptiou Ior lr ind lr loori it no for lie wl dollop llit nil llllt Lil $l 111 on loomw loni lill nus ittvndid lnrlt thunk rrld lltfllllltll who pro lvlllltl tlzo yoursu moplt Itll llzl trilultou honor of 1tt llllll on tllltll in by Mimi4 twp lirnto iud lionuu lldll AMN tlltlllllli tho but tlt Mi lozua lllllflll2lll lilt Minion llltiotlf rind MW hzl Mllfudvlill Mllth liuro il rhuirnmn Mr toori wry littinoly ihnnkod tho llllllll for llltir lllli llll good uishtw llztnzty lotrosliutvllt llt wt ttl St Johns lllll pun rovnlu WANTEU llllillliSl lllllliS lll Illll TURKEYS GEESE DUCKS Nl LARGE GRADE CHICKENS PLEASE BRAN PASTRY ttlp rrriul bran teaspoon salt 11 ups sifted flour mp shortening Al tnblrspoons cold water more or less Crush corcul bran into line crumbs mix with flour and salt Cut in shorten ilg Add wutrr zl litth at time until dough is moist enough to hold together lilltts Officers St Johns lnitvd mot it Mr llisllops on UV Mrs llllll lhompsou lltSltllllfL thrist llllh story was rend by rxg ll ll hltury llov MtlthlltlllL tllllllltlltl the lltlltln of offitirs llltll resulted in follows llt Mix lhompson lst ilijo lrts Mrs ll ll Whitney 2nd Viri Pros MN Vtllsltl Sony Toskoy Trolls Mrs li lion lnrsoluluo committee Bishop Mrs itll 21nd Mrs Whothum Flower Monti Mrs rlit Sihbuhl liunist Mrs Mtlhrluno lrogrnm toni Mrs Wm litoloy Mrs Middleton thoiro refreshments vort served thllltlln Institute lClnlvulo onions lnstituto mot zit Mrs lleurdszllls on Thurs tl2l It was dotitlotl to 50nd hlist inns curds inil llllisllllns Cheer boxes attain this your also to send the Whiti lifts to hristiun ls loud thristmusmrols were sung by the members Roll roll was fills cworod White lift rs liorllt llllllllllg and Mrs llvnrdszlll gave the second losson of the pro jrcl Tho following salads wore nmdo linked houn salad bean nlld Vtuctrihle WWW ltllltll Vetltl sent to the church bozird Election Closed Christmas Eves Dec 24 pm all WV 39 1101 MUM WWV Read and use Examiner Classifieds moresoaemsmmmsasmausoleumrmssimmermmmmmmmwmmwemamxxxxmwnmmmm lllt the refreshments Mrs lat officers helm lt0lttletl with the Simpson on behalf of the Institilte exception of Mrs Ross Sheldon nervouslyvacroommaterosterrupeeslalrwzlclstzlzelawlatclewzmcew llleCllltd 111 full and SINCE to lhirwho llils boon treasurer for niut ltiltltls 115 ilSlitlllt token 01 lb yours ller resignation VllSllt pleviiition fortheit Ulkv copth and 1113 Douglas Itid lC 54 placed hor The WA are vary thankful to Mrs Sheldon for her tlfirient und willing service to tho society WMS Meeting LEEEOY CHILDRENS SETS COMPLETE ii SKIS BINDINGS and POLES HRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING SETS AVE IA WELL LIGHTED TREE THIS YEAR TRE SETS Bulbs $130 $155 $210 pr REPAIR LIGHTING SETS islry Sets llet MAKE llliler lilf ll li5ill1llt 31 LATER llHN Ml lhos lillytltllt ilt now home from the hospital not is dong very niroly Mrs Sutherland llurrio was the ltl of Mrs Mrs Gnome Boll llmvnlo is visiting lttl dilulrhttr Mrs Mluv Wt extend sympathy to tht wife lllll fumilv of llov Sidney Martin to former resident of this tolmnnnity who died in Toronto lust voik Womens Institute Edenvzllo Womens lnstituto met 11 Mrs Ruperts Doc 12 with LitHKl nttondunuo despite the rainy lily Roll 11 was responded to by Christmas verso report of the sick visiting tommittoo was given Mrs Albor Maw rend 11 paper rrnd Mrs Wurd rend poem Mrs iootlfollow ontltttb ed turn muttst Vllltll was won by Mrs Bowman Mrs Muw and Mrs Ward Several Christ mas tlllUlS were suing the c1030 of the meeting tin hostess assist ed by Mrs il MtNnbb served it tusty lunch Mrs loodfollmv tllltl Mrs Maw served the suluds prepared from rarities given at the Elmvnlo short course amazmmzmhazhmaaammaaazaazmakmzmzmxzmm312322namemmzmzrzmxzz gutst during tho lnrkson Qtntv monitor from horn on joyed tho ltunnt liugtlly lttittll in llnrrip lust wetk Miss Gladys Ardoll loronto wits the guest of her sistor Mrs Ross Sheldon lust wotk Mrs Attlltl spent tho week end Toronto and ttlltllllttl the lllutlttltultiottlottski nuptials olmzitulutions to Mix and Mrs luul itltltlllgtll nte lillu Bloch Hlorol who were murrivd in Torin to last Saturday Mrs Walter ornrr llittttletl lnlutollmlooux shower at the home of lltt driughtcr Mrs loo Nichol son ltuouto lridni evening in honor of her granulziughtor Dori othy forum Toronto The WA llltl at Mrs Wires on Thursday with fairatten lztllLC generous donation was We wish to unnouuro that or are now operating as Registered Stution McLAUGllLlNS POULTRY STATION Fume 77 Reg NO 5228 AllistOn um 0I ZizlmilglgtzzlleNEEKKQWQK55K5WK92HLEEllbizfbt Ltitizh 19 Aeroplan Medels Bicycle ELECTRICAL AP lANCES Useful Gift KETTLES $1350 pEAT PADS $695 IRONS OTTLE WARMERS $395 TOASTERS $545 OPEN EVENINGS Until 9pm Dec 192021233 we EEllleKRKQEMKKWEKKKKWGFKKM KKKMKEEiillglalgpe BELLE EWART igwxmsdzm if awWamfyg Merry Christmas to all Mrs Lzlvull spent last week ill Toronto Mrs Houston Sn Toronto last week lter Cunning tl=oronto visited his tthllll for the weekend Mr and Mrs Hugh Moore left on Sunday to spend the winter in Toronto Willi their son The school concert and tree will he held in the schoolon Monday Derv23 at p111 visited in The local Community Club held Christmas supper and tree in the school room on Saturrlay Dec 14 The decorations Were lovely and great credit is given Mrs Keenan and her committee for wonderful supper About 135 vila lagers and children sat for supper not after Carols Weresung and tar Selections by Joe Durham and speech by Mr HughMoore our oldest resident Santa Claus WaSon hand toigive about 53 gifts to the children and boxes of candy and oranges very happy as Community Club Supper The llettllllmr 1an annual moot ini of the WMS was held last Wednesday at Mrs ll Sawyers After the devotional period Mrs Wltlis its treasurer reported that the ullorzttion hull been oxreodcd number of Christmas Carols were sum gltiflltllltHVCtl by the beautiful rundlvligrliting service arranged fol the day to ronlpletc the program Lighting candles on the table bo sirlea globe of the world represent int lniliavo1e Mrs Paisley Mrs Mervyn Noble Mrs Stewart and representing Canada were Mrs Ilerrier Mrs Trim and Mrs Stephens all lighting zllttllts as 1L symbol of giving the light of the gospel to the world Officers 0100th for the new year were Hon Pres Mrs Harry Wight lres Mrs Robt Sawyer lst Vite Pres Mrs Wm Noble 2nd Vice Pres Mrs Stewart Rec Seclym Miss Rogerson Cora Secy Mrs NobleTreas Mrs Weeks Christian Stewardship Mrs Paisley Temperance TMrs Clarkson Friendship Mrs Stepherismsstonary Monthly Qlilaiixllikil grantees Dntes fresh Cal 1202 ZlgaEJliii Fine Allans Apple Juice 20 oz 29c Beaumart Wedge Cuts Plain and Pimento 29c Beaumart Credm Cheeser Plain and Pimento 16c Pkg 49c Snappy Christmas Crackers Barkers Cfax Biscuitst Fillets of Anchovies extra 49c Virginia Dare Sauces 15c McLarens Stuffed Olives oz 49c Rideau Hall Coffee Vac Pack 1b 49 Tomato Juice Ga1 105 02 Heinz 53c Flower Dale Tea 12 lb 45c NUTS IN SHELL Holidciy Season nr BL Not because of Oustom long esfnblished1of extnding greetings at the holiday Season but because of sincerity of our appreciation of your kindly friendships and loyal pat eating xxxmzamz 9222322 REMXRKE Wklt ronagehwe are prompted by the spirit of Brazos Large FancyL 1b 47c the season to wish you good oldfashioned Pecans lbllc Merry Christmas Walnuts California lb 470 PRQDUCE DEPT evening cametoo close by singing Mixed Nuts lb 470 the National Anthem zzmmaezeegaemgmeuwewz Mrs HD0nnelly FinanCL Mrs Sawyer Mrs gPaisley Mrs Weeks Mrs CornerySupply Camel magmawmxammxsmzmxzmssm M1sWm Reid Mrs LGrose Mrs Ferrier and Mrs Spicer Flower Com Mrs Tebo Mrs Grose WAVERLEY 2331 Organist Mrs Wm Reid Mite Box Sec Mrs Grose Auditors sileIeIiigiierilsiFanfiIVJSItEd nel Mrs Ward and Mrs Smith Mrs Lloyd French has returned to herhorilewin Manitoba California Navelbranges 288s1 602 $100 Emperor Grapes 1b25t Yams UiS No lbs 250 Bradford Ca Style Green Fhel are afewvcases of Chick enLPOX in the community the weekend with Joan Wood MrsTqirIrcethagonetoj ronto tospend the winter with her son Mr Green Toronto visited his sonsvat Henry weekend Mr an family spntjthe weekend in T0 1onto and Hamilton Mr and Mrs Jack Bannister and sdn1Torontoltare visiting Mr and Mrs Bannister Mrs Owen French and Mrs Miss Helen Brown Vaseyrspent Trurlxls over the Mrs1 Herb crnsbynnil slim Wamexmzwmm Miss Doris Ruddick isspendirig afewrdayswith Mr Therewagfanreryrenjoyable time ot the Happy Hour Thursflay eveng ingi Euchre prizes fordone himds went to WRuddickM Edgar and Mrs Mooney Roy Turner Died In Florida The community wrisshocked to hearrof the sudden death of Roy Turner in Lakeland Florida Mon day evening Although in poor health for some birne he had gone to Florida for the Winter Where he would rest and return in the Grapefruit Cranberries flfurnipsGabbagtcf57 wEsrCIALIZE JR Halbert Celery Tangerines Parsnips aAsms gt oyt muchspent afEWdays Toronto anid Mr and Mrs Maye Mr and Mrs Lean Henry spent lastl weekend wish Mr and Mrs Owen French before leaving for Los Angeles Tlie membeirmeeng Wednesday night ev ha bristle er The next mes gm be on Thursday Dec 26 910 of playparty He was be buried on nesday at Lakeland Florida Ladies Aid Officers The Ladies monthly meeting Wednesday with 16 members and twa visitors Of ltters electe I937 Mrs Mrs W7 NuditlickTSey Mooney Tress Mrs Miskey Al reports for thepast year are very encouraging Aid held their 32 for 25 ECNEFOB IN Your Mild Seasonbd BOLOGNASliced Shirtless WI Min sums clad ROUNDSTEAK cnorrrzu sum Milktell Pieces lb 25 numumr rustic 112896 19 ammmsmamamzra was ortmsrlMAs canKENs we TilKEYS atufliISEw LIMITED SUPPLX