TURSDAY momma 29 1946 OPENING PLAYS time in hmtto Fair fur 30y Davis secretary Much fun was had by surfing sparrow hunt farm forum Iggy 399113111 give the winners wr tiIJiM worried lt was decided not To hold anv more WEEKLY EDITORS PRESENT CAR TO RETlRlNG OFFICER Situxhwl ntlillnllt Ix iflltri IEeE inn Elm fumin llyllwll 0F DRAMA CLUB= lm la tam IE Ll Lum meetings till alter the New Year $5 ma for IN Pine commerczol printing at The lifm luv wow lennriz Barrie Examiner Please Hider WW 2511W1V tt15 Hip renal ig altxl lets llfe ahcad as possible HIV rim we BIVI In ttlwli alum Ex Irax l1 in few lmun Vmlxmmlenl Wilt of the llitllIL rim cirIt iIIu til lEI III PROMPT commons EFFICIENT Eulmmhw WWW zI tllltll itir toting Linn in it ltlx Intel 130le swag55 oLaiIlv and Initx the lnvirly liin It My tit re Im Comb If dyl IV KI home 01 ilkZ il to his lilyl ltt lint lallillilulfltlu TEA mI tit1tr3t gt glint urflhholl inn gillrm lfte South 5111mm Lgup mil arr II gt5 Eir PM 1le ml 11943 21 ghev Izzutenuyn Ahrmnlltwli litlll helll It 51 ziIl meeting ltit on lIeE 113 tdlk1 Im SHE ll ulna and Mn tirall report of the ltlulttilltitb will hr BSSC Rdu Zlx mewl lit IIEt tuEzmi elwzvnriw II tx lxunsrfh ltnliitiwn tho gtIIILI I1 IIII hm giIut IIWINXIHJM HIv RapCIS 0n 5045 Izlutml rgun Ill III Ir VII in Ii gonadII Ilg1lIIfVI fl lmtwli HI1 11w lemi EIGClrlcal HOusehold Olin lliw wen vvll no llIltI ltlh lltll Wllu Lo Mrulalt we thud il Ilzd lI Yotin Mix lip14m and MIR rm lltEEiziI TEI iI amt was due furl it Mr V0 12 llilvi jEI ill ply EI tvnizeilr ll WWW IIIEIIHM vnuIIIMIIL my iIIIlvjululeIt tune in her IlIltl II II II Wilfl rlill lljIjtl 0n hr Illlltllltltl at managing lireetor of thelmeniors of the lrFtltltlllIm at their annual conI in Elmml Canadian Weekly NeilsiaIIIN issorialion afterlwnmr1 HIlx 5mm 1mm ugh 5A8US lhlllll IIlt Ml tn Ilinlplm or lwigun Out itll IInndeate past Bit lilMtI Ut El 1yi1lLVLWWWfllliilmlltmt ntrl1tltllt ot tle III Illll the item to gt MM mm lmmh If Hlmmld uh mlw 19WWWSl1lller Illillltl TTI Collier United 55 lrltllqllthnn lllltJlltl lirl IIIIIIuIrI TR Chmlmas supper and om oommu llluiw lintlaid tiw lllltltllltl MAIMNKPACHCM MACLAREN LII In II oncert ust ee GREEN GIANT FANCY an El15 IIm lIlIilh tLllJw PM KHN IIZWM MM UNGRADED 2001 Su ihe annual ltlitsltllui Stlttwl IeIIIIaiIItunerhim llTe last ttli Tin harurm Accuuntmns lumllmn MIL ilmd mlantl ttlilttll holtl for 14w Sin Mr and KlIsE 1t tttnhhtll terv CLARKS ll El do Selmul ImIills 0f UHHI St in lnmun Qaumlznu PHONE BARth toil1 illllwlll mi jlliilttl tIHHh 115 HHMW Wt lI lull Downer Irc 18114 CLOSED ALL DAY IIIE It inning Blmqm 51 1m HIHIHMIMAIIII I1 ImmIL th mm FUN lny Tm XMAS DAY RWE Vi III IIlul summ Sillltlllltl ll Ihxr lllilml menm HN Huh FINE CANADIAN BOXING DAY lltt lilllilllltl LlIHIIlinlililil Ill WA IVIHHHLWMM Swim lllt llllllltl Wlltt lllt ttlltI lb tL IXIHWI MIHIIAWW Rm WM ix ltl flight II WM mm ml HM Hun NEW YEARS DAY Hm 1mm it it In Vt Elia Iv ll Suwluy who 8mm FANCY SALTEDVACUUM PACK DECEMBER 25 26 lw 15mm Ht CASHEWS lniiuntail IIt lltllllltl tI mm annulled Mvms WV Haul Killian huh wlll hIh or oz JANUARY 510 WOW Illlttll All5 RMlsl It lh ml lillm llltl lmuvrlu tarlin l5otoII Tin mln DUWVW 115 MM ill1 Ml 18 II lllllllll Will 1051in and make 5C Stu in IlMumwUtildLIfittthv 113133 1Mlgtlifnlllnlllif MT and MN Mammy RlPE FITTED Jar II III IIII eltllm 3011le ma Mk will MMPMIM 515mlhnht llldtlltS undid ll MJHW mulnlm clinic to 51111 your lll ISIIIIIIIIlIIftlIliII liltlllullii coinInitftnaiilet ChairmanR for Sllilursilavu 18 1lll lllltl Wk1 OPEN CLOSE tts Ial gtIt I3 iI IIIII II ISI WWI lemuremems 01 III EII hm 13 3IIIj II=IHEIII HoLIoAv COLOURED USUAL Houns it simple substitute for nith It Idlllllllll pkg or was Inado by IIeoInIIIIttIoe Illlllltrv Mcymlc Ur mph Iv mmwrrml mnmhmmwy lmmmw ALL OTHER DAYg 501119 pa um 15 11 hr Mrs Vera llalvlims 11nd MKSisuperintendent til the lIurch lI and Mrs leo Miles Barrier to 0mm AUMVthMUlmlmIm Idlull1l mllmv llll dial lohII ltlIVSltIH oIIIloII Igitttl CHRISTMAS mm Will 31 WW Pil WW his lntllnnlllll Alfred lo Pkg Phone lllmdm Hum mess 51 for 1h mm 15 Still in ll Vr Hospital 69 11 Rename advice on L3I13 IEI3$ IIIIIJRIIIIIIFgIfIAi own CRANew Ianle lllglllligllltlglsliISIlllegl iplnyll 111d 153m lhc llmmn Elm ngmnms you dum Lymwl limo WA Ir sgELcILNfE woult peasct we come as walls and lidgy Calm0W Wilt Tht ilnmml lllttlllll 0f Sl PCl 1173 lb molllms by 50V Crillmtls leulllllo 01 701110113 AltXlllillY1151101th II POULTRY Nancy lloduson Song My lIiIzetI 11Slloyl Johnsons on Wednes III 28le Kmvu ohm Beginners vuml Th HiIIII Ilwtld ht IMH It Ht duet Mary Sinclair and Jeaiuelare lloltlle MISS Jessie lo III BLENDED ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT Ib McKenzie vocal solo Billy Kon ston lres Mrs ll Priest Isl 4302 20 nedy song Who is Coming on Vltp Pres Mrs Adams 13ml Tin Ib T00 11m fol 111st week Christmas Night Beginnerg piano Vieolrcsw Mrs llttllek SccIv Vlowos young peoplo hold their duet Sue Walls and Susan Jones Miss lraugy Asst 115Ir1y Invttlllpj tlI Miss llltltliS lllltllly $01111lliChillflCttOkI SongVSlwmnc law10TITHS Mrs1I21il31 SlCDlKHSOH P111110 5010 Shelli lnits Mrs llovll Johnson Uanl Iv Mr rillll hlIrSIlllzl1tlsllll 1111111 itsghgillesllgd 0ZLNLlli 113Ill1llgtlllh1illht Alix WllJllaElirED 202 cvzrz Ir Floors 1m 11 lbl 311 llllUIl Ruth PoIcock will Karen lilixl ltllvltonl thurcll hmlnit CHOICE In lutllrnllitillitlli initial db Iiionnodv piano solollltnhcv lilop lIxl 11 loystoh lrlt GOLDEN 2002 0mm ilu 115 lt In Inhlllfillttl Mrs1 Johnsthn For kins song Mary MacDonald lC Pearson IllIsIl Sllgloy Little FANCY Tm $3 lg and fiesurfaced $113011ch swim Sunday Wm Ml citation Bobby Dobson piano Helpers Mrs Ioystom flIoIsl 20 Essma and Mm Bidwoll Mr and MW solo John Ferris song Johnny ij Vigiting Cm Miss Evain Tins Herb Shouswcn ml Mrs as Tribble recitation Bruce Dang anng FANCY ASSORTED lb 45 Imsz Shellswon Wm mm field son Jack Graham united IN SHELL glimm We NEW FLOORS SANDED 10mm Sllollswell Mr and Mrs FRIDAY PROGRAM The United Womens Assocuttlon COLOUR 2001I 15 ox and Mi Mine llgtt0L lIaIIo solo Joan Giuliani Ieti PECTIN Tm II 15 5e HeCIVY DUlV mill lllsliuslmhillhloill1le MIrl 21133 litllllllitTC$11llli 2801 Ii31 guu Irv Floor Flnlshlng Mrs ttuait l1l am 3II aslett action bOIlhS torts WllllE WHOLE WHEA Mrs Jesse Bitlwelly Mr and Mrs Song in the Air by girls of Miss AND ED WHEAT 2i Mrs WicredfCommtuiity Friend CHRISTMAS TRUIITSI NUTS Porlerh0use nunslemming iron L456 Ralph Gavin Olma ziurl Audrey Fern Hampels and Miss June 295 KI McLean Kin of Orient AreI by Bruce 01 Bigcglow BlllCtilVlCCtlig and Du galaidatzlzlzEEtIEM3055Elalwalzggdtlwmttwlilet me warm piano solo Marion 03V Ferris comet solo Byron Mayor as 55 recitation Cayman Cumming CGIT Dlilyr E1110 blelllifiSt Scene from Liue Warnean directed by MissMaiy Graham and Mrs Lewis play Joy To The lt giflgxlgdimgynglm lb EXTRA FANCY PEELED 39 ll its CElIIDTRALb UNITED WMA Grade lb 41 Th tn WWWEi gt trzil lJnitgflmlllVllilA hgldoFrigzlily LAST 802 afteinoon at Mlb Bewells with Mrs Roy Allen presiding GRADE All FORITHE CHRISTMAS TREE J3 at Alter busmesa very encouraging ie OItS for 1946 were teild Pkg il lam Bewell installed 19 the follotving officers for 1947 Mllk Fed Grade lb39 CLARKSASSORTED Hon Pres Mrs Bewell II 30Tin IN THE pres Mrs Roy AllenE lst Vice ChOIce Bolling lb 10 II Pies MIS me 2nd Vice CHOICE EV DleSv AlleniERCC 5603 20 Mm Ed Partridge Twas Mrs II gt ox 31 II In urcnardgon Asst Treas Mrs STEAK on ROAST CH0CE IE TIM 5i Ml11ValdCl11iStian StewmdShin all ship Mrs Cochrane Missionary BULK AND OTHER EHOLIDAXEDAINIIES gonthly Mrs Afghop Slgiply BENDlgg doubt outlmtYggrm Wing or Boneless noun Elm Sm QI in ScgriwMiE nnox ress 50011 cat corti us kl Lets talk it 0V 7s SecyMrsLesterIGumb TemjglI I959 acef Mrs JMillwmd Mite Box SHELLED 7777 IIIWI at Mrs Allen LileratureMrs washdn wonder oeshowltwashos c5553 ELEW Rodgers Pianist Mrs EG ri 21311 lidsIfzslfeang 31 tie lb ga k9 itse an Ii on st Phoe 2447 Eikgg iioimggd $3513 utterThenitsevgdmmt PPOUR 0w if Mrs Maxwell Social Commit urgen you mmemwm lb you can VI Becuseifyoii wantyuurBENDIX tee Mrs MCL ulkin Mrs hwyand Chane are you winv McLean Program Mrs Creed Mrs Laking Mrs Rodgers Mrs qithbfbgrgdlfqyn gm of Cochrane The worship period was more formof candlelight seerCeQn ducted by Mrs Creed assisted by Mrs Gumb Mrs McMulkin Mrs McLean Mrs Millward Mrs IMcI Bride Mrs GorrellVIrsv Richard gm anwmnmnmnwwmmmmmunrmmnwmmma amnmwmmwummnmiamiommmma PLACE CARD mums no ow grow liNOrthernv Select Vans 65 41 Iilcwswi umiu HON Mnhlu doth3 rough war aoI time who yIl to gently Im that on llbrlulaundcr bouuttlvtly wouldmIgIlla If Tan Imzzzmzmamm Barrie Examiner Ploase order as far ead as possible wr norm or weld gt no tessesIsrve ainy re CHAIN AND LEATHERLEASTiBs camel 31 the WhhttthENDIlldotl no rt WWW lt mam EXTRAunemm meeting vfixwymthmmupymmmcmI EIJ gamma RUBBER BALLS ANDEBONES N3 296 re oor cetqpatfecI in kitchen brtgoom utilityrooi othuntgy ELOIIIINGIS loafers 288SVdozvz54203gdoiIssc SPRINGS ilmhfilliihgfsIorzsc casting STALIXTRAihnna ETUEGOI EAR EBLANKETS COMBS SIBRUSHES THARNESS TRIMMING SCISSQRST INAILZCLIPPERSIQ SHAMPQO AND SOAPx EWe harry complete line of genuine springs for germs AND T311qu BAHAMAS FIRM nu No MEAL v1GAINESDQG EAutaWleclcctsm and Supplies moms mum Dayttas Night 3469 47 Elizabeth 51 CI Boris