lllli llAltltlE EXAMLNElt UAltltlE ONIARIO CANADA Ti VV set for Cbrlsgmas youhad better hurry There are only ten more shipping days til Christmas Stocksare still fairly com plete but for best chorce shop now Below are listed only few of the many gilt suggestions still available in our store ltllin llhs ind lrcnch LilltLis llnin orV primal KJ leilllil collection of mm men nools VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVnViVVVtVVV illvl BOXED in bright colors Ami pi tlx Action styled Ski suits in warmly lined popling lznnous downhill ska slacks withi matching jackets plain or quilted gzibzirdinc some with pariah complete runge ot SlZCS and colors practical sure to pleusi Christmas Gills Ski Suits from Jackets from $995 Ski Pants from $495 lMvlln HZ tylis tnd roLors to ciiotirc Cl05695 trout in iinzid rinnroidczct iguniiw ltgttll wwix bunny lill not and ltdi Stillbliill illtii or choom dress ilow in tiincj lt1tllll or llit ALL our llell$100$1095 Chenille Bedspreads lor lltl iiuppnh hinlnnis give her bltlllllilti chenillc bedsprciid it cut dit will titiixnrv ulwurs ltll1i double lttl size 01 thickly lulled chenille with hurry cotton lliltillllgt Luxurious Mliltl color clleets or giiicelui modern scroll demons Choose lrom dainty EJSlti tones or ninltrlti ciitcts in multicolor pill that is sure to pleasc the houn ioiinlz hostess lashc carnage Bans 79C comb and BruSh sets to $325 Couriage Clips BBC to Jar Sets $130 to $395 Pure WOO Blankets satln bound $495 to $900 Chemlle Crib and Carriage Covers $298 and $325 Satin Carriage Sets $198 set Sheet Si Pillow Case Sets $289 BabyPlows pink or blue Pylamas each 59C Fldttoriiirily tailored 1mm bcngaliiic in Linen Pillow keeping with the seasouh newest fash cases eaCh ionb ancly pastel Shades YOSCV aquaV TOYS navy ind rosc Trousers ha neat but ChriSteninig Dresses iiiiii ton waistband and Vzippcr at Sdc Sizes 12 VVV VVVVV Purewool Sweaters $149 to $259 BabyBonnets 59c to$ll59 Fur Mittens V7$1V75 andi$225 White Fur Mulls $298 Rompersff $125t $225 BQYBoVoks$l5lancd $298 VV VVVV Hag Vy If VV HighChair Pads $175 ported twoway stretch clustic 951010l6 Plastic Hangers 29c each gt VV VV VVV VV VV Gift Suggestions from our Baby Dept Something new and litlCrcnt an ideal Christmas gift Im ynrn hose fullfashioned with Pen Pads and remlorccd heel and toe Sizes Commodes 59C to Gm plum pr Rattles some With chimes 25c to 75c orrr PRICED ltnnmus name brunet sweaters in both pull overs inin cardigans Finely knit dress styles or jumbo knit for Sports wear some hand knit styles imported from Scotland In the skirts you will find individual cusuzils or bright wool pluids in plain and pleated styles cirmplcte range of colors and Sizes See the new bowling Skirt with adjustable waist band in pure wool flannel Practical Christ maS giftstoo VSWEATVERS $3957 to $1815 SittersV VV$298 to $995 Dainty handkerchiefs to help scilve yoiirzgift problemVSVV snowy White Irish Linen with dainty lace edging or rows of spoke hemstitching quaint ower sprigged lawnsor Irish Petit Point em broiderles in colorful patterns VV VVWrap er in glamour forChristmassgiveher delightful robe feminine housecbagtaa dainty colleecoat andpheresvvhere youllnd the Seasons GIFT BOXED 25citlo$i250 each Vloveliest AllVViigure attering titerside beauties because theyre carefully tailored expertVsthstyWdrm quiltsiiiooltartans aridllannelsulcbvly pasteVleersv oindcrepesasiwellas cozyh chenilles Hertavouritestyles 4V VVQanV3C010ISVV esenftsperiect trOmfthe fStorepf Fashion CostUme JGIFTBOXED Jewellery Clitifittiiti5 SingVeVVstrana pearVSVVV VVleVVphSCV taffeta VV VVV and impoited ateldmeS car rings Smiss fabricsstrong llangl bracelets and $230 Vframer Vchockers Matching gt handlesV Stglexdsbl ISMS 0riseparater mlhey to