bloc My Coat in Em saws Evie raga lawman Lg Two extink list llytrs to do til pari ivl llil Durinu pixie some or his ytinni aarrior JUc laxitaitcc litil Harriit titil lt iiiia torn oi Borric Lions Sponsor liiviiiatar tu gym he Juvenc Team litlttI lla Ii nail Ccc Cook Will Coach cinch llts ll iii in of tiqu GREENS TAXI DIAL BARBIE 4050 24 Hour Service in bile iota 12 up to no will the Junior Iliil ll liltl yzis lt Ilttlltl li ltlttt lien Waters loroiito GREEN erd Vlttrlitsltlctll fixServiceman 235 Bradford St Barrie lb Leon Ilipwcll Toronto iili lip Ill Illtltlt It It lliit ic lilniiuitioii as were lst hol Ill 35134113 lLtliIV GM 61 1i rts Biol Vlttrlltltltlll llzirolii llinili Nobell lcvoy lori olliornm Secretary Jack lliristie Ioronto and lreasiiicr Extra copies at news dealers HANSEN COMPANY 300 Bay Street TORONTO Prelietits nweckly review of News Economic items of current interest by John Collingwood Reade Columnist News Analyst and Hattie Coriiiiteiitator trends and mom This conmrehensive survey will be tttllltitlittl in the regular service which provides iletaiied information on mines and markets prepared by our statistical department The coin lllilittltlll will prove entertaining informative and invaluable to all who seek to improve their status by the intelligent iii vestineut of funds We will point to tinpitfalls as well as the opportunitiesof marlwt speculation If you would like to receive this servirc llllliililiilillittllill fill in anti mail the attached coupon HAN HANSEN COMPANY Investments 300 Bay Street Toronto Gentleiiien Kindly send me withoutbligtation your weekly service MJ ice Ill iaLieil loozt Robertson GORDIE HEALE ON DETROIT LIST Now IItaIc IIIIII Inr Iliiric Ilycis Iii Iiicit IllJiltI en the ncoiitoii Iit ol lie IIUII Ilctl in the tillipi litt hm who one lit the lcadiin iltl Ilii IIII Iutiltu situs this xenon AN grabbed by Ior IJIIII I1I tho IJIN Luz luii ILip limits trim ll rt III ior aimiliciis this year Ilt tnuruttttat toiw onto itlttl hJit iltraili lIltll tttcr Iiiilc Itiit diiiiiizz rr icitt tcl tlic leafs IItIIIH dropped HtJIt and it th not loin before Detroit pick iil him up This is his last year ith junitlr Red Wings have got real prospect Most of the other Ilycrs are on thc III of Buffalo Isisiins who have direct tictip with Montreal iiice ltceour is hicago Black Hank proper ty as of last year tiniiioii tltl out Barrie and Churchill Curlers Win at Orillio lioui rinks of llarrie curlers and one from ltlililllll itcre invited liillin one last week for ltlllly Luiitie on the line sixlt iiikiiei of rilIias new artificial llie lgtlliti defeated hosts limit with the followingr res St liAthll OIIIHJA Art Powell Whiting Ma Ilauiilton ll loyee Kennedy leItltsoIl Ii igtliilt ll Alctlill Henry lcntile Gibbons Hunter Wm illllliitl Vont Yood Ansley loririiian Anderson liiilhope Diliilllilc Evans lteatherwax llarris ll Moon lliiiuhain liorlxs llr Itiacliean ll Meredith iltltlllll ll llai It lleive lteirc Bert liniplie Alex lanxery BillSparliutt II larltlion lI 7l illitklil lillltNllltl IIInlIS ihe Itlllly anaillan Government Motion Picture Ilureau forerunner of tiie present National liihn Board proilucetl Iilins dealing with tanailas wild life stlcll as Where the Moose ltun Loosen Now films if nion national sitgiiiticzince tlieirlt vcvw Nx BARRIE 3mm ormmo CANADA iTo Stafford By One Goal 81ml Has EdgeIon ITon of Show iGoalie Riggin Too Good STRATI URI BEACON JERALD scared ttVl Alena Kl placenta of UNA fixtuic Lichte lint gained soul for Handed thin flame The close lliL other vi can thank thinr victory the iziilttiz repeatedly threats when left ttlitutfzctl ll stirsitotd goal iiu t=71IlUj of lillll iiloiil tltltllkt tgt the team and oh Illof iiil Illli oclilcigt 1ic llaiin llill tililltllttl ill itliv in it llii iiilti litil till litlllllf on tin tion llltfll liuiii atil rlNiI lZtilUlll Stiiitfoiil totlK tlllltl and Mot liitrt nlilioupli lillll imi mt tiirnut lit llllt iitl time Jillci lllllt iii lizt l3tlll June and their iii trlii llii innit only to have lllll taut llllil Bltxttltvtl Iiil ot the best llt he Illlilttfl to Him year Altlioiipli ito oil Albitll appeared to iii the hi of the liioehlcrs every ttttltl of thi tuna ltlltlitl in llltt iflopu in ipol lfimhliis jittltIlttl into tax troll haul Hi the opening period and illit lltttld tllllDtlltll it out iio titcaust lliirrie did not try The lilyers never tave up and iii the first It minutes of the Itiiial period clearly outplayed titiatforil iid scored two goals to lirilii llll count to to lliroehlerr had taken to ethic early in the stanza The Flyers rari ClltOIICllCl team and with little luck in shooting especially ilil the first period and iii the first Iit minutes of the third would have seoied enough goals to win going tawny Only six penalties were handed out by Referee lat Patterson and all of them came in the first per Iioil when the boys were carrying ttheii sticks little high and the bodychecks were flying thick and lt llit flit lltttll nom it 91 no1 ilt zones One or two of the penal ties verc of the cheap variety but they served the purpose of keep inp tempers cool later in the game when play improved and the pres sure was on both goals None of the penalties figured in the scor ing both teams missing glorious opportunities when their oppon ents were shorthanded KROEIIITKRS TAKE LEAD Matt hiesich made the playwhich enabled Kroehlers to break into the scoringr column at 1318 of the first period ltlcsich carried the puck over the Flyer blue line and into the corner Where he battled for possession and passed to Sani my Casonato parked in front of tthc Flycr cage Sammy made no Imistake ttlldgthL Strachan little chance as he banng the biscuit over the prostrate form of the Barrie twinetender Billy Mit hell and Nick Michoski teamed for the second counter and what was one of the best goals of the game Nick started the play at his own defence and passed to llViitchell at the Barrie blue line The big rcdhead coasted around the Flyer defence ahdbcabStrach an with backhand shot that picked the open corner high in the cage Flycrs got the only goal of the second period which was the best period of the three This goal came when Stratford were510w ice Kioehlers flashed hot and cold in clearing and Ray Gariepy who turned in bangup game forFly ers picked tip loose puckand drilled shot at Riggin Riggin stopped the drive but Gordon Heale closed in fast to grab the rebound and shove the rubber between Riggins legs as the Kroe hler netminder lay sprawled on the again in this period with all three front lines showing only flashes of the form they have displayed on former occasions Two quick goals early in the finalrgrioil appeared to have the verdict stocked away for Kroeh lers George Robertson banged in the first after being set up by Mickoski who carried the puck into the Barrie igoalrzone after taking Len Whartons perfectpass IThey all go for 7Up the litely family freshtip that bubbles buyout tongue puts silverlining in every cloud Yes its gay sparkling 7Up the freshup for every family occasion at centre ice Michoski was knock ed off balance as he went by the Barrie defence but carried the play right in behind the Flyer goal RobeitsopLJLicked up the puck and skated in on Strachan from the side and Ipoked the disc into the cage At the 503 mark fromra faceoff in the Barrie Izone Mickey RothI grabbed the puck and bottled his way through maze of playersuntil he wasfright in front of Strachan whenhelet fly with backhand drivethat had Strachan beateh all the way iFLYERS SCORE rwo With threegoal edge Kroeh lerappearedto let down and for thegnexIt IQ Iminuts Fliers out played themi Barrie was finally rewarded when Whit Mbusseau picked mptheiwrebound ofBruiio Faveros shot which Riggin blocke ed and drove th puck into the cage Kioehlers were guilty of srvsirivt 10 mini3 do If so extrade NR Junior Tablets 15 dose are just made for on Elougetzetlectiwepicturingrelief om irregularity sick headache IryNR plain orichOcolatemaItied TOMOI Barrie Flye LllultlIKi litilit tlt after fast along the boards in both tzoal entire game 10 for Winning Score With IO Seconds Left Um icI BEG IIUACH ldl Int 12 ECVUII IilL penalty tax pinyii mutt vane bitken gbiited to Si tvt liiilo 1121 wti gas Itttlcln to go Krochici nice incl5 Jiin than second UIIA lisinoi match fiini Birre by 41 13 cili week flyera hail roughly llilitAttillit ters of the play tiriighoit the ex tlre yet ed at three uils$cli lllc lo ttol ytllli lirre Iliiill st and finally itwoiiiiin real by Rob tIlHilt decided the fixation played tllglllttl hockey 11 although zis in what inspired him the play of lJIllilutlt in they ietiiwti to tltil uiil cei toiily not the crude iiiiieeaiy At one Sllttit of the laststaiim ylirii Ilaiiic Wu two men short Stiiicl iii was spectacular lll kieknii out Lu less than six labelled shots tlAltlEiY llll VICTIM laiicpy winii on the lit effective iii bicaktng up llllt but it Htllh that tiny it lHIllYttl In the first Iltlllttl he till tivwiiiiniitc stictch tot cliiiigiiini Late lll lllttllll poi rid lie was again bombed off This the lathe Mr tiariepy didnt think he deserved and showed iii thoughts by iaisiiu his ltl to ban on the ice which act in self fluidly tltulltill to piovoke it misconduct bill that is what the irked Mr Patterson awarded It setms he took it personally Shortly after his release in the last stanra Liricpy was again sent up for two iiituutes plus an other lthminute sentence probably for neglecting to report to his parole board At this stage the question arises as to what it misconduct consists of Certainly any such thing as even threatening an official is worth at least It minutes but the wronged Ray hail no such thought in mind The boys are little too busy resting between periods to read IImily Posts latest on hockey iininners so little expressed lis gust should hardly warrant an ex tra 20 minutes in the bin espec ially when sortie of the decisions looked as doubtful as they lid KEIOLA AND MEGER Ketola looked vastly improvcd over his previous showings this year and Mcger turned in his us ual display of speed and sheer moxie The stocky fighter was particularly scintillatingr in rag ging the rubber and checking on occasions when Barrie was short handcd Vince LeCour was called on for nearly full time service in the ab sence of Zeidel in the second and third periods Moussean was the most effectch player offensively for the locals as he banged home tvo counters and helped with the third His second goal was pret ty effort as he took it all alone and zoomedaround the defence to beat Riggin Pete Riggin though supported by fairly strong defence did fine chore in keeping Barrie rubber out Big guns for Kroehlcrs were stgttivf In tunes his Jii Roth Robertson and Kullman Itl was the lanky Robertson who fin ally untracked himself at the right time to set up the play for Flicks winner TWO FOR MOUSSEAU Seconds after the opening face off Casonato suffered minor for slashing seau Meger and Favero looked to be the most effective on the ice in the opening stanza Favero and Gariepy combined to get the disc in front of the cage and in the scramble MoiissTeziu was in the spot to bang it home Just 20 secondsilater Whit Mousseau made it 20 on beau tifully executed solo rush Dan iels slammed home Roths pass at 1215 to bring the Kroehlers into the score column Service and Mesich served two penalties each and Gariepy also servedhis first of three in the opener Barrie had definite edgeon the visitors but could not clickto in crease the margin At the half way mark Heale seL up perfect pass for the sizzling Murray Fife who bounced it off the post At Gariepyspenalty Stratford came to sufficiently to come within sin gle marker of Barrie The locals opened the second as if they hadnt been introduced to each other and for theifirst few minutes got exactly nowhere Strachanrkept everything out that came in his direction for the first three minutes and that was plen ty In faceoff in the corner of the Barrie zone at 310 Kullman flip ped the puck back to Casonato who whipped it past Strachan in to the comer Mickoski went off forIJtrippinggv but Riggin played fine goal to keep the Flyers out Mickoskihad just returned when Service Roth went off in guick cdvering which allowed Mous IseIau to gameoriginal shot avvay Forty seconds later with Mousseau and Fvero battling for the puck atILthe side of the rink in roehierlooTPaulfMeger left uncovered in front of the Stratford cage and had no trouble beating iRiggin when his line mates battgdthe puck out to him and he skated Iinjuntouchedg Billy Mitchell although playing on the weak part of the Stratfoid team turned in time effort on the Idefence playing almoSt the The bigredhead could not be blamed for any of the carelessness which cast his team goals I4 Ray Gariepy and Vin Lecour alongwlth Larry Zeidel on the Flyers defence turned in fine smattrdidGordoneale Jae ICostIy Penalties Pore Way The Flyer line of Mons marinadime 13m FLYERS HERE ON WEDNESDAY uxi vii lttlj iit in chopped p122 blitiss 431U Iv ii 56 ivy plaid Iotit iluil Sitcii Im tile in one of Jill liglil them play lfii litilt ii teii iii any itLtl lll liit heathtip liii lncy clIc only De ll Akiux lml Satiutl Inlxl ytal ltitii llc kitickczl ll iiillil an foiii llltil out of tho happen III An old tiicni the Duke ciirtciitly aiiit pltIltl is Clitlilttl lam In liiIiliWitltiiil lliiiiiliilJit llit tiiiilii heir lll about yiai am when lnliiy Itlll lllt piiii lit the Baum unit llJllitllHlt won the Iitiii ltltJttl the next tin yolf ill be hert with lhlby iiihiiotii lie lizitiis ilw Iii lltl li bi titlitiit till hothey llti iii lit IIIIIKIZ PIIILBY lhilby is bound to pet tremend iOitS razoo in Barrie but he may just make the local fans sit up and take notice by the way he can mind the cage when he takes the notion There is no resemblance between the Marlboro team that was here in October to lose an exhibition game 102 to llyers or who lost 91 in Windsor At the time Bar rie had three weeks of practice while most of the Dukes had only been on skates couple of times Also some new players have zip peaned lhilby included Ken Nay lor has returned to action and teams up on the first line with Ray Tiingren and Bob Hassard both on the Maple Leaf list The second line played Junior 13 with Scarboro Rangers last yearaloe Formica Art Siillivan and Frank Kent We notice the latter has been selected by Caitadiens for 1947 tryout Then there arcIIJiin Miladinov and Cam Churcb couple of juvenile stars last year The Duke defence Raglan coming Detroit Red Wing Ralph Hosking the collegiate football allstar Howie Cox Jack Hcgic and George McLagan is thc heaviest in the league The latter is on the Toronto Leaf roster So Flycrs you have to turn on the heat full blast and make sure of this game but it will not be easy CANADIAN TO BIG LEAGUE Another Canadian is $0 get chance in big league baseball Bill Behie 22yearold 220pound Kirkland Lake athlete has been purchased by ChicagoWhite Sox Behie turned pro in 1946 with But Struord IIBarrie At Stradord Dec Afflile ILYHRS Swirl izi ticictiCc Untttp ctlil Iic Lu Pierre vlccl Klttlillllilllt xi Vl 34 llllntlt Zezttcl ltttitl1 oiioto laziepy Daniels Sittchell SECOND lliltlfll Barrie Ilthlv Itlaziepyi Penalties NUlzt lllil llIlllUl Situtfnitl ltllnlrlll Vtnnrton Hltoiliiltl llillt yloiiseiu IlJlllt slegzii ilicio AIIILIFLIIII lciizlltitr ltiiiti Ilicinl ll ll None Have Used Barrie Arena For Ice Practices Raced Number Teams Now that colrl weather liasI ar lltil the iiiztiurnl ice hockey ttLni Will be tlllt to practise and play MI home but for the patait months llitllLt Arena has betn llttltzlt of titity as liA ltlllliil and Iiiteiiiiidiatc lMllA Itnenilc and OlillA teams have put ltt pit season ytoikoiits Among the or idi have played her in the weeks were Allltlltllt irand Vil ley Lindsay llrailford tivo New inarket liiteriiiediite teams and one Junior Oak Ridges Oranget ville intermediate iand Ittniot en tries Shelburne iecmore Beetoii Minesitig Collingwood Shipbuild ers Orillia lloiiibcrs Aurora Camp Borden Infantry School Camp Borden Air Force Camp Borden Army Service Corps St Andrews College Pickering College Grav enhurst Indians TOBOURII liIIIiIINt GHOSTS Cohourg hillopint Ghosts cap turcd the Eastern iiniiila inter mediate rugby championship when they journeyed to Montreal and defeated IIastwards 105 Ghosts won the ORVU title by capturing their own group and defeating Niagara Falls iIo win their own group Ghosts went through the schedule undefeated but were tied once by Orillia The frame in which obourpr defeated the Bombch was the Openintr one Millie season of Clarence ler Pennsylvania of the Mid Atlantic League He hit 330and led the loop in runsbattedin He 13 an outfielder and lefthanded hitrtei succession toagain give Barrie the advantage Meger Favero and Mousseau click ed to again put the locals ahead In the last half of the second per iod Gariepy was assigned one of his vacations PASSOUT HELPS STRATFORD At exactLv2A2ofthe third passout in front of the Barrie net by Flyer resulted in counter by Robertson to once more eye it IThe pressing Kroehlers gave Straehan plenty of action but he was unbeatable The home boys regained control oftheplay but before they could be effective Favero gota penalty followed by the second misconduct to Grziriepyx Strachan really Icover ed himself with glory at this stage as the Elyers battled four men to six The main feature of the last minute Was no whistles and no coveririg and one of these rea sons was responsible for the dea cisiverr goal Whatever thereasop it was kind of tough on Barrie ElyersII riiiitiithAiV flIIIIVILSERVICE ioianTdors SANDED This time the line of by Flick at 1950 59 Local Guardians dentists etc are uncertainties of life fellow men It is little wonder men these 51f Al Tilitkolit SOIL Hui teams lill last lo II titegFuture PROFESSIONAL men doctors lawyers Their servicescon sis in planning for the wellbeingtpf their ard futures seeEnout ways and means of protecting themselves and their depen dents agaihst lifes uncertainties Add great number find life insurance and annu ities to be the answe 42 4V1 bi VVVVWwvwvV THURSDAY DECEMBER 12 1946 Health 43 ScoringWas Done Stratford 4Barrie iAt Barrie Arrrm Dec iii illt lFUIiil Kit sitcoyii illitltil lintll Shaitozil Inputs Ixnlliiiaiit Ilniie liitvf lc ltl hlwiyi llll Muttscat xii and now iiiltictl llllllll illllltll Sllxllltllil rliiltii or Altttltilll Sitatliiiil livid1 in HI lciillit IIIIII lumpy funk Iil iiiisciiizitiuli ll lilt ttll ti at it UlllllltllllllI lull jtllll Villllllly thib Orillizt llcclariil tin year it dividend of 10 pet will to share holders llori ym larpl inchrise Ill lilttillttlSalI lsltttlltll llli nnnli iinl boys gtceioii and lntlltIlllilll ltttl lllit played the course titlilllt the summer GREER Transportation Company 36 Hayfield St Phone 4078 Barrio SCHEDULE mama ALLISTON DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Leave Barrio 630 am 1145 00 am Saturday only part Leave Alliston 730 am 930 am Tues and Sat 1235 pm Saturday 510 pm daily Connection with Grand Val ley Coach Line for all sta tions to Orangcvillo includ Ing Shelburne of familiar with the Jo thgrefore that these as of other mens tans designed to rIt their individual nee is experienced It II II 19 Representative 99 and tiesuriuceii LIKE NEW grmwrmons SANDEIII4 Hearty Duty Floor Fhshihg newsmanam Imperial Life representatives InIireaIfriIend to you gt Your Infarct Life representative can work auto come within your present inqorqelaud also take into consideration the changes andIincreased responsibilities which willibe ours as timgoes on Why getintone with himrtoday Hecan bIcIII abalone TORONTO Branch Oico In tantamount 19min