tiitmsDAY DECEMBER i2 194 teaQuarter Century At least to Play Softball In St Petersburg from the Henry burg F10 layout of Ringling Illvb was pntrumzcti by 13 this Allilcl unique to other clippii It too pmplc iii boll Club Kids and Coo stitulc to Hoke up the Sunrispiic lt playcts and from given with age 77 to 86 lilt viii Centre Simcoe Liberals Planning Reorganization In Next Three Months lIIuil urchin ptCivil to its ll lbs 51 llit On iwnltcr ltll urchin of llii til Mr Agar gcis his Ikirric iixultile the 01th Simcoc 111 incr on VIUTICltsy murmur AdVLliitt liJLICLS of which iiioiwy lttISLtl lllbillttl in Lots Chat by liliitilit to lilltliil and Oixilic qu liiiiisfil was iioziicii Zlic nice t2 giriblil wos plcrtllltftl by lgtlUliV Currie oi Butte in PHONE DAYS 3400 LARGEST SPRINGS AFTER nouns 3561 REARCHING STOCK OF ltk REPAIRING GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BEST EQUIP PEI SPRING SHOP NORTH OF TORONTO COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL SPRING ACCESSORIES BARRIE SPRING SERVICE 12 Bayiield St EXTRA FINE BREAD Barrie Ont QUICK HELP WITH FULLSTRENGTH FRESH YEAST Watch lflcisclinizinns If thp give your brcid 5111IIICI CXIUIC LlLl fl7L5 IF YOU BAKE AT HOME be sure to get lilcisclnuzinns tC ficsli Yczist go right to work more dclcctttlilc llltt hour frcsli thtst with the fiimiliiir yellow lztbcl Dept11114510 Iziiizidzis favorite yeast for frsnviuluagtwl more than 70 years ago Ellen Associauo liest Pms me In it wont Ini liiiiiitlo til ltill limb Jack Hard with His Northern tOntorio Hockey Teams iticismn to uni iiior Etinw of tiililctl fill gtlillltllllj Nrw liIciitl cztti ln iiui twi Itulli Dyte Working il4itlt ti iiittv for Hlit Ito tilliit Iiit lllll lIl 112 lt ivt id icttizcs that Ir xii llvt Illltltl Tutti lJtir lit2 cllnit tin Implmyx Itis 1r piofuszoiiul ttc mi tlii ltl iiiitt1dgt to upplv in 111 Kititniinn Ilmitti tittmn lirl urination of trumpiii Iit Iliilitw iiwrv zutim Ilivtlt Lid IIH bolt Iii in lel gut iioiii Ilw do lliltr Mimi jiltlllltl1tvtIL lun it out 3x li Itltll liiiu slllill IITI illi jwul lip tinttli uptuimi In plumbI111 juml Illt litcit out 11 iii in IIII itflsiill ltiligtlll illl slinw pitiii of llllitllllil nirdiutth doiit vttlll to Iw it lllllhllhlli about Illl lUllIittiiltli training but tlic mich hops to 115 itmlt mlt lnliilo It lllllt lt Iniw to 1b no It tint llltlttl In mix that tlic iii of tin 1ll tlt night in swarms and lip tiicutni dilllctillv ltIi Illvlll Inil tIltlt intltusiusiii lllltltp sonu mi of ttitliltil luv ttllmlltl Iti wul tho ill Itttlilllilr ucrc Itllllli ltlill1 Lct tilt list of Illt ttlllliltlitl IH Kirkland liltc ptrlodlcziliy for tho itsc of iiittiiitcilizitts ind Juvciulc ilid ho liopiIl tiiul llic liipl rml Vtillttitlt lilltlill tziiit Illill IIII wcclt The 90 Club in Hog Raising in Ilii Iilll Iltttlllly ritcivcd bulimi from tho hitzit Incltvis totiinl III which tllv llnnish typc of lint lllllltlttl lIiIs brings its to llni thought Illtll tho fiiiiiicis of Hunt du might itiltc Miltillr IIIHIILYIIL of ptiltiiiu Illtll house in mdcr with iciids to thc Illtitllltliut of on Mr Iii14th of tnntidu Iitlitls in fornicrs should spccinlim in Hip lr purl of Illl iml pom of In lo prodtttls tin boron is of th2i tonccrn to tJiciniiiizis of Him Iils Iiisl rtpori stiivl lllt fnnudutn IIIE BARKER EXAIVIENER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA StyleRight for Toddlers UTHRIE Him dztcttot of for Slicisud its the pcukcr Ll tlitcIIILg Club on Ills lull IIIIIL lr Iiuw lo iilcccn unis lllliliUrkIlh tiiiimt md Wlliltllla wmlth of idvicc and provided for thought Mr lillilltl oii bcligilf of lltbltitll Jock Mil llic spcukcr fur iicxt lb Liiinitlici Slllutll cit Jtlt Cittllci Ircstduti ni Siliti wood Westcin DJIHOS iilllkll wanti ltoiitliffc tittiittigcr of lm of Novzi Scotizi Bottle 15 iatmitzitii into the Baltic lio ltili lllLlllltlSIllli Illiztr vus icpoitcd by both tnc llorpitl lluntiiiii ointnitttc mi lilk Skating ornivul Commit 2m Oveihouls to Low and High Pressure Machines 120 Dunlop Sb Barrie Dial 2059 MEMBER OF CHAMBER OI COMMERCE iriii=l ti lbtrfnbv IIISIIANIIS IIOII SALI lmii lioirins innit of iito ilclil tlzcir win9 in Mll tliih ililoY tin bill $155 per 109 lbs BARR FLOUR MILLE Liii ipplc for tic only titu litrs ttil cicd sk and ditv iiiltlii bunt sin rt piilf rittigt Idl 111 piotttd ixtti tiit illl Vvttlilltll lwt lii iiitl nought prion Slttr tltulitft ill Hk ti ttlil 1i ilitll intuitj iicl um iiiwtttxi lll Lcts Chit Ilutl out Use ilt=tiitcr tliftd umnuuuuuumuumusnuus ltilil lililt ltill Adv DAIRY FARMERS CARRY DEMANDS TO THE CABINET MISERIES 0F PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW BestKnown Home Remedy You Can Use Has Special or PenetratingStimulating NZ COME AND PICK YOUR OWN IPenetrates Acuon That works lugtFineyHVVSIIIITHIBIRS deep into bronchial Mr litutaztilithifi COR ELIZABETH ST MAPLE AVE lobes With its SDCCIJI law Homeaproved VnpoRubIs spcciol lltlltllllntjblilllllldllllij PROMPT DELIVERY nicdicniolvupors at 11141111 ictioii starts to work lllttlllly fastmid kccps on woka lo Nixon Angela IIIItlgt of tlic dziiii fgitiiicis itciu tiitndn for utljttstmttitt In prqu n1 duiiy products to rtstoic itlat ltillllllli Iictwctn tlic various iliiiiclw of tlic industry following tillll ltlljllrlllltlllg of milk piiccs worc tztiiicil IltttL to tho Ilttltllil HLtlullltt NOV 35 by Itltile limit of ltttltntllllll lip 2in idliti Iltltl1litll of Agriculture lluiri Inriiicis of tiiizidti iiid ziifilintcd organizations The ch ountion Wilg Illtl by it Iuitrc rcp ttlttll1tlliill of I10 ttlllllltl iltlcmition dcscrihcil thc prontit pricc sitinition in tlic tlnliy lllllilfxl iy ts SQIIIIUN tiiid tiiisntisfnct mi ihc crux of tho sittnition they mid vtis tlmt illtOS tit picsciit priid for milk tyillitr Info Itlllttl clictsp intl cuticclilitilttl pimltltlh illt too low on tlic basis of our iiilitpztlltitill lhzit iotlld hc nindc lllltr ch prcscnt cost of lilnilllt Ionuhicb fins stcudily llstll sincc ilic first of tlic ycui or with the prices of tillltr farm products or li with tho piicc of milk in the fluid milk triidc IIit icsttlt of this Illil lictn zi disturbing downward trend in pro illltlltm particularly of butter and chccsc Upward zidjtistiiiciit in prici wag thc only way to tlllLrii this downward trend and to cu totiiuuc ftiimcis to improvc tho prmlticlioii iliic dclcuuiion pointtd will that uliilc control olvfluid milk piiccs bud liccn Itl mfd by tho Ltintli Iiiciil to provincial botitds llll 11mm tlllllltlll still rctziincd control of LARGE ONES SMALL ONES hoursto iclicvc such IIIISKIILS of colds as ttilttliiiiit spoon bronchial congestion muscular tightncss Wlicn you HM Vicks VzipoRub on tlirozit chcst and back and scc the rcsultsyoull know why it ts until stondbyinsomonyiiiillionsofhonics VApoRuo Grand for children tllld grownups Try it coc With this Ill icw tint ppmo is ciidczivoiiiit to rtiisc ibc tpinliiy if butts of Sinicop ttiil tl illt stiliic lime to rciiucc lllt Utllltltl Io intprovc the quality they tll sup ucsting thztt uniIi district strito fur the fifth club whcrc ninc out ohcn Imus will bc lrzidc To rchimc this tlicy suggcst good brooding good foodintr and thc itgllllip usi of SCIIICS with no pics point to iiitiikct over 200 pounds by Egbert orrcspondctil $RNlt5 4Lx Mrs plitcs of butter chocsc lllltl cou ccntrzttcd milk products and tho priccs lioziid Iltltl rcfttscd thus hit Hull lely ztdjttstiitcntfs lturnicrs simply could not 50 on producing bcloiv cost Hill the result would be it sciions further dropping off in those products and coiisctplcllt iIl jury to the economy of the country its whole ITIIO delegation stressed the fool ing of unrest which existed anion dairy furnich over the situation and urtrcd the ctibiiict to give curli cst attention to the rcprcscntzitioti Iti Ilon llslcy promised the cabinet would give every consider ition to the chiiiiis of tlic lilily industry with tougher that stitdileu watch straps and tuttifreeze tractor tires Mrs Graham Heads nit an more CollierSt United whcnitcollectsonthc lamp chimnc makcstoda stircs lhc recreation room of Collici much tzlgbcr and agruion St United Church was in gain tit resistant 25 cars tires tire for the Christmas meeting of ran 5000 miles with luck the WMS on Friday Dec Mrs Armstrong piesidcnt opcii Todaysurcs thanks largely dditionrofxarbonia ed the meeting With an appropriate to the reading After reports were re black run at lcpst titties ccivcd the lender for Dcdembcr fmhcrAvcrsatlle material Mrs McCuuig took the choir carbonblacl finds llS way Miss Hunter gave the Bible into such diverse products reading fUIIOWCd by plyelvby as ink and buttons fountain Miss Goodfcllow duct by pcnsmdycswbonpapch Mrs AIIIISLIUTIE and MtsriIcath WW from much enjoyed Mrs Robertson played Christmas Fan IZlSld while the offering was being taken solo by Mrs Carson added greatly to the meeting The Christmas story together with some interesting legends of the Yuletide was beautifully read by Mrs Liytlfii OFFICERS Rev Lewis conducted 1110 election of officers for 1947 which resulted as follows Past PresMrs 11 Armstrong Pres Mrs Gtuhamrlst ViccPrcs Mrs McCtiaig 2nd VicePres Mrs Robertson 3rd VicePres Ariiistrong Rec Sccy Mrs Robertson Cor Secy Mrs Fred Sarjeaiit Treas Mrs Phillips Secretaries Christian Stewardship Mrs Parsons Press Mrs Clotkc Literature strap widioitt stitches will grace the wrist watch of the more It is molded from the versatile plastic nylon which makes it doaect by weather perspiratioii or continuous wear Tested by servicemen under all cli matic conditions it is now about ready for peacetime may le thicksskinned rhinoceros grieve for chemistry has produced an insulating material that puts even his tough Mrs Lewis Soppiy Miss me Goodfellouy Associate Hclpcts Mrs AtkinSoti Missionary Monthly Miss Hunter Temperance and Watch Towcrt rMis Goodfcllow hideto shame It isfcalledipolythciica new piastiii that Stands up to heat andcold and 15 unaffected by any CommunityFriendship Mrs Robettsoiiand Mrs Sinclair Mite 802 Mrs Malcomson So ciul Mrs Stewart Pianist Mrs He Mission Band Loaders Mrs Malcoinsmr Mrs Ttilb to land Forrester Mission Cir Ire Mrs IMcCuaigCGIT Mrs Lewis and Mis Dangerfield After thanking all whomaldltelpl ed with the program Mrs McCuziig clusedlliellleiitlg with Prater1 known clicmicals atordinarytcmperature Its unusual insulating qualitis minke it an indispensable factor in the vast new eld pf radarand televisionch it gentler to em ithetr tmcto rsbylsimplyadd again the formal simple resilient waterproof rcfrigerator miner this procedure is uddition of some antifreeze to the water load is neces pt application is another outstimdmg example of whct Smnmre chemist mp3 Witch your BACK Chemistrylis Contributing to and in Calcium Magnesium Chloride obta from CQILsnltratNe min is the low cost chemi calideal for this purpose It has no detrimental effect onthetites Backaclie is often caused by lazy kidney action Wimp kidney get out of order excess and and poisons mum in the system Then backache bariummm It to ii ii ti 11 lurbed rest or that tirednutcfetliiig In soonifollow To help keep your kidneys pgth prsperlytm Dpdd Kiiilineylills eese pop Iir no non nbitform mg Demand Dodda Pills in the blue bi bwmummi will Beam 011 080on SERVING ICANADIANS pmdcgt fatmfcrs weight ffBEtil coverssccm UlitstforevernTpblyythcneriuiwstiopf2nebuciuoldmththe 51 ing water to thetireslti with it 1W Witterth 135