AGEV Eton THE BARRIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBERIQ 3145 RH 11 111111123 TRAPPED II Woodland Beach summer word To The wise Rural Houseng iSheVep Losses Cost III IIIII II is nitrniizcmron 11111111 Merchant Fined $200 132 VNoVVawasaga NV VV illtli 3N VV 7V VV llEEViVVV Wedding hells iliritg 1111s 1117417 If 51177711 1111717 Flicnt 11 11177177 141113111171111111 Mr and Mrs lzirnhors loflt for tin1r muttr home at Niagara Falls this lL11 311231111 1115 1117 Canning 1111711 lslulr Toronto Skull lllt hunk 11111 at llclt respectivt humus 11111 15 3110 11131 of was snuounnd 1111 43 shotp and right VV 11Vng M3 HM UVVHWVV VVVVVdi the sympatlyut111e community is tXZtllilml to 117 mon of ii tccn Slimp Wtlt 1111rcd as 11 Perrier who passed izl oz 117 form llilit 11 was feared tho 1I 117 IIIM 31317 WM mm Winf 121113111 111 in the 111111 tthfeitheio 11111111 11117117 17111111 1le 11nd this ternlhd 117111 large Elma Mrs loydt lVorontVu 211111 3W1 Vrn 5111 lurker IL Mtyll lilllllt 1111 Etilztlul th 1r171 throt 1I7y no loukVpkwe on Milmliiy to lInlkrin 7777 UNSEEDMIOUORics Y1 111 Mill rl I7 71 only one VI VV 11 and 111111111111 out 111111 tho gimp For 1111 the news of lliirrlc tillll Vl more per day VI VV 711111 slounhlticd it landolli and District hd the Examiner than 1111 um now 77 11 11 I71 ill1 kill Id dl kl MAH 11 Emore than notion 1711 and usually as pitting 1111111 111 115 111211 11 1111312111 11 Vtuts smith ship out of tilt thick 13 17 111 111 Vullonicd 11 111277111111 in my VVVVVV ld smrlwnd 111111771 11111 s717 VVV IV VVVV VVVVVV7VV MVV SMVVVVVV Vi VVV VV CVVVVIVVVVVHVVV UVVV 11 time said litcw llroivn 1V 11111611 Hull of 1111115 by dog lllplKkl apportion 117 lir Wairiiivu lint 1w 11 1171 111711 lluX rot is 177 Mi 1111 i7mg1 13 ll7 dlU 541 ml 15 7Vi7 own 1171111177411111 invr 111iltlii=l tlr $111 11m 111 11V 111711111 1111 911 11111 lo it V7 71 ti lg 111Vn 111111 117111 VV 11 11 Id 1lil in Mr niid 1l17 liming111V 311111177 IIII III IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIWWW gllllIIltiIlIlIlllllltLlIIIIIIll itIlIItLlIlIIsI TING Sb SIUI 11711211 i7 mm 17 Ml 71 Finest of osed lVlhltllltl lltlllli 1111 itoiin to ho MADE SLIP COVERS AND DHIHIIIAHI 17v 117 iug li 1V IV VV 1VVVV Vt VlVV VV V1111 11111 is 51111111111101 lLl VV 17 137 71 11411h 00 Slow GlOln 11111111 111 lllt lhtlltl is Ill lllr PERMANENT POSITlON Vllll ll1ll 1111111111111 77 11111 1n 171111711111 iIixlmlt 1171 1311111 7111 dvrt lint tln itrs nru till 111117 777 OD WAtxhb 1111111 LhAlithi 11111 1111 11 1721111111 11 Zld l1 111 II II IIIIIIII II IIII IIIIII III lIIIzI IIIIIII POSITION IN IIIURUNIIIU 81111111 1d 1111 11111ii1t losrrs dnr UAR AvAlLAlllili dillcrrnrr it 1111 to iinzViiiy as twolvo slicer wrrc killcd 1111 in 11111 ul 711 21111 171 711ilV 1V lltiigtliliV V1 VHVLI HV 11V iVVVVHiVV mkw All 11 31111111 ltllllIHtti 11131 1111 you pvt minty llitih 11111 1171 171 W51 VitllVi 11WU 113 71 llio 11 Sin lion VVHVVVVVV 111717 Viioin liiVr 1i 111 Saskatclnu 1111 Scritcnihcr worc John ilap 1111111 you litd lilulthlurili AKQ Illlitiltl ll llwll 7i 1111117 oo Dixon 11111171 1111711 lM 71117411 Hood who had 1111 1711111711 killtd 177 51151111 11 11171 II tllldlliihKEktl flinchand tlity 1x =1 lltlxl hlelIIlllAIhI 5111It1 21 11111 littiil blllU 1lll 11 IV7 II Ullud 519 Uill Illh 111 1111 111111 171 711mm hb 731 Exit Rhft hillrd and right injurle IJT And Viou tunnot buy 11 littirr fwd 9le 11 CHIJ 1o t7 7711 l= 71111111nllV1 11 11111 li 1111111 11d lllY Arnold 111Llltlltml who lost on ruin71711 1111111111171111 iii7111111I11rl11 1117 11 17V 111d 111istiali My Vi Vt ViV 111 II II IIII III IIIII V390 IIGIINTON vhbl RH10 1111 no 11ml now to lend V7V 1V 7171113 111111 llziiiVoV VFW VVVVVVVVVV IV WVVVVVVVVVV VtVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVV AVVVV IVVVVVVV tito 5111171 and FIX prim 1111111111 ilad lo ropoit 111111 1111111 l1n 111 it it7HV1 Cuimlulcg 11 71 1nmvV WV 31 MM Ml 1111 yours nigo tho district of 53 11mg 111111 1117 147111 itin 1oiii1ogiViV7 IVVV1 17 711 Ankh mp 11 Alitiinig 1th MM 31 pom Nottawasaiza was similarly ttllol VV VV VVVVVV VVVVV MVVVVV VVVHV hUV Mini to pmth VVV VVVVVVV WVVVV UVVVVVV VVVVWVV mVV 71 1J1 3115 limo 11 1117 17ml pack of dogs and losses Mw 777 117 11111711 11111 Mi 11nd li7 111 inoiinlcd into the liundrcds below Imiti 11171 117119 tilt 11 Utli koollstmtii 111111311111 1in lliapcr 11 ditct 111011 II 711111 111 1111 11711 1111 111 113110111 ilIiIiiiiIliIiI IIIIIIII III IIII MI AI SIVINI 1mg dogs uwcw upped 711 ee lllllllll 11111717111717 NHx 111 1111111 1711111 1111 1111111 v11 and shot VV Ilil IIIlllltlll 311 11111111111 lVV llVllhl 11 VMUMJ bl impluim 17 1V wwk NIH 10mm 15 MN mtll 1111 line nil to 1711 1llllt 111m int 1111 mumin 11 only turn sullcrmgi from the work ONTARIO wo broil 1111717 11111177 10W turn 11 11 Vm VV HVVVV VVVVVVVV lrcshylcnan WMS Uf nu kilmxn and it is reported VVV V7 11115 17V Iv VV VVV VV VV 71 BRRIG5 1711 13 moms irons and tVtIlillliliV 1111111711 inc V1mV11V71 111 mu lIl 11 111111 Lolnnuvood and hunnldalo Brown in uric it 111711111 llRtlilll 11 Mn 11 Ulliis us 11 liniro 71111111oinn llilll1lll township councils also paid hmvv inorcs with 11 17111111 tittotidontc lho Align chroy uVPVVM AVVmUVP ivory livllllltll iiisplav iV7i VVi WV Mk cininis for shecp and lambs killed 77 If luv 11 id 111 Mi 1n dining the month of bcptvnibm 1K0 Dill1 VVVV 11 l11 The iiiissionir hnMl OVVVIIhnvu itmdvnd EVVVIWV MVNVVVV lVV Vlll 7ts 11111V by Mrs mmon WM 33le mnhuhn Imkgmm II ronto oiillondiv 1111711111 list 11 711 1111119117 llilHS VVVVVVO REV cm VVVVV VVVVV 1111111111711 1m qugt 11 wk Vnmiti Ur Hm HHVIVRI11lg HM ew on lnson 57 TO LIVE OR DIE7 1111 1mm of Mrs intum ml 311 mm Vow 5717VV77V1km 177 M77711r777777777 77 VV Martin Bradford 11111111 lovtly 11111 lilv tl111 1o iiVmio Showcr for Mr and Mrs Geo Ivan law Thornton Consult 11 ldtlyll mil iroml visliw Vtlt Mr and Mrs ltllll llcrtrani Graham intended for inst week iprcsscd for her lllllllt 11111111111053 7170111 last week 111 Toronto Mr lltl Mrs taiiicroii opened VVlllSOll Rowe New Lowell spent MMandllshI Stnvncr 71111M 77 loll ds 101 In lllltlltl mll mm WU lltl mm llld Ullllg 01 blindny with his niothci llllrtkllllllriilll slitiwvr tins J7 I7 MCLPM Edgar PHONES 297839304215 Espom 1m girlhood in 77tV1VltitlVllVKVIlUlziVlll iiViil Bntgnlg iV SlittlvtEVlllV111111111xi MiVVniil Mrs Olive Morrison Toronto pent on 50 MiHESln I1 it octin Mi 0371 WI limv FOSS Was the weekend at lloulhtons III Tin WMSImoi 111 IIli1loint lgm1V11flf3IVIVEl M13 1VdVlVV7Y Mm 311111011110 McCuuig Louise 51111an is holidaying at Xoiny 7111 31 mnmiwrs and vis lm H113 M13334 $371357E FdVi the her home at lghlimd creek itors proscnt 311s Ross lI111111111 ilIinf ti fiII iL llIi7 11 lelml bnsmt MTS Armsumgv YUUEC SL7 HI II 11 dnl mum5 VLMU md 50h Kins 05 Spcm Wednesday at StOltCS lb 71111111117 liltlmllltt 107 1110 Mi and Mrs ox and Mar invwntcd to the couple After the IreneHziirison lna Roy and Jim IImI AIIISI ByIIIIII III IIISIKIWCI IIIIII mm IIIIII IIKIIII UpIImId George II BNURS mld Charlie Breedmv TO attend the sectional incuting in V7 BVWHmnm hmG 1711VVm7i Alvin 1317111111113 Ros5mm with MlgV spondod 111 his jovial uayV thanking nan Spent the weekend at their worship sorviw mtva 11V dllill Mrs lVlllStlV ViVill Vlor Viho ltlllCllllJlunCusV After homeV VV II illlilllkt IlmsI7 MW Illhm WWW IMlm 91 WI WV 5110 Plilymg Cards Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Mrs Keith BtlllilllI 11011 and dancinr 1111101 inwmhap VpVVVoVVVillVlllchristltll thtV VVHVVEV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVfVVVV VVVVV7VVVVVV is soincd erlllggilorcoggtllot tVlViVL gutting WM 11 WW1H 111151111 11 was decided to send 35 hospital sh0uld anslver these lupsunng mission school 11 1100501100 Itlll to tlhdltslllp llll 11111111 II II II oiml funds Mrs Brunning Bcugcrton llld VVVVVVVh VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVV ST MVVV and MVVSV BeeceV HVVVVVVIVVVVVVV VVS VVVVVV VVVVsVVVSS VVVVVVVVVV VV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV VVVV OVVVV 2V VVV LVVVVWLVVV VV WV VVed VVV VVV WV SVOVVCVS during me supper Lllllltll Mrs Kcn McLonH uitl weekend itORlH net111 i1Ietii11r lividtncc of 1111 soisintinn oi Ilowmurbaremymonitored1y with 11111 ilIIIltil other VV tillllJlll Mrs lCiiiins issisttil the hostess tlllltlltlttl or 11 week Ed 11111301111 Adu Hem IBnCCS 777777i777777 77 77777 VlHlVolFi 11nd Mrs Currioi Mr and Mrs Cliff Crowe motor Andersm angHelen Luigi Oi SalVlngS LS not W117i Counts 1081 PUlltllIUllkIS lilrllhllul 111 NE Bllkhlm LOUIS Mid Norma Craig1 ttl Torrance ind Huntsville town and Mrs Henry Florence and What is llllpmmiit is the amount the MT 11111 uliolc inmliu mil liurst and ilclon Richardson ltiillttllltSdily7 JOhn Henry Shalde 599 the mm 60 BMWCHIV ml ML 11 WWW has IPlUTntd weekend atIR LeesqnIciv 77I WIIMM Cy ml II VllhsV R11 Osnnndcr 1oronto Mr to loronlo alter suminering Willi provrdc it your info and Vchiildrcn mi hm mu VVVVVVVVVVM VVVVVVVVVVVVVV 1331 week 11nd Mrs iloi7oilti7 Bortinnn nnd Mr and Mrs llzirold Flanagan News items ARE dated were left without other moms of pp mm III IIIIIIII IIIILI III intended for 1iildiuii Cuthric vtl Th reorgc lhilf has gone 0111101110 mmy was Wm Bur 77 77 1li twitli Bertram Mr and Mrs field are sorry to hear of the pain sullpon IV mos its whiny jumaniV11119thyupwninhmiy savingscin tprowdccnougli llnt for the weekend A1 int 01111121 With Mr and 111 accniont he met with on Ill II IS Wll You 11ch life insurance 35IIOmsucwhmimsslmlm1mm 77 WV VV hMlSS VVEliflfthVVMillglTVV41 Mrs losso Bidwcll Mr and Mrs 1211 00 0111 will THEIR9111 11 11L Earl Riiginnn and son Stroud and Warden Miller and son Doug it important WHICH life in pOIILthIIlmAkwmmumllMC Several llltllllMlSUlILllt WonltllIVs thiss llclchRuginan Barrio with Coldwulll Mid and Mrs 185 Ben Vista he 81 11 lirniici lltll rircnts Iona 711 nttutc It 1111 it ind Albylt Fddy Giant my company VcboweVgu IV on Friday MillrWycvulc and Mr nndMrs WNW 0mm VVVVVVVVVVVVV MIII IIIHIIIIIISI EII PIIIItIIIIIIII SIieIitI IIII II III II III CDconnIItILiigiIint sun I7 ISI LIInsumIIcc SqmpanIcs ale IlIOIIIIalI IIIIIIII MIII aIIII MISI II IIII Vigil IFlnlgIn TO mumahkwsm pellms and mes Low CW 11 IIm II II II II I7 H512 1111 Humor went ml ronto with Mr and Mrs Flan but actual long71erni results varyV Lijo lnwrmm zlgan blicrniun Brown Toronto widel Vwcinww on comm 111l 8171819 inn itisaiy 1111 Intended Vast week and Ross Brown Sudbury With TVVCIVVVVVVVVVVVVVCOVCVVVVVVVV UV tVeiVans 1V1113VponVikoVrV MVVVVVVHVd Mm RV Cayman Zld Bob their mother and Jos Dunn V7 Vlt JSKCOVIV Vet 13V V1 12111111 aihleon 1111 11171 visiting ImuumsV and MlCllitCl Patterson VTorotitO II IIIIIQIIII VISIIQII the IUIIIIIIIIS IIIIIIIQII MIISI CLICII comm and Duuy WIIII MIISI WIIII Dunn MISS Grace II In and sistr lItW days 5130111 the Weekend in Detroit Bill TmIpmov wm Mrs George II II MYS Wilson and Childltll MIS Jess OICOW Id EMU Mme M18565 Muriel and Teresa Caledonia visited Mr and Mrs Lmimer Spent few 1W3 117I7T0 King Barrie with their parents onto last week Mrs James Miller and Donna Arzi 0F CNMDA Mumhcison last week Mrs Eldon Ltitimer is domg meg stem With her husband Mr and HEAD OF VV FICE WMIERLOOUNMR Ii zIlI 1133 SIItIInixg geBVlgglldiKE nifttVnVanVVopeiVition in St Josophs vMalVZ7AVVVVEZQ Nd EldCheiJElm V1 ospi oron 77 Va rsV ames 777 LEGAL ACCOUNTANTS time With thie latLVGVIH Dillems Ml Mrs Cullington returned Biflangerl Miss Effie BVUlnfleld and ronc Ice Peter St OFllllO OlllOFIO and Mrs CrcoDuft home to Toronto Sundaynltcr fllendi Hamlmmv Wlth BronCh Manager IBOYS BOYSI WELCH ANDERSIONaaCOMPANy Mr and Mrs Wes Muiiilicrson few weeks in Angus Mrs Wm Bumfield Misse Jean ID uses RePQSQMGlIvefs succeeding yciicrntionrhiic171111115 rcpicsuitativc to cxiiliin 1111 117171 111 BarrlIISLileiIlIiSI CSOIIICItorSI NQIaIIeS Charterea Acpoqmam Tgustees etc Barrie Mr and Mrs WUSOH 111111 MI and Mrs Kemlh BuShi C01 ITOddIIand Wlefrely Barrie with 1V Cr onveyancelS Brock Building 200 ay St daughters CaledoniaV Spent Monday lingivood and Mr and Mrs Elliott the 011119175 9121157 Barrie OVVVVOVVVO Money to Loan Toronto with MR and MYSV WV AV Mumpr Bush Barrie were weekend vis Ofce 13IOW91IX Sh Barrie itors at Bushs Complete sports coverage inThe Bram Office Elmvale son Mrs Irwin and daughter Barrie Examiner Arthur Johnston Borne ontOTIO JV BOySV KVCV MUSIC LESSONS Tlie7Unitel churoliVanniversary VemV710OmOV spenhe weekend LEWS C7 J7 Seliger 011 Sunday was 1190511911 succesVs with the moneys sisterSV MrsRom ALAN AUSTIN Rev Dr Green Allan ale was tie Wilkinson and Mrs John Wilkin 77 11 GLADSTONE CURRII Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band speaker morning and evening son sun can 10 Royal Bank brand successor to ecial music was ivcn the CAMERON CAMERON TEACHEROF Sign an application forone or more BARRISTERV SOLICITORV ETCV BRASS REEDINSTRUMENTS senior and junior choirs WYEVALE VVVAAVV Owen StVV ALSO pIANO Mr OWEN STV The McNivenfamily7 have the 77V VV 140mgng 130 fgxlgne 3175 Phone after pIVImVV 4263 sympathv of the community In the bond be Pad for bYConvemem 111 death of their brother Malcolm coWAN COWAN 3ESSIVEVRVVBRYS0N RMT who passed away verysuddenly on VVVV1VVVIggVVkasVowfffl0b VV mlmenu spread over year If you wish Banraters solicitorsV come on rgims and Choir Director Oct The funral Saturda lytggries SIVublticBet$Vyu mAcglgralFUnltedChuich ans largely attended fizvelgoigfge United church Sun 77Keepnpthe wartune sawinghabu Invest m7 PIANO SINGING isitors Mr and Mrs Morle Ross Cowan nd1 MUSICAL THEORY all grades Carter and soil Cannington with nggtfflftnshto and incand SVmgs Bond nc udgtgdfTgm Madern men10C the formers mother and sisterLDrV Vt V80 on gulval Of FRANK HAMMOND 1m 1m PM St and Mrs Jim Mather and daughter aug 91 77 EARRISTER somcrroa ETC Recent visitors Valah P11111911 Masonic Temple Bid 13mm DOROTHY JOHNSON Associate EIImey and 39ng Mame FO Toronto at Nerpins Mrs Vcaid t0 Withthe latters mother Mr MONEY To L03 of Toronto Conservatory 01 Music Smith and b0 Midl 77 77777 andV Vim EngV College 01 alggogltlog 1ka Vigor 3111151913 HVVVVSV ySV an at VV VVVV CANADVAVINQs soups DUNCAN MCCUAIG BAKC SigP1311073 Theory7777777777 777a77MV1 It P1l2 Anniversarysewices werehheld ABRIVSTER sgmcgon ETC 12 Maple7Avenne7 VEFgVVomeSVvith MVee 3anVda1gh intheUnitedchmh Sunda with magnum dab Vb 7V 11 77 any can oss ock Barth MAYBEE McAULEYV AVTVCVMV Duff MVV and Mr KeVVVEVIcllf Rey M137 130de BoltonV 140 VV 6mm 75 VV 71 77 DONALD MacLAmm BA organiSIfISt Georg Churcn My and children Barrie with the MIIS Hanson ITommo 85 50101571 BARRISTER somcrm ETC T985119 01V PVVianoand Theory fmmers ts SLVmpathyVVis extended tothe fan7 115 3871111 81 name re MS aly of the late Caleb Webb whodlgd httlomwbywdm Money to 10811 Harry Lawrence and 7two sons II Masonic Tem le Bulldln Barri very sudden at his home on Fri to 703 this WMM bail man 01111131 Wl mom MISS M3137 mmu 91 bW OSTEOPATHY Mathews Tom dav evening Oct 11 Funeral ser nt0w1th her father dmmhlmuordumwbkmudnuu 163 but vlces Were held Monda VV 777 End SXSter MI and MIS H811 interment in Wyevaleycemtgtlgggm hgpwqw W435WMI 24 DunloptVSt Barrie 0m ShucoeSiltVrtleeth King Block Ban11V 8322 Tlvgnandwilsthffggie The followini childrn were bop II II huwgb 61 3W ep one 2293 II tIliedvI3h1fly$9rmqggttheumted Wud WWW7 mm arIyn Dlanne daughter II 11111 17 scrim M1 olntment 7y pp MOBE POTATOES 0f Mland MsWAdamSW7MW7 OJ huhan Macaw 1mm REID 131111111st SVOLICITOR Ero EDWIN WILSON7BSA no Productionof potatoes in Canada this7yar is estimted $471628000 Vomm cwt ascd on conditions during ggggmlngnggnogagngggg the fourth week in September the BankVOf Toronto Bldl Owen VSl I= my 25g Money Mm MEDICAIV V7 Egtliaglzsbegihpggggg fVVVIZIVIVm JNVRECBNT ADVERTISEMENTS wVeV duringtlicwcnpaytngtocyoupnrchue 155Mwba lmyw son of Mr and Mrs Nerpm Vb heengSEeVsangmhwym in cub if erVdu qucdiutmgV lmdmnmmn Emma gfnnngg 1133811 11131 11311V to V4VsoVVociocViV every Wed Sgglgnigtgfa if II Ge II 17 II mo mum 3963 11085 gm Edgamsfhio pewen over the Vsmallerthan 77 N9 com mmnion Gown You Mud out mymu II 771 Wmqm Attendance 98 77iocior Telephone 245 average crop ofi359860007cwthar 7V V7 VVV Edam mm 1m VVvVgstedt 151 tseasotg garish iVs5 Vnine Tm Pl mdymd 03 Bond you tho that VVb50ndjoi Vprcen reaerV an year V7 77 mgVEVgOSMEIRVVP V1311 25 193943 average bf 40V333V000 3th taecogblnhon gi vVVaiViVmbtie We needs It enables 10p to mid V00 your uviags Oqu that mthconvlncin3 77lVl7VWfV10 The increase over last ear is due 918399 79 0E0 81 7V V7 VV 1V mm daily WNDRAtiiAk Emmaamm to substantially havizr averag 95 rlgldiandards 70f purity 1mm holdings Victor 730039 PM elm you can touch 77 mono WILL nuvAcAmv id GV STEPHENSON Box Sophia 3333 phone yields per acre and heavier plant MllbumLaxaIver Pillsare often 77 OIPIO ETRIST I7 ingsl iIIIIIIIIIIEImhtthIeef 0f wnstipaV Memedmdmxmhwlw Wed Imelfo 77 10mm 01 er sordemofthellv Dunlap 81 me Phone 4201 FUNERALVVDIRECTORS News items are apprecVaVedV stomach and VbowelsV Var Theyhelp theI eliminatory organs VV VVVII Vi 777 no names ear gwg and clear the system of waste which 811 ELISE BURNSDIO AMBULANCE SERVICE we the 159 0f Onstiimtion Licensedguidga$gVV 12 Clappertonjt Phone 27111 Man1E $3 Vigrtblrigusoliiatlyhgi V7 ecu hang 76 GV SMITH co mm he deli hted by therenewed feeling 77 me 31924 Fatwa 77 0fiwelb01ngiwh they help to Establishcd 13 cold produce 77o 0mm WV VV Wmmmu Fm bes raw Mbm LinaLiver Pills are on 77 15mm in um 39419 311 dmwunW Pce 950 DENIM mam 02 einslruchcinsV pang3 VV VV narw1bm00udi1lomnto0n PAUL HI SHER Mandger mukvr