Eli ONTARlO CANADA MWHWMMOMWW VFW lNNISFIh nares tr iEltfll wizii uteri titw tii Bret is fieuid reach llzcxlaj noon cc ulcci FOR LOW NET OST lNSlRANtF THE MUTUAL lillil UNANADA steeizl U4 oeiteli runcurs Phoni mi Ernie Magician ttxh out Le rr gt 1v iii the ihiitti limit here Sarina fih1fiatilziiii tan with ilz stroud rtguii Narm LNJP tls Nesliitt Refrigeration Service KELVINATOR SALES 2H lllthiZlil COMMERCIAL DEALER SERVICE ON ALL MAKES llu seniris will the ilcslrlltlinti illtl nth akyrlppz lmy teiian liilttlt iiiie tiist itittllltk the titliivi iiitiiiiltieti Mixstun limo was held Min iii liiiliiiltti imtili last Sltltii Nout alteration iiiv dr Haitinoi itttiiliYitltti the iiiltlt it titiiti li the erv liiltll wit my HA pin ief which lie lulli the story If the first inversaiv tltntx ii int iteti kllalfVii atizi in eit iti at maul ii oniinerclai and Dorriestic ti ith Sunni If Many innisfii farmers at inter My my up J4 Mr IIimin Matti loin itn at ii ii1il Li eimnt 3337 millilml BARBIE 113 wrii St Sriipit litlluv teatime pzctu ttt lit gtil home elm ter of tiiexttiiiy hook en litint 31 titl tlis Maryi1igy paw mm Hm iifi 11 iii0 iii LN me which was to iie on NHL ninth tini KIMligtljiiutigii will be replaced ii iii Aiiviilzs in idililqr Si iiiiilii Milw litl luizth to iolin itie tunic =11 liie Uli iii iiiiiJt Wei Mi of Ndvi inner pinens institute At the October iiieitiiiu of iiillt rimth frat of ltltitiillit Mir Utiii el iii the tieriilti with piayei Let litiztii pimideii by Mi rie Womens institute Meta yumlp Wm 13me HRH Valle tooi iizii li itiiitiltl MalSim Binr was it gunmiswmzmmd HH Siliiklr Sh imi iiiiiiii iiiliil ixtttiliit lite iiiiiii thiiztitg ioftite crafts in which1hr inlet ifiltit Anibaltrier it JugK Us 3ii313iiihliii tlttl Mrs iiiitey liis tito Sin 4mm mtrwo on AHIeHIHilC it ill liuii elair and Mrs iel lninieson Were imp HUM iHM Mp ititttii ii hinuiayfiir Mr up lilioiiiled deleirutes to lliii iit liillllilt than an Iinaih oil iiii iii1ii iii vention but other members Welii win iii Weteiii tiliilitii it not iitmtt minions Hr ilittlltllitj suit urtreii to attend lite iiieetiiiit unkind Willi ie ii the in favour of this question of lttla meat oi tiuua iert as the Glorious thurth And it limit Militias lite tlltittii film with int the institute fey This question inqu 1113 its iiiissiiei iii it true iendeied to he discussed by deleyates to the immii mu ttiiunympy Area onveiitioii llie Novcmiitli titade Sumt iil or It ll illillil lctlllii tilii litliitil rililtiiiiit tifli patents ii at lit liiey lvtii llllllitl iiipidlt tied Newton and i3 ieziii Nev ittftiirii aioriionliini aid or at ilaiiliv Sprinti ll liii iltit at iiaiiwiis li iltiiiil Vrsi iiaiitig tt Vtrl cilwili iiitaint tlti llfm ismr lilielit ij literalinto lriniiy nniwrsari hilt ideal kititiiii illWiliiilily Iiltii in li ire lliltl iii tnitvui tiu invalidti ii tniiit fiimt iu ifit Vulttttl tiniivi he lil tttlie ll lia ti itiillf Jr 05 Uil ti mu nieg inputtei EltU in iittioli Synliver eliill ll tiii llis it Eiiw tl iisligt Mun Bi iii in iti ltlLit to tie it til ii Morrison Motor Sales 324 Bradford St Willim Phone 3178 SALES and SERVICE GIGANTIC $2275 MOPAR $2875 GENUINE FORD with defrosters $3306 Lilliiiiififl ANTI FREEZE tailor HOT SHOT per gal $196 PRITSTONE gol $375 GLYCOIE $375 FANS TRICO $395 DELUXE ELECTRIC $750 FACTORY REBUILT MOTORS 3546 Fords rMercuries wandTrucks ti tile haw tii iii iiitljSit riit 4i Illiit iilt Min in iii iiil inf im wt writer month tint aim Iii lint gppa ft Vitiiitilltttittitigilftilllz ii to ism 3iiituvi iil ih ivti in ii itiii tliatzitiii ii iiiwniiwi in thin piendui tl Iilttdiitiit tit m2 gt ir iiihi itiiti iii tiil ii iiertioi with iiit io llt itll iitiitiitiwtv xi 1111 titi Hun sms 3mm mounts yore ii ilii iii iii ii liov iliniriitidiimv if tint iiiit illiiii lidpf the hurth to which We iiiloin iiitl itl villi visitor vtii1 lhe ttiiiiltiiiihll tiiidiiiii lies Louis linssilh iar brhii tiioi ii SAVOY VANILLA CUSTARD oz POWDER PKGS savor MARROWFAT SPEClAL KEMP MIXED SRLTED NUTS LOBLAWS RICH DARK FRUIT Hill NC PEANUTS oz chuuM rm 53 EACH 23c ivy Womens institute ivy Vi ineiiit Mrs John llogtiidl artiis on let it with thirteen nienin hers and two visitors present Mrs listen liavis was in charge of the program and discussed the important iiiatters taken up at tini Stroud ilistllrt Executive iiieetine 17c LOBLAWS NEST ORANGE PEKOE REILLRBEL TER H0 39 LDBLAWS BREAD canker BRAND 01 15c canornsca comes AMER Soup GREEN PEA 15C lorL OZ TOMATO JUICE roucv QUALtlY 290rL 01 19 Has rms BliiiFilllil PEAS STANDARD 20er oz rm 12C CHTWAX BEANS CHOICE 20tl 02 ha l3lt HEDLUNDS MEAT SPREHDS Assoimzo 301 rm llc AYLMER PRUNE PLUMSCHOICL zorrLoz mi 17 RHROUET PUMPKIN FANCY QUALITY 28 02 13 PUMPKIN PIE SPICE aommon inc10c leader liiiif inatei tiltiiilihr ttw it in particularly in tile iiiiiiiiltlfnilti mm gm ten time eillitiio wth twiviim iwiiunvh no in ineetiiiit will lie on Iiuirriay NM and women Itott liil iiitid iii dinWh ti litltti liltf irtaiiivnr NW my H1 ii 21 at Mierireets tiiiiicii iiiitli toiidi iii it ils 1V pirttiit oi the lziii liHiittiliitl intJ My Jmk Presbyterian VMS Addressed il itti print intseas nitsriuie ll in inatth which it fun itiitiiiitti ilmi iiiiiiimii Hi3 iil Mr fr and Mrs lrank Muir elmmi imp out than Wllltiif lthitvt was The llilitirv it it inn 11 up up liraiii tormr on the tit liii2ti ilie Presbyterian WMS iltiti to tell of the tianchc woik in the iil iiiimiiilii lithi 191 lib the ittltie ot the infiniti otthii MM 35 or tirety liiankoiferiiiu service in the Dominion and the iiti it iii it 9i MI ltniin 1itt iH pimemai tilii lir liiili tlililtlt on Saturday eveninit with lhe tull program of exhibits and itll ilij idiiifrl it WW iltiit ixiK ilisitelitltitiitl ihe assistant hos iii tli Htiitlld in out attendance and Mrs ti tiittlttigjx will he published in Ilti Ittiiiti it ii ii irii inse weie irs Suimm iitos Atkinson Iljimiiniiiliiii iiieeitltt vectlv iflli WmjdWmiwiiwroiqrrniwmvily InnTim Stewart fills Altinaii was opened with devotional cet order that titlii lilt may itet his and li West rises Mrs anieroii taking the itihlo reading and Mrs ii Aliinnit lendingr in prayer thief by hi ll lhiiisniore and amp Iti Drifting Drifting was well lelllis cred After the iliankofferiiig colh lcctioii Mrs in wei 11K LIBBYS PREPARED STRMNED ASSORTED MUSTARD RElNZ BABY roon iiv SJLOZ JAR coined Mr and Mrs Frank Muir tit ittuinLd from thini lilti reeeii ili ti ltttktPs for the yd Li mMiimlliii ilill hislverv in llllltf crestln talk on their walk tllltli 4va mp liiiiit ltiiaiit in Mrs Davis who Is in charge of Mission brought WIT WI iw lliiilitl ii iii in niuiii coi in iltft eeis eoiiditioiis ind ammo liook outlined tli lllilitllili iiii of iliiila toiatg After short talk used Leiniox had sent in an interesting account of the South Line and village farms of his hoy hood lays As elosinpr iiumiierl Mrs liavis care talk on her visit to the short course in Salads the Year itound which was coiiiliieteii in Tookstoitii on ctii iheirteli hostesses were Mrs ias flitlierinid Mrs licVanneliirs Arnold and Mrs ll McQuav from Mrs Muir Mrs ltobt Tamp llOll moved vote of thanks ex pressing the happiness of the con cremation for their safe return and the protectitit hand over them dur inutlieir work on the field and extended best wishes for them iii their future work After social cup of tea very enjoyable meeting was nought to elose When girl looks facts squarely in the eyeand decides to sit frolonger idly waiting for Prince Charming and his rescuing charg erthcres real future for her in Canadian business Matter of fact many an ambitious young Woman executive has shown her trim heels to more males as site passes them on the wayup If youveireached such decision its good time to call in thel North American Life representa LOBLAWS TASTY TWOCUP COFFEE leB PKG REDEEM YOUR COUPONS AT LORLAWS SWIFTS CLEANSER Intended for last wccki Wedding bells arc rinsing mer rily Mr and Mrs Cecil Specrs and Douglas spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs ltaincy Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson on the arrival of baby boy in the RV Hospital Barrie Oct Those home for the holiday weekend were Leila and Jean Car l3C Mrs Harold Duncan and son lhornhiil were recent visitors at Ewart Johnsons Mr and Mrs Jamiesoii ant daughter Hillsdaie spent Sunday at Straehaiis Mr and Mrs Campbell lr PEAS eozriic IA SAVOY BRAND GRAVY BROWNING p282 Etc 23 VITABEVERAGE ViGORB 13 39 WASHINGTONS CAFEMEL tit 54 NABOB COFFEE lit PKG 43c cowms Prnrrcrion COCOA lLB TIN 24lt ORANGE mo LYONS TEA 44c QUICK 0R REGULAR QUAKER 19C OATS AB 02 PKG AUNT JEMiMA PANCAKE FLOUR 2001 PKG KRArr ASSORTED CREAM caress 4ozrxc sor raciiiuM PKG NEWPORT FLUFFS warn Aviiimiiu 16c 19c v2 LB PKG i9lt two successful career girls to make Mrs practical blueprints for bright futures He wiilshow you lowI Lillitil cost progressive plan of in urancesavings that takes theIfs autof independence And should your solo plans be interrupted by sudden attack of marriage Saturday your North American Life fin vestmentsyvill come In veryvery handy Call your North representative now and declare your independence AmericanJLifei community in mother whowzis buried Methodist cemetery here on Mon day The Curscaddeng were former ockburns Sunday residents of this community Dead of Mrs Geo Kissiek global Va munity when word was rec the dearth of Mrs Geo lesstck nee Martha Hast ed awatratthedtoni ter Mary in Toronto has been in ll of years but her tion and patience best of care helped trouble Despite her handicaps Mrs Kissick always took an Interest in all community activities and her loss to her many sympathy is felt FREDA LEWIS DISTRICT MANAGER 22 Dunlap Street Barrie passing will be friends Sincer Jar those bereaved WINDSlllELD Make yourcar heaterifunci tion more eta ficiently with Firestone Thermostat to control the temperature of lhe cooling gylln PREPARIE DRivE IIN TODAYFOR VA THOROUGHCHECKUR ONVITALsRARTS OFYOURiCAR ANDAVOIl fcoLn WEATHERJIDRIVING TROUBLESL WIPER EQUIPMENT Trice Completo Windshield Wiper equipment Blades Armn Tuhtn jot all can man HAROLD HILL gCltYSLER PLYMOUTH 55riizabeihsr7 FARGO 5Barrie He has helped scores of and babyx loronto were visitors at Sorry to report that Gordon has been under the doctors cure but we hope he will soon be better Mrwand Mrs Strachan and Jim Louise Coekburn and Sadie Campbellniotored to Chatham on The family of the late Mrs Catscathien nee Rmgaretdarter son have the sympathy of this the loss of their at the cost over this com elved of tags who pass e4fh8rvdaugh MAPLE LEAF CHEESE WOODMAN HORSERADISR 02 nor 19c RYLMER PURE ii COUPON MUM JAM um 01 mi 29 HYGRADE BRAND PRETZEL STlX HURRY CELEBY sux toroz pic at GLENWOOD ARTiiiCiAL Viiiiinii some Tmmro mmrttsg itnmni ouvrs snoz norm BiffBANG PUPPING CORR SALLY firm CRISP POPCOR PKG9C ron PUDDINCS CAKES ETC MIXEDVPEEL Vzus rxc 16c PLUM Pontiac 33c 53c CLOTH nuns VAliit ruthcrs Muriel June and Mildred Spcers and Keith McVaneL Mi and Mrs Bert McQuay and Lawrence visited their daughter Winnie and her husband Mr Kausinati at Deslioro over the holi day 225 1002 PKG 19h momma Wm Casselmaii spent Flidflyitlilfl Saturday in Barrie Wilfred Bratien Orillia spent the Weekend with friendsiiere Frank and Angus Rawii visited friends in New Lmvell Saturday Doreen Stacey and friend spent the weekend with the farmers parents Jean Douglas is spehding week with her cousin Mrs Gordon Camp 802 PKG 12 118 1N ClOTH Mrs Kissick health fora number heerful disposi along with the her hear her Midland hardship to drive on thenu report splendid sevices hell Sudbury Mr and Mrs Frank Wismeix Midland spentutiie weekend with Mr Casselman Mr and Mrs pr Edwards and familygVasey visited Mr and Mrs Rawn Sunday Mr and Mrs Sam Ellery visited Mr and Mrs Cecil iTowns and fam ily Eimvale Saturday The nrany friends of Mrs Geo Parker will be glad to knowthat she is doing nicely after her recent gt operation in St Andrews Hospital gt gOCEDARDOUBLE ACTION STEAKS OR Blue FURNITURE CREAM 392 23 ROASTS Brand Porrrriiousr i4 itcAroi to 5151 tn5li BUllEitit18 to 21 B26 1020 SUGAR and PRESERVES Sit032gtgt Commercial Quality ib49cii 4601b Township Roads Very Rotile gt Many users of the township roads are Wondering where the maintainrds employed thesckdays With the re ent rains it see sonablethat hey would be smooth ed up Sometare so rough this CENTRAL 0R0 Mrs Eimeuljlmmssand daughter Dorothy visited Mrs NeSS Sunday Mr and Mrsf John Crawford and Betty visited Mr and Mrsa Hugh Hutchinson Sunday number from this community attended EsSon anniversary and The date onyourlabel tells you 808PABSlfml4 RAND CLEANER iiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiif insist PRIME RIB sierra was FRESH LAMB Pita gill 13311 ti tinus rnncr= BACKOI SHOULDER gcitr29 rue NEED isuiioriiot SLICRD hagwt your Subsirrgpltion stands b41 menamscer vi BECOII liverSansage R409 wary Rum noursric mini SRORIENIRGMQ $NAP CLEANER 5191 BONELESSLSRib Bones WHEN AVAILABLE poem Baas alumna row lb