750llbsgpies Vi Aumonizio AS szcono mm VO DEFY OHAA 83rd IeorTNO 43 BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY OCTOBER 24l946 Section 3Poges IE to 20 Old OmlOOIWlmlNCWIOOIm own IN to rl0mOOINNMNNWNWWW SHANNON iTwo Hundred Attending APPOINTED KC let Annual Womens IMPERIAL HOUSE OF HITS EAT KITCHENER Institute Convention CROWDS TURNED AWAY MW4 Ladies attend the matinee and dont be Vi rm1 nan m5 pm in Tum humixui won 311m 11 pi1ctillngL 115 iiioltdon liilldtls it 51 CO1 4112I up HAW 11le Itltfl lxlimtl MATINEE SATURDAY 230 pm at lxnclincr for Some ye corgclmknzip 111v Jl1 $1111 11111 him 8mm wow VIM mind LAST SHOWING TODAY Thursday illarold SilallllOll has betn itpponili 11m 011v0121mz1 it Wmnrh 11w Only ticket sold to each person cd Kings Counsel lie is the sun ttluztcs Allltll illilltfl in Barrie 1d mu BOMd or lot Mrs Shannon Iecl Street HWllltin Mi Strsaiais zuc $4122 fund the late George Shannon 121111302111 hcld tin Oddicllowng Nmt Mommy evening the 3111 Frank Shannon of Churchill lcipplc on Cclm tircl whl were onnnunity oncert campaign his younger brother 21nd Ml tilltmllml lb 93 lllllfh zill ifl ill IH iIIIcIJIly opened with lhyllis Shannon lllh thehncw tcinoon dinner at lub 79 when local tun Mr we WW ghCllOUl 1150 8111110 15 Ills 5151013 The Convention opciicd 930 IPVHH mrmm me he pincd and winxlvl tic timid loom Harold Shannon WASlfflllthlldy l21tlllllllly twuoclock Alma lAuritlw OTKMII liniriiu 111 tux11 born near lainswmk 111 1904 and in the ezttcximun 15h wmncn hadi 10NilrtromNew York ol ring was educated in public schoolsi leglistcrcd and wxcml othcrs wore Imurilun will rennin 11 mm mp 1m rerwpvlmu there and at Cundlcs and Mom in alltutlntwo who lied not regisl xrrn throughout the week WWW ngmnng itcrcd 11 that lllinr Im mllerhll mlgll Ciuncil 1llgtlltl hull 1hr cost for SDLUIICIS lcdncsdi llltillllllg lonlplcwd ltlllilxnl of poles on lhvlgiuc sticct LRS unarmed if pump of 13m ASH CM I13 was rcinrtd to 111 Bonzd of AA MIXII lric who 1511211511111 the rcpurt on Hm lwnwm 1de mm torks HI STAG It JlIIllll lillllll 11 WNW Winn 11mm R55 CW Attended lRllll uercrs Illi mil Ml 111 Aeronautical A55 The clcrk V113 llisliuctcd to ail 36 111 Women an pm EOlllO thcir Visit 111 the County Tor m1 Us With Itho lulu mow mmle by Mls 111 Mun pl1ns Hit inhdc tol em PREMINGER on 20 the County Museum 1115s Anna or 750 members The arm llllll Ililllllll ry Smctlnnst and Mrs JOhni Vtttirxi Irtumnu 11 laoucl1olticr Doors open zit 130 630 iiimruroihw of Stroud mm WWW mm Cinder rccclmon fiom mum lllllmillWfl 1101 With 111111111 10 tho pmph 111 both this country 11nd lmbt ltill no 1199 who were u1tcrcstcd in WWWEvemngfShOWS7Clnd pm LnARotm31AN Kc The hull was aclltillcd or llll 01mm HRHW1 10 gt01 51 3m cicty to biiy top soil and do 11o11 ilvmdicmfts 101tlmlv0rk chvinll cumm is or The lr11t llccvc rcpiirhnl in IIIGIIIQ Milan presents starting MW n1 me gown NM 60va llccvc George lznk introduced in bylaw to provide or nonuni lliois to he hold on Novcmlnvr 2Z2 from 730 to 830 pm lilcctiirzn ALI snows lhcr workwith Jllltlkiltl NW tow ncl1 llllllllm Idlilllttl to Mllllllli Almaty TAX IN tion and said he hoped they would mo mm in Town Ofing the Full season In lovoln yaw fibduud and camp by lDurnin of l11111111oi1 who told of In wmhdld thc co 1il could not Tilks 01143311 10 ltltlllts to their 5tl ti tlflf thes ll1lt dur Aurmugh mm mu 1tlc11dcd dimzcr 111cct DDRUIHY GISH Ikullroad hr IilUitUiAM IIUJILD Wm um R1911 Rona family took 111 residence in llzirv 115 hmt Completely Lewis rupcrmtcndcnt of Wlsl and in comm Or Csldvnt had asked polwc for Iturltn IIKIlllt ommcntutor Ill IECIIIIIWIIIH Men Only at pm Air Shownext Summer Mrs coruc Johnstonng 113m and the nevumodels exh AHJ 4L to improve the port at lvltlhiitold ric when 111s father went into the WW WWI lmdmh Ontario 321 Nudioy Griiy lhrnfiullw planned and Em to hoot ngcons in the 1Ut111ly hill 11 and Miss Flow gum um ampag COnnci lllfuilllCtl tlic 15m IIOKN ow 111 rf 11111114 hilllilllti ittnt on ltlll or Mayor Peter Sinclair on be 1in hmm ti iylflmk 5111 mwf Tn 25 IA mm 5Ong mo Tmlin Wkmm mo Wind Acromntic1l ifshciitiotr hylm Vi ll 113110 410 W11 NIIltllltlIogmlfllOrllIIIlliiftlIlNIIINNNNNm FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 11 li1cr111uo111l Air Show ihlincsuiu County lrcsidout dLl p11 on Ioronto lllLl Wlill such 1315Sltl15 Al 01m Side Of the Illicit 1w the 111an11fucturcrlt ting for lllt Barrie HorticulturalSow CARTOON and box NEWS illlrilllt Saskatchewan httmc IllCHm WM 2m immwlim splay of than Vi mttcrv md other crills This ex illld OWPH 5110015 11 11 illlllihl unwieldy blocked by iviloxIall5lllc Igillerilgdllhlvgall Tqmedkhy UK meo rum zl rs ZlIl Tra ts ssoelatiou It L1 mmmwd to In the my 0W CH 1111 mud om 30111 uh the 11111 of ivcrcd 111 ziddnss in which Sllt Uranium Will he held Monday December littr to lllilLfS York itll GOPOEV ltopoits of all sessions of the WI fllll the 111st tcek 111 July so 00 bobrit Boys Boys and then as uth firm in Tommo while 11 Convention will be published in 1111 illt IIIIIS 1ll includc both in mm Ofcer he mm Im SENSATIONS Sondra Irene and John David Er host lle 151 member of the Angli cream producers that plans wcrc cheques and this money will ho mg week fmct born 1CltiIClCd In pomlts he nglmbwe Twin City Lodgc AF AM Kit3111011gh 50 per cent of Ontario 11ml in GUCCI my Who Examincr thermometer were as cipal of Kitchener Chapmr 21nd devote more attention to pro ricultnre i11Cmperntion with the Oct 45 whole mill when the Groom ro lord Home of ril was FOJOCIed for HCUVG SCFVICC 1m LS Chm KltChener He has been qunem tobcr 24 to establish provisiOnal COtmty organizationwere named asl Collier Unitcd WA Bazaar Nomi elected voting dclcgates for Sim Midland 21nd Arthur Gardiner Of Masquerade and Dance Gilfordt and pm Motorists halve been experiencing onto provisional Ontariowide old Wallace of Craigvale andRoy ltgta meter must be followed carciully producers of Ontario vote in favor rane of Barrie chumsethrGeorge Kenneth Robinson rccrcnuon 1litlllll11l vll he askcd to organ izc Hollowccn pnrty or pziigiait on October 31 AId Sl1owing on same progr1m The FOUR ACES of BigTime Westerns In Another Swell Cassidy Adventure In 193 he was marricd to Irene Wood of Alliston provin hi establishing 1111rkcting assoc Four Frosry Nghts II II JAN 29 RIDESAGAIH WILLIAM BOYD JIMMY ELLISON Jean Rouvorol Guargex Hayes Frank McGIyner Diluted by Howard Brelhnrlorr iici Minus MONDAY TUESDAY 7WEDNESDAY Columbias Big Outdoor Picture tf ALazu urmnn Owoodo 11 After ld next wccks issue ol the Barrie sz our own Dominion Day 11nd the in dh Wl Itifjw1 miner jg Mud on the ML who Barrio at the next councn mam mccnmz Auxember NOAH BEERYJR ANN Guns for several VClllS About eight vmm m6 hebmlgm p1lcticoini THE STORYOFCOLE PORTER Ktcmnm can Church and has been Peoples Ciat organize ml Crmm prm mm mp will have Ihcvplcess During Pasf Week Wllan 11nd is presently Lay ch ICentmie of thc Church of St drums Association lucsdny inglit 01gt dcdutl oi1ctcntlr 01 one cent CUHSCWIMW He iq PIN Preq well ludtiuay for 1V1tt to be 121111 urtrito tl111 inguinaition four nights wnh 22 the west take 055 mommu lIll Ollirillllrllltlll would then cm nmuhrp Hi1th quimum dent of KitchenerWaterloo K1lt um chm look me if Innis Club 11 WOWI lffHICtl tht Cam 10 figures were ill and 63 on lucsduyi farmers were producers of cream ilk lmdwe TheVole WI 00 fillowx fhfncillghlgc IIIId oxpmncd mm Hm purpose cpond to that taken no F2111 for lllGll LOW 51 CE 15 the association would be to cs ne DVDlUCCW3 17 Past Master of Bernard Lodge AF Oct duction of better quality He 10 iDCill Federations is promoting the Oct 43 W30 glarilig 23229 Clarcd that cream producers would organization plans of the cream Oct 59 be in sition in wt 21 ricc roduccis mancnt Active Militia captam of OCL 31 duccrs had 21 similar organization man and Rev Georscv Morrison because of his age when war broke Tl 1c nicctingl1cld 111 Bariic 1117 was appomtcd secretary gglb allgge mtm he play pointed Mr Wood is directorfur Practically every township inl Me ame 0W Cagues Simcoc Counly to attcndm co11 Simcoeiwas roprgemd aTfl Lemsmd hormmlure as holy provincial executive follows VespraWaltcr Forbes of 15 Homcmadc baking ulternoonl Lee Banting of Ivyand llcrbcrt Barrie and Joseph Muw Of Mine tea Admission 25c 1344b1 coe to attend the meeting in Io Wycvzilc SunnidalcGcorgc Rog Hall Thursday October 31 FinalE route with Mr Wood ers of New Lowell and Edgar Car judging pm Admission 25c not some difficulty with the parking rexcutive will be established and 21 Goodfellow of Stroud EssaLee Single copies antlews dealers meters The instructions on the vote wrll betaken If the cream Banhng of Ivy and Coch AmvhWd 11179111 Cavalcade WITH THOSE COLE PORTERSONG Iilgllillf Slimlin 1L Ion me Fwnmlist Knchener told meeting of Silllt0CLllllI pound lllli01flll from their ymer Neath prevailed 1m l7 His fraternal amlmuong are plOlllfClSrrlvlnll10 lost tribe al mm plOdlCelS and Wednesday Readings in The AM Lisfowe and 2nd Prim tablish marketing organization The Ontario chcration of Ag Oct 42 the Iistowd Hilary unit He more in line with that paid for Atthc meeting Tuesday Man Oct 23 and badmmton Toronto and ferencc in Toronto Thursday 00 meeting and rcprcsentativeslfor LangmanRR11Inivkestonc were sing TinyClem Robitziillc of Coulsons Hill JuniOrlnstitutei Mlllililil llillilllllmmg Shows BEING IAMMED Following the meeting in Tor ruthers of Stayncr InnisfilHar masked 35c 43b Lisk of Beeton TossorontioBert Kidncy of Everett and Elmer Hal IMO rings 557 ENTERTAINMENT MATINEESATUROAYV 230 pm MillMl IIMWII bumyr IN IHIIII PLUS coion CARTOON EVENING SHOWS 6457and MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MATINEE WEDV 230 pm PICTURE EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITINGTOSEE Cattbon and Contng 111 lHIHNlCOLOR Roxr COMING QOOON NQTCH FEAIURESJ ltlt THURSDAY Tmpiiv SATURDAY not been properly7opersitedHVlotorE or the mechanism is put out ofor der When one cent coin is placed in the machine the handle must be turned to 12 minutes For ad ditional time another coin is placed and the handle turned again Wen com is placed in the meter and the handle is turned only fraction of theqturn the coin is not relgased and the indi cator jams an another coin sim ply jams th mechanism further meludmg BIOQKSt and James Case makes collection all Of AHandaloii at the meters every morning and Magazines books papers he has been finding several out cloth rags and fats still ur of commission because they have atly needed aAnyOne anywhere havingr ists will experience no difficulty large quantity may phone if they follow the instructions 2228 for special pick up printed on each meter All arqa south of and BOYS HEAVY BREECHES ROYAL RUGGER TWEED sizes to 16 $375 oxrronom HUMPHREIr TWEEDS $475 BOYSVWINDBREAKERSLIE to is 395 $450 $495 MENSHEAVY TWEED WORK PANTS $6L75 wILFHi 1999 our Hmmeh Dance mutantOwn thugs on 31 Favors Prizes Alust Off that Halloween garb land join the crovtdnfor GALA EVENING bert of Alliston West Gwillimbury Mor1y inris of Bradford Mat chedashuEtley Levering and Bert Taylor of Goldwater Nottawasaga Floyd Griesbach of Collingwood TayNethan Brown of Victoria EEFI JOnGS of Midland Or illiazManford Horne and Bert Bray ROBERT RICKETTS OreRoy Rutherford of Hawke stonecJDGild1rist of Shanty Phone 2717 Bay and Herbert Langman of Chalrman Hawkestone Medonte VJames Poppy Commlttee Martinof milsdalesFlesibloy 11515551177147 Turner and Harold McLeming of Elmvale All citizens of Barrie reQuiring Memorial Wreaths for Armistice Day Nov 11 1946 please contact HBairrizle Flying Club invite Flying Enthilsiasts to getjn the AirWenther perfectfor Stud ent f1yingLearnto Fly NowF1ying Later on SkisSport for Winter FLYING FROM to 93500 per lesson Every Day Hiring Day EXQQpl Monday Instructor Phone Clef Eng Barrie it Special IIallowcgenf with WILLIAM HOLDEN TR no NeWs items are apprdciatedead and use Examiner Classied adeDance Masai IpAt LynBosworth 3498 TommyThompson Club Evening ocationalyclasses spcnsoreajsy The1VocationalCgmmitii7 Barrie Board of Education Subjects Now Offered BOOKKEEPING andTYPING SEWING MOTOR MECHANICS SHOWCARD WRITING Leathercrafc classes ore being forrned The first class is full but some space will be available in later classes Photography is in the hands of Kenneth Robinson Recreationlg Counsellor who is planning Camera Club Any persons interestedjn Woodwork or Public Speaking are invited to makoenquiry Crll at Prince of Wales School BradfordSt Tuesday or Thursdayievenlng bctWeen 730 and930 Gigi QFOR LADIES and GENILEMEN Nylons fur the Ladies gt IShirlZskforthe Men ADNHSION $300 pcr coupleninoluding refroshmgrttsti TREAT YOURSELF TO DELICIOUS sundayDihnI at Club 79 OPENQNOONVTO 830 pm DINNERMUSIOV DURING THE EEK Club 7910ffersl you Not Only Excellent VLuhcheOns and Dinners but also EVENING DANCING bottle delightful music of GORDON BURRELLAND THE CLUB oRcuE VOCals by1gtenna Signed JOHNF WOODS Chairman MAWBELL Principal Iltl 35 AmmoM Myth WED OCT so LIONS CLUB DINNER mitt ACHUDSONW rPhonei4272 Manager