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Education ICOpen for II mum II II AL GAMES FOR Tl VIIIL III IIIIKIIILI VIIIIAIIII rIIII II IVV IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIW Tuesday Thursqu evemngs 11111 1111113 11111111111111 rwuv vaI AUSPICES of PERMIT GRANTE01 II lo 1111111 advance information asto the courses Vin greatest Adenizmd those interested are invited to fill out and return the accomrI1anyiiir form to Bell Prince of Wales School Barrie Courses offered last year included Bookkeeping Typing Ilome gt Economics Sewuig Amd Diessmiltin $1 VVioucaid Writing MotOI Mechanics Photography Leatherworltl Pottery and Weaving rIh STOCK Other couises may he suggested 15 to 44 923511 to 331 r1 TIIIKIIII tun is to serve only as an unofficial gmch to the STETS committee in its planning 11 places no Obligation upon those 0N 3181001 39001 $1050 II writing11151101 does it Constitutc an enrolment ensuring place BOYSICOIIITIINV Sum 93113550 1I my Couisc Lomiaurs to 18 years 31653330 Definite announcement licgarding courses will he nude in BOYS PULLOVEI EYl these columns Vat later date Vlnd LOAF VSWEiATERS$225 to $435 511 WEEAR BARRIE EVENING VOCATIONAL CLASSES 19461947A II II II II byAmm Sewn II II ADDED TREATS ON THE SAME BILL Pm Standard Phone No wtVv II II 01 50 CSIIC IIII and 1111001 Cartoon 1A What part of the period October to March could you attend EVE SHOWS 655 and PVMI Shore We shallbe glad to handle yourorders Particulars IIIftlllllShed upon request can regularly WA Te If AA AA 11+ VV CRAWFORD COV Members VThc IToronto Stock Exchange Barrio Branch 89 Dunlop St lmgg +71 77 +774 71 IVo II II ENTERTAINMENT BARRIE FLYING CLUB II II UNITED TATE ApnorEVSSIONALTLEKGUE IA THURSDAYACFRIDAY SATURDAYVI Flyingwuaiandsolow11rbeV1ngwing Vl VC MATIINEE SArURDAVY 230 PMi glisaSunday IAALoarnI to FlyeI at your FIT THE COVZEROTQ YOUR NEED ALL STAR HITSVZ omeIAirport II PNOGIAMJHTURI platen uni111 mm BuffalO 3150 DAY FOR We specialize in lling your insurance to your Moos 0011 scqiientlyit 11111 When loss ariseo 1111111 new be no worry as to howltlie Claim Will he settled Instructor APhone Chief En 11 American Linguem Iyn Bosworth 3498 Tommy Thomison VI INSCRANGEGrEN 41 Olmlop Dial 3735 AV i7 affsz forI Assistance or Goon 11151111111101 smou 1893 III SHORES VIFarmrs VV VA II II VV MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMu riffin Chairman of the Farmers Day on AMATINEE WEDNESDAY 230 PM VV VVVVVV IA IVVStVIQQVVVbe 13119 GAMER COmmGTICSiIVWlVVShCS 139 thank most sincerely all the Merohants and other Business NED BYRE UEST IIt IV II IA II On sale at United Cigar Store D1x1es Smoke Shop Men of Barrie who assrsted financ1allyor otherWIIsIe In VA Jacksons Grill Whittysa Drug Store AAllandale making Our rm Farmers Day real succeSS II III II II II VdmISSIOVn II Music I9 II eI II IA II II AI 1V II II 101 dilemma of 301311 Buff V917 Vocals by SPECIAL IIIIII II VI VEVerYEAUFayand SERVED gt rst $119Mer 1650 pm Saturday Afternoon Saturday Nite SUNDAY OCT BER 13 II VA Ix II III 1411 VI VI 111m1uu WW mini ast snowing tom FVQR CoNonSrf 84011111