TIIEmBNRRIE BARR 03 Emmi wsor ELMVALE LIfff iSCHOflli PARADE GIIA SMITH iiiiiirxi Rum lii It MORE MILK To MARKET You can ship more milk to market by luiloWllllz Illt SIlllHIiAIN Cllll Feeding Illiill ll Liavc lll call with itinnothcr tor the first livo davs iitcr birth At two Wctlis oi iiizc plgitc lcuiy clovcr hay and SllUll0A1N Cali Startci in mint of lltt tLllVfS gt Mon At my TM it liicic ucicl wutcr for milk At lch WtllS iced N0 milk lucxc uprights Viitgtlt trial 157 into in or whillilill It liul it llflhli Slims for llritli ldci iv 15 lbllli ll oi dis tv liicui to ligzizc llili than if iiidliid jiilwj hum lliibiil age fruit olic ii lliill Lll ui lldlidnl til Hdlillliill Al hit iii fill li jiiuliy dxd titlllll li at lm lainI llwillc it St oi lav aflcii tdi mi lf gradually substituting li 5m Illswc lit iii Nliiiii Iluilllirl of iiiiIv friend and ac of tlic fairiil Illllvt lot in lint lciidcl lllf ltlfltldl cdaiadi Whole sale POTATOES Any Quantity Number lif trade iiitcr ordch Likcii now HAMILTON Bradford St PHONE 3130 HAHN tlililliiiif it ltilllt liurvh lla iizliii all at lligulitll 1135 There is feeding program that will ltlll strong vig urotis calves and SAVE MARKET MILK Turili bigger Milk lliiqucr FEED SHUBGAIN CALFv STARTER Biiiiiiii ruiiiii MILLS OLIVER wusoii MINESING ii unoiir sriiouii ii BELL UTDPIA iiiLiSiiiiLi norm rrrn daughters Mrs Win llllllltl liiic commercial llllllli at The lAllCil of Aidbeg lll and Mrs llaiiic limiiiiincr liv ILHHJ llllhl flhllIi luloiw tli lloc liii pailiuuiivis Mi llax icon lli iltcl lolllll Mr Dillill Jamis IIviiii lliioiid lltllil Ll uiiiiiiipliaid llulillll lniv tllll ll iiilu llit Iivllllln lklllll Swan IILUlllitliI ii lli iic ii5 ivifc lit iiiolli Unmh ingmgmy Hi John oiiih tiiiiiloii iid ilci 311 ll llttill ill Iiiilri Ilyl luin 1x itliilh at illi family ii Itt li inf tillul ii tlliiI Ill iiili inillll lr lilin Li Illtlizl ta ll lo lJIli 21 hr of iid ll With the lltll MUN ll ill tll ili nllllllt ltlillll na ur lil lltillltl lliili HI llltlllti was llfllll llt will lu Wit II II HM Hu iii ilii in li Jun lnlhid Itxllildl iiilil 511 LL lrll and lim llIlillliWnl lv licY lil1 ltll lI Miill will Hllilzlll ilil ii imi lw hit hum IIlI IislN lludinl Mll lliilioilI at Cl itll 31W Ji lrlllllvvlll iiiis iioiiiziir tlrl Maigaiil Atirlill bcluvid unli til llillliil knllliy llllll Ll liil the Royal Vltlllli Hospital Ilii Ilt iili Sop 21 illill Ill13 Litl illiics Mrs Acoiilcy daughter of tliig late Mr and His lltci ViIiiii was born ill Uro loiisliip April 1ig NIH and llllti lici iiiiiriic wpciil Illlml of her life in Crown Hill Luff to iiioiiiii licr lurrt iic lici husband three sons John of Que bec My Robert at homo and llxlli ltlillti ml lJllillI llallhgdlil lit1 lliil lloiiio II Ar vu lzlllt rp iIgp ll 11c vial iiczil iltlll=luli of lviii=iiiil finial liliuiiw fioiii many Illill lllilllut szciuil l3aiin iiiirchaiil jillll Inuit lilisi iii loiuiiloltriiiulx iiiiiciiil lioiii tlitil ip liiili pin tccaid lsilil iicladcil lllt lidlouiiun li iiiiiioiiI lo lmtllzincous Slioiicr 1Hlillfl Mr limiii Mr iiiiclliiiioii sziowii wig 151 1Mm Umpnvul lald Zli llli liziiml lszeiiili lill froAland di and dr lool YVSHVSM lli 911 ll oraiiif MI and NH llii lll All llll 311 MUN1 lo 1lloroii1o iiizl It Hm tliziiiniaii illi Mair llill Ho xo in II lv mi HUIHI lziiiztiioodHim piiuivii iiiticsiIoIv llcl 1qu igtyH HUM pulp oil lllUIlilll ol llll lillll iidciiiil nk MA Hhv1mluy roiniiiuiiiti siiiciiip 11 and MiulNu tf gul Ml Hmu lliipiiiiii tlt icoiiii lo livoI Scliiol iiiii liizst display of MHI dcioialcd chairs iizd tlc llt 11 Ni lll liiliillltl Willi Mr and ii iu Miller will ltllll ll Elm Nlr ltllltbtlllltllJt laiili at lr loics Mi Inn Misses Joan iii1iii and Marion 4H ltllllillif llllt All lodzi liiiiicr lllutl tlmiil oi uricroom loroiilo on Siliidiiv So it 11iliiidtiii ll ltIl No 11 llui Nil iiiihci Lil litll after an illiicss of road the iiicoiiipiiiii Iizooii 11 Illll months Born 11 llaldwin WHITE METAL tlshls and is lawman icrIv llos Ontario on August IllII ltxiil the Liiiiioiisly illdlllittl tlav lriiiids fort Most aitilic and iillltFlllllllin son of iiorgrc and Mariah lomliii For Your the lovely itlltn llcfrcsliiiiwiils vlic float by ltti or llllllt ooiiis lilni sciicd hv the liltlltIk illt HS liliiivalc PS iavcilcy on li llllil4l hiS schooling at fumllll SlIVlCt Wits hold on Wheels AItrnctlve Thi late Miss lierKNlIlhIl in Public school icaiiili iillcst lllll Ilalduiii and for ii iiiiiiilicllf Fm gamma SUP 28 at St Mums gt decoration en humes beauty of hub pap and empha Ii llvl1ll llmliil distance lhr fit Li ItlIllllltll lllt lltllll liii ltlilll iiiiiiil itiiw pioic sum of rlll IIIll pallluaicrr Wii llil llo Nil lll llvzilli loliii Roiw William Slaw lltll llirl lItlllltlll layloi puvcxioii by old llouaid lllllrlltlllu llllilr 1liiilu lit1 No ll llos niciit Vi iii llairii lliiioii ciac li in ii if Ioii pct iiiil IUI iiiiiilici ii 111i utlv cg per day than oii am now pitting from 10 lulu that one pg will pay ltlt dllllllllll them any in price of 51 forgo FILLTHE BASKET EGG MASH And you cannot buy ii lwiivr food but nu gct many more cxlru eggs wlicn you ford Uliilrliords FIIIIIICIihkll Egg hlsltttlttl they Iroall extra profit lllllll illllpoils of iiddiiiys cic hoiild llcasc iilloi as be solituto llic liuiiiiiiiiii is 34H ll lrihblc iiliirciiiil of Toronto Ifai illltdtl as possible is possLblc iflci llic lVtIll tliiio urandcliildieii three broth3M crs Duncan Vlltglils of Shanty lllllill ill Illlltf liii Nu mill illllllll TOMLINSON iliur Wiliiioit llillllllIMlll pass lll away it his lioiiiv lit tilciiliohiio Buy Robert of IItllltl and lctcil of lugaski Sushi and four sisters Mrs Bciiiigli of Miiiiisiii Mich Mrs II llioiiipson of Siiitalula Sash Mrs II Daniels of Winnipeg and Mrs James Grey of Toronto lic ili lslll LEGAL BOYS BOYS Barristers Solicitors Notaries PublicM Conveyancers etc oiicy Ito Loan 01311092ng Owen SL Baffle Aid Off ll 133 eld MUSIC Lessons Lewis Scngram ACCOUNTANTS WELCH ANDERSON COMPANY Chartered Accountants Trustees etc Brock Building 200 Bay St Sotcliy not start now feed Jll 180 on oir ll llolt She was laiiliiic ctoiiiicll inich Arclici ML Himmler by mp and with Many beautiful floral tributes mciiihi of St Andrews licsby lrciic Womb in gxwmim of the period of few showcdthc high esteem in which lolltlll Church had ill honorary SPECIALS WIN hi ho Wadi ho groomy Mrs Aconley was held member of llL WMS By It llilllpllb School chil business he worked at his lIEldC llll m3 Surviving em rmingI Liilillll0ll 100 yard dasthiloIvd Dw llickic and sister liis laisuici llllllll ll WWlt5 li It mc Iawmv lump 1j1JI iiairz Ii bcsl float in school IltIliiirilc llih school ALAN If Bandmnstcr Barrio itilcns lIIMlllIlt BRASS lillllll INSlRUNIENlS ALSO PIANO H3 OWEN six Phone after pni 4268 GLADSTONE CURB Successor to CAMERON CAMERON BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Owen St Barrie Icleplionc 3l75 MONEY TO LOAN Band Im mm ML Mun 1MUH vypmp NUI lilos No Iatci livml iii llcsuick OniI wlmn Church Crown Hill and was coii sizeswhito on Similar Sold 111141 at but 11 THUR he conducted grocery store and of lulled by RCV GWINO Lurk lioiiic lhlSi of the villaizc rciiiovcdl INllIllSLIIUOI SPORTS recent years had resided in Toronto Sllilllly nil Illllbfillh iiiothcrpioneer oi this district llicl Iloys bicycle iaicmblurray MCl Iii Septeiiibcr till he was mar llhlft SUNS HIUHIUSQJJ IRWIN daughter of die liiu lll and lrsto1inoll tliiili Aritier Ilaiiiiic mil Mg imniiiiI who sur Flcmmg and um nephews John wull rind tire contrast Fits overuhub up to rim cdze lil shortly lilfoie his death He was iidciil mm of flowers COlleqiate John Ditltll she was born on Mar Richards in Girls bicycle race vivcs him with one son Arnold Iloliuid William Wiggins SEE US TODAY ronourp oundib Brown Burrit Allan chroy II Bell Ilopiu Christie IClinvalc Fidlcr Sutherland ookstown Harrison Bros Stroiid Martin Bradford Ivan DIEV Thornton Mcunllish Stayiicr McLean Edgar Oliver Wilson Minising DISTRIBUTOR Chrysler Plymouth Fargo Johnson Motors Firestone Tires SERVICE AFTER HQNE HOURS oars REPAIRING Ri NG LARGEST srockbr GENUINE REPLACEMENT SPRINGS AND BESTEQUIPPED SPRING SHOP NORTHOF ITORONTO COMPLETE STOCKV OF ALL SPRINGI ACCESSORIES iiiiiiiii SPRING sriivrcr 12 payiieid St Barrie oni out Greene Taxi Stand gNovv Localedlcrt Ansoservicejsiaiim mam4mzosweeapseaeTsrassr Harold Hill ALSMAKES 3561 on sanitizing The funeral service held at licrllllllvlltllln late residence Sept ll was ilillilnxilllll Kl Sllllit mom WI IiI LI gmme mud Public School Float lluiilcrs meritwas made in the family plot lldliltllkf iii IIlmvalo tciiiclcrv Iiillhcarcis were las Lawson lillaill toopcr lJohn Dickie liawrciiccc IVllCllltllliJWJlS wcll patronized and thorough Stanley Saddler and llll lunpdll lllllttl ll the Idios Aiiioiii the lllllily beautiful flowers were those Andrews WMSI Itcltitlvcs from Ilslullci attend in the funcriillocro Mr and Mrs from St Jas Lawson Walliicchurg Mr zllltli Mrs Willard loopci Sudbiiiy Mr and Mrs Stanley Saddler loroiilo Mr and Mrs Simpson Ilairic Allenwood oniiiiuiiity Honor Newlyweds double shower of interest was lltlld iii Allciiwood lliiitcdncliurcli baseiiiciii on Wednesday evening ScptIinhci ill to honor twopair of newlyweds Mr and Mrs Stanley llozictick and Mr and Mrs Nelson iliiiiicr Mrs llltlibllsull English bride who hasbiust arrived in liaii ida on the Lady Rodney Ilcv Mclfarlaiie iii brief address IVOltOlitetl the two brides Ray Spring conductcd crimes and led in usingsong lhc tWocoiiplcs were theircscortcd to four decor ated chaiifsfllliss Joan Liriigmzin read uiiaddrcss from 1th Allenwoi Community and each bride received In lovley electric table lamp and sum of lilOllevalllCh was brought in by Bernice Bell and JoyccCliqu7 man Many otheir Ibeuuliful gills from friends and teldthQS were opened bymthe brides and thcac conipaiiying good wishes wcrcrcad hv Joan Langmuir Stanley and Nelsoii on Whalf of their brides thanked their many friends for he lovelugifts llIic serving of refresh ments brough theenjoyablg even ing to Iclosc Theliale Mrs Albert Draper In failing health for the past few weeks passed awaIv at herglionie Con F105 on Sept 23 1946 Her maid en name was Jessie Drvsdale Row etrimllaughteucfmheadamaltiiimand Mrs Thornasllbwat Born in Hills dale on July 1874 she Ispcut all hei life in Tim and F105 town MrsAlbert Draper Illmvalhw liSillc laik Amusements were in full swing The iiieiiyir0iinl lltiillllItf ilsahcl all of llliiivalc thrcc sistl Mrs Armour Thump son lts Wm Busch and Nilrs liowat and VlrsI IIiiiersoii Mc us eardciicix Quarrlc three brothers Art and Chris llowal in the West and David lluwul lllllllly lhtrc are 12 grandchildren llclalivcs and friendsallciidcd from Toronto Qiiglnsvillo Barrie ookstowii Ncwuiarkci illdliiiil Orillia iiiid Wusliauo AA 4o Royal NavalBird Watching Society The United Kingdom admiralty has announced the proposal to form it lloyal NavabBird Watch ing Society with special gnipliasis on bird watching at sea Though there are always plenty of people trendy to watch birds unload the study of bird behaviour mtdniovc ment at sea is an almost untouch ed field of investigation and Uii ited Kingdom sailors have there TOIerLl valuable opportunity of contributing to the science of oiu nitliolog and hi suniiiicr homi at Kcswick Have Changes was ample proof of his proficiency lii sports lie was lilipckcy and baseball fan and In his titlllltl years played both piiiiicsfx The ftiiicriilvservice was held at funeral home in lorontonand iii lttliltlitI was made in Qiicensvillo cemetery llcv RKW Serrick of Kelsivick lliiltcd cliiiibhieiiiiiliittcd the services at the home ziiitbirravc side The pallbearers vcrcsix nephews Irvin Irwrcitcc lilci elyiif ltrcd Ilurold Donald an Iloriiiaii Ioiiiliiison Sulvlllltp rcl ativcs other than the wife and son are three brothers liiirlcs and Frank of Ilaldwin and Iloy of Bar ric lliciQ were many beautiful floral tributes from friends and iclallvcs WILBEKT BLACK lSlrouii Correspondence After lingering illness Wilbert Black passed away at his home in Stioiid on Sept 24 1946 in his 53rd year son of Mrs Black and the late Robert Black of Craigvule he spent all his life farming and trucking in this Cilnmttllllsl with the excel tion of few years in Toronto Al ways interested in any community sports curling For scvcpalycurs he was lllClllDCl of InnisfilIImViishipILCoun 911 and agasl Master of Minerva chicLodge and LoLiios Ai Glldyglfl leudxaohclping hand yvirrcver needed Wilbert will be greatly missed WM He leaves to mourn hisdealh his dream three young daugh ters Eleanor Sheila and Beth al so his mother three sisters and two fur NARCISSII in Paperwhite aigopaisivaibw cnoeusrs brothers Carrie Mrs McDonald Ina Mrs Cecil Clark Alex and Herb The funeral service was held in Stroud Uni Church on Thursday Sept26 conducted by Rev Paisley The pallbearers wereI ThosCook Wm Young Wm Giv ens CliffWebb Blythe McConkey EddmeiriiwCampbell The beautiful floral messages of sympathy and respectimminany nds includ edthe following Innisfil Township he was especially fond of rEthclvv Mrs TTFlatt To Overcome Apathy In an effort to overcome what was described by the school iii spectors as apathy on the part of some pupils of the Olllllll Colleg iate combined meeting will be held by the Board of Education and the stuff of the OCI The report of the inspectors was made last February and Trustee Grant at recent board meet nreferredmlo the lODOll in imik ing nine suggestions to deal with the matter MrGrant could find zi scconder for only four of his ideas Ilgey will be considered at the joint meeting The suggestions included OllCl have all pupils dismissed from the Collegiate not later tlianfoui oclock as proidded by the regula tions of the Department of Educa Ition The regular afternoon class es would be from 130 to 330 and would leave the halfhour to four oclockIfor delentions Every stu dentwould then have from four to sixoc10ck for recreation orvactiv ities outside the school The organization of Home and 93 DUMMY bl School Club was anothersugges top This would be affiliated with the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations The third suggestion was the formation of an Alumni Associa tion Invitations would be sent to everylivingvpersou who had at tended OCI Formation of Student Council was the fourth suggestion which will be considered he school inspectors reported academic Success of the Oiillia students orniaipar With those in otherischools there appearedIto be certain apathy among some of therplipiISr ltgtI Though The Examiner is dated Thursdiiy1tgoes to press Wednes day afternoon Get copy in early i15 Dunlop St COWAN comm Barristers Solicitors Conveyancers Notaries Public etc 17 Owen Street Barrie Ross Cowan FRANK HAMMOND BAK BARRISTER SOLICITOR ETC Masonic Temple Bldg Barrie MONEY TO LOAN DUNCAN MCCUAIG 155 KC BARRISTER VSOLICITOR ETC Money to Loan Ross Block Barrie DONALD IMacLAREN BA BARRISTER ISOLICITOR ETC MOney to loan MasonicTemple Building Barrie JOHN man BARRIISIER SOLICITOR ETC 24 Dunlop St JOHN WOODS BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR Bank of Toronto Bldg Owen St Phone 2661 Money to Loan OPTOMETRY ROBT BARRE FF80 OPTOMETRIST Attendance 96 ROBERT SMITH 110 OPTOMETRIST 53 Dunlop StPhone 2580 Hours 96 daily INOEL GSTEPHENSON 30 0PTOMETRISTgt Dunlop St Barrie Phone 4201 cmnornacrong am it ELSIE BURNS mo licensed Druglessilheraplsts fElectLicRadio Hydro and MechanoviTherapy CORBETT DCx CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST Phone 3070 Barrie BY APPOINTMENT Barrie Ont Phone 2963 Phone 31911 26 McDonald St JESSIE It BIIYSON RMI organist and Choir Director Central United Church TEACHER OF PIANO SINGING ind MUSICAL THEORY all grades lncludingIATCM Modern Methods Studlo 27 Bradford St oonoruv JOIINSON Associate of Toronto Conservatory of Music and London Eng College of Music Piano and Theory 71527MQple Avenue MAYDEE McAULEY ATCM Organist St Georges Church Teacher of Piano and Theory 115 Bayfleld SL Barrio OSTEOPATIle JEDWIN WILSON BSA DD Sinicoe Street King Block Barrie Telephone 2293 Hours942 am 25 pm By appointment MEDICAL VICTORIAN minim or NURSES Barrie Branch Well Baby Clinic from 230 to 430 oclock everyIWed nesday Application of nurses ser mes mav doctor Telephone 2451 VETERINARIAN DR iFLEMING VEIERINARIAN and SURGEON Sophia St Barrie Phone 4543 iijiini bittrdiis LLOYD ISTECKLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE 12 Clapperton St Phone 2103 01 SMITH co Established 1889 IUNERIAL DIRECTOII AND EMBAIZMERS Motor unbalance tn conneo on OPEN DAY AND NIGHT BARBIEII0NT PHONE 153 made director through ships Of kindly didposition she was lovedby all who knew her She was memberofStAndrews Presbyterian Church The funeral held from herlate home was largely attended It was conducted by Rev JL Bur esswlnterment was made in sriiriouiifow OPEN Handling GAS and VEEDQLIDIIL Stavros SCILLA 185 6051ngllldlud Sign Scoiiogl Curling Club Dunn LevaIck To ANGLO cERSHWIN bN WHEELS 471 it George Gershwin composer roller skating chainplOanhen he 74 was gradualed from elementary school Grape Hyacinth roritoIand The Younger Gang at tr CtndI tlielRink II FLOWER Rois vale cemetery Pall carers Harvey Rowley en Me our to John Lambie eiDiapel How Irom iimmiiiflffimblb If Drihkincj II utes included those fromlhe op Fountains illBredlord St trims P119116 3178 causiriuizizfalso MGShHdppm II LI f248vpur Waterfounts IJI ff ff gue vulcanmngSmme Moms Tel2299+ tiGa47izrzrHa RotaryRebuilt Cylinder ls FHEPAIBS II Qm1rviuumsv II OF TRY TheMuIiiii1Beheft eaiih dAo iu ILINCOLNandQBDI li pour GHQ CQLES rONE Acsrsscms gt mammal and five daughters Jos Thos and Fatteniiigah Afmourfdf Elmva1eEarl of Wash ago Herb of Newmarket Mrs DC THE Ieshmg Pellets FOURTEoUSi PROM MUTUAL LIFE SERVICE AND her husband five sous Boxes 3546rordsi ime Inurance iBODYvAND ostentatious 330Bay StreetToronto mm um cd wife and lovingmother rogue she11 iIBSSEmbliesioi summer 1umNii aim