Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1973, p. 4

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III II lllldllee Halo he hello do mum even M1111 GM an mutton teeth to Matteo Ill loorltynollo slmooe theeenxootbeny deem Imedunr wlthI fooan In of is 32 e5 53 limoudzonrt mm nedmepommm lee dwww xywrmd mmWWWVWMM hootero torewrttetoe tenHM loIInlnlIIee roulette quentmwmlwwm mor rldloulotl llnhtom 1W nentbueleeoullumno rdbllono to elm mantle nonhuman rent Whmunalorhelplonowo me one be 1911 on there rood HISIOIIY Is IMPORTANT nun lleo good htunor petton satiny Herold moo boom to be woolen for one The tendon ol Ibelr own blot bud Mott demon toremw nlgn oohool nudente no on out tent Webmmmtdmnllmm wallow neod Untltptobeblycomomn rm the co om mannered tram the armed to wet mm one It tee all rm lumen eootlono ol noweom onoueeunln llbd ammo Ildtooltlwborlef unlorbid thelm men on tumor um grown nod tom Mo on Melony oouneIln III puhllo rm heloeo But lbt Women WI momlwll 0II fotunolentl deoteteo to mm ltd do to ah out to my mmpwmhm Wu Muldlbe but no In It Aod oII onoeny hoe mum Wm ltlflt oeboole pueblo bmmq ll om olnetnnl on Irtl mm my my on Wm Ill Ahnoot odtlroutoxceetton nonmoen teeth why lbeywlllbe lenelret ee Mel WM or unmet nonwtbeloletholm WW WW mull oweoutwrhutt Ill0ntazloond the Unlled out hove re then obllythry to $0353me not at ll ovum lemon tnenlou hell mutton Nun brllX erect the zuhIeIIneo you eoneuong lose out undertone um and be memo with will mtgWm mm nether come eetvel Iletl ecooerrle toeeotlve Nuoueen ENEMY WW It utuII monleellh teem mu mu denled been the role eleer loottructttt llll mutate under to emouet My lutolttl mommy Nufelolbn nonutoulldlltmww Mmmwh ngllm olcu stem Leltotrers val 1th Policy lune totem lw mm if ootebl loom Iletl About one two yem by the ewodlent nmmIuernxtnnue one aoouoo wmmnmwwl Itll It of mu eololleoelwbtehvuthoprlme ytooeete too Wm WM ttooel 1m 333 remote elotlllno Ml Ia mm elhlllW me abutment Ion relate oltlu to the minute he lhet lot mm VHF Eyentheuoh noluto etllt hotde dieldean tlonll oleotlonIore Then lban bu bee oeerdelool In MWE lluo thll and om pontoon mum 01 Intentton It most thte lleuu old on litter Im me eelent ll tboootlo Shem ad II dunno nl ovel con oulteeout to elletwcmdemd heUd uncommon 1m MW mw mm rteoood Ind vetereltn eooxolo ep pl by woollen nl eerlotnly dlmlb Blur er mu alum may lllulllllll too lot mlm tattooed ou leMo looee denoteRwanda Indee eu torment slurp V0 rut ttIon ol the tltwml Wum mt tom only be More on or lelterdey rvut Ilblotedtedunbllllublollhl tend berw ngm if the moneylewd numort Bllhtll nun Vlmlhhl eouey limb otsam Illmtll ll otttno turner ublnel low to you my end ntuebtnlttelxed roteInlIIIOCI MMIbroo Muruwwlwm Ito bu detelooed utteeleledoh el lnlete oublle eooddeoeo In the rtoloylntbe If MIW Ileoell Comte to out one nnotlll lb he we WWW mm mm Mwmmwm WMWWWWM mhumu mtoltndollnrdwlbttelldothlnkthetelerl NIL new uh on rlotrnu reeoeo end the el tuner the amt the we ywa mm be nan end no the tlrno Iteo me to lmIIJon marlin ootntlrloe loopedlo note buy my eeom tometot ltd nu nuoloterooodnbetlvdeunoeeo meoy eto eooeeeunteo tbtr jun Wt orowo laxton IN doe bllun orol elettlon end lolloeedby tom calm onteln ortllnet namet monument MI to In The external tlleltl rolnllllll mommytunnel ol new let em end It lblnk the WI llloedeol In neetdood mile the men ol the lobe lye lbrn aye the Dutch ultooov new Oortu ilo the benmloo eclenlllle lllp limit immune II III Ileld term 11 IObllno Telephone mom beeond Olen Ilell Mellon other out Dellyyduudnyt Ind Stetulmolldm exalted new veto dolly b1 retro weekly new yttr elude llr molt no rally mite nl III lmclhuln elm yerrtyx All her eeuntneo bloc ream otee threw ell um mtly ltletlooel Advertlrtno ollleeot St Gotham El IL flllehn el Ibo Geotdlon Front end Aodlt homo oI creole mettle Im to rxelue leel entitled to the use too rev publeotten ol ell om dlrortott llltbll erele tottot 31o WW then or letter lot the the locll om publhh In rlrnnerl elatlnu or on even all 30 odllortel melerlel eye ed by ltd emoloyeeo end no odueed In thtr nonpr Copyrlm Iteytttutlen Nun her bottle redoter ll not Toronto Idltly Ieebuv emu ere nomad lor tlolr tun normed hm W7 09 dleeoueor Inn4 at trlwon Ito lbttldlnlbloett emetm trltb etdd Intemt to he Iyotem tufted lbe beetene uncommon leIllml thotttnbntmeny Ih Ozednutrooemee Iloumottho1 new noon the Germ Webtotnet 11mm Met tut Illde Mott comolo In only mlle eo eealewenllulodlnnetrhut deented or mt onotber ttu or enter me oI amount than on on Io III by Mellon llellnl once over Int Comet leele once tllyem It on one otendeoelly tun ed yd ltereeother wolarthell yIthI temetl lertbut lrom Koboutthoronotnteed doeIloev the run my trovel oomeolly II Tehmey be eeluo IIyI More the Ernllbeoelon Dbemotory The eeloelttetwlll We all end noood It wet lltllll the Immdll phenom out em otreteh mllu The tnoamu MINme could covet eoeetxth ot the eymlnz dry the eonxto bud vehvtterh to to lo Ito one mun meet llmttlohoren llmden ell meltut the Inn loytlel who on hour not beueoldutbtdeemobelon ttbottt they tented no and be upolnu Ilou et 900 mtlee moonl nben mm orouod our to re tum teheret No outlmo here Not but yet nylonohtn It one mm It 75000 yem be In It recorded hlotory known this It Koheutelte llrot vlltt normed eon It with to the mettleIL comm modern lhe Inn brlllleoce In llll eoulheul De et ehetltlellrnllhhouttu blttllnllloglm Itomle rulletel have been no no don to and ll Mn poem pluenteed my be brllllnnt It vow or comelr or In Inlemllo It Job It when the moon lemeotbon Iron ne e1pr Kolmtee ndlt uo mllllen onltu at lgo gnu EL mm mm mm when wltoronttnottln end1I my ll Md lbol III III rommnnomtntn nthh enotrnend lhro thlo ow Dru terenerny oltll ed Wm mm complex molentleo world It will be the moltHurt ltd motlomerued comet to bltv BIBLE mottth And the lord Iby llod llll not Ill lbtumm upon Iblno enemlel III on them Ihet Into thee Ihlellurmeeuled thee return on obey the eeleo et the loud eel do elum eodlurn rn trim The nucleus outlet Mom to methane end who more no mere el unell comet my he on mutton toot uyo Ilmden wltb en nverm one home meet or erotle at one hIIIIon lbtll Kohoulelt may be blllloltl ol tone comet loIeI madlylotu unwell ot Illell when It to methen the not Comet Boo not In ldlllll to tone mono uhlle noon the nun All to oil It led pontoon ebwt loo mllllnn tone ot Ito oubltrmee Kolmtek me lotelorntere notan tell rnn olreteh out mtIlImo ol mllot tomooxed eI nler Ind duet mum llol In erbttoenmuler ytettn retnm II over One eerty eet neludlnl on en ollrou pelwle eoemnnlel cello not lo to thy to em to ellhwoo ovool sweet to udllllolh emblem eon Inert alum olltlddlt tbtt he been We one at routine 13an tuneful ll GoodlSessi ll bolt oullnrtr ooeuo Pent llereeo now New lmleo TOIIONIO 0n the rurleee It won net etmetlenel melon 91 the month tht the home met the let there tmt greet gdthol wouldoeme to your Bulyetllotwudooenndlt no In Inoemnt period lor the lzlnlloyrqoerlelnly handheld or on ottrtln llret nlth Premler Inuehe ol Alberto end the hreb oolIelu the mom loole oI meet olttlnl doyt It Ioemed em the enerly problem II Iunted otd thet Onterto ll fryinny onto to be pretty Itchy end no herd deelrlono me to be mode here not It there were In the Uh but hey otter ydgll out nmuloe euhloet ol to MANY lMPllININIIl 111mb eneroy hen the none ploy there elto however we met dent one the happened there wen Inr exomole the Idlon on the Nlneorn delete mellow to God It not only eyr comet rn lent vlllt In told ment Indthe Toronto perhwey the rem lhln to do ureter ultle It the pronrlu but bed mmtobll Iomtlllon leletell Kohoutek mey our outll Jr belt lltettllully tettlnt out outer new prlnelole lore Illvouttno the hot ol count omtn wont to en Mhlhhlohll outboro reelueece to tnueuet wtll overload rt the oemuener me then but the otl Foam who dIoIdln NW Yeelltnto Ito The wet the IIeldhnend Noolollt government not otth lt tho Iut ot the reuoml Iyrtem to tutor mended omn ntentl wlll be bIted on the county oytletlt lhuro one the blood ellolr nod Hydro end ultlt It they toned Ind apparently more herd otetntnent oelltleetty There wuthe relormetooe the Weekend Cemoemetlon Beenl end the Imminent ot Idllte Store II lrrneo It mote which ohould be very etp ollteoht Md then Ire only ten de yeloyrneret ol the melon there were rrnny meny mote And In total they not up to one at our most eonllruetlw leclnllvl meettnu Ito ll Ironwood oI owrte the when voted thornxelteo rntte In pay When you Inelyze Ibetr tooth they eelnod ll HIKE HIDE vwmuu IUII lenlor ettlreot hove been otterel tree but rldol on three dlyl Ind ehltdren entone moldy Deeunher The munl on Irel tronlpoelotlon youd Ieut helr Gtrletmu my problem um Ibll rend looowted In Ieltodepnrtmeo tell en llebl to eye to momle hnhlnoleot betterment no dent Ito moo sotre tom menbm tune to vow who own My mod thelr trheo thMbemlWlol otlltteoeleo lltely vIeIuol dtlm lelellytoo HI Income bother Nixon emu be In ulblnllo no Whittle IlulllIe all one eluted ettd Ioleelened the Ito ottlrnwlll depend to Into the Milan on uw ten tuxoo out on thou tumult at teen helro uotlroent lelltrltlaeomly at Ntreoo bottle to bloom to lo boletomulotly tutu the need thue to dene lg tltlmllellltplllllllwhwlololtlehtlll lm ll ettloo eotedtble week It the out III or eight ueeke con ttee moo tulle vultlbly will deletnlm It Venom once on too nhe Mxoolll mneln to It eeollmttloo that oltleeondbw to be It be the my bed btoe eluted lot ebte to merellltedoet lltolbleeno to tell Nlten tM notlonet Intereet reeorel but gt you tiled om mm non Numnoun one el Nuool moot Irdent llteto ere Inetllnnted Mot tueoorten In blo Weteeoeto dI um on Veneeouet mend fchllllDllS STORY borne conl In mo hhero trout terteudem at our latent ott trleo to then over hllo hlt Iltexel lee round 90lele It ttrnt ol ecenenue Ind eultml lloloeuon to Condo toothed oentI el the otroo eel uhldoon ol bl methods llu not but only the Itretleug notlttm mull toeludloe ItereI dot llle ot control mood ta Anette elude nod ot ente on tereltorltl voter llmltl Yet both heeuno publlevpolley me to the ole ed Pemool tortilla the lumen ye Jew lull Peomuetylo ttlllln Mdudoohttltueu to In mlnttter Ito bee Mlle 1e entrtedtobtbteeoolnon nd noeno been how much ltr Menu preventedlbot Nveoundlands Yes llIongTimeCOmin nyuoueonueu module oxymoron or to er emlttholtl to to to tool to thl hmllt Im VHD eoen my muggy owing lhlhhhlh nllldll fall Weed Vletortotto nululdot WW IllnelhmllgenlII rt lloneter It took toolll no It looted of mo et Nertmndtr teIIym mum ton on the other etehnlu teem turner otd tool In ten vineo Newleuodlond ell rttlthbontlnloo Ind ceo Mluleotlneneleterlelt cut ted ontermrlgtee It Idl retooled towel hol uould blue mode ewloundllnd hoe etohth protlnte It that me ooulereoet the next eentemttl joble ltnt ntl be In lull Itber Illl Illklftlllvtln he rune orotlneettln Itcl eutrrele to they More part II com to dllve to mite Newlouodtend It we on the Domhelen bl belnlnl elem reriuu lt bop edllhe outol enednottt ISM end Wot WIr It on herd Ittuo Hod not llonlly It wool to Non leundlmderotoue lho Ilenl ex out me yem they hrd been eloelol Mulletlltetkledtboldtett llrr teoe turnt tollrltllo ublot It nIdlInuollt Mllllll DEC ll EVENT lm French eod Enlltth rm lltdldl at Neeitty lm on It mlEuwnt VlllIbll thteoe on It We Mom to Newloundltnd totally bum

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