tIlod unto mg II trutcanlltldret otd moo rue mm lute on 1nd pltrereoteh Deml III pleased Ilth the victory lelr the lltrrle elub nteetlttuwllh only It men tor the mo lltl no pl street on Involved In at uddent lo Tortola on Elan lrnm nobleman III tumble to Item ot burner 01 belorI lIdeI reared the ontttI ml on wer lI hm mutt tor the em OrtlllI only tlxee tie EM hIrI pl lot at bethdomlrtged not tee new In the III no exerptlon to they not MW nueond mm at the who when euro took tn the OrtlllI Ilene Aunt nude Icere on ereme lnttte ertmerlltelwoeluht Iyed We mm Hg tray to retell the team but to Id tour mlr BIrrle ln ucond perlod 91 the Fly Colts Loses3 In Owen Sound mMembu NudINlmInLau 0m Scent time My In Wtuto Jtlltr Ietton dr hlomr wile Width Md Prlttte hum Med eluded Centre Itnt Gltbone paced the htlte vetth two IhIlI ut Meghan potted men lend not odwgud per ted the Greye Iddod two geek In the wood Ihlle abbone term ed the nut In the third netted 0m Sound rooted three more loll Itth thboul worth the Iomttd the Ctth The Dolu lent rookie rld vlnter Scott Imbertm Iltlr woken IoldI tn the lhlrd ported one meager htll meme an IIld ttohertwn may be tor It to elrbt weth 1b We hotl hlldltnd otttrletrenIItI meaty lWll hodlltle Int Ilth Hotel table on thunder nldi It the In no travel to Orlllle to er the nd IetI Friday Waltonlllldgelsotay Unbeaten Ittrrle Wettou trounce Ill nor thistle mllmed lhelr the Ellie Minor lllomr Win Two Games the John Elle Courtntelhrt rnlmr Item welt two emu on mth hlInk llretnpv ten to to In Ithlb on rent land dumlng erlllI to York slnxoe htutor Hockey ten 10 Wu Tito Ian Ind deer on the me Irtlnst Bremnon mutton whole Ind Grer Jotuulon Idded thew Torn look th ln loll lot the ut Smith led the all round est Otlllll wllh two roolI Ihllo Kevltt herInn Steven htillI PIul meat Johnston lltdoulI Ger cyr IMDHll Ed nude Idlod elude nurture The Ellie sound but now won llvptnet and lost only one and exhlhlllou plty Gavin wu llultett tented benten etrtng ol league Ind ex hibition me who net at Vletorlee an the weehettl lho tIltott the deterred 0t lhlt Btlurdayln Orlhll ht York strncoe ltlnor Hooker len rtto plot on route from Jim Anxur llan column Peter Meet and hole Coulsm lttt wIllonI Irorod tture Olll In tho thlrd porlnd tor the nth ln In rxltibttlon ItntI Sundry It the Eutttew Irene the nun mom one noun sit II they tome from beth to ltldlnnd held lh km Into the thlrd period but lnllelr Conlton and We urnth IIeb rooted IlnrleI tor the Itlrr 111 when elm we on record ed to when Ind one llt tn IIIguI Ind ethloltlon plop um tome Iottre We moan tnlit out an Ich Ho UCLA to he nthdeooteetltll wln hottndny Bnttnt lltltened Southern ltetlt to hdlst Tltth The the toutttto linen All Mum mam Md om hot to can Meaty Itrot tth WW WATCRZDt It Mu nltt the letplu FrtdIr nlrht It the Be rtI Irena It It Indjttret cmhttdra Sunder Mateo that lbotnpwn yltyet etltlt out the plotectln ltd rnIIt he and been rather elm elm turlnr hlI rreehhone botm the llret rune ot the team Rob lneon who had been out vlth In Muller tendon lnlttn plrlted up Sdtmberl In York Slm roe mlnnr MW letrtte ploy It the OrnComntnltytIrm hett ttrdIy hturrIv ClIrtt Int Dotty Show Illl tech rooted torch tor the Aloulet Ihlte Ernle mmmlttd Ind Ptul colleen Idded Ilnxla The Almet plw then out mu futon rune Saturdtytn Beaten Butte Bllrdlllloblnronl fem tantrum Sarieantslose 11 OrlllI mu tttitror Berrle Berleat Reedy Mlt Moore 1350 venue drooed deelelon Peneltlee ltobtnteo ll $21 to nlllltnd Sundty tnGeoreten ItonIbIntBl Smlth any lllmrvlloehy Luxurle 1m Izooun renton HIM on mob demur Ieored one memento ttttItnut Me Mew Mm Inldney mm the turooe on ttoo Butte It Belrdt ton than Ernllh thehrnh l1dl oeltloe llIrIlt tot Itoeltou Thotupeon tllt Mon to llhnlelth III limb tot ltlr HERD PERIOD Butte an ltontben lbtltldll roll er teem ville ll Peltemn be tool ultlhlllon were tn stance to nlrbt Ind trItelI lo Om Mod tor lulu when ll Inldxetl too decltlm to Pettdtmullllm to In mlblttod Into plerod Irotrt or rel mm Ireet olldte In mumm hr llerrte lhlmldlt thth edtorthedlouorlm lorretlets Edge Welland CANADIAN men hrotlhhllketorhett won me tetnle ll mood lett In the wee wth 11an Ive BrIntlotd Ill over rllIdd tn Oottrto Hockey he to mltlton Settle It Idlott by Welland euller dettett SW PGOWBOI Spllt lIotberItmeetItlteIerleI tblt weekend llerrle embed hurl Unltnd Wetter mutt ltlhtrtdeylnehettl tor tlret pltoe Ind Selttftlllv duo bttdre tout Bellettllle wt to CorbettIlIoeetupDuocllu tl nlwtlluullnt lgmmym MFVPBEENEWSIWRW5 rtm cum uered team We Ieored the on hemvmrthlll 01M llrtnttot olletlmtlo ghmuw mm ntu 0mm aluminum mu Terry hleltnltt 1th Bantams dIturdIr OemhIld lot In nIlIltvtnllondmlt tttltIttn ever Bellerllle nettle Unltod ltdW Work the em ttII playedbetore Iton he too ethtteltod 1111 tIrtI tn Brtlevtlle gamer mt eeelenl deem John lleechey noted the mtltrtettndbthtdtddt other Cetnbrtd ml by rteeverton lornttoodtel or end let tol tloxt Germ led the UM tlren Ioorod tor hellottllo out tutt tellh three an Ilnet mum Domt etttt Men Cttnhrldze toot two of three Idllngtolntlt mlntr lellldl 52M mom deleted lhr euue te Idle untll Vtt IuhIt heeverton Ittlte 0mm diman III III tutor In to Indrlllllet ttttettlt tIltttd lluld not err WellInd plm tn hurlt Otl the out home tor the NI tretelt to hellevlllev tint errtId lI Wtd mtltr It Md tulth men mid to the mereorne In doeleten te norm punt hmlI ueor Indierttrd 41 llolt wItm Ind Ltlne teen Indltrtdleenbton Ioored lrr Ice lltthel Ymentnteee VIE llllt enthe mlend EWM Utnttnrmwtl Item ttleuoe hull on Io lmn notntttoon ot tut Brewettu preterm Pet pllln lllll Me It monthly oIl IItltellInlI cloth tad WW rtnetmuedue elm In nthy Int OIWMSWI Slottorllumoed Instant Untotloo lnCunudn ol rttauonretIrneut no mo lltlollll bllhlthhll ldtlle rm SIlultlI It Eutan tecmdtry Ieheo Lootlueoven And eehovtottrtereonnl service Ptan glveslyottf Ituetehoutalltltebanklngservlcesyoulloveruselorszhttamonth Nometterhowotlen urrnnnz ltenylDhrInclt Oomshtlox ltleoount tnvndwl cheque wrttlng Vrtto uemnny cheque It you lllto with no nddltlonnl chnrrrIAntltho Cultomchdquee orotroo tSatolyli VTDChatgexv Curd Honoured ntmnro thttn ono mllllon ettnhllthmontttnrl MW am thlrtyorte tltouunntl borrontnl lutttltbrunchtn lnhlrhtycottntrlte uroutul the world nntlln Cunntlut t1trt Butler so ttULllth Lt WP urtltr huh unsethem TD Coverdratt NSF Cheque Proteotton Rolex Yourchoquouro guaranteed up to thouvnlluble erodll tllmltotyour vTDChIrroxcurdr gt ttoaunttonrt ttlptoday oervlcgohnrgot mayor or lhlltollcl Chrqutl Manny Ordore Dldltl Utlllty lllll lnymentt where normally accepted Fundtrnnerorr betweenlunttchos llunlrltymull lD thlllltllltltll Bln lo chnrro for tolnt account Interested loans 3n Yougotaptoferred rntoonmoet ii Prrhonttl Installment Lanna upprovod youll got free tottequing privllegos 1974 when the full plan starlet Tonour Doututou thn benkwhoro people matetho dittorencn tomorrow application is until Feb or 9H Henttttod ltutltcr molt Welt ttlxernht Photoll