fill ll LN unmarriedtest Hi if sass 1N5 tlBooktprdswdssirnIlorhosmuploudo to niumortnrmm tilladrtiodudoslsrrchoroeetulvsrstios houses Enclosddpleuliind hum Mdmn multiple mil destrro moetlimnumm Pi wmwroieiothrtmhmm him home men micel ItI were bulb lino house it noes on to train lad is ecmnlul to one tiers it tilurwb in mind IMM Eaglmlon 136 gusts limb yims yI short film oi stIlrs ir Iepsrsle irom the one lits iront en traneq with its plan side panel is well shelerod in smutuIl lesion in the lure ilrinlv dining ms is divider with eltlnI rsblsset on lite dining side Ind bookrsus on the bell old to rive In hotelssipu pi Ipss et vsey Funds tiorirs ilede irons lbn litill room in the rut lounr in terrace loo kiteth utth convenient Inst bar ir deslpnod in the but Wiring trustitims it res trout ienitste many home shakers welrrxne sud hIs dsroet recess into both the hall Ind dining roorts Tho oulst IreI oonsim oi lltrro bedroms with win doseis each and roomy bathroom wih rlsthuI druid in the low est area lust lest sispl below grade level In located tbs nas Ire ssilh its torts bench and orphoards laundry washroom with null show lruit room cedossitses mus steps lead up to the rear nsdeo Using wood Ind ledge rod lor exterior mater his plstsJJoioiiul ptsuitnr box this hints would be In It lroeilto Iddliioo to any nelpis borboed Plassl or Deolgn SH cost it inr this rst set till etch LOWER AREA sddltioml set and lilitlptblN the by return mail our book lions murmurs In In IWMW oillcs lor lino earls or by mull tree eoupas below Boot pre senls 1th tot hornet up so 19 so rs tor slum Ind split level in It it tor on Ind one tail end storey Book inclines tuner homes Ind VI cation horses Alta notable is In it page but of duplex Ind nnilllple hornedeslpns It 50 cents iOnlIrio residents Idd per we SIleI as Ill pur rbsses rinsrninro nntnri none PAUCET OVERMWI Alter they lad left till rotcred our rotten but let the buthroom lsvst iamiovui low in out no er came down it Vinnide sorted the visits cellint lilo ol the meatless mmmoue lot itl Bimini iii out sod let it the Also titers it Is it you can stand the treaty odor itsr nitile Ingest letting tithes dry out Keep room treated em it you or ester specs bolster its speed thing up vIerlusssly desist will dsmur No season My you cant paint the tiles using root mile or viuyt isles paint Will GIVE YOU COMMlTMENT WIlHiN 48 HOURS thrsmurtielnatli savings loan corporation first mortgages up to 95 of appraised vrltio Coil trio Doug Chorry 267200 idenuniopSHIsl Barriobnisrlo tattooslitmus Whether you use In agent or not you need lepil advice When prospective buyer has presented you ZWhenSlllngriourHuure Question Wl botht our house yeer Iltt end here lived in It ever since Now wspsre reiltinl sndisecsuu your children the left home In llnrl we but to lose thIit see need We ssusl to sell the houses to shouid wsxoshoutlll Answer You went to pet the best possible rlcelor your property The first thing you should is yet Ih Ipptlishi oi the property by qualiedlppralsor lieep in mind that sortie but by no means nil reIl estnte Irenis Ire ouslliled spprsitors tosmsl IpprIissl will tell you what the properly is worth on the market and It constitutes sir Islrlnu prico VHuvinr your house Ipprslsed may scent In unneces sury expense but it could prevent you from lotlnr oood deal oi money by underestimatinp titevrlue oi your house Ind Iriliill loo low Nethdeeide if you wantto seiithe pro rty privately on your own orenlisi the help oilsne or more real estate agents One of the advantages in telling privately ts that you save the cost or the agents com mission lee usually live per cent or six per con the sellins price it ihrouph multiple listing service llyouproceedaloneyoullhavetoeonsiderwhether you want to sell quickly to meet moving deadline orwisellter you can Illow weeks or months for the process Selliniprivuleiy cansomeiimestakelonrerlhsnsell in through In spent and it could mean the cost oi repealed newspaper Iduenlsentenls You mayhsve to stay close to home to receive answers to your Ids Ind you must continually be on the lookout for people who Ire not seriously lootino or house so buy it however vbelber those 90 Moreover selling pvnltly nssy mean that you are slot reiclisnpu sufciently large number of polentisl buyers totsetltlste the Seiiiunmmantgm litereare some Idvrntapes in lirtinr your house with so agent For usinpie you have the benet of seem to large number oi buyers An agent will Ilso screen otenttsl buyers tor you Ind our house will he noiudedln the agents oeneni ridvertislnn program An agent is registered under the hell Estate and Brokers Act under which his responsibilities Ire spell out Arents also go through comprehensive training programs and Ire proiessionsl salesmen Your interests are also otecled because InIpent is obliged to smile full on irsrtlt disclosure to on his client of Ill material circumttances that would beI likely to inuence your Iecepiance at In offer When Lsionlno sn exclusive listinp sueemenl with only ouespetst be cautious onemonth Ioreemeni olthiily iseonslsleredrersonable de ndin on yourdesdidie and the market conditions within offerlorrnsllycolledanAyeemenitoPurehIso and Srll take it to your lawyer before you sin in Do not si oil until you are satised that the price rirht an thatshe contrer fulfills the terms Ind condi tions you Ire setting Once you sign and accept buyers otter you Ire both legally bound so the coniraeilitle buyer riser In Iprcernent has been signed by youpiaiis to live uptositeagreementconsulsyourlawyerimmedlrtely For pamphlet un rest eslsts trInuetlons writes Con sumerlluyLlssehllnislryolConsuosrrIndCommerrlsl Relations 555 Your Street Toronto Ontario out lutUIs rm lrimustten units slit nubile Ministry II tIItsunm Ir Culntrehl lslsiions phenom unions rm entriotnrrnrtrinssi Irriortcru smitnoin rooi UtliiA nouenn ovsr nun eon rounmu stwu niouosr trustan mNnttioNlNu surroer mo neoucoto EQUIPMENT Introno 511mm monstrous SPA no norm on SPA NO BARRIE tit blIlri so but ts Collier st dsrrlos lierdiso Horltls Sps lolns In the eolohrsilon oh no now Sol opsnlnos in Orlllls Tslto Idvsnllne of this ae irIiiprled expansion oiior and you eIn onloy Ill tho isn istile loeillilosv oi Prrsdlso liIIlih SpI but not for long his oiior expires Novem 30lh 1973 or sooner if quolsls ruched Ari nowl tritiurtrirrtrn tor OJUICI Mil onion ntin onions IIUN torn Irrisvtru Inonrns ruvtrn cnnuoe uoorns Itnomnurs rrnsonsr rnoomns surtrnrssro nv pxrrnrs or misuse Olior tEirplm Novomlsor limb or soonorli quote Is rosehod NO30RIitiA ll ll up two 19 54394sz hwycam Lanwxw