Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Nov 1973, p. 4

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or emoumemenl rlule um Mon wnllkenlnlnltednclloe meme lmzlufol mule romnlelexlly llle orelenlI elm bylllleS eoenl pummel Robert But hem llx undone end Mr el mwl II edprenndeoelothLmlll 011m SJlIOWIO In the olnlull 10 And 09111 nomlc expansion to meet Ill ml lllllllm WW omnlmum elm 3W nnuonedelumnumelorln loymenl will or young people will Wm MMWM no endlor mother men or am yum MSW NM alter may feel Hr AndIm en MMIM mum mm yummy be leellellc lo Mullen lo memmmvI ISII MI HM nummmim um mm endmolelble lwle muMVMhe reqtlredllx l1me WI an 10 Wm ryonulelr emery not lllely lo be lully eolved wllble Ile Mm mm ml cw earl ll ll alllem cl mm loIzredlll on All an 33 lulurrblll ll Ill In male lo azmkuwm II be melted hymen olbudnele ends Sm III WW hrmill lmlmllll lnenl needy would be In no prlcllcel mu IndeImwm um III eolullonlllhllcenIbeoonolne my loele lm lobe mlrlm for the ImprovemenlolS elllllng mewovm yoode armed lweued romaine pro ems llSlllM by Mr Andm end home mom wblcll wo be memelellel help The llnne WNW ere bound to We lb mnpml mlnlelerhlmullrolnledlo genteel mu mulber ulereerelobebu none leI The queellon ol new bnelneu ml loll them uSweIll ll lnenllorlnao er MMunbulbeeoeonmedtmwnd ereuwllerelllereulmny unemployed IS lullmn ollenSdluomdlllmovW Indrno lobe lo Ill The problemSmld of the belvySux Melee lo II in reduced when olmmelencee were requenlly urged end eonle ln elercom II SI SS DOWN MEM RY MW II IIII SS SS SS SellleluI HYIAM A00 Iloolbllllum orehedbgDellonNublll mS BlrrlehemmerSNoleymmmn beellllbllndbMSS LlllchlellIola Cwndlheldllnlmeellayhmmunl mllllorllnlroeuclednewdllenrell lbllldlnnlleyorlleyorconyrlwlelS Hmonvrnen they bellllllrlellyer bylleeeelleoremlklorpetlln Injunlorhoeleyhh roleclolleowde eld Mnnllhl llkllsmeleln PA45oonlold wYIAlllAoS Slmcoe co llullm end releIzlyele Blrrle bllurdly llolnlnyNo1Ill belllullb maleewl on me new Alexander Cwml mulled onelurllnumlol lnembm Town Council lor walllny loo uhoolellllllomeeWJldlell AMA much llme Wlthllltll elm Whldl 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