Publiahod by CInIdlen my Company Limited 16 Baytiald siroi Barrie Ontario gt Aebb Pubilalmermd Minnow WW Hensluw MInIglnp ldite um JITT TS Through Smoker IIIOIIIIWW IIIunmade Is II want and it it ESE ag rt Ir 35 PieSsuxe Must Be Applied To Bring Peace In Cyprus Rhimpmtivetopoaollnthreut Wm that every tohearonthewetlitilimo3 corned heed the United IlionIcsll hoe In linmtxiiaie ceasetire onCyptue ba mud be ed the with drawaloi their giur military lanes recs by Athens oi the 650 et pcm mm the National Cniard and Immediate ta to restore comi ttrtlomi governed on the Ehnd 112a intrrvmloniroohede primed but Ankan Itniegic concert mtrstbemidcrsoodltianotonlyamt to at protectih lie hirliiidi Cypriot IilJ entity the TM believe that sooner or later Greece will go Coinmurdst and that Cygrur it it is run from Athens likenire wr tail to the Communists thtgugh gel1R3 balcklrihe at 47 cars the Soviet Union far more than ts one else Cy rue in other words is keye pairs Coba That is oh Ankara is determined tint Cyprus remain ind ndcnt end is iorcciuliy rcsistlngdie ta cover oi the Nicosia govrmmcnt military junta that tam enosl tn Gram Wuhlnfnde 13an oi the cold has been extremely in end Iberi stzhlod it faded to bee the warning sign oi In coup to be with Then it aimed to denounce overthrow of the teattnute Malina mmmtnlooeia moonseitainu once totem Athemtondthdnw lhi keekoidmwbohebederrztneerure WWW tiledan Ibo minimizi cd MW ense oi The U5 delIyadIclionIttbe inhopesitu auntie Joseph Sieoo oouhl deiuIe atria in Athens Ind Anbrn niera hu been no love for Amhbtsii op Nubile in Wastinzlon and the U5 wanting Elba tacit to maintain Ind utility on diaplu no in eonctrn Ibout his rumovll it is noteworthy that none stale De rtment oliiclnia are also critical ot the udgmonia made by their ebteiuln Atlhtsrtageltirmenlialleuoptbe only in return to 12 male rule American mgr and diplomatic now be exerted on mwmnnmiuuunotim Greece and money to join Britain in my zotiallans toward this end itiaourview that Amhbtsb Maker ios the Institutional ruler Cyprus but we recognize that even the Turin my mt be satised to have him back it oouhdbethItherzainwiilhavetobe struck wbmby Niko the new ninNinoeiIJarenmedlniawr oi ome neutral undidate on whom both sides can race ihe important thing that Greece Ind nnirey sit down to dim the met ter th IltIrmttve is dangerous for everyone DOWN MrMonv LANE 50 YEAR A00 Barrie Examiner July 27 Mr Slime WymdumWiSOmiieIin longlh considered too much Deputstien met with Deportmvnt 01 Highway oili dala to re some takeover by pr liner Hi Sebooantmnoeu time oi 103 dole 1mm Barrloe om separate and three public reticent orioy ereo sailed Fumes ilurihurt Prince oi Wales school led in maria allowed by Donathililngsioy and Herbert iiihr ide both oi Victoria school Parks Commission given earn oi bid Barrio Cols Tcgtale grounds on Blake St Building there was destroyed by are in will Witty Anglican Smiday school picnic hold at st Vincent Park Ted Dyment gimmisz Downtown beat Imia in to innings to ciirnimte them south Simeon baseball layoiis cup ounluined ve Jenn Inon Herman innit Burt and Wm Other ayers were named either Banting or ex Piano fulfills oi Clara Weldon presented girtiul redial at or residence Weldonlioirn on Oodring 9t Cecil Cobblcdicii machine operator was painfully burned In tire at Capitol movie theatre when reel ignit ed Theatre nnmgor Jack Marks 0on warm GIINIIDAS ASTORY JII in by non normAN Tit lory in this Iboc July it dourthed how the Invention at the oleclrio telegraph speeded Ihkeldllll at news In North America in tutti The no ycIrI Inter NM TransAildniic Link rCompleted in 18 66 IllIntlo cm wII completed it In July 21 me lliIt the cablelaying hip Great EutIrn mind It lieIrt Content Ind provided communicrtlon between maps and North AmIricI clrntit Iveriod paint by quiotl itin trout outehlletirebrtpadeurigduzjhew Dreantnnd theatre on Blybld St iea lure movies tarred Jackie Coogan and hire ituy lineal nton metc chant cantons forced to mire up on tourday tauqua proam held in can Park ihii no dou nisher Iutauqur in Barrie which appear ha rea tor protei nai theatre etie Aerod on hold mastul picnic Ind sports 11 George Clark war in dege oi sports 41pm Bd Menuhin won draw torq oeDtirmottwosucnmtoluir man Trinity mi St Midtown bottl ed to tie game rolled by dartcncs in Bar rie Sunday School Junior bareball league it we pitching duel between Hamid Smith oi St Andrews Ind Frank Note oi irinlt lilnet Point undergoing big dov prnont It hands of iii Pou cher iiydm service monde to new Eummerm Allimdiic iii mine It run and Charlie iryneh oi Barrie hail leading balling Iv euros in South Slme baseball league John Dolmen and Koppel telly oi Barrie team in Georgian Bay ierguo were load ere piayoii time approath Wmmu hind th operation nut in WI determined to Iuoceed Ilihoufh he had Ilrerdy event humor The blunt hlp in the world Grout Burton wII lylnI idlo in iirlltlh portt lio endured it to by th cable but min thI chII bioliI lioo mlic oi the literal next big development tritiu tilnnrric Examiner id 13ther Street iiIrrlr OniIria tclephone mom Second Clan IiIil iieglurutlmi iiuibcr lttM Mum poetry zuernniced Daily duality and Statutory Iioilday it excepted rSubtcrlptlon rater dIily b1 carrier our weekly Loo ycnr Iirintli copier the BE mail Elmo hilt ycrriy imcol Owl 02100 yearly Balance 01 Cartoon moo yearly All other counlrta moo yurlyx Itotar thva oil were yearly summit AATVCTIIIIIII fitness 05 Win 5L Writ Toronto Ml i7lni dlo CIihciirt at Montreal Member oi the Cunrtilrn hm Ind Audit Durclu oi Circuin ilonr fihe CIniidlIn Pm erriuu ivcly entitled to the use tor re publication at all new dirprirb child lhl paper credited to it or The Ame turd Free or Renter InliIiIe th locIl new publlllt Id therein th ilurrio Examiner claim 73 yrlzhi in all animal silvers iii nl Ind dltorinl mAIlTIII cre ltltl by in rmpluycc und re produced in thiv nrwrpiper llvnyritlii itrrlrirullun Niiiil li revisirr 01 lied Ilmdy been completed trorn Newfoundilnd to Nov Scott and the Us The thlI could have bten laid IIlller it It lied not been tor the US Civil War Ind mt dliitcully in the work it pretenttd Shortly IilIr iii er Il ihourh then In Ireit dIIi oi bud tcciinl between Britain and lb 19 tth weed to co operate In Win the able un der iii ocean rem inland to NeSoundlsnd Navy Ihlp wre The ilrtl Iiiempt III ure The cable broke Ind could not be recovered Then In It iort wII mod to the on Ihip lert irdm ireiInd Inoihrr trom NWIOWIdIIiJ Ind meal at mldAllanlin it we IiieeerI tut but thI cable broke on month lIier An American tlnInrlrr Cyrur Field wII one ol the men be INVITE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Bummer inviir cen tribuiloor to it hitm io IhI Editor It rn hit itould mirtrted in in too word and they muri in Iinird or they will not be positnee wnim Ihould in rlud lhrir Idomm III trte phnuuumbm non urns my be mod it requested cent at ireland Yet Field continued tourlh chl WII mInidrcturId Ind thi tho the amt EIIlcrn enrolled to let it all tho my to Newiotmdlmd ii tIyrd in opr union with conIlInt mIlnle llll Oru Held chII th IlIrniliIr hi in ltIiliIx harbor tor me yrIrI UTIIFJI JULY IT EVENTS lmPouldncoirrt Ind lev crioot Irrived It Fort iloyii with tile tutmilwa was completed between Celnry Ind striih con Edmontont illsFlirt locomotive buIn npcrIiinI on Whit Pu and Yukon llIwa ionWorld Poultry Conmu wII held It Olilwl imsuiwichewin Farmer ubor pIrty became our nitPrim liiiniilrr Dior snooker held dimlienr in ct lIwI with John Tblter bullet us ccreiIry hi CUIJA MG WHOMEII BUENOS AIRES AP Gib hII become ArrcnilnII princile Latin Americin ind wstomcr hilt more than two lllmi worth oi Placid in in than If my irIdr niilriIlI oI pril Irrrrmrni ilpnrd hclnctn the two crmlrta Irnbtlniod to taximtnoo Hotel Industry Co mpetes With Enticing Gimmicks VINCENT MAN Walthewtndawollh ilnruaou New Berlin elite Me an rerun tar nrd the end basket oi irutt or at lover that Very brportnnl Person hm ornI to PM AiiholoicprmtdetmeIlItlorr cry in Derner leIdtrw hold the lam Brown Mane dues oemullwd leilzrlnotil the room oi it min giuta itanembcr wiirn tdcitilcri wu In inducurmt 2n year nmineuinriViIIlondoid in eslnlrlmuLIInd ode lot on Sun hIhcikd Nob Hill has mu insulted miniature ml with iivedndl screen in min ballroom More and mm Mias and even Mole have thtir mm rmul boom altering pleat bl welcome change irorn the For Illil do rolainion thI saunaend tint nailtin mddlzpnnese birthIre no Kim WW built hotels JAPANB INFLUENCE JIpanI rIptd ris to promi theme in world bitincur lira led to greatly increased inter nntlonal travel by Japanese bluineumui Ind govanrrwnt primate ihoy Ire mode to loot er ly welcome two Japanesemile hotels recently nrd in the itsSari Hair IN idly 1nd New Yodl ititam not claim ml hrrr rained Iiier the tuition oi noun iinn In Joplin Cond htu no muior len nIaeIlylo holrl yet tulthotwh the molt used extensively in tom Ottawa imtel But the newest Mcl in To ronio the Prim ii vulture ol the loiryobmd Stibu Group The Orientll lntuence It the Prince wnlieed to JanineirItylr worm wit the walnut KatsurI rulourent in WWI btlldlii NPIKIMIISI crteullm nor ole In rmblie Ilnultaneou lnlen prellnl equi ni It the top oi the Mo imam lo vrnitonceri 11 system dvoncrd dmlttry Ind MW in in the utter 2e Prim liolrla droid II laid to all in hell the limo normally more to duct millidlnpuel werrbliu Ind hire the ervlcer oi oily he the number later pretm turd with convonlonai mtum Up to live ianzuam cIn lnierpreltri readily FACING THE MUSIC Another mIior utility It Toronto him is tyre en tcriItnmrnt policymt Io EXPERTS TO MEET DETROIT AP Expertl irorn lit mimic will meet led bcresortJiZlomwhatcm be done to help active the world iuiute nomy nit About 500 covernmrnl nontr trrit ICItNItll ccorloinlrl and engineer Itro remodel it til ninth world roomy ooulercm introduce oi the bIIlltne eotxtaimienl pairy ea rm Hotel MIL Tho weroibeorl nllonolthehw rind omit Sunday series girl It in it dea Mrlcuino hunmneoium no business on dayuwhen IhI Intel would aim he Il rnoItdcueritd The din room oi nim bu oi well CInIdJn bo imIooh ea MW West biry Ind It yolk00w oiicr Int Emory brim mrnu It nrth not mad hwlcf than the tivcrnn lip 1h inlet rpm mom to Ietnbi tr miniduiu boy mm Ind poll It rrboarulI Iooordlnz to hit ohael Steele entertainment cori nliInt to the Prince in will but to the when weir hunt to with someone tin in their wright mu want to in all toutqu oi dancing to iommv Dewy Artie slaw end Gldi Minor in hand vein MFA rlnpm turd danceth the Prince IIMoII nii dull to iozo the tops oi nutrient mun thrtmodtodrnwnwdsiouio iltatola ot the lmd it run years outlined in to iew top LI Vera MI ltiENDSETTEM Le VI and Soul lake Irmhhra vtdn widoopcn himhelped to treats many it not mi oi the total iiinovoltonn that are Ipreadlnl mm the ln dustyi rm sturdint indie chII tor IxImpe war the that to no the potential tor rutlt Ln entering to motori romp ereo thot Mi bold men til it has provided Ipaoo tor bur died 01 motor bomon Idluenl to the bout For porting too at 11131le Mill hardly is provided with electricity we ier and sanitation hookups and tree to the the bionhnir iri thee Imitieitnclixiing ol quarto it wmlinr ladltllcs with tune to where tleuriaheo urdtr Nc we dream would be on the ohcr Ill 1331 Al nutter inlet in da amt open their door not Itih but with In lndvhinitud oodo card The un card is ed by the patio iIlniood or drtntr Iron nun iIturI iwdinu nunblne in tit mom or to held in team iirn on closed olrwlt TV It Ill soc on the bill Intomslloeliy IN AND OUT 11ml resort hotel in In iiwell whcre Irnving weal recoive moi drinknot iren miniature vendinp mldtlne but trovn Mini Nahum hosiou iith the close in lined the newcomer return in tho lobby tempo wldle the hostess writes down the rownllm ddIliJ whtdi beIlI IlIhdlnl in he the trout desk Euiru lh diedtn mom to tine But if the Mont medure that price out tor cool drink smilan mine or any ctber Ivuiiiblo ionn oi io lioom rIlee have riorocitetod thmtlllnlt the hotel industry in tho lul iew yearn mpodally in citiesliontreni Ior emplo tluit iva ohmic Man on One oi tho itwl way oi bent tna the system to visit hilt city hoteb on weekends rIiber than irorn Monday to irldnz vhrn ilin ere lrmmed vii burlnie pooplI in mi rnrilor riiltu It but some at the lending Mei oifcr wooch parting phn that allows mole to the room It lilo Ingloooanianoy role with perhaps one or two New pirnentary breIldIIlI Ind tree nurtdnr marchmmz maxim THE PICK mum mt huni Iywui 0F PUNCH PUNCH You more nobody um or me 35 53 gt El at it 32 Ear is it is gr is RE is III gr grrs 8335 5i lr it 38 EYE Canadian Engineers Building II SSHFoot Dam In India mortar Ilwiluk WM are near the and at their lot lieumaxilla Wool dam to noon midrncoded power in the Mun Indian stole oi Kerwin ibe lddd Darn mIlnlnnd Ml larsoet Ilrh dam Ind Ill dtII tint will help many BIBLE THOUGHT Tb dI oi thine hurt hath deceive thee thou thll dwell ut in th ctIll It to ram when hbltltlm II him thl Ilih in his burl we limit brinr in down to the smut ObIdlIII We never not In loity but what the lord hour how to reach us ihidrbauweyolzivinzuaa lain wily Ind In mtonch Ible Irriunneu iridI oeth belt ion hit lltunble elvee theretore under the duty band at God that it my exalt you in due time Ika and proitde mrvv people ltitru in Hill unriloet but most brevity pooli lnod Itan oi indin The dam donch by ENG lit oi Manual is Idieciuied start reiteration power in me ml is the bluett ever to bum in Mail Marvel MINT senior enclr noer on the pro since 1010 it has mornt my I115 000 loin It our peak period In despite CIriIdiIn pIrtlci leloo 5N0 Mum mick tho dun la indir acldevomoot Pro out innspec Robert Grlrsbac Momoat laid Il though the dam named by the this ion national Devnomwt Itho lioth sale Board is the owner lie Ilto laid that Canada bu bonetltled limit the ml Ibout tit irtltion worth shipment tor the ptoioot The dam will mam Inot kilowatt oi power 760 LETTERS TO EDITOR Says Govts Should Stay Out Of The Lottery Business ibeuuotlloimlonln money tor with protect queetibmble in the beat cin euinstencoa but it dIrnnIble when In elected morth re nortI to it the ottew rov ornmont hu donI to mile tide Millie me WNW It nont rcI Undoubtedly Mich method wort what you not to raise capital um liver are many oth er human endIIVor Whirl work Ind which no condemn rd lor lock oi decency Prostitu tion works become lt prey on IodIi ill knitted Imth in well known venueen milv dwire in mi dam II Lu ea 91 it not the role oi elected rovermoot in undim money rttiiinl Ictiittie which tIir Id VInaII ot pubic woelcncucs iotltry Iuccocde bceIuIe many peopl are moneybum 1m molly They no wit Inn in Hair the Old tho mod inrolIcham tImlillon dollar they did no em in this Irrmritwre oi Irerd we loin Iluht ii the the mowlair WT ii oiyrrple Gather Ire worthwhild protect which many would mo item airport in Iny om Will people not willtrnly contribute ward the Dlym lc ollhoul the worniie oi rlc or tor therost ot lhdr lives it hi bee mood that one foodthius lIlollo hi it is voluntary not ob late my in the my ihit lIXII err YcI thit true but would nt it be better it powi tilVl contribution tor the Ielro mole noble um and not their own financial ulnar lottery detract from the red moose oi the tundreidn Do we elect ailment boruila us hie vlnr them moti eyt Do we eloc mornmenta drum up echcmea that bring out the wont in till it It wu wept thI idea that It is list noble that mon buy hit near that om mililiy bio runnol stand toll on own merits Ind that the economy nut on play money JIlll DAL