unguage Bill Elis 525 gr Egg big In Canada tat nor on indent health deport nmi remand may the Median rm aria in idem illilil oi Irricutiuro Illn thI provinces oonxuitedr gtherrselm to deal Ittls tho papiem oi omprodnctiou Under the Iznemcnt tam err inducing more than their IhIrq ot shell on will recele tour prices Inc In emu pro mutton Pledges To Tell Were Drinking TORONTO an Its the drivrn Idlled In car accidents In Ontario lIat year were eithrr Impaired or Itd been dtlnldnl the Alcohon and Only Milit tlon Research Foundation IIyI IIiI inundation raid tlruru trnrn tho province ministry oi tuna rtItlon Ind commu nion oru Ihow IL oer ccnt oi drivers klllrd were Impaired or had been drlntclnr 0i that num btr are per uni were Im pIIrcd and 156 per cent nata rod blood Alcohol ruling hut Ilter MMWA tiPI External Allaltl noisier Ililditil Slurp Ins pledged to Idl Soviet oiiI this at Irwin condom oi the Canadian people tor din IldInt Utntntra writer Volatyn Itoror spohamIn tor its hunger strikers ulti Min Andriy Burden rho bum boom strike with tour other UhIlniIn canIdlanI I1 dII In said 11 Sharp alto II to Motrin Into liorota health Ito mo henna hunger rinks July In VlIdIrnlr prison near liar tow Pickets March TORONN l0 Illora lItIit too phicta from the strike bound India Apoilmce lid marched to trout oi the mint try nt labor otilm tor t5 nin trtu hidy rocking VIeItlon ply during the strike The picket Iuta Ill called oil representatives at the Itrlkerl met with Keith Armt ml attiitulbhandlicg the case or mo ment stand ard branch Precedent Set YIIAWA twr In prece dentmun decision on red crni Mormaon otilccrl lam been Iurlrdcd costolrllvlnl rIIqu In the iillli 11month at 77month contract The iuhllc Sench Alilancc oi Lariat tPsACI announced Fri day that In arbitration tribunal has Awarded olilcm pIy In crease of nine per ccnt retro utlve lo SCH 2i Ilm well Is thrcc Mr cmt rclroncljve to April tint Ind turthar three per cen nn Do I7 Plants Struck PICKEING bot tom erI nothirh enoth to dene ilnrv than too rrwmlmn In Itlally Impatrnd Euled Vord miimrro Ice An Orr Divisional Court rullni lividay declared tliIt Iiourlnz Minister Sydney IiIridlemIn Iatrd Irunrlly and beyond hil yorlodictlon rimn In pining Lrcgulnton prohibitinl III mrclII development In eer tIIo parts at Timmlnl rcrulnllon which prohib ited commercial dcvelnpitnl In nuts tIrrwnlnI which inr rnerly comprised Itounl Joy Tledalc Ind Whitney townships violated the odlclal plans oi ilidale and Whitney townships and mu thcrciore ynld thr outiruied Not Left Out 70mm iCII WII Im piilm wont be Init out oi the Aug I1 Warriori Day parade hi this yearI Canadian NI tlottII Exhltilllon ICNEI mowrd TIlc nuLinnt corr etIl manger oi the ONE nrr nwnecd Friday that tho Inlgt pulch who cInt march will rldt It the Mod oi the pilldt Irt Intl no cars Fit is host IIIIIor ll Mama started controversy rnrlior this work when he Inlrl Impntm would not be lnriudrd ths year no told they msdu tools at thcrrualvcn lost your ind vchlrln would not be avail nbls tor them this time Will Recommend WLwiiina tom Frdrrai Ixrlnrtiuro litinliter Eucrno whcltn announced Friday that III will mommcndllo his rubi net colleagues in Ottawa next Hort tlnanclal Irrtitnncn tor ll Canurlinn En llurltettnl Artery tir Whelun mode the an Itllllittminl oi Ilia tinII dly at ronierrntc nt mlniatcrs Ind cal puiild Ccmcni lime and Comm Workrrn wmi on tiriko oi Constillthicti Sand and travel lid plonLI hora Ind In Gucloll Ind at 71 nliiiaild companies Thursday The waiter walked out nlirr contrId negotiations broke down In Toronto The Consoli dated mmhyut In Iirltcrt in rind Is In lurlph hair been without contrart Aim the cm at May Investigation MllhlANiiIE 0M 10 Durham rcrrlonal police say they will Invesuniio complaintl about polite M150 Friday dur ing In attempt to cscorl two Itch tnqu Into the Goodyear iIru anti illrtbrr Co plant where too workm oi the Unllrd Ituhh Wotkm hive horn on strika since April 2t Krn Hooper Iocnl pmldrrit told police are prejudiced against the Mrtkcrt Beer is Caught iJIIIIIIIIIDGH Alia to An Ilslay hunt or mottwr hm tint nuaLuI twn youtlri emitd Frlththlmn Midlife Mil our tropiurf and lritritxullllml lito mum Mar Ilcautuln Loko irmdnltai iurlt rnlIcI wot oi Ixte wildiiir mmun told 0i iidall were initial ditn tilllrit In the ma Ipotlttl the hour Ind her two 1th in trim ntur tintIr trailer Tlnxxduy sushi LMllnci tram lite iktnlt 7m kyr Itittltm look the hrnr ll on to nmn Bun it arm at Aiilroutlt lilo riurulid two ywtIILormon Iocbcl lo oi opium Grove Aiia my in ilrmtn 17 ot lied Dccrviltlio tho were on nut Mutt the summon said lIiI ltenr Is not killer is Enlcrcing TOIIONTO tCIi Ilm Mamrnn Metropolitan Toronto losure poJrI dud says he has storied to Mom unwound ne den or in oatIrio him in C05 oi 05m to xiplnl Wu when lb It the rim ol III mod is the Int IA modal v0 limnen Inn been charted nth Itluily or enleuly dam lbs point My will recrr lb Concerned OIiAWA it Transport lllnkter Jun Itardmd cs Aoom lets thcudrlvmhsdlaloodscdd ImincenrtrItlarxntorItzovc the Ieuiirrardospanmtvinn alarmist To Consider TORONTO Il Irlnl portutim Illinth Johl Into my mum mm mm Mil stably onrulderiuu ptuivllly MIMI the It ant Women txi ind owners who End and cruised It Iron their lch at run tmlln the number oi titldu Itt IhI hurlnnl Scores Coup wsoori tcri An emibi tlo commemoratin the in vcntlon oi the telephone might not be expected to 10 down wrll In Brimill notonous among Ca nadian expatriates ior its creaky communications CoondI limur however has scored ImIII coup with Its displny marking Inc centenary ni Alexander Graham tlcllI IIII lorlc experiments In Ilrnntlord Ont launching the monthlong Iulrttion MicInd lo what The rms calls the lovely but haloiui machlno was mar tlon Thumlay icnlttriltl three way tronsullautlc phono hookup Speakers were Deputy Illsh Comrnlsdorier Pime Andre Illmmnette In Damion Comrnurilratlonr Minister Gen rard Pcilolier in Dilly and tell TcloplionI President til Grandprcln BrInliorrI Extortion Try Made 0n Bank IOIIOMO lCil Police mntlrrnad Ndly night lost In extortion attempt on hank was modc earlier In the day hut roiuud in give details any in it would hinder lnmiirl ilonI police spokesman told tlnlcmint would he Issued to day on the rxinrllon Ilicrrrpt which he said occurred Friday otlcrrroorr It the main hrInch oi the trunk ol Nova Stalin ttudlo Motion cKEY rcporiI that rnan escI him downtown bank day with In undircluscd rum oi money alter ho lird threatened tlu llibly oi the bank mInurers iImIly The Italian yr the man hId turned down In Bill at 0000 Pollrs In the bank mum ogorn tnmlly II III Ind no It will have been made N0 EFFECT WASHIMITON State Secretary Ilenry Kim tcr IAiti ttiiirsdri the alert ot Impeachment it late by the lions oi nrprcuntstlvct fiddle pmrpn wittlbo held In rIttnnI ls Au oi liceocu to Indcpood tnculert an niaws enttormhdaenldtrmi ltd to mm her Ind Fd srsrsrggiiggggg in as zggv 1m Wth Iliisc Gerald Do vou play the piano Au Wu Ibis to mm number each In ewemt Ityia such Is tux trot unttr wintry or mm or medley ot numb en tor up to lo rrlnuiut It you are able to do than ims Ins or on manbet at printoutans mmth un ion you an Invited to outer thl 0m District Hons Gubl First Imuul otd 11m Piarn Ptaytnr contest The chub has damned that the mnlut uhldi they hope will becom artInnqu event such ostltc old mm OrcheItrI Ind romanthald imam FIGIII IIEAVK IIAHLE SALOON tnemrrr turlaus ishour battle cm be Ilczod town look morI thus 000 llvu the limit Vietnsmcu command said Friday The comwrd ootlmolcd Ibout Llotl Communist troops were ltlllld during the hnitla in northerly Quaint Noal province ONE IS HEIIVY Irntlriury cnmmltlrr wIIi have conduct at lorriga attain Jth Ilka the 04 Mark lid Irorn Norman UJA Ia cw Mainly Weather Sunday But Chance Of Thunderstorms Mostly nanny Iuiher It torn ES 32132unusuaaauaagsaaasssaaa assasasnaassssagaaazgaasg 332 0ro And District Lions Plan Old Time Piano Playing Contest mnIunctton with ihdr second In imal Ont Frat ADM I1 ttulennt ll Mill held It Ilia Orv comrmity Carin Hith wa II We The contest times are brown Ind pm Italic Ora Felt will run to Im with two dance harm and mint uimnu with tho crfMIlrunent humus too tor the Mt LI 250 and applications my be attuned tmrrr and stores lewnr plan Mlettnhoards in ram AIfom rhs mum my CAR MBA DROP iDXDON IAl Snicl now our in BrItIln tell by not per cent In the tint six months at this year otiltiIl IiItisUu thawed Timmy They totalled in the correspondlnl period oi lim SaIcI oi commercial yes htctes were down tmrn mm 1121 ENOUGH pin durinr name It Shear it no rtirti rm iitlltifierx rIrn rwmtt two tmtr to Park tEurrunor Photo warm up tor his lumnL the azaaasauaauaaaaaaauaaaa wt oi Increased popunrlty ini monsoonqu clatpauuuun on amount TOTIII Based on an avenue bus ion at it cents per possum tbs ctylnixit system wide Ip trip tor noun wean trip tor studem and and to cents per trip or senior clumJreidaoolctnldmi liabilndrtdothobtmtr Senior ditunr on to cent per trip it they hat In Imitatim cud issued Ibo city Mr Burke said All mxm pay their in In as the city does not ha Mot Intern 1h utmost oi miscan ul Irsg the sciviva thlI year has In ucnsod by about to per Mr Burke cumrated Designed by ood and Wu tho dlf ination manuals tho omit Ionicm was Intme In July rm Ilrr Blurb Mid Small Trucks No Longer Need Dooi Name Signs moon importalien Ind communications Minister Jotr it tundra has mural that ownm oi isml taxi Ire no lonicr rewind to how their mmcs nririod on the lids at their voticiu The Immhmnt to the rcuII liom oi Ontario rrtodu under the Innity Tmiilc Act become hum July rim 11w would nuit ernrmta all committal nntnr yrtrlclAs listing was wdrtrt oi Mi mom than 15000 pouxh In addition to motoris ed mobile invites and India tit tixl wuh units width worn cxcmptrd under MIN agitation City Bus Transit System Provides 55QOOIORides Vortrou hm s3 Egg warms in an cannon Ind rrvm Sacir Brothnra Bin lines Urn Itcd onerous the hm uni tIlvnlrnr mum Halli EmuDIM Juno 847 54m luv 11m Menu 10 Mirimtll kwme eminent mm gum notorlylm our rater wrrrparum APPOINTMENT Mnowrcgulnilmlathon thewoismaoommcudaim tor chiiclcsIsImnIoipdu uItI transportation Province Ildds SHEMillion For Winter Works mitorrm mime will add DIiMnilIion to the twrryrctt cillu mbltl in nuclei on it capitol pmleta lurid 1m Ium John White nominated Fri thy IX titsl additional tutti Ilb ndtlan will no to moldpdntllu that did not htxiclit mm the mom to lm or which re ontyed oral nurrt rial assistance bowM shortage oi illldd Mr white MMMW tor the remaining $1 titan will bo gym to mtuilclpailtiu whose mice Will be unicd oil this winter Ilttmlclmliilm mt apply tor tints Aug 12 and protects mist citin be underway or hava nomads awarded by 30 City Departments linked To Study Development Plan Barrie PIaniilri Board voted Tuesday In rim ale to all city Ml tor rommmt in ltourilmto develormcnl plnn Iuhmiiiro try hissino Iiotdlnp mind The company In applying tor Alli plan rowring oi rim par it nt land intalltnr it arm on little Avnnur 1th are non ed Itr tinnicinmlly houses and residential holding The mrlmunium develop mom will have three and tour bedroom units Dandy will be rllglrtiy lots than ll units per core Ntiti Juno Ivplm mm untinir tho rtmvrmr imvmtlulrly in the Itlh r1 Inn rumI tiiiilillnl Inc 29 am it flitlllis land new IN Town and dont know IIIIL VOLLEIIREGT Mort Tyler Jn rldcnt oi Nerhdrtrmum 1T has smart ad the ot ihby Voll co Gerri nIal Manager oi the Grand Binnie Ontario hit it twenty 7cm lowlife rovihgmywm lat reitigerallon Indmtry lib icon oi which were in Camila iio will be roam In omit with no wlic Inn ilw dilldrcn MEET THE TEAM SarJoantahas all licensed insuran solcclcd to serve all your Insuriincisa rigiliigmctiiisiuny Have talk with Sarjeanla the am selection of stall with better 1005215 rsirlicarninlriitilr Incc Aiionc can mm Ba vldc holler sent out See them acres from the Post cities SARJEANT mamama We buy