PUBLIC lithitl men Luigi th mm RRIE omen on home Examiu IIMYurNan IkhrJarrbemDellnrylanldyItlagu Barrie Ontario Canada FfidlY July 15 I974 HOUSE orarparsrsrsnvrs Iontcntnr OOMIVIITIEE MAJORITY IN FAVOR MM medical acceptnottny oi practice HAHUIAN Peter MO DNJ confers with John Dow tell diet corned tar ths and Judlrity Commit GENEVA CPI The slim noon SW at the hymns perm eunlemoe was modelled today to enable private talks outrun the British and Cm Ioreign Men lntormai msaid ltdlldeixndmtheotneorrre at dress tall nether three povru meetingla bold later the some added Denim mes said nor his troop amounts and Greek pileirtons oi mm Itos Itmcachment houry Just prior to start an the panels Boson in Wmngtm lhutss dny Themme umber Peace Conference Oil For UkGreek Talks Ildontlll Kalb drieng serum said Greek Mm Minis George htnvrm pro wood imp with the Greeks nid indium the posiolu at hostile hm when the coast Mmlhtd died Monday Below the mile meet on ddais said Matron wold ram that union artists have with bohuzd the UN reaselirr Elli the peace all here wuhl violations at the thines case were believed to be the subkci dill importantde At one print In the Called ll SeltItnposed Martyr molarsmum tnlksnrummdmlntsn entire rmdeminathesecur Itydlheislnndlntitccun Morgentaler Given 18 Months MONTREAL LOP Henry Morgcntnler was described as sellImposed martyr Thurs dsy by Mr Justice James lita gessen who sentenced the 50 yeamld dootor to to months lo tall for performing an Illegal abortioo ltlr Justine Hugessen who presided at Dr hmrgentalers trial In court at Queens Bench la November said he consid ered variety ol teeters toln posing companirely short term in relation In the legal maximum of tile Imprisonment Among these actors were iho tmdoubled sincerity of the nomad his reiiimposed mar Iyrrlvm In the name at abortion on demand and tho opparitiat The Judge also unposcd threoyrar probation period durr in which hlorgrntaier is turbid den tnvperiorm hborttons ex cept in an approved hospital roe Montreal doctor who says he has periomed 5000 to 8000 abortion durth the last Mr rs to demonstrate his opposition to Canadian abortion law rennin tree on $25000 bail pending appeal Oct to the Supreme hurt oi Canada against his condion by tho Quebec 0mm of Appeal The moral court ruling last April overturned the decision at Court at Queens llth Jury which acquitted lilorxcutuier last hhvrmbcr on charge ol periermlng an llch abortion on an unmarried myrrhold graduate altnient DIDNT RESPECT LAW 1n Impostog oeniento Thurs day lilr Justin litmesscn re called that two week an dur tng presenteneo arguments Morgentsier made It Clear that he did not respect Canadas abortion inns The law does not require re and It demands obedim Mr Justice liuxessen said Throughout the presenlence arguments Momenlaler had at tneked Canadas abortion laws as part oi his defence Support Is Articial Group notionto or arose Cr nadsns do not want abortion removed from the cindnzl Code says the antiabortion group Alliance tor lile totemlag to the sentencing 1hde in Montreal oi Dr Henry Morgentater to la months In prison tor perturmlng an Illegal abortion the mill sold in statement that many Canadians am concerned obout the ncrcasna rate 01 nborton low very vocal people in the media have been tryng to generate support tor liargenie ter lit is very clear that this Is an articial lorceted attempt with no grassroots support Allianco tor Ute Is conducting nationwide program calling tor Parliament to pmtoct an un born child Is it would any per son The Is hoping to mom pctitbn with one mih lion signatures to the govern ment this tall WASHINGIDN lAP Raise at Moscow harloter mmnlitoe Denimat runrote are waiting their turn to de hate the Importinth ques tion tAP Photo lide ol the people in the gtnrartm musiduln the dim cullien this atmosphtn oi the tails wont well tin said Groom Turkey and Britain the three powers vhidi minn teed the ludcptrdmco oi Cypnis in wooam meeting at the Palm ill Nations over looking Lake Gmeva the UN headquarters In Emupa their man the eaten tloll Indor Itdgee nr raea Gun mrnLme mumsng Stills said the Tutlrs raised clurg o1 their own about Gmk violin this at tim ceasere The nurses said Munro told the maltxmce oboe message meimi from the new Cypriot President Glalkm Clotides De tails were not rlsdmml Thus 15 aLoo ling what Qpnt El MN into the talks NEIL MORRISON Soccer Figure Dies In Hospital Neil Morrison 70 minder the Barrie City Socceriub in 1951 died Thursday In Royal Victoria Hospital result at lnlurles sutiered in car accid ent near Guelph July 16 Mrs Morrison is still in Guelph hos ltal plilr Morrison leaves his site Annie his daughter Irene thirs Bowen and son Harry Ho is also survived by tour grand children lilt Morrison resting at the Pcthirk mineral llome 127 Bay cld St private service will be held in the chapel Saturday at It and with cremation tn lor onto to toitow The tarnin request that in lindr troposod articles at Int pmtnnmt rush to mntrn more explicit the or Lomntieo expected to lerrl against President Nixon In closes caucus before too swing at the tcimsed seated the DcmtxxaLs revived the pro posed motion to tlzhlm and strengthen its isnztnre The caucus raised delay In lhe start at the illblitz sadou shore horn at Nate and rot in were to place In ml Mn the rmlttim msxrnnmdlng that the norm Impmdi Nixon had place him on Ith in the Senate when the coirmung outn ptctcd opening drizntn than day it was clear tint malar Ity Iarured the more in nu Elma Mrmn Prici chnLNJ has advised thl matters at the mnlttcc they ace the terrhlc humorist burdenoltryinglorendrnde clsirn Hutvim inst or all time 01 the bash 01 their loutly unnamed militias it cppmred certain majority ot lit committee L9 prepared It recommend inventionsht II sstislsctory article dialled hiqu only oi the ar oorrxrdtco men has of manual Impeadr mat and nuhnty ol the all to It will rpdrc tootidrds Vote in the Senate to tied the presidurt guilty and mm him rm ollt lice hen the Greeks nourish Wnthllve berm tutu mrnrrrittm mome wit 45 secs ante it vote in not or rmdullm that use not impeach Nixon and that son Iie Irle be hed to litiemazno vthciber his should be mined from 05 TO WRITE ARTICLE nx tnstr at writing an article diluting Nixon with obstn ct on Wm in wede with the Watergate Wen mll county the cormsditto lothy In the thin day its televised deilb eratrons In related deerlemmas VioPresident Gerald Ford said eontidion and lrrmcach rmnt oi Nixon undid be Wety very bad tor the us both on durmslic and loreim routs lle lied can say Irom boo dam hi my heart the president ed the Unittd Sales is Innocent the Is rim at prostwtor Moo vtnrstim urged US mixlet Judge John Strim to order Nixon to mode within two tolotlossthetapesnnddnctr man oi oi Watergate mover nations lho violence resigning Reineokes perjury seeking to cast Minn the he rtan 01 the tranxnpt Same ate lestimorn on winds the Cali lornla linoleumgotqu um indictai Ruiinn plans to continue tho Mam mnmittee meeting into the night it Vnmssnil emplu the draiunh oi an ar title and bring to vote our articles dintnus Nam with rhino oi Mor and retired to comply with committee sub poeuas two to be uttered but as soon it one is rovva tof mal recommendation cl lm pertinent will have kw made CONCERN exonmm The certainty that the oom miitoc will mntrdnd rm pondrment was so new day when every unmanned member eitiwr who out irrmeaclimont or exvrvoscd such tierp concern over Nixons cone rain of his other that It ihit lieu owers rlonaiinnn be made to charity our doubt as to how they WI mu odino can be at at approximately 50 arrr south ot Barrie as lion Polity 10 of Toronto Police satd that the truck Erin Hwmd it uprooth large tree exp and hunt into limits The truck owned by Municipal FIREMAN ON SCENE 0F HIGHWAY 400 TRUCK WRECK Ptvnncial police In Barrie which was northbound en the Trude Lines lid of Clarkson have tentatively identileld the highway wont oil the romioato was hauhnz liquid asphalt be ddmhveduwhuu kitt the slmIAAerslmilhmtgh tween ciarirm and lluutmiier mm was nuna under in one vrtsde ncdd we opoeodmatdy too yards so nltme eat on Highway too tvm miles rlown on embankment whore tom three nrullredtpzrtmcnls Inna ma blade was tlut ninu es belore they were hair or get at the vrockage and re rmte the Charred body The Wonkmum nt OUSTING NIXON truck lisdl was en inmgnlzr able mass at black snowmo lstuntrue telew enthu luv gaiien Is mntintnp Nixons Policy Calls For New Cuts L05 ANGELES AP PM ident Mum has outlined an eco nomic policy calling tnr budget cus lcdurai payroll slash ol loom parsons and au Wu that all United States citizens sail away l5 cents in every no 5PM Nixon made what aides torrin major televisionradio addnm hm Illtxsday lle ms non mm by more than 000 businessmen and manular turns on their Wives who zathorod to hear him In balk room at the Century Plaza Ho lei If pmsidont did not sue some 300 pickets who marched outside the hotel These in cluded lmpraohmmeratlvocates nnd rcpresnnlniiwss oi the We My fellow supporter lirritud rum Workers at Amer rm In Washington Arch liooth US mambcr oi Commuter nl mmmtal The policies Presider Nixon chun ciaied an admirable and re sponsiblo We need above all as he stated on andinitstian lobby We need national will to ship inaion But Representative Wrisz Patrons Dem Text llhlrlilhll at the Horse WWIlb banking and currency com mittee said It is good that the mount at long last is speakmg out on the economy bit he still tails to spell out the rpmlilo steps It in lattibia to want more amnion but he does not explam va this is to be mmpIiSbed surroms enoorutus BMCaIly the president advo caed mttinuation oi cnrrcat federal music program and reluctlm at the Ehock trust rnoat at sudden mastic vrringing out or inruttnn tho costotwhiehintermoltn creased mcmpioymmt tor mil lions oi Americans would he turmeptable time is how Nixon summa rized his appmach policy to hook ination is lundammtaly pouey to turn the mouth of dumnd relatne to the growth at arpy la the slam run attention mt fonts on bolting down the increase in demand bedtime with low can options ineroasing rrrppty takes Niagara Peninsula Drug Depot Testimony 51 OAIIIARINES Ont 0P The Niezara Peninsula was cited as drug depot tor some American by nnmlics oili rer testifyini Thursday beiore the royal commission Inquiry into the landmark llotol drug raid hiay it Sgt Robert Siiennan or the Niagara regional police told Judge John Prlnglo that those involved In hte drur culture were Pucrio loans and black americnns ot ghetto extroe The otticer said that Cana lisn immigration authorities 4r had bunrtold oi the problem but he did not know whether ae tion had been token People are coming into the country and buying drugs be the ofcer said The low at dzuxs ls goln tom Canada lo the Unit Skim hat till to win es yng during the iourili day of the Inquiry ur dered by Solicitorvenera George Kerr alter public out cry on police methods used due ihrti Ithe rrld on the Fort Erie htore thsn 50 regional police and RCMP participated in the raid and at least too persons were searched All luman pa trons were totmi to strip and submit to an examination by poiieewomcn Seven male cus tomers were also slrlppcti llso Landmark in earlier les timooy was dcsoribrd as being 73 miles lrom the New York Onlario border at Fort Erie and tits miles Irom the border at hiorera Falls 52 Sherman said there was no dlstornibie drug problem In man Americans In the Niagr are region bctoro New Yeti stato lightened in its drug laws In 1973 making possession at some drugs mandatory lite sentence The policeman described his part In the raidhe wore wig and dark glasses and vent early as on undercover man Later It appeared that some oi the customers had found out about the planned raid Constable llrian Chambers also an undercover agent testi iied he had observed marijuana bclng smoked openly on the premises on lew earlier ocea sions lto laid customer parcnily recognized one the undercover agents on May it lie quoted one girl as saying The word In that the mm are here Gradually the cmd began to dwihdie he said The policeman iestitiod in re sponse to question by coup mision counsel Burton Kellouit that at notime did he thirds the situation warranted cancelling the raid in his opinion it was mar luana raid he said Earlier police testimony was that known hheroin trsitickerl and users frequented the hulel and were on rtrlt Constable 31mins McDonald as testied she was one at the two policewoan who con ducted skin search oi ternan patrons She described the Altitude of most oi the patrons as ex cellent they realiued we didnt like doing this any more than they did hlr Ketiock asked her whether they even unhappy but resigned to their Isle The pollceooman answered Nora oi them were Mini imasiderahlc amount time Repeating ntotgc to nature Iht hutigtl due for submisson ho Congress In January also said he will try In spending In the stirrer budget year which berm July to close to $300 billion IInls would mm is cut of nearly $5 bil lion trom his goal seven months aim TO REDUCE FORE moon also announced he will mltrt the lederal owls orce by 0000 by next June 30 Aides Federal Payroll Slotshing And Savings through normal attrition and milnot involve firings Ni urged that all Ameri cansycirl in lightin Irritation by cutting their ovm spending lie adrncatcuwcut of only per cent In personal mm sumptm cxpadtturrsthat would mean like putting auxgo 15 rink lu cruy Sill Spt Less spendingr means less prossrre on prices today he said More saving means more in vestment in new housing and new pmdtpdihtt and thereluro loner mees tomorrow The pastime win both ways said this will be ncmnrptished CAPSULE NEWS Bomber Mny Have Been Injured MONTREAL tCFA bond which exploded premshrrcly early todayvat we marry the home oi Melvyn Dohrin president Stdnbcrkd Lid roused littlel stnxtunt damage to the house but may have initqu the lsombcr police slid Will Leave To Young Farmers mnosm tomanode Aotuutrnot suntstrr winiarn Stew on confirmed today report that the province plans to lease Iannland to young farmers who cannot alloni the Initial unis expense involved in setting up Iarm Royal Romance Rumors Denied uan AriLindy Jane lretiesley 15yearold daughier oi the Duke Wellington had ltmch today vntlllhe Queen bringing truihcr derdss oi romance between her and Princeuzaries spokesman lot the duke said the numls have no truth whale soever Buckingham Palace said oi the lunch the lvm iamiltcs are old old trier lVltssrssauga Paper Wins llward TORONTO CPIThe Mississauga Ont News has won lllQ Mutual sword tor best nilommi newspaper Class One oi tit Canadianommraity Newspapers Associatior was annuth indsy at the arms convention oi the esoeia Class One pap era are time 1th cimslations oler 9000 Will Take Part In Celebrations AYR Scotland CPIWillinm II DimM CM of 15 trustees oi the Burns rnontnmet to Scotlands meet lageth poet lell here today with ImSooltirh Retainer to take put Ill 150th anniversary celebrations in hoadl mitts west oi Monte an in Poster Criticizes Revisionisisk Viruth Rotatorl4tkings uterine wait or campaign now in in sevcnlli week enlnytd nndest mafia with end oppmranee oi poster mtrddng some factory managers tollswing the revisitmsi line Truck Driver Dies In Wreck ii