ii ersoe Inn in Salem Wed his rev in YorkSimaoe Win moha cent iten the New FlIri wu neter Inert dog the int the Ive Slovene hard by nuknty ol Vela in the Yorkslmcno is stereos hu bear no es ceet litter preteritlive Ie II were alum he would be electrd odd herdqmrtcu my Jun senders But It mmumreoilbethrlwt victory to to the petty do or poorly ulnneliy mm STEVENS wotld bl yrricmd to be part it 1Installreloadlortrlb Ihen llr Recent Irrtred dd guru or It the hendquertcn on his wey turtle to be reelected when the rldng llmdliml vic mm cl my pxtyl nadednin they perry ie lb to hell he to ihertxmte me we Mut amual thriller re rd Gustar Plans To Run Again BOB mos undue run write Welly Gutter ND undid nt rm in hell thrUb IIII luau nettetully Ind Slo Izlur strvm ole lehit riding an be ribdbd to no tut lbht Medina were eeught maturity government lie down Nut till trend wu wire however II the lib enir erI the euly petty thet Add htleon was In Inlrrtw Donut problem tint cwldnt be rooted The NDP pIrly wuot rou Ildmd poutble mlortv gm hI Idded end the worm were owned to the riHVIUvu wage Ind price re on proposals Io the libeth ftoemed to be the only pIrly llut oould arm maturity ger mount lit curler It isnt optimistic the why the bull will IJl their tmioty tavernmet mower em return In the Ititocreo end Irrogetiee or the preview TrudeIu regirrte ho Jlld This was Mr tintIrI second mist InvertSimon ride Line In tm he received wide totu Ind thi dtrtI he received 7177 consider llll tool thet we held our own no In achieve WALLY GUITAR merit hr uld beceueo our party we to poorly nIlIoanly III IIld lite NUF party meets every two yeIrI In Icnderthb convention to the Itier oi NDP lender David Int who lort his own riding will be dealt with Molrrlliullr ohmt ttw mm tho other pIttlu usually run Into rib Gutter pteoe Io contrrt the Year Simone riding egetn It he wine hII perryI tiamliultoe Dr Mitges Wins in GreySimcoe COLLINGWOOD lSlirlIt pt my pieIIed in having bee Joetcant mytett but the helium Ii result an my Iurprlrlng Dr Gm hiltgcr Progm VI ContervIUtI undidnil who 31 roeierted Oreyimcoe me nther el IIrilIrrtenI In yester days itduIl election The Owen Sound tll Mm cemented the ring till ill liouIe deluiad Iert ADI vllt Dun Bound teacher who we libml rtondnndhearcr 5tut Better New Demetretlc IviIrty and Dr JImcl IchillIv Itry Coulombid physician who no Soclel Credit candid Ill The voting Itendtrig Iccor dlnl la lIIett IigureI us in fills older named with Dr ALI et nutIn much closer til it the last ludml election two 1year Ian Dr llitgt said he was grate The Progruitive Conservatich Ihould hold ldtflip confer ttce Comavotive Gm Itlltgu Manda elm elter he will leded treySimone rid by less than hell htI IM me Millet defeated liberal gppunutt len Jillier by 25m voice down irorn hit renovate nale to the 1m tedcni eec Oil tut Im the Mipport turn him In Gray Simmn particularly In View oi the notional trend Whe ther the liberal mnlottl luv entth will be In lmvntvr merit Ir hard to say It this time depending on whether It II permanent other teeters The Coalervetlve mrm wourt it IV lotion which he mm inll best netlortel tumt In the list ledrrttl election at October To Wit Dr bulges swept lone eIry vicory when he mark his iirII rtin Al the Limo he lkirntrd Undln tril hs Ilberel by me mer gln with Dennis ltlclllnn NDF running third Ind Dr Iuntu hire iHlUITw Social Credit trolling The min prvcltituely we re prosmind by Iorty Noble oi Shallow Like ConservItIve Wants Leadership Conlerence owrnl on lap Hm m2 Liberals Gained on the prion Ind Income troll wozrnm armed In party leader llolkrl Sienlield III the led that iIr Sanillid unpainted Ilrmrt iotko on that lenie He said the rail tor iced erihlp cutlerehoe doet not in dicate lan oi rotitldcnce In lILr Stanfield but rnlhtr give petty ntmtbers chance to tor Irltlelo poiides more werptubie to the people Staniield To Talk To Caucus Allisterix tori omitted tern here otter heIrtng thet the Mo to greet perry In gulutmh ppm deIiin with the issue in this reltsp ties ad unlul Iiium he the memo at my new nitrous axing my no nicotine alike ACTING loll Air Eternal be to olv In acute rain ooonuc trill In his portr do bidet dill In ecum ol Peril but wee mt rad to moist In the partye icedermp We wll hare to non low the petty it nilhwutiy end on thernixolvotmtbeputy Il lrulod helon dul with the inddlhlp lIuIe he said In the nteeottmr Itr Sentieid It Ibl lender ol the Damn lln Petty no lint poll reported It pert hudouertrn wI horn ItIitee wwwmuliywunvot tn tor sum ll lot IJbII like my end in ND MdIll Welly Gull And thet the trend which dened to the heel rattle For runple when Int el the 30 both war In Llr Elmo DId MM votes In 77 tor Alf whim Ind J33 for hir Gus Deletod Liberal petty midi hnItu our Aurore with hit too mils It home and Ieier held dotthYoruSlntcoohllhml Jam nd wile Jun The 11 perIonre nlgrt orlrm Ind IIIw mndI mud hit marry leakyI Inllowed the eloaloo ro wpporicnlnlgnnrttzcr Photo Charges crrvivews Defeated Liberal true Hr Willny IlM Ind ir IAN Itr stoves was fun elected to willing In Odcbcr Im when it ddutrd hcumbent Ub out John RoberlI by at met to tens Mr Guitar IrIilal In tint elation with UN vol lie to perloer In the low Ilrrrtol Steven Ind Stetens with lit wile Noreen Premier Davis Disappointed MANN bl wt Hardenwllllun Dali at on lerto IIId lienIIy nldtt he use droppde with the mm at the ideal etedlm Irrt wry think lir snnltcld did In pemn cwd do to rugged volu tionl to the pvan problem it new iIiriy constant while the NM hdsbeen 113 Md MISSED VOTO LIST renown UP lilt Ibeil IldAtltln dimmed Jtoodey thet the Irt oi rem munlcetiog an be trying experience espedetiy when one sell out to vote Ind llnds hes not on the voters lid The University or Toronto contrmnlctlione upon tound himuli In Iuoh predtcrment when he went to cut hII bel lot In the Toronto riding oi Trinity in my dmonceriinr he laid Iitcr being refused tbs bellol Whet mule it even men disconcerting tor lift Ilcliuhen wait that All the poll lallticinlr knewlhlm Iioltovlr ere wee Illi no he could trdte tried Iewycrl tried ev erything but there no no hope Burcetwrhcy cloud In on Ill nlod Dirty Campaign Tactic5 ttr Int mum minim out were his bl money Md tilriY cImlegn units we the ridttl ol imam Ior thambent nlnclIIr Sevenr Iocordlng to do tented About undidII new WlillW lie cottoedrd deieIl Ibout two inure titer the polls closed hintidey night tic IrIIIrd hit Staten try more tIiIn 10m vol II with more than hill at It so polls Ioovunted tor Beaten results were llidr ed on television It hit rountrv home our Aurore SAIva id be spent mono on the canvnlgtbut he hu htt tory or not being Iorthrtrltt Dr WIIIlneIry Inld III told the PC cutdideie Ipent moon or hit certmnlgo In the rinII week while the totII Ubertl rampetgn hullch In Yorkelmcoe on only About HIM Dr WIIIIW IIld htr Stev Ine ruthlcII logy lnrludcd pmmatlnn hi mine mm llld ant WUilttsk throb tlruclitpo uhll lion In incidrnl all do hlr rempalgti heodquerrmi Dr Willltisky rIId hII court IppeIreitce on the cher ge wIilbe delayed while be hell Identlttc mrticreticein Prim ce later this week Ito Is done tiIt Ind drun ruurcbcr It the University at Toronto have been told by my low we here pericct drlrecr will light this It And II life ever taught enythlng In my Despite hll personal deleat Dr Willlntky told he lound romlorl In the nItIonel Ilberel victory bellm In whet llld end It IIIr McLuhan bed mltscd hclng enumerrted Ind did not lmldllrttl ol lIier oppor ttxtlliee to get on the wlore low your ego this he pean end wes able to vet hecuito the niltcinli werent II rigid then ThereI no morei in title in Uttrei IllMP3 In Election GanelIiIn Pt getnr Alihllm ME ate Wetialt NovI geinl Jointamer llelton Item liten liaurttein KctitFAeex inmhion tttlnnrnira Niean hill OltnttI West MIAMI rinimooe ill Ontiwinoe Tormta St Inule Thronlo lncmarlleorottmh Pest Toronto in on Yur naluernntiendfuioy Em From New DemoaItIc Otn 1m WW Limitaan warm in wnyin PartyToronto liktihre re wooden he doeI not want to talk It plural that whether bewillttocorteelendaolthe massive DoriIervIllw party Itlr Sienlicld looked him end or the party he raid inn GomoxMhomi Ipnke In intellect tone to report or It hit wrmalzn roadwor lormlrtg ment will have to talk Willi olib dell oi the caucus and lenders majority lovem Iilrod it he would stay on as lender Was Entitled To Vote Twice Lectures Returning Ofcer NEON till llu lid2 gen at Toronto call his vote Wet ttt pm Monday end is Inittuier later was It enotncr Illng rttllon where the run mrrtnu IIrt entitled hlrn to vote egaln The hityeIritid lreellrm actor told he Intended to pro test sloppy enumereliun prac lice by looming Itit second bIllot and tearing It to ihredt In root at the poll oIIIrIIII Inrteed heIeliled ior leclt luring the deputy returning ntiicet Ittd luring his hImI cloned out meta Sentiments West York Smith Sterne Vettmltver King VleMW5eimx nest Tuloolitt Vencouver East From Srtciel thedilGherlo toix Compton Partneul ENm Immemami Dundee Promrive Cnntcrsslive tit Irom Liberallemme okenagnnKontenny irtrm New Demrntlc PartrSelklrk Meadow Lake Iriser Valley West Surrey ttnite limit Kiloleney West Imm IndependentJoliclle New Demnrnlic Plrly From Progressive Oon Iervetlve Cape Breton Earl Almond Independent It From Prorresetre Con Iomttvphtottcton lNlliIIVDENT stmoee North dele Stephen Rid levy watches election returns MM believed more the It lion N0 ALTERNATIVE Th Ltbereln won the onion become there us no credible Iltcnullve Dr Wiliirtsky uld With unity Ind iride in hit erpettelto countrywide home Dr Wtiilulv Monday night wIldn Id hlI opponents Blnclslr Slur on end Welly hutr or the Now Democretlc IIrty dirmu the election on OitVllTV Mer rlng to the leletlrlort udlo litri Wiiltrtriq nid There hire pin to be on election night Ind thnl Isnt it Althoth he depended on tele tIrlen Ind triephone tor news oi the election Dr Wilunsk uld never weteli televit on think In very rocIIIIy dutruc the Newtpnpert Ilio Como under his criticism the pm An been excerrIver penlrm he nld But will herdly rcrron tor iotlnl III uld liter thet not on liver In the Iru wet tool it In the group It the itlloslgy homettud liondey Itht IIII Phil Itoil 41V news urtnrt Indiriend or the tImlly Air to present me Id Demon chIIrmnrt or the poliiltll Icien clolydoperunentjt York Unlrer The ruultI Iturn Yorkimm were slow But the Ipprrettt Lto erol success tilowhrrn in lhI twrl tilled Dr Willlrislry end his to lowcre with optimism IIe Icemed rinsed to heel thet John rte the unsuceetsiul Yotkimmo therIi Incumbent In ttlri hid been elected In the riding 0t Ilttll Muniin nil III lintehed lourtlt in the rtecrltnrs with Then came nerd thet the Pro mutt unturvetlvrt were hold Irtg their on In the dime Cour tree Dr It rtrmrd wu lIred mixtrd Itt Simone North Said Dr Willinsh Ibete mlty got to be Itin Bedleg Tlpelmld men Dr Willinky II III they hove Icnerd deIeIt eerh II he tormented ll you win you win It you lose you lose iII lite genie oi crepe later Thll will be the tint thing Ive over last Den the longthet gerrtilrt IIwaI tiootte ro IUTUIIE Admitting dcteel It Ibout 10 pm Dr WIIItnIIy announced that he would drive to Mamet let to concede to BlncIIlr Slov eet ThItI the wey the bell bounces Next time It Another Itzryw Ill be Itwnd ntenuer Joe Dilly Ilia referred to the next titrte were my Ihott oi time my Ihozl ol Time was the main thtne Leeld Mike Wliilntky we cotrtplrtely urtknown to the voters lchth he spent two year recently In ItIly IIthouth ho hee miterIn ed residence In Yorksil men tor eight were Dr WIIIImky eleo cllcd llik oi orgeriitetlon end cernpnipn big on shoestring ll reenons tor bit dated hie detent Dr WLIIinslcv IIid he Ipote militarily or en Instence when Air evcns Ieid he hed vot ed on the Election Expenses Ant and IIler edtrtttlod he had not lie made the cluim It public mocllng Dr Willlniky raid solo Iy tor pollilcel guilt one Erin he Wu RIM IhsId ll Wt hlr Eeldt rt uenti Incidents 3th audit Wmumldwlthm no the duel one rented end the totalt were counted at me use We didnt Iioutnlhmu tilultotthllutclodl nereoiud One or the blast Mane helm the election In the reg letrItiort voterI It the rdxrr Mucnll cum behind or II doth ho aid hue IM mtoeuoolyetuilreperttothet it an be Iireiittcud out loathe next eleotlnn lnll BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY MY Il Painswick Pilot Serious Condition Don Pith til Flinn who centred hie ll to engine Get Ill I50 plItio corn tield ricer his home About Dill utt Itandey ll still in teriottl cohdl llon Ln Rdyll Vleleri llolpilll The lederel ministry or trini port II IlIll Inveruretlng the oruh Ind dotItII hive not In yet been released William nld the lm ctle sited Itter teklng oil him rail strip behind hornu Von built Road on Itlxbitey 11 Mr Fish Iriperdotly crushed in corn iteld beIIdo the IIrIp Ind health over rIilmd lrIdu running perIIleI to the strip ThI pIIne IppIrently IIIp bed over on timed AUTllOR WANTS TO CONTACT OWNER OI LARGE LllEIlOAT tiel Canny ll Toronto III problem linenlino II tube the lull Toronto herrlo II alien II me in that Will lid hm About minutes Iottlh or nIrrlI The bell II entire ert side or the trulr Ind II MI II the tIrtdLert verlrty Conroy ll ltttcmtoe In Item Lakeview Dairy trig train someone who Lnew it tho httll becIuII be until Itemur he teak lliebclt Mm PM Willllm to lel le nntplny with at ur smrirm the tin led Dim Lil write boot Th til at Dolly Tu May an be ruched II Yonge 5L lnrnnlo or nlll hint nllrri II IiiMO Wins Contract To Supply Federal Government MTAWA BUREAU at The ExImtncr LIan Pure Milk DIIry Lid oi In Dtnilop St her been given meet icdml con trert to provide deIry preclude to July Nut Ind ember the department oi Iuwy Ind urvtcu renounced Moodo second contrect witth III new goal to Mobwk DetI Selen Cennde Ltd at Ottawr lor the rcntttl and maintenance at out procculru oquiprmnt It CInIdiItt Dims Base Borden durintt the months curling hierch 3i The two were among 316 un ciuritlcd contucts eIch worth 0000 or more tor lotII value or inmost extard bd to Centllen lilTlll durbtg tho neck cndrd June is Cartoons Feature Attraction Al Thursday Library Showing it IAIIIELI ITONE 0n ThurvdIy Nirt 230 to the DIrrtn Public llhrety be pretentirt cutoutu Ind comedies tor ch died The lm Ibow which II the Ill chem Wlll be held In the Library lihil touted next to the rhiidrertI do pemruxit Preschoolers must be eccompenlen by In Iduit Tho allowing ilimi are rit tumi retinait by Woody Woodpecker Chilly Willy mt tttvntcs luring his 0200 de posit ltmmtncr Prom Independent Finishesi 4th By Lilli Exemlntr Silll Writer Ittrlopendeiil candidate Steph ext Itldley 25 umteited the ob action overt tltmzh he knew he wesnt going to win because he wenlal In ask the other run otdetcs In the riding to plots the policies their rtnpettlve par lies And in Bill rospcoi New De mocrats Patty rendlrlelI Flynn Dullest know tour or live tim es mine than the other condid Ila he held Itir ludltw added thet tho real eiccliilt isnue welt which litters lion the parties were going It has been the toughest election In construe what but been said he continued Anyway expect to be we cerui wittml winning It mu omt practise your dontorre nnv tilll you practise your Elena For deposit ol $200 been IID We the best year at my lite Imilllltii his tlcNIit liir Itld ley spent slightly more then II 000 int hlt cemrutn vntcti enti ed Seturdey III relrived dott etlom Itvm Iriertdr ironi Qurr rtol DC to St John NIL hil lortly the donors were mm mrtrlde the riding hIr Illdley lulri Illedldttl Ipan run on tseherttutl We didnt pollute the IitllJtEiI Mr Illdtey used hit earnrtIien mnnage apartment et I05 Ditcka Street It bin cam peign hrndourltm David Drinkwater ii the term reign menugrr uld Were Icirnlnr this tune In the next clocfm uell wnge winning onmrulgrt At best IIIr Illle hat people campaigning Ior him At worrt iwtiy he Ind Air Dilttit water rerrlod on low rurel street in ilo riding were lclt uncdtvernd Mr lltdley raid he route at the lock oi time Ind mrnpowrr hlr Itidioy hnrl estimated he would Lrt 2000 votes it the Mir Ict His mother Joyce weI ex tilcil ilntl DDlimlnitl when muttoed htr candidacy IIIr Ittllvy Iniil lie loot hit 200 deposit by winning only acts vntoe Inr Iru tltzut For cent at the Winner Dr It Ilyrtnrd who 20 Ill tutor III cnmrrtrnl Ilihrttr rm them days my Icelingr Ire llWIl the some ny winning at voter more then Social Cmttll OanIdInte It ruc Arnold Mr Illdiey came leunh in the Sinuve Nurlh fulll IiUrt dings lie hell hated tile rnmttrtgn on it per cert representitlort In the ruling whim he will tle hevnchlcvcd hy cilebilrhlng an edited on Dunlop Street mell trig twicemonthly newsletter to Ill cartilltucntt end limitl mg tolltrue telephone rervch tor mldonts In outlying Areas to they could Aprnk their run well Dmtekl Duck There will be Ittyry The While that rtocnms Shir rliirrtng Iorreble Duh hics the whale linrl but not leet we will bo Ihowtnr Intirei and Hardy trlm whirlt ktdt ot every en um trim to cnloy Dutti target hills thntl Thurs dnylnr cartoon Iurt Ir your Item Iublie libreryl MRSJ PAMELA STONE Film elitnrttror Ilarrio Itthlln Ubtuy Hot More Humid On Wednesday Evening Thunde lint and tliclry weather will umllnue through Wednredey in the herd tlltlrict rIut theme thence litI Inter ohm or evening thttnrlerttrtmt tunarow girl mtty give will twirl re Tha avrmlrhr low will be bout while the him were dry wJIhelnlliIIitooo degree range eynnput Sunny eklee end to degree trrnpcretures will re meln om southern Oltnd to dry with Illidit rhem oi Iltcmoott IJIinderIlomu lit the north thundereiormt tadry Ind Vedncodhy they become so vrre Toronto Sunny today IIIgh rtnnr More humid Wedney tiny Cherth at In Iitanoon or everan thundrrorm low tonight to to TD in Wtdttlh deylneIr ll Windsor tendon Ilettultort Pmrhtnwcit Leila St Cleir Lotte Erie Loire lturon Nleg nrnih wtch lIetre onlerto rou ern rorg In Iin Sum Iodty lllll our 90 Daniel rslonn Possible near the ltlus Itlrre humid Vodncxiey Chartre oi In elim mm or evening Ihlltidtm IowI tonight In the mid DI llighi Wedricndriy hi to 90 Tlllgh lfw ode Tort wnoo SemiI ht Domes London Kitchenet Owen salad Illusion ltemlllon St Catt Toronto Trenton Kingston Peterbomugh Ietewnwe North Itey arlbury Enrllon ltmmlrtu Krputkering 83 hilrlo diepleeu or White River to Gereldtm ll hlooconee 10 8338888833888 Baa 2aggsazaazaaasss 15 tSSSSESSSSSESEEZaSEEEERB dd3