Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jun 1974, p. 5

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Webb lot roneenlcn IL one lGetling More From Tractors er humpowrr iructon tram calm power may be in much TN Muir oxtlou It It can Intuit1y head is alto tmrtrrmerboqsl Int lrchnlque lly PREMIER DllVlS PIlllTY VISITS COLLIIIGWOOD Premier William DIrII Ind llln DIle were give an or thuitasllc tome to mllinb um duriu vlrll to IhlP building town on IpociIl er eurelon lire butts Whitned the ship GdOttoman In one ol merul rertvnonlu dun lng threehour IIIy Dr Gun lltim lrntrexxlve CUTIMIHI llvo candidate reySlmmr Lt shown be premler At tell cillnrwood timer More New Historical Plaque Erected In Innisfil PAINSWICK tSldllt In nlslll townrhlpl llral histoeul plaque will be unvelled on Sun day Juno am pm ll permanent Ille located about tour llUlNmbl oi Pnnswlclr on lo lllg llny Point Road Bill be Title at the IllTIM utith hue been metal on property dumb ed by HIPon Webb II him For Gm bhlp The Plldue mdt llm grew Iomo ol the largest plnet ever lound In Out nriu In IIIl norms lull Mu rut on the Inn bl Thomu at three lune pine who taunth Itlll remain ltouled to the water by ten loan at Mr eestha lag wu Ihipped to Eng Land to become must tor the Great Endorn tht rple Iron veurl tho that with bolh IIIII steam lIunrb ed In that was tor any item tho lIrrrst Ihlp In the world Suggerllo lor the alto ol the pluqun was tulgerslud by tho lnhlllll lllstorlral Society In Ir tlvegrottp wlh with Jackson provident The plnqiw was on and by the 5mm County Lwnetl on the mtunmonthilrrn hi the Slmcea County Illtlorkut Society lllalory oi the era rommrm EIIIIIVALE To mun lurm rrI In Ontario lncrrnnlng the aitent the term usuallv mmm there Is nerd to twitch In ble umrhtntry In onlrr to be elilrlrnl ltta drlnye In reoelvlnp lnru munulrwturora has led some lur more to Inerrtm the hornpawn In Ihelr present trutturll Iuld II irltht aeurrlary nlltllll nor oi the IIIm machinery board llhllo ihrru Ire Ievrrul wuys In yet more power vul at your workhorse lumen should pro reed with caution Dar exumple clllng nwro luol tn the envlua an he done bi Unsung the the pump on die ul trnttor This Increases iuel drltvcry by about per rent doll very by about per cent However the prlrt nl tht as to per cent route In th tOlIHIIrtplun on Mr Willow other problems thrlud lnp extensive Imoke rmnkrnro dllullun uverhoattng and with tier lunatic may also result leader has been design rd for It Iurlmtmper may be Iddcd to burnt hurlrpower by to per tent ltowrvrr lIrmrrs Ibould never use lullllllll or on In mtlno not deiter lur nltett prrtunntnto Ilastressed llrrnvlmrtpr the ryllndrr planning the head to Increase comma vlon rutlo uni by Installing rotvrntrm kit to Increase lha lylllllltl how at tlirrel engine horitpuwrr wIIl tin Intuvastd llrluru bothtlng ll trnrlert pu wrr It should be remembered that all at lhrte souvcnlons ran rrortu hummus with omllnv Itdutrutlun lillil trunnion oi the writer and pullout llmuao at tho urmlrr Itompower nulpul udltltml Ililu It Ilm mn rsl on the entire power lltlln nl mornlrd by the lnntslit plaque was ptrtlltml In lrltrr hnnolllb eln the unveiling data or an rd by Simone County llle cut Society lrexdrrl llost Chumvn and Scrutiny Jran lerrice When the lim rbtlltn thmu To Ontario Inmo II the Ilnrnt ILHth ol plrw were Iordei In lnnlxill township Jill tho Nth thorn Ilulway was bulll very ndltu tumour Industry grow In In the townthlp mill at llrt Dvan at one limo Nppluycd lohbnl men Ind there were null nltn It Thn Iullll lollrndul hrnlgvalo and other plum jllnny ol in two rm were bled tor mun ol bhlll Ind romp were rent to Quebee It be oIrrlod evened lu Ihlpyordn In England Ono bl the turpeat ever shipped It ruld to JIJH coma lrom luIlstl llllll PM In ten Tllmlllll Webb btluflll 100 bend on to NliitMtlT l2 ul lntttxlil lownahlp lul $175 llnrtlld tobh wax born on this lot in ml tutti Ilill IIHS lhtrv withoutIt pm til the mm but new brew will line In Iat three large DIM were cut tor mqu One ol Ihu llutlxrs war broken whllr lirlni ttntwn to lho than lur lldmimltullun In Quo co The Iluutps rl thrso plurs can run bo tron lhmigu lhly art now III II Iluu Dl drwy hlltl GUTIllllll lly hIlLl ll CAMEIIUN Con Iululmru to ilr and lit Juuua Cultlurll on their Lalh did unnIursury Juno let The evening bolurv my uhlrrtullttd uboul so ill uuu Immrdlule lutully or dinner It shanty Ituy Gall Courte und wrro joined by morn nelghbont or dance party und tuelul Convrululullonw are lllw In ur tlcr lur newlyweds IIlr Ind hlrI llob ItluClIIiu lIlr Ind Irx llon Campbell Ind Mr and hit ill Surtlpton lira Churlus Sanderson It in roving luvullrubly IuIIawlng lltk aurIery It the IlVII Irur rle lllra Lloyd Summon was hus tena tor the June Vl meet Iny Ilrr Itobert uumpbell vuvu tht Itudy on lndln Irt Sump Ion pure ruporta on thu Syno dluul nwellnu lllt nilrndtd at Nulth Iltty on April 21kt lt lith and Ille lIlIyllully al llrv ton on my 5th titers will bu nu ruretlnul tor the rummur month lllllll Srrwunuicr Contrullnlwn Services will be held ul tho Presbyterian Church on Juno IlliIl lollowln rlulrrh eervlwo on Juno will plenle and luncheon will be held at tho numb uroundy Thtru will be dlspluy at tho Vurdllod Illblo School bandwan bed room rum The Ccntonninl Cclebrutlodx oi tho lreabylerlan Church In Cun Ida begin In Juno llhtu tute tint mire It llcn hlohr Camp at llonverton on duy June and our slot pm The Annqu lllrmurlal titty Sorvlro It hhox Cemetery Urn will be held at pm on June Jolll Time will be no rerviees ut the Control Ore 010 Station and Guthrie luttchoa on Juno to and July III the rrtnlrtrr lley 170 cars young lad lllfe nu ebh nun play in mm Iltllllpl wh ch rt that time uero om ll lnrhrs norm Ind about the trump In height and he re themth tlllhbln on one at them and using as lookout when iranlliut In the row TIuddlun has II that lhe lar ueat ul lheto Inn was used tor tho mlll ol trreal EIIiorn Ind that this we the lamest mint em rut Ior an mun tes lumqu ship vus built on the Thames lliter Lomlm Eng Land between IBJI and 837 Mil won lamtlltvi In 1le Rte was In lull dbl Ind I11 eel wide lIealdoa arm Iquam yank units the hill Illu arts at on ulnea gentruling tltOo borrr power mu single screw and putld wow Shu unptm 125COIuns SIX lllA ll wu lll yuan bolurr II lhlp tul built ho mu Intuit lltld the Is Iuo 0t her many were ri xtwl the mlll til mod II the our ltttl Id been rul lu lu Illill Total li ul the must mu let tllltll 1016 MI tibwlll lilt tltt llt must llltlt In tltI luv mmt rlrl tho eh rumpus be luuhrhing and dlsastemus rxv iluslon whlill nearly worked Itr Alle rewrul ullrtnzl lilo in New lelk lb lllx ury passenger slllp ltltHtl 5mm us the he bet the bttml lll IBLJI Luttlr pub din xmmml ul lJurpu llarrlr hhopplng TIN tractor not drslrned tor It Km Ilrron Will be on holidays $l00 BOX Welllnulan lit Wul ry llrll Downard lllP tor Nlrrln sunme Ihoun pt extreme rind tSebuiler lda Plan Installation For llngus lions ANGUS Slulll Member bl Aneua Dlttrld Lion club vaI been mun PNNrIllou lur their Innual lustnllItlon Ilgbl whldt to be held at the Hon had hero on Saturday June lltll Ilrddrn will become lba new pretldent ol the club two deng Ihn hurm other to lmlblled Include Chortle Cllk Iloy Ayem and my kuaull II vtcepretldcnta lor the new an5 term bu lllynard lee rtlnry Jrh bdrm Murdllu secretary Jon Tllllurm matur lr bob Swerdon lIll twill Ind Tom llnrcy llon lImer lllrretura trip the new term tnrludv Jlrn Vrlll Chuck LI Fleur Ind Don Simian elected or luv yeIrI and Ron VII mond lrrd Ilou und hInk Ad lImWn tor one you Legion Growing Ill Collingtvood COLLINGIIOOD Guml in new members lndueled llntrttvod brunth oi the Ituyal Cut dlunl tun now has menr Imnp pl 15 John Silllllltlll Is president ol the hruntll tor the WT lrrm with Mrs Nil llnrber bond DI the ludles Auditory Alulld wllh lr quwonx mnln ulliien bl lilo LtIlun Intlittle Trumun chem uttd llurne nr prrlhlcnts Jnclr Suundrn irrusurer llllll tlroruc llllt rev rulur other members at lho rxtcuthu lrultldu Jhu hlunw llun llreok Don Ilurbcl Orville Garbult th Emir Wonlull lnre lllru nhd llnrruret Mill are prrsldrnti nt Ibr uuxlltury wllh llrleu IIIII Ito relttr luullnu Akllt treasurer ant lurton SNNI mordlnp no rotnr and tau oz or ner snip With Every Buckator BIuol of Our DIIIIIeUI Chltltllt FRI SAT SUN ONLY AT OUR EARRII STORES llIm Ind FRENCH FRIES COUNTY monarchy vsnr mm moasmwx tSIltt Ab and tloday Mr Cam in Anmllural 5x3 nil be bdd mu Ina smug Su ll INTERNATIONAL MATCH eutva tour no mo henulm plating ml III hm luminary dmnnhou nil be bold Il LJ 013 Rad Ind neighboring Irma In Italian Cmny Georgetown Imal In notice received It the 01m ram cl Irv nwtln Itll 100d blllee hero The opening dIlI Tuesday Supt Int munun daily to SmutI Sept ALUMON LJOXS TROUC AUJFION IStIlll Wald erable In lnquI ha been tum In the Inaual roll it till Alilon hour ltd itlth II to be held It the load ms nu Pndry nod Stormy neednt June It Ilbl The AILulClI nu club ha been odd this lawn Hm I331 TIIILNION rlmc DUNTRDON StIll re Inbllllmld inert Iiil be bald urum pluIe um nu lneiude Immolaporuullbqheld by mcnbers ol the dunno lnnlly be an Sundu July ornqu WASAGA BE llobert Tlmlork has been InsIIIL ed II new prmldedl at the WI up lamb llona rlub um nu Johnson JIea Curbell and John Ilale urwmtumts Em Tale mercury and Jun Dick treIxun Ir mm NNIVEMIAIIY WLUNGWOOD Slllll Member Colllnzwood Prey interim tench apparel In ph rotor continues tor rpmal smirk muting tbe IDOh Innl usury the rhureh The the tolkrued by In Indoor pme HIKE HID RAIOIIUIIST CRAIGIIUIISI ISIIII limb ben oi BIrrto GInIrIIh Troll Auoduion club bar mount to meet at Crulgbamt general Ilore on Saturday June lot hllra northust to We from Form Transler Problems Topic OUTIITIIE I33 FI propertleu have not rampant tax led capitol rIIns pro ulIt on tIx Ind III III It was pointed out It meeting at the mmmunlly bIll here tart night rut OrIlIlI Lawyer discussed the to Your DIIIdren It lhl meI In whim wus DIIlrltt he Ind the 0d UCO at In llllor to their members and patrons lIlr maul hII rondurtrd van IouI tIx scIIloaI la ortlllI Ind elseubo and he WI 3de to nvlt basic problem involved In IIIm tIanalm partlrulIrIy mm parent to children to me larmm better Wile ol the problems which utll be com Iltllfld Farm Institute Names Directors Four new tbreelrr have been namd the NIdonII brunt oi the Amtullurdl Instilqu ol Quintin the MllMIJ protraslotr II orgInIrIllon for Irroioglrts They no Graham Drew rllrmnr uI moone Induttrrs It the Unlvmlty ol IIrItlsh Coll urnblI representing the nrltish Nu Inlulue hereto rials Dr Iluuh ll Nltttolron department oi retinal relrnr Inltmly ol Sdtltatrhtwan tor the Suakntnhe Inslltule at All rolotlrta lCIrml iIaher llowmnn Carson limited tor the Ontario Institute ul Armin and Jumbo Lore ol won Allrn Ind Atsoelatrs Cul KIO ll Alberta Mutton Russel pmmtm tople lrInslerrlng Your FIrm lied by Sim lva Sen mm at on Iervtre GLIMPSES Manny no Gala tax It be but Inder Eunau on our EUIVALE ISILII nunI meatantath lidbe mama on ground the ltth Metal here atmr on food July ma extImelda tarpon unlit lrlhy July Indian terse the joint may Iaan ol the Elma maul leo and sinuous wa more Iron centre unis pimp IllDllUltbr dun 57nd urel pm um ol gt pane plnlr Sr thumb Winston not Our my cl Lourdes mu Elimu on SandV June IAN DOGS PTOM PARK lllDLND Slalll trillId parh board In ad gr dog owner lb thrir pet Ire pm lihltd llvm little bk perk done the rumma mm In other pom the Nahum qturudoalobeleti Mm ml by lean AULNWOOI ITI PICNIC AMITODD ISIIlll ltm ber ol Allmuved Womeux Intuit hill haul Iietlhesrh qu mtnI Institute ion than let Iurnmer picnle to be hed It Womlnnd Bush en ltLItllLV Jtdy lit September piccle It Spnngudkr park llI him ll plarutnl MEETING AT HOLLY HOLLY lSlalll ltllll1 de elbpmcd Ll this are Kill be discount at public mutine named by lnriltld Planning bow tor the local rornmuntty centre on Thursday exenlnx June LO Idea ter planting and restructqu mummy er the neat years will be dimmed LITTLES HILL SIIIOUD ISLalll Lilllel Ilall lomcnr lltxtllule held dinner party It llowanl John Iml MarniA in ohwnmre iv the list Imvemty ol the or nulzing ol branch EARLY INDUSTRIES COOKSNWN lSulll rst rnst mill In Cmeuaun we built by trim Spillle In liar At one limo Cuohnloun bad pa lash lottery and memb tng tonsily Until about mm 10 the village Ind It own weekly newtpapcr The Cook UNIT AdvoNle ambushed in 1371 by PM Stewart ONCE llTl0N OllluJA list but Mlle war runbllahrd In Drill lli ldiJ when It In Itlll art nl In Inuitn lleClVJlan The alto was later exchanged tor llama Ind payment oi ltrltlsb rmnry by the crown STARTS THURSDAY HAVESEEN FUTURE AND IT gt DOESNT WORK the VPl ATUIII Ar mo qu use but might IhnwJy MON IIIlent TONltilll and unit only WALT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS wun new cauvoou FEATURE FFATUIIJ Il 710 Ind blindill IIONOII TO HHNIUII ITTZENS WEEK PROUDLY INVITE ALI than Il PIIanIeh mun EHNIOII CITIIIINS TO llll our GUEST AT blElIAl MATINHI IlilllOllhllhll PM Or the run evrltlnl prttorqure to ROBIN HOOD TOMOIIIIOW ON lllNlDll LllllHNS DAY Guell ticket will be available It the ltot tltllue DISTRICT TIT lAllllE EXAMINUI STROLI ISIIllI IMIIII mril hat allouesl Tortilla milk to lairld new ruuge III In In replax lhzt that mntrvlrnul much It the luumlapl new mruh bylaw doe not wmr alioI new mimtlun on pmale road litmuan In smwuu the untreated rounnl mud Ihll the Lu run the minimum sire requiremrats ol the bylaw the Mull hud ban antnut bv the Sinxoe Cottnly rid the in in the the hni bromin um Doe lLunblezua ol Turuulu owner the lulrlrun lvl at bum am dnplie the tart ruin the lut NEWS TADM JUST ll TbI Pillow Replacing Burned Cottage in July III III all he ended to build lilmtti some but qu he would mt he mg oa errautxl ban Rent Gm uron sill ha lonwd the el In run but no no Ittou that mum is qut on meII mu thorium nut mates uuanona uh nun is run its ym or taxes uni rxm rebuild on his own lot the Bel Lillie in lenmrt alumni pne ol the run In ID eliminate new dewopulent on warmed lots and to end sruuucm where the lnlnhltl tuuuU luic In de tuba xel wounlmn nice to one Sandy l7e Creek told muncll or Inn mhtunlt In add but lober Page hurried thin arm NOW PLAYING SHOWTIME PM DUTCH THE KID mmdnhmolhl Adult Ellerulnmeel PAULNEWMAN ROBERT REDlORD KATHARINE ROSS DUTCH ASSIDY AND THE SUNDANCE KID ArvmwwM BARRIE TWI SCREEN NOW PLAYING DRIVEdN THEATRE or IUIZ THEATRE mmnzmwunrox ADUII In SCREEN It Now PLAYING llllllllllllllllllllllllll ADULT INTIRTAINMENT PANAVISION hiilllOCOLOR MCth quwowvv quu mo or medium mm Al PAGINU SEHPIED emancime HwmMoul Itl Iwbbaviollnt drmrwewortd llut hI the only world tht Input And theyrathI only nun ltd bu Mum the Frlends Ill Eddie

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