Excursion lerrcrin Runs To Simmer Meaiord with the atom at the thee and lullDy Society THICT NEWS THE MRI 3WD RATHER It till Ctmlrstown Plans carnival Events Museram boardruois ow mural1 In the Medhpdlted marital lnnxentthBEue warm it or an my on pp on ta be the IItdoa ttIviLv ll nItIeo dim Iona 1M lor In tIkII the have timb and not N53 winter ad by all the under their their oi Ooun noon to ea in Ibtana time It made nd with it has continua other ol pw 01 at magi nuu vrsrrons millimetre routine carry Onlh Mayta Gmhnm Card rtilui the but ball It the A1 laadale Bowitng Club great to repentbescason lurtbe bowie lag til at the Intelligent den tllEt ol Orlllia There Is be bouIng great in odliia but one 11 be develon tn Alb cber PIN Iald tinrs Pearce TIEI boiling eiab dim tlauever TIE bowl ers will use the Allde seen this beeng aeum every way nunlng or Iheraoou depuxm batheeartheer bopatobate mmWat dung lunar Card In toll LE Harry lingers treas mr Fern Ilcwt Ieaetary and Mr Pearce extreme We Cites Prices On Food COst Rises in denouncing runaway InilI tlen tinder the Trudeau Hunt polIdes StncLItr died newest ltgum on prim at typical lood brim ptrrcbncd in storm at his area 93M Aurora lawyer who Is Wye conservative cendl due seektns Mledlon Wm ligurea lrom November mo en Prime bilnlsier Trudeau reported Ination bad been lick Iditn Canada with eurrcnt prte pl nstn that manh is regularly purchased load Items Mid be purchased tor raw By October 1011 they had risen to tlltt and today they sell tor new 70 oer cent trzmsc are Ilvrmlnaly the monlbr OHOUGHIIIIIJ SOCIETY ALLISNN tSEnlll Annual meeting at the Cenntan Ther erd satiety Will be held It the New Voodblne written It Rennie on Friday June it ac cording to hstlngs in notice received at the Ontario hints try ol agriculture and lend ottloe here PAY HATE CHANGE COIJJWATBII Stall dinn ges In pay scales over the years were rellctted In Sept 30 1M Issue ol The Goldwater Plan It which carried advertisrvncnts for help tor slutay work week It tin weekly FRIENDSHIP CLUB THORth Stall Med Inga at the Friendspr club have been nupmded tor the warmer months with the next meeting In September The members aclt cepted an tnvttatton trorn the Ooebtmvn club to Ittend the Wow United 1mm nerve ice on Sunday evening Julie IS HI LEADERSHIP ELIIVALE lSIalll week long prvvlndal lll leadership erratum will open It the tin lterllty at Guelph on sunny June IE it was announced to notice It the North Slum Ig tlctrltunl elitec COLLINGWDOD BUDGET WLUNGWOOD tStaIlt Ol vle ex nurtures tor the town Call opd dunn ml were eSUmated It 000th In in uom at 11000 nvrr tm The ewnty board It edumtim levy accounted for 5120000 01 the in crease The requisition lorreouhg ty purpose was up by moon OFFICEIIS OllllLlA Stall don has been elected prestdwt ol the Ottllll Ktwnnlt club tor the new tilt1 term succeeding limes Waite tlel Greer li the club treasurer and Dave linin nalord secretary FAllt AT IIAAIONA ltAhloNA Stall Prepara tlons are proceeding era tor the Innual lIlI lair the no ma Agricultural Society which W111 be helrl hero on Saturday ly Increase now our one Ind hall per cent It meterting All Stevens deplored At todays rote eI tnllattoa the some 100d basket will Ictl tor treat me yesr trons now wblcb almost twice the prtce In Nov entxr mo nytbasprtngolimJett urzd out the Item would to or om no under the same harming rate unless there no changes In policy to hold the prten lines bth 011in lllr stoma mentioned the only product to tail in price between November told Ind June rm was entice In Imported item lt tell trom LII to rl trot pound la the etth period TAX SPENDINO UP PENEIANGULSHENE tStalll budget rather for expert dltures at close to 31300900 In tome at 3120000 om Iast ycer was passed by town count cit alter It was introduced by time tlonct Dion dialrmIn oi finance SULKY HORSE RACES OIllluA SIIHI Sulky bar as raring will Iinn be talk tare ol the normal lIll lab at the Ortth Agricultural Society which will be held on My Saturday and Sunday Sept and AHEA WI CONVENTION COLDWAIER ISlnlltl Early reparationI have been attrtcd HM tor the Iron convmtlen at the Warmll Institute which ta to be held on Monday and My day So to and him Gor don 11 on at Tolteetnm ls Ire prestdnnt and bin Jawrune Dene ls prelim ol the Cold water Senior iernena Institute FORMER CHAIRMAN 0110 STATION Staiil Do puty ltceve Howard Cnmpbcll et Ora enmeil was cnce diatrrnsn at the lorrner townspr Iron utml board The latter was do bendod when theicounty board at edtuulton took over the ad ntnlstrattm on Jan I969 BOOKMOBILE VISIT NOIIIII lthElt Stall 1lnt dim library board Ina made arrangements with the Strncee County library Co natvu In have air bookmeble iatt TeI into and Severn Falls on Wed needay July ll and Ixtln on Wednesday August ll tDAYCONVENTION ELIVA1E tsteltt Annual leeway convention at the can adtan instltuts at Food Science Technology is In session at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel In Alert rcat wording to notth ror tdvtd hm SHEEP BREEDERE ALLISION stall Ontario Sheep breeders are holding their Innint roulerence It Now tit eerd uoliege ol AgrtruttrIai To ctrtoogy this Saturday with morning ailments and event Ieaslbn uremia to In out ministry ol culture calend Ir at emits Free 32 page vIeItlen guide In page AvellIhle It or touusou ll3 Dunlep St 12 IlIrrle TRAVEL AGENCY 7266515 This IdvrrtlIrment prepared tor the IarnIieI tourtIt IloIrd produce For example It irritation roles continue by the end ol lvrl dorm Grade large eggs will sell tn aork5im roe tor so rmrpared to cents in Neverrber me be stated tins ol pork and bears rebch Iold tor cent lumped to Ital intcbelte Apple lqu pimped from St cents to It and Billy bee lloaey lrorn It certs to $151 according to in Stolem price thIe sirloin steal was or uh pound in November mo Int wIs nuotcd at $17 to June mt mldren breasts went lrem net5 to $1 10 lbs bl lllr or from to rent to 153 Ind tam quarts at milk Irons It all to $1 ltlwaelt lloure miles which conurr GtiMPSIIs= cu which rose by as per event was mm In the Al trend Corded tub blah prt 1n Hill area last year trema II In mortgage Interest rates to 12 per cent and the me In the cost at gasoline tbtrxpring it Is obvious wh the average wor ker has not been Ibla to keep up with eseslatinp consumer prim said the Conservnttva candidate who represented the riding In the last House In relerrlng to In llr Stems slat pmoea have risen is clear that the former has not mp edtlie bencltt 1H production costs have in many cases is en luslcl than the prlcns or his some teed and lerttiiter deuctl have doubled to price hater twine has tripled Farm machinery pri ces Ire roaring and In the use at some lam Ipmcnt titm prim amt delive not even available lttr Sleva added lien cost account tor urge portion at tood costs and the price nl bch It the consum er level Is good example Onl Irto tnmvm are paid no crnu pound lor beetincluding rent Iubxtdy whloh barely meets their costs Packers transporters Ind supermarkets and the wastare tn timing the beet Itseli Idd the other it tr1n the case at sirloin and the consumer laced with ma prlre tIg retail an is simply beyond the reach ol mm Unless and until government measures are Implemented to slow the ination spiral thee tumble to keep up the average wage earner and people on tis ezt lltoltKS will see their nun chasing power dwindle lurther edit and will llnd that more and more at ltlas wenllnla Ire be rend their grasp hlr Stevens deplored TONIGHT RUN rue WALT DISNEY PRODUCTION woe new CANNON reams Feature It 150 and Itll but complete Ihol 155 ltor Ollch Openl me octet Sunday Matinee CHILIIR Enter the Hobln Ilnnd Nllllll eontrrtl Further details It theatre Mel EFF tor GM ringed todays train trip truss rotate to beerue ens Ind In restataant cars ailmtdpal prena ml em laden remsentwm will be In the day activities D8115 Ill bio Illa lazily were panacea It in to pertimate tn the ulnal epaim at Sam See Mn Davis mu Prusxzbavtlvilhnlm MNIMWIMM The premier win be tIIen ta tbeeevualadtlnm heme Iber bIIMBkWW will epentltivmwbmaoand ban the normally to meet therealdenln Alltnlll At Ortttazmd rill the 113 Glace mm The us catam marln 05 61 Ht Oh no MIKE It Serge ma and the SR Mrtsl pre untty unit the am Built by tb Oalilngweod Slxp yards the It Iblp Il bold aoo passengers and eIrI ad will be ready or mice this summer During the two Ind tbre hour stop It the harbour Ind lmrd to pitb nger emowlore Ibo mltn on their fJeurney le ran tell tron Torontos vo SJttoo It ant to trI our the rst ninIy line built In Ontario Dillbx the Mp bliss Bthbetb withrot Canadas leading pho teubpbtr ol tiny Itattons will be puking Inoouneernents Manyacntbaltntmlhrtop need Am been at blur turdr animal celebrulnu nit the mini ol the lunar ey to History uniion The mayor Ind carnal rubbers will the rmicr Ind palm erI It tr de Iner which hir DIM Ill Visit the lawn bl tleuiltbenhtalenby II dau to the Georgian Bay Seo nodary sdbeot mere the pre Inter Ind bk Winkle Ill Ia reil blame to Red Lines no late the worttu to or the Idhtt at bis work It the school The llealord centennial corn mitt Ind the chamber at cem merce bl ptemtd Idlytttes and met within the harbour Inn and Informallw will be he mi ot the dry Passenger can wit the harm and yaebt hate the boat torts the nuts un vbteb borne marine Ind amt artiladJ yhore with train pool and unwed HM market WM lid the laundry Ind pottery works momentum PI swam studded lith trim are net IdtaneedlorLncvro ureteris tee Wow mint my ram also no bI hr vblebntobeheldbereoum mwuw booth untanman Avmlyparade Media itllIr mm start It In Ind Itnd Mm Wm m5 updanreutbewtingdmm rill one plan It the tr lie at the with anony of Illness now PLAYINo suowruwe status lltetltb AREBAOlI Mbrthcttnolll MIII InertIlla pref the public address ryxtem an that passengers Itll be tr loaned abet historical Ilg ntlkam ol the ma Tbls Lt the tint Urns that lrlttl mm by tbe Ontario Noribland TrInspottItien Conr nteslon bu npmted on this It line The train with Ibe street pied In Saint Park or visitth railroad Ind Ibis not been located be turner Cot Iiagwoed rattva etatlen At Wlkltb the lotuspr el lidLI will welcomedbe prune terI party Air Winkler Ind pas singers lettered by photo rum put It the lite at the lIrnws Midland Is Going Ahead On 95th Anniversary Year lrzowm 151nm year at continued development ex through the Midland Lent com peeled to mark titdands 35th May Inntrcrsary year Is In lnmr In my paroled municipality In me in community was incorporat AlterIded1netn rutynionlba as Village mtb Samuel III bulldog still there till been lit trmtpascd demand which rmly has eecouragedan optimistic out may at mmyollmtley look tar ronstructten Ind my Hm Me llayer ItIreId twde lermer Flrland clerk and Ruby evenly councillor and members muurm an have 3317 mama Mn Itatus was chieicd tn 09mm or gadmtu 1900 with l3 Hamil the tint gaging nunlclpnlillcg mayor Bennett reeve Ind Reeve Moreland Lynn and Dep Stalled holnnd little at Reeve thiherine Dion III and representative on Sim coo County council httdlInd tar cidcntIlly hasnt had member new warden In over bail century with records showing the lIte Dtgby llonetl the last tn INT locoed an harbour littdlanl was nemrd liter tht Midland Railway Company which was re 11mm WItlm councillor STAT omCtAL NAMED SALZDUIIG Alum Rutter President leon Tuesday named nobcrt Inscrsott un tnr state department olttcial Is dcputy rule secretary rapier int Kenneth ltush now prest dentist adviser on economic pol lry tngrrtetl will become the N0 olllclat la the state do partmcnt under tlenry Khuln ler ll conrmed by the Senate Cor Clapperton Collier ll therea pool in your plans toe the sum edst Ind for met man on Periwinkle Periwinkle Ire concrete swimming p20 designed by Schwtnkrr the largest dependently owned pool buikng mmpluvy tn North Amerten timeouttend In St cathartncs Ontario the mummy baa over it years experience In design and oonstrucylen at quality com crelo pools Now you can have one oi these ruperter pools in your yvmi tar my reasonable PERIWINKLE POOLS LIMITED Baylleld Street North Barrie Ontario BeaidI GIerglIn Sport Ind Marine Periwinkle to teen aponstble tor early deieloprnent Wm Nickensm Robert lrwtn and Fm 32 page veeItten guide III page Olavettvottd Thtr ulvrrtturnelt prrpmdtor the lInIIIrI Taantt hoard were Periwinkle Call us well thaw You better Imatrnent better predict sdmrlkendesigned concrete pool Wed like to mt you dlSnlss your pool plans and estimate your cost There Is no obligation Ind sooner or later theres going to be Ilium westernmost Bltil CASSIDYANDTHESVNDANE KID Ionmowed GRAND OPENING OF THE ALL NEW BARRIE rwru SCREEN NOW PLAYING fa and now the lm AMAIAN IEWW Film and pl course the shops Iieag hlrIlardl maln street Cow lit lilnlvale Gold Seal Winner EDNA Stallt put brat llJlsteln owned by Donald III1m Etmvale IrrI ntllb man has been Iwardtd new not by the notionPrim tm Amdnten at month In all Malian Oxabn tIUeII Juliet produced mum at nitk contain 1000 at butlcrlat testing HI cent In her latrs record as Ill ll yrmold Olatton Juliet ur ni 1am pounda nl nuk com batch 761 pounds at butterlnt testing Wt par cent In 305 days nhleb gave her brred class new bl 15 per not lot will lll per n5 ler lat unsettled good pus the type Nation Juliet was alred by the lm that extra Slit Resale teclon ti tier dam Sovereign Bathe Filth else was dammed DRIVEIN THEATRE asgoodpluanndrwlmme Iran under the star breed cow procrm sir Barrie mom STOPS AND THE BULLETS BEGIN SCREEN ugw PLAYING ammonium twitchImmune GaieeSegal GlendnJackson TAIbuchOfClass uh 52953 IVEIN Now Playing mdthklx Iwnmrntutt ol hm ln harrit well be here long time your yard IMI get together 77265912 tuwupnacawmmuowxotwmom Adult Entertainment ALSO ON COLLINGWOOD irrsus cumsr SUPERSTAR