backyard Henhouses Graveiled Streets Among NEWS Betired Railroaders Memories Of Allandale mn nun ummn summer at It ml caretaaer iron 1350 um 1pm mat Conn at rr man line me hit an birth hind ll hIa ilvedin Allendllo aim ll Ihm is panels moved lrun amnion He can dearly roeni the early day when AllIdale in little more than mail village and Livestock roamed the atrreta till laibeh the Min marks Gotint came to Aliandale cInInler rith the od Grind Trunk Mittrad lahmh later be came part at Canadian National Railway and ill thil IRA prim so me under hire be r15 poulbleior building many at the olortni Italians and mod ee trestle hridm to We part at Delano We the Wool high trertie that stood lor hall century nrar South River hir Goring recall that yarn in Allandaie were years Ind thetme was revered day with rtntrohee beinywell mpwrted Flor the last yeerr he bu been meme ot Burton Avenue Unit ed aurrh tenth there an Early treat Irene Indies nielel Iould lazy to Iat My my boy There were rolled qandm nanr candies chocol Itet Easter Em peppermintS and helium am as his as Igotl bells Real cream mashed IIit nd handdmkndiee cream matinee reunited in the mpnt deliciqu its mm AT SCHOOL School leulons not to be tak cq limb lnchlded arithmetic twirl1 Ipelllnthynedtht wilt Wm no new all its notes that ireovehth leeture Iould be given one da Ital the hen day rtudehts aloud hm to errltl mum on It mbleettoahwhwmuvhm it had runeth rte those days are did not hae any canned entertainment It had to make our on re mpw to ring AI kids we used to have the ruiut hm hikhingrtdee Iiih amen on litibe and wagons It they hatH pm in the grist mall that stood oohuple mm In the mural nu oi Vale Tali hurting lot ur In they hauled livestock and chicken dler ted hut vegetables hunt wood tad dairy product in hmere math in Barne fKo the tamer Lid not mind It all it was put II to put in Saturday We pier eri unrbla baseball and shit by or barley line there eere the lat boats like the hinder and the or 300 or Inert Ind an em Barrie and mandate to Bil BI Point OrtlllI lather Point Alter the turn at the blur thy begin to show their Ixe 0n diluent when they would haw to head or Iiaore when some trouble or other developed Sometlmu tho Item boilers nouhi spring ink and theyva like home with hanlly enough pressure to tlrite their proplellnra it was met In them in boybood days residentI oi Allandne ed to keep look oi trot and maybe pig or two In their badsyardn can or two tethered buzdo the road or putuml in near by vacant lield and horse to pull bum or cutter DI STREEIUOIIIS mugging notes that the tint riree up to 19m were carbon are eiedric have mach hather avert than todays street lighs It then Itth horse Ind out went round to tcrvlce them Water wta supplied by slat ionary Ileana owned and operated by thenliroad The Ith behindvthe YMCA bowing mo and united the union and Aliandale until the 1m All the needs in Aliapdnie were well graveiied and main tained with hornedrm grud ere grading barrows Cloudyblties Ocdasional Rain Eorcasl Sunday in District ithei IiIrted net and drhn weekend will rennin so through Stmday The loreeast raile tor nialniy cloudy kin with occuloml shoem The low tonightle be he tit selaries Major Budget Expense salaries were the biggest lln gle item or emense listed in the budztt summary presented to trustees oi the Simeoe Cwny Board of Edmetion thlewee no armory covers live Ontarlo with Ibo both they and some thunderstorm hettvity today Maximum temperature their are expected to be in the in he in southern thiarlo and in the so In most other per oi the province Tamwatnrea in the do are expedui Sundey in most mtons except Invmrr neuterI Ontlo UM huh1 the ao an emted Toronto Considerable cloudi neu lodly IIII shown me low thundmtormn Mainly cloudy may with occasional abowere High today 70 to law tonight near to High arm day 55 to 70 Windsor tendon HImiitnn North tiny Pelerborougb Alto St Clair Lake Erie Lake llu Ion Ninrera Len Ontario 30011911 Buy lleitburion Dom IIdethle cloudiness today with kdhubeelbermandlaldhy hudtth nhoveil miniml very abet on and hard Ugnntllutaleu World It the no honedran burnt being Lied It liner IinO nlhnnuiortblsdtfdi didnuteremtnmrter Whenmmdngvutnarrim iniHnDllnlxnbrKdBIbl rta Itthznidtgetralunited mumhluysmbhsame tor the mention beamllnl tremolgrryborwardalu roath tmn Ben ParkerII manuntbehoperntrdon Gownsmtnearmitudu rail trip to menu Hamill Fllk Mined lie Ward in MI tnuxheeda bake shop which stood near the Gillan Hotel to let one imh hnad Me in tradition eoaleed brick own Near Addiaa store stood the hute rbere rho nourishing brewery operated on ldoria meet Front it end lm lines at beer legs up to to dim in in If Ihtpped oulhylailnhdbylocaltzem and WIRES mtomen tied to hove their mm mm to make hole in the MIIIM bib rilemeht was caused when the old hotel butMd down inhtslastnsroreoatthoold Burton Awhile whit schooL the brld building accommodating up to 200 prptia Ivar jacked up In bodily moved into one corner at the schoolyard to make room lor mostrnctlon at King Fdwnrd Public chooi on Burton Avenue The school building their roots ued used until coupletleo ol the present bulletin in gt1 lie remntben that rirht up until me let people ym still mn to churdt vnth cutt er on Ilelghs in winter but glue or arttags in tummer tior tea and hone vehicles were stored in LhI old Pksberlan driving shed once the Aliandalo tire hall At the ago at It be started North Bay runs Ind lor to ton to Coilinzwood line when Ihle trIclr was tinder the old Grand Trunk Railway and toe shut time dletrkt when it VII the Canadian Northern helm it all came tinder mll in me it received his iocomou ump eera papers Ehen on the ImIliIr rim engines while he was suit tore man he would hue to shovel up to tire tone at eoai Inbour When the eling bell to cl 3500 ion trein up gra the VIth sham nil that could be mustered some at the blit or train gobbled up tormen ions at coal per hour Later tune the tee class or the soon which were neceesenly equipped with automniic steitera to ieed their glantbolierr Once while ho was till tire nntyaeisgvudoeelnabu lam tlnxtebniid up in th mete has made brain presm so his train Ilnmmed thin he paer lain Ilnaoe Nib both upper an piled up and rent um tug otrer the urine Lornl no body In lled Bil the ruin eer t1 the parted train broke k1 Ihrn hl lapped from rain and hit track mini the partly burned in pod mai We not rould that get cum out or 06 the coal xlodnle in Alier the an ol iinlllo um um and talnm may he dreaded out Iith hhsudsy have mittup la in Gerix Alta thattltry milling talkion tnLu Metro Council Seals To Change TollONTO lCPi ND Vo or wortnew the mmbentup Metropolitan Tomato mind to Idhern marl em to popdlon trends introder in the Ontario legu 1Itnre Thursday Alter Jan the are munid lpnm Iodd be mutkd to the resume representation In lletm wuanl rst York in members Eioblcoke Ire member ahd my bl Tomato metnbrn Under the redistribsim Ih 51 Mould be Increased to mm thlsvhl reprised ration lotM be lnoreurd to from four Scarbornuslt model no in 1mm and $0th In to nine mm It The other municipalities nu on end at mrto misahd insert Itap hltxhuv newerqu North York nine mambo trod Sarjrant has been senng Simooe County or on FRANK GORING fl Wt bl color photo taken ot the Batter Pbotoi MET FRED 40 years ircd is one the six agents It Sarjcant in runnce Agency lie specializes in term insurance Witt boticr people Serpent insurance Agency can provid hatter scrvrce See them at 27 Collier Street Barrie Across trout the Post Office SABJEANT work liretrtnn on steam iocomotlvu on the Hull 14 nan on the twirudar Beer beworlted Met the $20 makes the lethat shoes mounted set tom he grow bobby nus AJRFARE nights at Holidaylnm throughout Holiday inns myust about everywhere in the state which means on can stay just about everyw are in the state Our age allows for mntmodation of from to persons in one large mominseleoted Holiday Inns thmughoutjthe state Gives you days to travel Calllomia Our California FlyDrive Package is based on days and nights but canbc extended to suityour vacation plans Extra charge for extra days So you can breeze around this beautiful stale at your own pace The best deal in town on the state of Califomia American Airiines California FlyDrive Package lets you see all the famous lpljzcm ouve heard about in excit Ingstate And most important it lists you see them at very reasonable price Call ourTravelAgentor American lines and ask for more infomIation on our Caiilomia FlyDrive Package And then and drive man dtlnllmcnt centred in Mm mm my which all the passenger earl od lo my with occasional mowers Ilith 3M0 Him 91 At the elementary level seiar 15 um mum to demoed while the engine gt les accounted rm5 near 50 iiith Sunday pen lie 9th N0 hm or tote expenditure 0311 PM Mm From the north on the helm California mimother emnus over rlhe when It was engineer lrerghl mg my my Today height sun may Ty 93233 Amagtc lace 171751 av oer grntvm Ines the Twining Ioven mints $5 52 print up to on care In train Where there are more things to iii7i Si Thomas 15 mstggmlggmimm do persquarcfoot than probably Secoon centemu wmmm ritsotlntttui brittle iftlrbid expemitures Bl lm PM Mount Forest mm mm 1m man ol rare rneteh were metered ys rm totniavuiiable butternut Owen Sound 520300imhe American North he he had to stop It wagirmagnimw mt An esCalprnnlelyDnve Packa his price 15 good for Tralnnhle retarded eapendit sr Cath mm from to4persons hr htt and urea mirrored expenditures It 1mm mfahfh mm by the other two school levels in TMWI Plus an Avis with unlimitedeemilengc the llrst rm months oi me tell Kim mm The Dnve part of our or total ndlture or me New other escpcms lorthe same mil 31 period totalled mm lm The tralnthie retarded avnii Timmy able balance which incittdea both Imus eateries and other execute tor Mam One dry nenr South River on the triptlown to BIrrie his turn was involved in an accident one train It the bottom oi the hill was in the Inplngi llir Boring rot the go Igna re use the brakes end was about to start to pour the strern to the min when he realized that Iries Iceotntted lb $6306 out Peimwih iN ACCiDENT Fl lDrive Packa Is in the form th mint oi In iiiitim Gertidlon twitch wu open into lre sldlnl WM Alter lll brakes are released it mme Pemd dropochar cinanycitywe In World Forecast ytoDrivct ough San KINGSTON Ont rep In Dliegos famtomEomise world soonmny at diii ll ongsunse Pin WWW AngeiesTravel the beautiful nun dth ii mw WARNING ghgitoreatigiltltolibslgbegni geld othcrdlncqturs vilrm1lorIrtsttit nrwn ucen id v36 CAMP BORDEN RANGES centredwoods0rjustwander Amgarnu hungry 913 nulrin will be carried out on the Camp nordrn Ranges Purlle up charming San er notice said that wit the Melhood vi The range property uh within the temp boundary and ranctsootono of the most beau tIiul crttcs In North Amenca of new Plymouth Duster or other ne Avis car Andlthcrcs no mileage charge so you can drive it us far as you want in CalifomiaAnd theres no aaasaaaaszszastznnaaaaa 838555ESSSSSSSSSsastSESS sagatesacaaaaaaaaazaaaaannn urrwne economic polities pre bounded you opium wcrldwlde degW lovthe NORTH by the Stnrnidaleibsoroniie Totmshlp Him ohmic oi infill In Line and the SunrrldaleEssa Township line and lo the low mi mmu mm EAST by the Fourth Line ol the Mmhip oi Essa and Im 1m me dillimtit no to the sotrrn by the timeout side mad the Township non oHosoroottoIndtothuwmbythamnhUneoItha Dr Pearson said the Townsbiped Totorontlo The danger Item no clearly marked by danger signs need to reserve agricultural land and make terml omitt on all npproaohee Ind indication that tiring le in pmgresa able in order to lood ll given by the ying at red lisp It entrances in ranges shortages Ind It the ring point Ind butts le wrong 121 are an AlliillUNliiON AND nxrwsrvn ounCis hm int so om mm gm 5M and leilal explosive object NLop STREET EAST Inntot nine Ioodwedovw Hummus om pick up or retain Fromm Swim no cm 7265525 into is lost or wanted boceute My 05 mm mg mm or hm BARRIE Nell nreslles bed eioreze your possession and oblttt on you believe to be In tlrtonlilu lion and poor dir explmlve nottiy your local police Ind arrangement will with ma mute hwbhiriieitmdn try um person my met range prope have mow the or my WNW WWW l6 COLLIER STREET DOWNTOWN va er DcpItyhiinisler BARRIE Department oi Nauonal Deience lndtlttrlnllzhtlon Canada it BY ORDER thornlore this courlry has re awruiiiaiiliy to help lped timid count es untti tit be no lab oil 1253911