Federal PC Econ omics lisiil iltll at INKS AID Itm rum the commonest IUIIONN 1m hartawiggauid Irusoror dothI While mad tr Friday ll ltdsm tint rappam Progressive Calcium Inlet Robert Radian ration clediou music II In pulsed tho id oral luan cationic polldu Uherli tadct Belt Nixon and III lrcuurtr about the omnmcu II pawl II No otm to contain or rcdutc roi czar therein to the out oi purview products III Whit laid the kxahm out on ur in IolIIIho Icrnili bo elect Ilr kids Oumemmm In tho July led II ckditw Ind let them mm to grip lilh inflation Sltphm lull leader oi tho tcrcsl Hits To oomvmvz him Iota unsound Ind lull Email It ll tu mast Mr mid iI ailer iu no hit Air Iris Bid the mtimhi It should rot up and lo provide marina moor at linern1 lateral lullc meant Iyrlun Mr Wth nld mud op tion or not couldth no tho carernmutc dedslm Iiii ho nudI II dun course Ilr Lain lhcu turned to foal Mr Who inc In lullnlblr rising pried blr While laid helm Bu IltIcIcnIbc Dcmocrltlt Party and ll 10 ppm Hr SulilcidI ro Thornhill Driver Third Qualifier ycarlniinhthothlrdiaxtat hummly 500 Hill hallowed hymlcrmechnl 111Min almohkmandlmm AndmuIIIlbcwqmliliu ulionimmiholl Iridagltnnlncloctimooiwo mlnmcluumdlmartcd mm redurea nus mum We ple or you Ira III InnInd or mud Iheld oi chlru Both oilm Ind Follow hIrI Imury am mom ltionI following tannin who Ibo um Imrnmv CanAm Oliver had tho Isles Comm itm to him UhuII IVY By IIILI mhl III new Motriny Curriculum to Iir Ind him VIVIII Randi Wald in sun thnID Itthohmooilholr In mogulthth IIlcPctcriiomu Tho IIIt time Gandhi drim debated Mutations Immulmmul coroneror Pvllmcrctlmcwuit nl mmimmmh mm airliwoodnilbonm Triagiua whingdrlvln Inchho two to arm an numb mmmmw lureFinishingpetitionllma tom drottl Ind MonoII Ihoonly hairliiooterrnlnotho nIrtIni my momannulaan orderiorlhomiinncnl Mmwmy BASEBALL STANDINGS Jilin Marlon ircVInci Ind Mood Toronto Apart the wreck mm Now Yod It Calilomll mum Dorian It outrun and with Brut licVInIl Luann Ianoslinllht IIxry Salad visitor ilrI Eul mid thII week WNW All PrLGHI 531 Itildunrr 750 511 StrItlortl tnl zix Branllord Ball Baker Kingston Ir mit vii lhmllton cu Ies Mr uauaa 400 mm mm 7W rm Iim FoullI lmprw in nicely liter surrfcry In option SlrIllord mm 57 ii The WlIS Mid their month Iy mutlng At tho Am Bin ianriwa ll Iii Cigar livrunh lursdnl In 13 Butt IIcVaagI has Just In Sun Dvlvlftiusuilirimu lullrmd IronI vulllng In Mn my Wax MM sympathy atom to llrs MW Mr John Imam rind IImlly on tho heiririiitia dull 61 Bin Harmor 01 Fri day lam crowd altrndcd lIIo dlmu hiladc phi Iurlorni Icrvlm held It Jnlnolll Imalc IlIcltm not Ilouslon lGrIIllII 7Zl at an in liliiidihgiiliscsciinbliio Ugo Emilio Ml 113 part he Wm had Mil1 in elmAmi wont Itr everyone liahlihlriiill 1mm WW ml Cincinnati tNIIllnaItamz no rig Nu mm pnl arm Iqu RETIREMENT mm San Francisco iDAcuulsto Mzlsx ch lIr Ind Mrs Darla Arnold or Calducil rat llllsbvrcll Darn bill III uni lIra Jotit IlaaIIn IlIrry halter Alba WLIII Broderick he 1s and bin ch Iirolhet loom loo mm on Mr Ind lira IIInIIc Tully London Lituth Toronto at Strollani mum gnaw Guei It Kitchener IlanI lap at Toronto BASEBALI rop TEN By THE CANADIAN PRESS NItional turn Al II Pd ZOI SCI 75 371 236 35 ill 372 Ill 29 no In 55 129 210 28 Cl Ei In Mr parents Mr Ind Ills Ilieusu M1 at 103 pm St Mos Islrhcrt Ml at All Culll Phn Ianzo tCaprn HI 7m pun San Diczu lGrIIl MI nl Illn rcal Ilurrcz oi mos pm Glmcl Eundltr Son Francisco At Pillsburgh Lo Mgr at Now York Dim at lluntrcul hitlouls at Allnnta Houston at hleuu Illllndclrllllu nt Clncinnail IIImrI Ila Sun Ultra III Cili Montreal at inr trnn II Nell IIJUSIo LL glI Curew IIIII hinddox Si lid 33 371 ml H321 mm mm Currey 233 41 ll sm Mill 5L lid 15 69 319 Home nus Wynn In Ann icl 17 Schmidt PhIlIdclpIIlIr Id nun build in Gunny ll Wynn Smith 51 llIchitr decioituu John Lo Angclcs 10 003 Ilnu In Anzclcs 51 on Sosa San Francisco Amlriun klguc All It 21 llurkncr LA Rnntlnz Air and turn etc III rnd ilrr Ilrrmon ieanctt Ind Mr And hlrr El wood Icnnolt Ind Elln llclcau nllcruicd party In Allanho Ilclzhls School hero MN Dort Mllv Banting wa principal biie retlrcI Iltcr thIrIyclzllt years In ltration Sh was honored Frti1y rum the school by pupils loadi crs mrznts iorrrlcr pupil1 and lriuldl 511 Wis prcunlod with tltncr ring hy Ilra ham Smnatl ionrtsr Allnndalc Ilclgilt Idler on bchlil 0i Iricnd Ind alsoelnlcs oi Illrc Banting Iild louverColleagues Sun IIIlliS Auktitan Mogul Jackson uok Oith In 1117 She lso received IIItern pills EIII IV Union 33 25 Core Uilti Ta NCW York iii IInlanre 29 29 Detroit Ill iliiuuukcc ill III til Oakland 11 ill Kansas City In SI7 Texas Z9 Chicago 21 Jill Cu iiurrlu 3t IIJ linncsolu 1t 63 Ilnulll ramy Clowlnnd Baltimore Lin lustre Tu Aililvaukcc New lurk Oakland Callltlrnln Damn irOiIIIJIc Ilirhm 10le IlIlIrczota Inlylcvrn at Clerc an tKllnc Ml 730 pm lionsur Clty Illrmarrl Ml rl Detrnil ltolcmnn 215 run bur iok IAILLIItII III Ushlrr 30 LII Clng illaild 57 III Lilli Illmm llicNIIIy ItIIvrnukcc illrl lcxns Brown pm Illslrn Lou HI III California Lth In pnl mini Sunu Cly illlliiiz VLNO urk nI Oaklulld iillitlll at cuillurrllu nnemia II Clclviltri Id IIIL 539 369 300 550 50 500 53 Po Cleveland rccortl and II 591 etlmcdrun Ilumilull aatnal Ill mm It Dlomboru NY anskl Ros Kelly cm 16 ii Brnun llin 10010 Uni 105i lb Rondo Oak 530 I51 TlK YUM nlnr llorlon Detroit dualism IS Illnyhcrry Konst Cizy ll I36 03 41 llIIlcd In Burroughs lnyberry ll hing ll declrlons 111 Druu Boston 5i Rodriguez Milwaukee all SPORT SHORTS VETEILAN TIMDELI SAN DIEGO All Veteran righthurrlcd pitcher Stern Arlln wlu trolled Friday night by San Diego Padres lo Cchclnnd III Ilium or iila players to ho nunlozl Inter Min 13 has nrcrugo ill Id Nollollul AIIQIIO ql them as Iloricr lie in been used reliever recently Ind tun one cote SATIIEII ll MONTREAL MONTREAL ICP Glut Sulher relcran luhulngcr nequrcd by lionlrcol CI Louis liluc tour In cariler dealmeNo delenremnn 11ch Wilson lo UNIS Snllrcr hu man ha Nullonnl Hockey nale In low with Bol ton Druln and Iuhscquenlly will Eloques lelcmms etc iuo rothcrr whom Illa hod lIuIt In notion hclore hcr rnIrdIzI Itlcntlrd William Ind lImcI Sdrool Iupcrlnlcndrnts llcst uishtu an Koo hmllh inllll this community are cxluv tied to Dbloiiiy Ind Kdiil who are Icll known her and In Il uoys lcrtdinil hripinzhnlxl III IIsz olrorrow or Med Scarborough vlrlled wIIh bin lrcnc IllronI alter llundillhl Iuncrd nI NH Minnie Illnann Mrs Ii Arnold Ifttded birthday party Iar hIr Ind Mrs hliymwu Torin0 It the hmlc t1 Air and Mrs Keith IlrcValIci Norrie on Sunday Eluood Ind icun IcnnrlI on lionoay Mrs nlclurd Prize Ittcndod The Annual Synod bloating In Toronto last work and are In excellent report on III the do lnzl the Church Smlco Sun rrly matruns Dolt ioruel IIII annual IInsh picnic to be held on lEundIy Jun 21 all Llrzsl ansmrilcn Arch Scrvlcc It ll In Picnic Ilnccr and lunch to ioilmv nmIIALI Gluteolm played lty rrl toen IcerI Irrra Tuesday nlmt Score Lents here Friday nth Itorc or try Syrupnlh Is extended lav iIlLICI IlI iricllrll of MN Riln Itlo Allison who died vc Iod dmll nl IlVIl Ilnrrlo vcrII lulu bore ntcrrdcj tho Irnlro Imm Jcnnollr Fumal ilomo played Nil Pittsburgh Parr Wd my Yorkjuniors IlIrrir Intorrnont to Ruin Church Ccmclcry Ivy Jill and Illrr JIIIrIlironr llirl Bruce llllllcr Ilsltes with macrllllanalara Iayed Ivy In um murals BIKINI at Ll 1m reasons whyyou and THE EXAMINER should get together Your Burinm by Vincent Earn chn Tollt Covlrogo of local anI events 29 Slmcoc County new 30 Whotr on It tho TIIIItm 31 County Sport by Bill Curran 32 Simon Noturo Nomby Jolln WIrImnn 33 Spocioi inmost urticch for um 34 Nawlwoi oroo burinoII appointments and promotionr 35 Sporting Sctino by Ken Walls 36 Ann London 37 Cartoon by Ben Wick 38 Down Memory lcno 39 EdlloriIl comment of IocII concern 40 Wedding and engagement onnouncomontr The IIcobvI on Bridge 42 Covorago oi cultural Ivontl Aaulholo Ind ynom covorogo of local lporlI 44 indopllt woolhlr covcrogr 45 Thu First Column by Ken Wall 46 Youriitiroscopo 47 Photo Ind Idllum from the world of Iri 48 Collogo new about no Itudcnto Pictorial Bridal Suction 50 Daily calendar of coming ovonts STITIIO boII comic In town 52 The Moultocho Cup by Frank Stone Forlorn by Alice Brooks 54 chcIIyintortninmont Guido 55 WhirlThought or the Doy 56 Simcoo County MIrkol pin Information and monoy saving announco montr Hoditb by Dr Goorgc Thostolon indloptlr ItudIoI of general intomt PubIIc Iorvlco announcements Roodm Opinionr Letter to the Editor Sociolond rorvlco club notes It Now at govcrnmonl mutton ll Appotirlng Roclpu i2 Don OHoornl Queens Park Report 13 Birth and onnlvonory announcomonn 14 Annual Spring ondFoll ForIIIon Soloctlons i5 Ountonding Rool EIIotc Ioclion Parson to Pmon market place want ads ll Wondyl Column I8 Comploto Diltrict TV Listings I9 Compioto Hockey Scoreboard 20 Daily Crouword Push Drama minor 21 Logo noticoc ol Importance rotho mo 23 Annual back to boot roctlon 29 Brian Bakers Ropom 25 Complete Iron Church nowr 26 Cirrlodol Story by BobRowmon 27 mm from Ottawa by Former Tissington 132 ltliapaeaaal in Canada 16 53 For Circulation Notes and Information TELEPHONE 726 6537 Iliarrir Examioor Simeon County Roads The Examiner