news some Land Speculation Ta Deductible Minister zillion ol mull DI bed Cars Recalled mo mentap Font Motor De la recalling memo it 11ch Ethnic Arthur hides and dgd the moms torment mainline tax may be de ducted Lrom leddll income trim Wit Whit conned ode In prov II tax on sale at hmu nd land Illeeted by the recent Ontario legJIltim dd IN Mum Ii Ad Ill Some an mime Ihe rom biped at would reach In par ant Federal Hum Minister John mJIlJ earlier this IM he bu Med ledtrnl or mart weten to tneettpte We the Mario tn iI de ileum lb Neal lolulho Mad mmldbl comm Mandi tlhs led erai mm to amend their income Iu Act lil have eur In In Minted com to grins ill compared pr antnl lute run the duel government he decided to die IiloI trons ieduai tar ex Intake Keith teens In tintJar veteran at the Dem Med liar it at In men arena in years on if rmllmrpjort as Janka Phillip Baler hid rnler rter to wanna report or learn Broadcerter Dies ticmitlA It James ht liielhe it or more than 21 rem the CBC voice iron WW died It hll Man bl home here Thursday The miller broadcaster var eermpondent and Rhodes scholar no there II hard antral investigative pornlist lit motile retired to data in with he wrote in Me We vntnmee oi manotra hie min barbed Moving hie ml hlr ltinille rationed vettiy mice at broadcast Wu Stuplus Budget WAX CPI Home Maillot Petertildeon Non lootiI broorht dove budget mu tor the unrest liscd 7m Mneavpo with 0d noticipeted revones mm for Will It M70 Guindon Resigns maestro rm ele Manure aim the We he been reduced by one vote with the Magenta lridey of I7 mun mmuthelenn mbinet monument board Inld the lellaltla My treasurer til the United Auto Workers Re two tmiho oliietIlI are forms man ol the thm let herntnlu LIth the UAW total in turtle at like allegations about hlmdup he mien illum in iati in the am we eon Without Papers GHANA The clyltIi Ill Ittbcd both its EM laim since on and labor mm Intuit tor the Int mu mww ml reduce loom his commarea Mummpm out at lonnoot to run in 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sumy Errninn um mu Prltl liiatihu or atndrula who Su Prrwna 65000 over to use 1500 as end Wheelrhalr mo rm Paima 00 ll How would you like to lure the pain out at eXera sing to the dantlall The financial llll Stiletto Blue Cross ollera hallo prepvlo ugh tlva denial we plan lor employee hinge omupa the protects on and our tent agIlnet high sort it dental bare mm the Ontario Blue crou Dental Plan mm the coat or benets can um luminetiene teenauitatiena ours I7 lpaotilo nla noeiie proradurr iuenlzir Ier Inlomtatlon eontect on Graeme til Iton Ohmic etiilorou nltenlnel OMIIID N20 2K7 Tlll era 6751700 mums BLUE CROSS ADIVIIKUN MINI OMYMID NUIPIMLAIIBCMIIOM onhodntlu danhma and other dental be Included for 25 or men Imployua up Talkidthepeo ieyctrworkwttlnmkte re wt teller dental pllrt in mine epeclilo Item bl your employee group Ontario Blue Cross Ieo Ferrend Drive ultimate Denttulpmtariow M10 letr tetuezozeerl He matm1 um consi BONUS SAVINGS Accounr The beat ntertn Bincreel Mr rate around It DUNLOP 7261200 GIOBGMN MALL 7260340 gt lillNllNNs WINE HSJlWllY Hill JAMAIlill lllllillllii illlili wilhlh Jamateaa narriolnr an exciting VlCIliDlI paoklae From In Us iunde per person eelrtere based on double occupant on CA en on night In your choice oi the it leading hotel in 03h RiosRunltltzhy Beyyeree lldhlmrigitIded old Inrluded ln Inlsvecallon package nil roundllipiIInrldIIbeivIen at ill and new ndlt Irco lone ole accommo onr discount sou on boo lot Welcome Ium drrnkat your hotel It botile Tie Mllla Ihlulbaum trectory oi villea Ind atll tlckot to aoonoonoonnosJnmliea night on the Wlilll Hivllfl romenlln Ru awey Bay min Ia lcramore pmona lured vacation lua com lete lnlamr an nlpeclrlpeekauatourerIlghtminmourahnglndepenbent boat Me on the WM River rollowed by will uoue Jamaican least and its counlaon otIIIInenunIWI Ba IndU Inmmd gypackm my ptonbountrycluhs All covered In our eetuteeelthetioltldn Heed ctu Caribbean bl IrentarenrInnareIuIIbIeatmmllywitneIIiIIIckelIoneaigiaviivliitigiidohi end onaucvprrrappmsntatry Uliijbf drltd hilernoen lee to vary Imaca you will have me nunl nlcl lnleilvtilesIInglnqtromkiteyingtoeillndlnaedemllcagmlelehypiriyegomtiigi Wrihceppytpgrryylllalrrypznpt thwNikonOldlmalcllmhlhdlulllulhlddl II IanseIerelebletnrou hFeI een Express Coach Tours lhute lbuIe Include letting gayeemi priiyvecchri agen crulte mm mg Wind Jamtican Idventuree see your IIIve Ame win In lid unit rm Before you plan ur hollda in Jamaica yq Ask your travel ecenl for Fri Holidays brochure sunlrvlnu hottdeye hcmgrhgesnhgbilw carom Send tor our tree pm JAMAICAVA ATION GUIDE Jamllca Tourlrlheard to aloorSIruiWaIlTeronteontlrlo M55 1M5 Aak Ine Ioliowmo travel agents tor complete delalII Ind ataletanca In planning yourepeoltllamelca vaeItlon PorlAnlanIo oMIndevilis pm and anonaanmmvmmmall my ill DUNLOP IT BARR Prel Ilenal lanlear at no Coal 7159515 more ram moo perweek Ie COLLIER REITDOWNTOWNIBARRIE mam incluch Air Canndu relurn7l4 dny economy air fare midweek departure Wilyequipped Airconditioned apartment withbtth lit The Uppchcck MontcgnEny Sreyoiillrntridllplfdrdlldllgt ltuned on double omiprnry and Yulisl until Dec mum Per pellon double occupancy mare and um not Ineludld