um um mun mun It It Of PEOPLE AND PLACES aarnrrrararanrrrr KITCHEN GOSSIP Variety Of Bath man or meeting held at the Blue Ferris tunneling Muiutndnnwm Nip Parson 1m and he oiiom00n5umen6u The Iuailiary bu walker naslo numbers liruro iiurny to Ind Dong Pugh Awntlmlte ii on donor We ecu Recipes Can Keep FamilyHappy In Slimmer Oununere heat doesnt rally drill Ippetiiu it unite the home waters duirel tor cooking io Ivold the heat Iiie lInne to cold olale lunches and dim nets and even the mast hearty oi aweiilu in tbe tamlly outdo lys Ittbaa ola later to II III itorr Ibout moving out to the pallo and the barbecue rut sod deitiitlul vIrlety bl convicto iImiiy Mean by prepared in covered imbe ruI hill and never ones dou lbo humour luva to land diwinx over bot stove Iiorr about menus like then tor the lIrrIiiyi For alidowMirle dinner lone listed and tinned hem with adorn lush and baked pota toes to than your iIvorlta molded cucumbercream aIiId Ind dessert IIIIrIIIiIrrIzIrrlliairItl rllllliillilljilii Itlrrrr rIIrIII iii InuIM of Mn Mlk had and had SI otherr The Cade untried rm Ihrn June it that lerru ulatien For an irriorrnai patio party W4 rib buried with tangy mace green bean emer ole and garlic bread To then add the iarnllrs tuvorite polIto mad and toe donut how about think elite of chilled watermel on For tarnlly meal min lett nverl irom the haired ham scIl iopod polstoes and ham with mm on the ml or the side tin Ieaaon plus trashrnado eels Iiarr rye bread end but ter and cool drum The hot Ituiidn all three of then new Inbo prepared with minimum eitort and mast mum comiort oofa tired or charnoai eovrreri bartneua iret tle whitla holds Iha heat to real to the rich mlutll avors ol loads and took them to perm on GMZED BAKZD AM mound onsmoked burn allow it gum per pemni la cloves ranii ran at pine la III rnsrsrehlno tirerrleIpp it cup tam quir mm prepIred muatard water Store the ill on the ham dia nonally to Hello diamond nat leru ii tile ham bu been amok ed or cured mmva any rind and then store the lat insert whole eiave in the centre oi each diamond Prepare low In dired heat rlrnrconl llro or art lira as kettle controls tar this kind oi heIt Pleca the him la the centre of Iha melting Irlll ever drip pan Allow approx Servicemans Iob Pays More Money lele Cli Ger Ildlilo Donnie lot tired ot lick Ing envelopes and IlIrnpa one day and decided to go out and so time dlrt under her nails Go the applied as aerviw mIn Job parlor $119 an hour corrrpieiu with onlhelob traln lug she now spends her daya iii the rrtuepit at irInrnorta maintenance that urearlny lruriu IdiuIllIlI brakes end maidnlr lately checks 21 aha is the line woman hired by the company to do this 1m wort And the enloya It MOON UNIFORMS Now Open Nurtn Doctors Techni ciansWI hara nniirrnar to lull every nerd Tol 72644OI Dollie El Barrie imaleiy minute per pound aodhakeawrvalnutelyoominy Iteltbutterormerurloalnu bath time little more llmeiutes until the Iquuh in under Ikiilet eudIeutaooiona Inatlltonu its small hum like vic it Its bell aired whola ham For cur hero Ilsa meat lbannometer and let the temp erature inalde read 160 degrees lho nal hour et beiinr bode barn with the glaze mlxmvlded below About Li minim belorotbe bamltmnev ed trom the mu larnlrir it Ellis pineapple atom and dirr ee For the zine combine the brown wear mustard and ruler Ind rrix well mud it over the tap oi the ham sllorrlnr it to run down the Ildu AWTLN MIME Ivera Ilse wrath tableszsoona brorn aunt packed pm of butler salt and tremor to lqu Eating In acorn rquarh rr quires low but to this can be cooked rim alono with tho him dining the lion hour the bum II on the kettle we the ush in hell ienrthwlae and ran out seeds with tori tree the lmldes several time Illow penetrallm ot the if or and one out IIIbutler In each helium Ienaen to taste Place the balm on the Irlil oenon It ieIat Mlhultand butter or rn 11 vloorar VI Orv droppe hip Cllllip hwlete the med with baked hi or shut little leu tirno potItoeI wrapone medium pot ato tor cad pereon in Illnnio Irm toil and bake in the toren ed kettle tor one hour it you utrh lira akins to be also re mote the toil or the uni 10 minutes Serve with butter or Ieur cream Ind slit and pop per lIIlonnal patio party BARBECUE MM pound leun meaty ribs per SIltJM in Int Tully blrbecoe sauce ee PM the ribs by alloy Ill be tough luyor of but aide Salon uloroirnrdtriky proper use eel low heat and nine on the whine mu over drip run Cook or no to 70 mlnulee min the int hall hour mm mom moon chopped onion marine granulated rum Worcestershire sauce it clap lemon rnice celery dry murterd Salt and pepper to taali non oer Add the Mole intredr ienla Ind cook ior iron is to no mloum until llaer bleed Makes IVI oi barbouro Ian ee This can 9mm in the oveninl or us tba next day store in rdrixerelor OW BEAN mm can Frrndr style mo been can deem ot nutshroom soup 301 can French tried onions Belt and pepper to turn Drain moat oi the Nut Mn green beam Mix Ill lnlredienta rueniuaballtiumochirled onions and pour into loll Piece the pan on the will over low indirect but Ind cook tor 25 minus Top with ninann oolena end nook tor in minute more GARLIC BREAD ioel mneh bmd cup butter or mamrine VI artIo powder on French ioul diaronally bout every Indra nukinl certain that cuts In almost but Wm earn tax or blnler or margarine and spread xnneroutly between tire Ilieel Wrep ion in loll Ind am in low indirect beet tor Ibout ll mtnulel the riot it wont hurtwa pocketbook either How would you ilkI wake the pain out at going to the dentist The tlnaneiai pain ntIrlo Blue Cross oilrs basin praven Ilva dental we plan tor employs groups that protects you and your tam anslnst the high coal at denial earn inecniario illua crorsDInulFIInicovars the war at ExaminIIIorIa lCtinlUIlliIofll lpeeilio dlannoatlo premium Anaesthesia lorrieu For lnlormatlnn control urume Hlnnaton Ontario Blue crate 6d King at Kllehsner Onlurlo N20 1K1 tel no 5704100 ONTARIO raya Fillings thanqu rvlcu Iueh II Iclllng udtlueride treatmenta EsirIrllerII Orthodontics dIInIrII Ind oihar dInIII banIiiIseIn also be Included tororoups at 25 or morn employees Talk to the paneiagou work Mih Talk to yourem layerAn rasanta ntIrln Blue Cross rap cInIIIIorIdInIal plIntoilitnI Ipeollla nonda ni your employee group on Ontario Blue Cross 1w Ferrarld Drive Don Mills OnlIrlo M30 THO Tel it DRUM LUE BE 35 owrarou or iii oNrAnIa Motrlm Alloelhlluu Auxiliary To Purchase New Hospital Equipment The Royal VidalLI Marital animal June dimer in the busInner ins June 11 Approxmiately held its as Build 100 ladies and three gentlemen enloyed the Smorgasbord donor Mrs lLPiIlalspmsd entotlhoauxllbrymdcomed auxilians end guests The Mounts now oi tellsled bdies who do Bar detained the diamziboy mind varied wone Sun idnluhy artqu director oi Mellow ibeatre Ipoh brldb on mini pmdub tlooa oi the my and also senbed the quillans with several new tron irlsla liirra tile Ind scene an an lrieia pi at Gunlt Mn tats Gibson president of the Mum ligandAudi Lin and lira ley Para Mildent and mvenor at their pillbop were quu at the dinner Mrs Gibson spoke on All ma dealing mainly with hour Vidal and telling ma nlouel lira Gibson and Mrs Pen were thanked by lira Hermon lira it Smith rm Present edrriliaaxlitlorlsyemoi service run 0II Thoma M0 the Pmenlntion it Ill decided at lhedlnner to prime In Ultrasonic in Itruraeot aeaner tor taa hospi tal nle special piece at equip ment which nu requested by Ilr bar Cameron awnI Ia ministration will be tiled in tho Elderly Hold Demonstration TOW ttni oi elderly persons held pa tul demonstration ouuldo the lexielstura buildings Thurrdsy to IIIport demands for hkher Moos more bourin other beneiitr and The map estimated It be tween 150 and zoo carrltd W3tiullhuxa maple ea Put ualk throurh One placard rend Growing Old Oouid be Nu With oeot lenaion ac line gunollehdmlnllter oi comrrnnr In at services evoke brialig lo the mo ratJ operatinl room Ind will met over noon mu DWI ierry Benn aids sea at ilrlndllltCWKmfyu realm bla honors Bachelor at Arts dog in mioloq It the recent Itsin Win at dimer Unir eniry iiamlloon Mr Henry will be bk undies in the in the dorm oi lucid Ind poiitkal It York minority Tor onto Alienth be cerenaeny wen Hr Ind IiiI Henry 50 noon mun grandmother Hrs Mm Robson Mrs iheirru Tompkins hir Ind lira Albert stream and itin Leslie GTORAL comma Pour rnanben at Barrlaa itiu Eduurd Choir Ittaxiad the lbuth ml dIanl ovum hold In No dwinl the web and They included Dith Mr Nlcid iiodzm Barbara ilccsm and lots Welsnan Al tor hum hy Elmer Die oral ilobat straw internal dor sl eardrum In North Amelia the Barrie ouIrtette perionmd pun pt ovum diolr in the Sunday eruln pedalm Inoe It Ontario Film inqu month by Ina iimurau Phrihnmlmi Ortbeotn 1h lenan to rive lir demands serious consideration lie and his official mot later vrllh ddrxnllon mm the dem onstrate who Attend the eel irra mmmloity trotre tor Il dcrly more in Toronto mu brld ied hit the old Ixe pension be inereaud to not less than $310 morAia Ind eon lelu moldlino eleuse They also not exemption lor the elderl From inertia and edueetlona III and We IOWDIN TROPHY Belly Jameson and Pat his skirmil lm YD phy with rm not played at the Dorris Cotmlry Chm Tuto in st degree weather halo and tin winds iiumerwp were Shiqu liacdmald and ilud iiililer li not tailored by Mar Beds and Terry iialiey lSIi net AliENDd MhnEM dlra Maude Merrie oi Him was In Guth to attend bu sou Innherury celebration oi Jeannie Gordon won on SINGER TN MOD ANAHEIM AP Elli Sheer will undergo Iurxrry tor natured lumbar disc in his book Iidallniny the Cellloroia Angels leading pitcher prob ably tor the mt oi the Amerh our league bardrsli Ieam the Angels nld huradey at NAM mom IMAlDlVII OD woweelr honorIrirnn tor Ien ior eitlrena who enmo in vol mun commMy It Mirths 0mm IMu IIIwe In nameImer Plans To Continhe Studies In Fall Barber Ellen in ldatub ler at Ellen Ley St liarrte Iradnted 1974 mm Brock Unhem Common sill lionorl Bachelor Sdmne in brain In run he lnulnl her toward Wm Demo the University at Toronto where rhe ll be modalit lng in the area at Almospher le We nod Iietooroiozy Miss lty had been auordrd munirip valued It 050 by tho Nttimal Rmurh Consul oi Canada to continm animal Phydul She Ira Ontario drato Sthbol ii Icy Irimdr to continue ptudiex to the PhD level plans to do resemb In mimics oi atmowbute tion and buraction It wires hill toy It Barrio District Cintral We helm 52mm Unlreuily straw CANADIANA GUAtIIY HOMES ONLY $500 Down home on mm humus in III HUM moin plvnhlw mu bundled Wnte In and matey ml loo her to allugh ONADIANN NDDIAAR HOMES UNITED Io 11th no In Isa Wrmrdm out lit lull Antllill awMm nnaa Iud intervention or your FuW Mill heldloll Ind liedi DWI Imam You are invited to our COFFEE BREAK Opening of SLESSOR EOUIP BARRIE lIMITED OFFICIAL OPENING on JUNE 20th anytime between 230 pm loud 900 pm ulihe Junction of Hwy No 93 and on Coshwuy Rd FREE REFRESHMENTS and Other leehways Come in and Get Acquainted ENTERTAINMENT hy Canadas Old Time Fiddle Champion RUDY MEEKS and his Martyrqu Show Band Also Featured LIVE TIPPLE Playing the Hammond Organ eorndetod