ma the mum um MIMI rout II Item ninth Ontario glut In upIcIly lo lands lb Illu malhnndIPd Emma UuBnmloodslldJn vow Slabilize Income mmo It Tb Orr axle government will Intrde chlluloc loday on mime tum Bl mmmmt In OItDrd Own Doulld Irvine mlnlIler mgoxull or mmldpal Il lllri 0141b ltxlIIIluro Thur It Inlu IIId tlu thm mt mndl WW dty mull Ind lumen town roundl Mu noted In lIvor ol re mm Involvrd xIcnIl government mlnlrtur Iller tour In omlder on Municipal Freeze mm bIII Ia condom the from no munkl pd quncuu lot In pur pms lot mthcr lwn yzm IF Ind lIrIt man In In On larlo lmIIIturI hutdon Rovcmlc Mlnbln Arthur llun uld In talent Dul IIdI the home lhIt rI dlyam lath ml at pr hm mm It IerouIblI ta roqun IBUISELLASWAP TURN THOSE UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO COLD CASH FREE PONY RIDES FOR THE KIDS REFRESHMENT FACILITIES BARRIE TWIN DRIVEIN THEATRE JUST MINUTES EVERY SUNDAY II AM TO PIM DONT MISS Big Jake TIIE tooIn BLACK BEAII TAKE BILL THE ISOLB HUMAN BEAR WRESTLER SHOWTIME FOR THE BlOIMATCH SUNDAY mum TREAT DAD on HIS DAY AND BRING HIM our TO HAVE soME run WITH BIO JAKE gllockout Wont Alfecl AirlMerat Prices SteWart norm la 0qu mono propane lbeir to maxim Mel rmsed per at Insully Irma per mt tau ILmmer Jot am mommy nod momenta IaIlrI mlrrlsm IIlId m1 mm ulna Papers Cancel OTTAWA llu Cillxu Ind The Jmnl cmllrd 90 mm at Mr edition TIMI day Illa menbm at no of Mr culled In IvolrIcI urn with mumt lm to pan the um no work by um member cl In lint Prwpenr Unlon It bolt Devan lotlond tho Inn Dl Ilowdoam thIl hm made llu Drlliirllngugelpdl DMIrIo New Demnrutlc mun mud Ivar Puty Lender all nzuruu lIlc Dim ll prwlnu would VII mm In In lunlly unlt In 6931an vstth troublzo colldm Slr mill told ItllllIl mmlltn Iludyln ullnulu DI tho mlnlxtry mmmlly nod Iochl mm that to nu not prndlu or tIklEI dllll arlt colld out ol the home plu IDE hIm In trutment crntre Ind that returnan Mm to the IImlly II nllimztcly Ieltdelul lny Funds llvnilabla Tbundy um EnIl room Illn In 0mm Family Unit Io WWON AP AK darknn Illnlrltr mun 7w In nld many that II tledld ho VIII bud to Ildillu lIrmm Iocomu Ind IttrIot nun Inca Into lIrmlnI sunduu on mung odor man It poultry tum Mr Wham uld lerrIItlon to help Ichlne those mdl Ital on the order viper when the Ubenl towerumenl lell Interest Rates nld 11mm um lcderIl py Imnwnl rde wtll be more Io mnom ram lolzrul mun lo volunlterv mm ntu Bl mdll unlm on ID IutlonI undrr In prayed ClEAN NEW CARS DIIl WII Manllr SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES MI BARRIE 7288321 7288333 NEWMARKET IDS22M luv Stan Rush lIulknzr rap mite ARRlES OWN DRIVEIN THEATRE LOCATED AT NORTH OF DARRIE ON HIGHWAY ND II It and too thth Inn In lcrlsIIturo give third Ind lo kill that would lllav the bind Io II maxlmum Intuetl on tom lor mdtl unlonl opu mnomo in mm called Almaty mat anywch vuutxnrn yum llr hum mound the 75 realm cl rah 51m orzluthu mun It Mr Udmmty cl arm Column MW Jcn ml ThurII ap to Bedlam tom Ira Possession Sludy bl IIYACLIIIIE Que ICPI SalkltorGcnenl ermt AI lmIna IIyI llre qublI lIml South Wednud vwoouvm Im Sacra oEr TOGETHER voun FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS ONLV mo CABLOAD rfW5p nn MENS DOUBLE KNIT SHORTS 1007 wlymmmschlnn warluble Plnln colon Ru lrIrI 1171 HALE PRICE $437 in MENS SPORT SHIRTS Snort Bloom 5on SILLXL Rel lrIce 691 SALE llIlCll $487 IA lIIruI 100 IDlthPE KNIT suns Slru Mla HALE Ill ICE MIINH BIOIIT Oll DRESS SHIRTS Elm MILXL llu lrch 17 RALE PRICE lw udernudyoymmnlm emlnm rIlly In Darby cum Funky Ibo MEIII mm moat will no pullIon In Travel Planan TOMMY an IlrI Doomvulva Ind Rob on Ronald to lnvd com toooutnulmkhkh rvotulnlhawlyllm Imam any rm ma VInDoover Mly In Outlook BC WW Tnillovenng mum Iuvm om uni noonnmnlabwvhllo murmuran hrmdIudmmludIlm In Pmmr Ibout mull mum at Ilal or can peaErin or llmll Imor mam lm la Implant um um BM mm Inde Council Change IononrorirIIhInu EIyIIdanlour wood would be wad of It mm In meted Mr lotn Ind nmnll roundk Poll llnnonnced TORONTO ll nu CDC IIyI lhIl cent or more than 1000 am surveyed It wan wanking expected Hunk to term Ila nul or men But on rent ol thou quarto III lhty wold tor Ibo melI thIo ll per ml IIld lbey prooIbly Ivnld WW tn Vb wud In mo In over mm at tho south Elm bol covered VIII IR Ind Illn mu MIA ml or Iron modded calms Plans nonIlwuur COAT Mam KIMIIXEIL FRIDAY It 1114 Na DemIII my turn per womb Al SurJI dagu ml or 50cm hurl Mr mun Iron Alberta lo out all Elm per maloadiadlau lhEWchlmtdIodkrlhl plIu cw Bane Inlalrw Bl Indulry Ind mm uld madly Inn rm the foreman nu made It clear to mun IllIL tho donbmmt hq built In hm miltoll Itodu kvm th Well M0510 WIThor hammerinde wmodlhdebmeol mmmmmcu BARRIE COLLEGIATE RANGER DRIVE Plckup Ihrwghoul IIu cu ornmro mnlng II 330 am SATURDAY JUNE l5 For lnIormallon all 7233456 urnllru to per not low tho NTEED BE DOWNTOWN BARRIE MENS Imnno Inumv Mum BICYCLE itvlrnme 71 xtlt tlrt centreyaln brakt ed MIL Rm Prlu 171 BALE Rnlcl $7787 AJAY GOLF CART MW lllwrlrtll Mmlle loldlny Ru Prlre Ill SALE PRICE $1087 ll EI ALUMINUM CARTOP BOAT GoalI hystmtor DUI Illn welm 00 1b lmmorn 15 Re lrlu 3213 ML llllCll $l8887 PATIO LOUNGE sturdy tubular comlnmtlen rprlnz IIBIIM nnral mil lruI nu lIlu Ill IAIIPITICH PRICES EFFECTIVE SATURDAY JUNE II ADle COLOR TV OMIon rmdcl Hear may only Rel 900 EAL PM $46987 Ia BARBECUE Bed mml llrdm mm rm RBI Moo HALF PRICE $4137 lt2 60 CRIMPLINE lIlJthlnc wIsmhIe Ru Irlco ma yd BALE THICE $217yd l2 AREA RUGS Indoor outdoor Rtfooer bIclrrd RH Prch SALE PRICE Mr Benn hold 11 Inuit