Mnemmtmawww POUR GENERATIONS Kelly Darn Crown 55 Ian eatulna may to ntni rndhu and caught henqutl tor Third Miamis Brownies Ind Guides Kelin Witt hlrr PAM Kri ty lett lr ludor ed the group Her mother hire Shirley cow II thorn It ri The boooua Ira held It at John lImeorliIllJiootuetreoiu Photo Home Gardening Craze WI were Iota to but there Inst 1113 my to not Eventsid hu the TINA no mood Slit the ox Id lrr Elton Ilelkklia he been asde director or timid It rove rm llama or Senior rtlm rm IIIlkll ridth oi nto Western IIowiLIi hIs rked Ln obstetrlu in Rose lilo rmrIIi ilowllnl Lindsay Ind Inrt or on industrial nurse or Union carbide in Montreal Quebec wills in Montreal Iho Illa some In Ilrllu lthldl tor Itlr Drones Ind on her days Oil worked in the tourist Gen ei IIndnlllle itth Itl director mint It ti Gobbles Up Extra rictrilurs Irenu Iced menu iadums Ind RIM operatorI estimate liners Ire ante somtlliou new gardener In the link year When the tread Inward days oi the soon WIr But III 33 PW lIrIly mm on meter than the beltdlrhtentnl heal LhoAxls dry at the mo Joel nos rrtleht be called In urban tumor The Maur od medical remember Ls talk in our serdrm In Bronx section ol New York at Ntl the hunt oi the rholo thins its Intuit to work directly tor your load end not to work tor money he IIid oi his arth Work mold the concrete Ind noise or the maid leftw city Barries Grove Park Home harm Ilrl lieiltItlIa will be In dram oi tire Isatin Ital oi She took torwartl to thlI en tirer new experience In her rrotcorlan She anyoys older per rom and says the will find the work interesting and chIllenI ltirI IlelkIdII came to Barrie Ievrn years no when her hus hand wII lranaicncd to new mm In the city She Im been activd Intu ested In the work at Can odan Em The Children and has served II Gunman oi the Grllmzs Cold luod Denture Therapists 0mm Mlttlstry ot liollltt licence to pilot The Denture TiterIplItI Licensing Board ot art into Invltu applications tor examination tor so Denture Therlny In Ontario Complnled Ipoiloailon must he telumod to the Registrar by June 29 1974 For twitter Inlarmatlon write eplslrlr Denture Therapists On erlb Ministry at Hullll QueenI Park Toronto OntIrle rutopitsnetute MIA 1R3 8654235 MEIbrLGaPrtmn resontatlnolthelLGJLIsb conemeiorameryln in em moot n80 minced In or older retired 70W ionshairs the la tolllunt coonot the NP Its pretty obvious thIt the eldn one In little lr reed Iboul rising prism the yotmzor ones IN Just too corned Were selling more Edmund this you than Ed Mai mot oi the East 1in Seed and Nursery 07 Shoaendoah 1m IIyI hie film like III Iced oom pIniu In the country seeing the largest mime oi Isles to or history Were up unissued sua Npmblomlltqinl to keq up with drrnond my to to to met in Ieod tor lit toothy204ml urdon will IIvryvu two or rum in grocery store Seven Indiana killer diet Arden lo the public in Inapo tor Interns will Ml moot plot or till Ind the lilsrried audents Councll at lndianI Uolvmily mu soo too Moot plot to leltor lo NICholsonHiIr dtal Seed In an oliluent notion oi Do Tex could barely Ind parking lot and watch doernI oi people land their cons with nrdonlni ltorru Ilenexerli Dash IIld this price oi reed ttII gone up and tome tIrlolios Ire unm Nurserymnn ltlchard Sur Ilii oi CottIre lttliI Ill Ih also rents garden alien lessons to hit roen mm WI elm new ludtiml boar to tilt the loll Ind plant tahwhe raid hrary mien eeotreI Ire either lbo people or Lho married owner tor $3 year the seeds when to plant tor best result Ind bowvto har toe their crop oi ycxr For those who cInt take Unlrersitr on its 1She hII Modspaltloeueuroitbo T0 WED Mr Ind 123 Albert Monet oi till Mintualmnnouan the oi huh Bf thy Dim to Arthur Stem Boom son at his ritsnron Nor new Bikinis Worn Centuries Ago BySiaves In Egypt AndGreece mm AP An Alhr nlIa sociologist claim that the eyohonllnl bikini dIieI hark to the bid cont DC long be ior the darts kneereleel in Nimrqu oi lhI Violorlto ere Lin Pelrldllnme IIld lItIt tuition rI nothinl but retire lion at economic Ind erotic lIo torI elimqu coodtlonl poll tth and oven mushy Fun thermore tuition presrniI nothing new but In more oi repent play oi hirwry Addroaalnr rrorrbere oi the chrLuIIn Youth Associellon oi Athens Mrl PelrldlSttouze nid that slaves were the bikini ooottuiu Igo in Egypt end In Indent Grreoe During the ltltnotn ctvllluiien In Gull mm 3000 to 1100 BC women went Ibout topless and their dress was in men Id vrnced thIo iuhlotts seen It times In Paris The seollernnns lonproat Ind top hat II oolhinl else but lotion on what us com lemma lltoroI IIweyI the II $I0i BOX and It FL OZ 0F TASIV SALAD Ilderrd rtItely Ind romiortnhie riding gear With Every Bucket or BImI ot Our Delirious chicken FRI SAT SUN ONLY AI OUR BARRIE STORES Illirle shovels le Weillnea lit erl Ind PIlalerI TITIII masts is 552 $335553 IECZWEI DIPLOMA ills Irene odes dsmlrr at Mr Ind lira Horne 0qu It Henry remind her dip loan or load serum woedo or at Glendon college York iood when on It MI itoepitai hurls more graduation exercise trout Barrte were Ilr Ind ll lineco cola atr Ind lira Harvey cote hills PslridI to Mrs BerbIrI liming Iiko Smith hm Jun GII lord Ind hike Ruth will IIN JULY 155 Mm Alex BoIntInoiAo ten hulls mmloddzw Itll take no It illnesinx titted on July 20 It pm tins Cowper Studio Garrett II well urtm Ind other roll or hard elIy tic clot items whldt help irrv rovo the shape oi the iemIlI Addy Ire only there to ratlsiy the iotixh oi mIio pIseioor the Itreuod added not the novel prim oi Parisian mttittes in the middle not there had bten motion to the ditloaIl ides oi keeping strict line between mens trousers Ind mml highly elaborItI Ind temin uncomiertshe dresses And ilnaily maxi Ind midis did not bloom In the tut Iew yem but bad thclr heyday in the lust century Clothing lltcrslore tortes nothing else but oover our nIr rltslsrn Ind issllnl oi pressure to will etiquotte CIIDSLI llY PULL oi no mombers oi the new all erirrr Association oi AmerIrI Iays onolnnatt riled will tare Oakland Athletics In FRENCH FRIES the 1m World Series Yoalu 6L mm thI by wry rlIn notion whetohm mutt he sure he LI Mt coin wood T0 tits in slums llr ma tin Kernel in is hiIrDooaid Iiil rend In Elmrale loitering their 11 Ire ttr ni tinsbmuld III rtue It WyInlI tidied hm on tiny II The bridl Stuiol ran rm imam rdnsurtr runs it tm NewPrenaiol may Technique Eliminates Risk Of Radiation VANWINER GI Ut trIsottod In with proor mm conteattooIi km proce dines Thoultrrsotmdnuatoeh ntomhuhemusodnmlllo on ntoolie Vsooourer thrombume hwepuialoputltblom Itionsooo for some ltd Will in otvralniplliiei term sound trIrolI throw tlrsuo me In echo eon bsd no echo is manned Into an stoo trlul whlrh to pistol in clllosoope screen dil Ro loom on In or teleth Doctors Ind totinlet con gimme the tire oi the babya ad unrod Unisex MIL PIlrlSkouzl Wm cm in Mm proximately how old the unborn and nnd when delivery on the lens whiteston meted The intomailed lI vitIl ll attenuating too oIrlyt NM ALL PREGNANT forISummerl Our expert stylists will be happy to get you sat tor summer Visit our Beauty Salon on the second ttoor tor In special summer style Store hours 10 em to 830 pm Moner through Saturday For Appointments Please Call Thomcliite Park 4210500 Egllnion end Brimloy 2679184 Yongo and Steele 2234066 Eeyileld Melt Barrio 726227l Dlxle Flood and DEW 2743401 Designers Create New Look For Ge 533 si at size 351 the attiret Eignl iii A3533 ER AIII Carpenter RR Wyo vetorhehridrgroam Iporrola imuummrmn eogtionns hell In the land Centre tun Dower M95111 Dramatic New Designs for the Young li Hem nihilism diLntlllu mifl oc our within the Min the mother II diabetic or Ii ior Iorno other reason the dotti oping him not nothing In Ideouste diet By determlda the It at the baby ad the length oi um In ohrtetrldt can tIkI the necrmry slope to correct his dirlIry problem Ind help to prevent Ia tmdordotebped child from being born IIld Slater Dims Not Iii pItlooiI uito visit the Modtl tsttosoo moootm 1M Dlunondlnuunooloctten mmdhv COLUMBIA IIIan glerlotuulumdtrlwm mmetootomm to be rx on game dot weenie Vinceut uamuamm For CWWN Innate lo Drain er ginrel slink up lktdtltlvy om 09m rem Mn eyes ver en tu In mm and swine heart proh WV lent tthich can he correctni Wlusmwoztmc throush Iurzeryt he Inld wtmo portrait wwaw mmmmn Sister Diane Hench oi st Virtcootl HospltIl polob out ijxceIIeniquatity tstandying price pe subject plus 50c handling per portrait um rr proolIl mm prints Illlen Dotilltll limit blue we or Emisuntlmiu WOKIHA SimpsonsSears Ltd Photomphzrs ileum Tuesday me pass Wedaeldl ThnndIy lrton loturtlry min In not not