gt Wszwwumcluwwhhuanimw meowwwowww NWWVMIHI 02W VllllSlIE SW 50 NElLSNIllIR To Be lllive Again In Norrie Examiner Pubiltltod by CInodiIn Nmplper CompIny Limliod l6 Blylid Strut Barrio Onilrlo Robb PublisherComm Monrgcr WIIII Editor Emeritm Honda Mlnoging Editor DAY JUN PAGEI sum PlEREIDIDIIi Remleek PIERRE more was wmi AND REMEMBER rue Growing Concern Shown iQVer Heavy Tax Burdens liing The fuel and transportation costs wtllrisoixavetobelocodbyhlsncsnud Industry well or Higher housing costs to record torch Ibo the occupied much ttention In the new columns well the roaring pri ccr oi food basket which cut into lamliy budgets Itzrkotlu schemes 1111 their MIRIAM were resporsiblo for some oi these boost could hardly be ex otod to be popular with Iioppen the bean Irguod during the current ledmi election mmpaign that leadership toward mitotic tax which stmid OE IF MilMAW TRYElf Wl lotR MWAWIISW ff ME Motif 601 II Villas rue atrium too its mower HARRY BE SREIOU AllTIIE SIIIOOCEE Sim AND ATORYJIEY DIDNTGET DUMPEM more 8666mm ii Rogude oi which party win It the Jnly who it to to becoming more clear that on ty taxpayen am hopeful there mil be some relic 1mm present heovy III burdeoo This can only come about through in creased ou tot on lite Canadian market ack In tax mm coo when governmm ore to the ot torioirelylbgondedt glothe long nm the bill comes beck to the tu will wcompanying additioml ar Ing ch is Will hi or mgr being oitsct by in creases in the rod oi living the problems than on payroll are cell evident Portland and other on Incomes are In an even more precarious posited Page have become so used to mlohr lng overrunmi representatives or their tax spending In the teen to tale It morn or less iior gamed But the sian rise in costs and current outlook for more at the some with higher gasoline Ind luel costs cant help but Iiir genuine corwrit Next winter still little widlo oil but tho inovitable higher lid Itan will have their adverse Ilicct on the cost oi cir keep Inert past lcw your tint they DOWN MEMORY LINE YEARS AGO IN TOWN Berri Exnmlner Jun ll Breth ren oi Corinthian Dodge met It Insanic Tmplo preparatory to aooompmylng rc niilns Brother II Ilopirloo batriot el 13 Churdhmolst using on 51 cu on come iron Ottawa But to be clicdive in the resent economic situation there has to genuine cwporallon irom Ill level pl govmtment including pmtdncs and local municipalities The need to cut back on noncsscnllal tax spending to mime business industry and Igdcuiture operating costs Ind also reduce burdcm on ordinary taxpay on has been well recognized In ml phlcos But It going to lake cirecdve Iction rather than more political promls es at election time By reducing tax burdom governman would encourage lrco enterprise business and Industry to expand In In economical ly praotIal my to Iake up the slack in unemployth Ind mint1n econmdc stability Why xed THE CAMPAIGN TRAIN Iratrmmmmlzrnuvc 21 in THE gtWORIB1IODIIY picked up Mr Primer engine driver Ziaihlelhidifhtctiituliild Will Ulster Be Wilsons Waterloo mansions rammiummnIMmu 21 pounds with small rillo pistol Tender coiled tor erection ol brick Vcr loyan Methodist Church present Collier United Judge June lower at Bar buryin OI rie resided Ior opening at Simcoe Coun eooua to IIIrIzt not only cou rIgoou IodirIdoIlI bu Ilro Ibo gina llmlII Intermedinlu insurance hrnu Int com Inlu pended lurch Ind the in luv bear looking back ten oi millqu hi to minloot doIIIIr writing lu dlcious oppcrluoty Io manta the inriiot TECHNICAL OUTLOOK lamenting on the technical BIBLE THOUGHT llltl he lllll litrldh lei him glory II the lard IIr nol bI thIl commuch Ilmrelil pproved but when the land rommendelh Corinihlun III II You an depend on the lord to Mr Ipprcial Ind Ilt Ind lur rIerd Ail lie rcqulro pt to lrltb lui ml rucoeralui it thou IIlth lul unto deIth Ind will give um crown oi lilo The pourIr iew ll tbrl thou Ibo loch lor rIin II viiiltd thinlrl him the drmcntrl have chanted don ltd loll no worry criII III with us inlldioo It won Iim evIr Iotares rude Icep rIing to no recordt tho WIIIrinI IandIi drIgI on InIhI United Batu Ind Carnot poiiuoIl Mun bot yer to be received SIiil tho lovegar who export Met rcroiutlon to Ill Inch problem my bet long writ Market men espmd pori Iively Io prolimlnrry rigor at Itde Tim who IrI bullirh cIn die ruoh lgu porIlbl Icnduicy Immi rubillmthin In Ihort Ietm interest rItII read towrrd poly demmd equilibrium In como patiently IcIrco Nnunodliu Ind upo ciIlly the preoxun on llnmcldi inrltutloo to crop It on the milliooI oi dollar they old to put them to work Timodri mureto will not mo rink oil their permit negbid optimum to rIrongor todIy 1hr It Iny outer limo thlr you no held on lake rtcrmor ty Amos Arkrey elected jury lore Philly lay inom Fmser whorl Bry iield St Proceed to enable our volun marlrsmen and tocrI to become thereby otlr mo WP vcoto locate exact lino match to conned town by tlon across buy It AILndsio street inspector Graham responsible to very tidy and clam trprpearance downtown We trope he will devote some time to bacl streets such as Ross Collier Worst Postmaster red land listed about 50 letters not Wellington Grove wwwmmm mg mp mumc 1m Fromm IIANADIIS srorv Saskatchewan By BOB BOWMAN Trom political point oi Itevl SImchwan hr on oi th mall rrmIrkaie record in Crnodr Iithoutb It ha only bred province Iooo root In recent you iIilI elected car or Nm ovemnlentl wt In rent minty Odnrcrvtiivt to ill llOllll oi Gammon Io Di im AI lint Brrlutchcwrn wn wildly Uberri Iod by Writer Scott mer mrn who II pmldcnt oi the ltegiu WIT Indhloocc JIw Timer Too libcrrlr mud pm until um Ind th arty inv eluded number at lop ght men who hit becIrM powdilili chInet minlrtcr In Olimll ero GIrdiorr it limiter well coma Dinning In tact Dunoin nwl upplIntod balsamic ng Io Inner oi Jill Marla the Liberal III drruicbewm Juno Iron lypicri urprire In the ow yiouo election In my bed against possible Fcrfhn raid iron south border IGngxtord engaged by Northern Railway mlssory to dclond Engineer Barrie rail with sta tor Ship won so out Io le tor the Pro Ironivrr Ind only three or tho Oonurvrilm Tb proviocI Wll enioying the prorpcrlty oi the owing fnvenlle Ind it did not run poulbio lo upset the libeth Yet when til voter were counted the liberal ind 2d rcIu annmvrtivo Pro greIIIvco Ind Independent Prmilcr Grrdlner tried to term government but wI deluird In Illa Icglllrluro by $5 to 21 Ind resigned The new premier wu III Aoderron Ind Ito wI bto to arm million thrt became known tho Group or Co opcrrtlv government It Vl In unioriunIlo time to win In oiocilolt The winning logrn IId been Itr lime lot dunge Th chIngr vm torrible Dev preulon Ind nine year of drourbt Th Anderson goicrnv men wI co icicly wi nut in the next eron this Uberrir were returnod with llITERPRIITING THE NEWS fDecisionMoking Vacuum By xuvm norm IDNDON Cli Alter tho Iniott wilmionol arid In Northern IrIiInd rpm 7wa or here rurpect that voouum In deciliournnklng beginnlm to develop omen IIrIIIIiI oili oldr aha ed with rerponrl bitle ior ter tubdo cmtrgcncy debate Inth ll III Itour ol Corn mom on the brcrkup nith Ul Itgr Axncmbly Inrm or local grailde huhadlooc Milling apori MW ImloNIIive may ho under my Nowmtperr nd opporltlonv neitrmm ircm man thrt the Ulster Illuation hII read one oI III mus dllllcult lrgcl In llv ycIrI oI turmoil Ind vio vonrc liony polliicluu to than the vitw Ihn hm Hills the llrithi government can to else the dlillrultler except writ tar event then to intro thrlr courrc ICIIOIITA COLLAR Th Imrncdirta route or con cern lhu rcilgnrtian 11 week oi ilrtan Irulknrr the iormcr duel executive In tho Iiirlcr Ambly Ills depoltur meant In eltrcl Ihd mllrmo nI two year oI IIrIhh orrnn Iimcd tit ccuring workrllle uovorrlmuli arrangement In cluding bolhFroterimtr and Roman Crholico FIulkner found that Mr brunt ed at modems Prmctrnirm but little nomlnr wheel Mt mr litile elemcnt cIlled gru ornl Itriit in Ntrlhern Irelrrui it man Case on docket Involved pro notcs Ireauil rolling liquor Il legally and the lamous ill horse Banting Bani ng Keb mn Medical Hall on Dunlo St carries gniy gurnn lilhlkigd ll egs ma It be has now Iddcd to stock oi merchandise full line of N$g to over 5an Roiman trlod wood harbor In Fort Will Record 13 Remarkable One ml while Furtherqu pnrty gel the other live MIIER JUNE EVENT ItidFrobhhrr relied on llrrt voyrgc to Drill band IsisJohn DIVII began voy In in mm lilIt boar hiI nome II71LI DurIntIy clIlmCd OIIr rrI Ulla HuronLoire lot FrInoe rillFrrnml AIOYIIO Ind other wen Iillcd by Iraqlwlr lmlirrt general Immny pld Pmbyterim Church In Cart IlMEiulr Almndro TI chereru bcumo lint ConIdIu errdiIIIi IIII Manitoba preluiod OIlI monopoly murd llunanIA wnr dirrnlrred tomnumderin chic oi CnnIdIIn mllltlI tomPrince Iruhiml oi Ja prl began tour oi Crnrdr itQueen Mother ElitheIh begun 10 II virlt to Crnrdr lull6 Ii committee at CInIdIan dctcnco wr muted III JOIIN IL IIAIlIlRON Imlp AIIIIII Aulyt Thornton New lcrvIcI With miliIIry dircngrgcmcni completed In tho hllddio EIrI botwccn irraci Ind both Earpt Ind Syrln Northern lrelInd rc Icr wrriIru In paints oils varnishes and itlmcr Dr may bmmgpfgu new world Vietnam empmll homey or use Schedqu given oi Amreimum mm Coiling Lam ol tipper Cabin Royal Mail tcamcr Km with capt Adm The now eicmcnl little tough No Ioiullon in him one toiled JauruIIIit rocrn more toward oluiipn route colution mm thnt mch lur ilter Iwry military and ueilormrd Prater tort extremist mllItiI to much III on th Criboilc lde Some Ide oi tllclr power even with 1500 Drililh troopt In Ulllcr wu tbclr reccnt 1de at or Ind olbcr wry lco utilii tho vorgo nl buillngdown North ern ltclnnd entirely or In iti dtLIIllll community Alter to you or IOCIIICd Ivhltiom lmrn Wertmlnsler the bclcngucrod llrillri govern men under Prime Mlnlrlcr IIImId Wilton murt tlnd yet In olllcr Iltempt It reconcilirtlon to uperccd tho one room onlly warmly Iticrrded by tanner prlmo minioter Ted IIth in hrlol review Wettinlultor mm or leruompotlcd to lmpolo the collan provin cIII ichIIIturo lhdl Iocruod QUEENSPIRK It lnr perm Wilm Stormnnt on at the lroIIIthnt mrloritiy The rotuIInl proceeded to dominate the Cntlnlle minorin ihny hrd done in other wry iii 1hr Vuriou herL lnduttriu oIUIIIcr and the Ir Republi crn Army mm In to pro mt the Catholic dIIIrtdx TbI Briihh olullon star mpltt did not work Tho Iroopd wcrr culled In Ind by im Iondnn Id Iboillhed lb iocII paritrme Innmrored Ilia old diroct ruio irorn chlmlnricr Mr IIoIIh Iormulr brim Icit ouch WI tho Iocniled burningdrlewnod IlritIII Eire Ind erIlo lrothIInt Ind Calliallc grollpo in IN ner krblrp viliIgc ndcr it Iter would hove been taunt II terribly In crewtiv council Ind In AliIreilnd Courmil to commence the coimtirl llnlu bdbveon north Ind 0th In In trntlrm beyond the rIbblelrour Ing lemmas Ind robe oi In In Polrley or wldpllid hood bubog Into terroriot Irmy wrr enough to dooiloy lb Sun ergdoII lormula liar troop Ird coming In By now lily Drililh Arm In put ol lhe United Kiner it oii thn rained IntliguorriIlI tactic they never had to do In ItalyI Singapore or In In other Ice oe duties on Ill old main pm Exiromirt Ilirtorr pIrInili Irry unit cvnimntina the TM kind unit In tho ilIA Provi IlnnIlI Idd lurlher terroriII krowhow to the trcou oi Ul er The ilIA Provillonulr how long inc been armed with lor elgn Inlivperwnnel weapon oi Ibp mart cinclenl ldnd thuo Iro ItolgIIn Pinch ma Ind IImnlan with Iilcgod expcillu rpm Amcrlcrn veteran oi tho VielnIm wr blrcd on contract lNVlTE errrns TO THE EDITOR Th Ermine lnviIcI can tribullon to III kIIrrI II III Editor column Letter ihwld be rerlricted to our to 00 word Ind they mini be lined the will not be pubiilhcd Writer Ibuuld ir cludI Iholr Iddrctrer Ind tell pbone numbm you may be ulcd ll reguerled bIIII STILL N0 ANSWER Mr Wilsonr dllcmrnI ovrr Inland now II dccp Ind urioilr LII iIeIlb he com mitted to oiution rm to touF milltIry manure or III vIoIe The two prim mInIIIIrI Io rlrongly appored politically Ind perronrliy on may outer mo iem In on IrcIInd Yet bpIrtlran Ilcy the American call docmt cem to be the Inrwcr either Uirter very rick plrtv Blackwell Macaulay Were Both Impressive Ily DON OilEARN nocerr IIrlc IlrrcII Themed NIwr lervlce TORONTO Alter you It ny ert oi govemncnt In lnovilrblr Ind lrcqucnt ucrtlnn Inked at one II who In gov ernment or tit lcghlntum hII been the molt Imprerivo over the In Wil probny com and mem ber involved Including mong them Iom very Ibi men In women nu abvlwrly not quutinn which out be why nwrrcd or given up reply Alto tlto partlcuirr Inner oi the ghldllcl wbrt he happen to Idmirr In pwpi In public lilo murt bo locior Fin all 11M ha Io mcn lion Gcorgc Drew or II wn mow who led Ibo Conxrrvulivu lnio their yot unbroken reign In illicit In 1le Ind rslnbllthod many the mile pailcic on which they burn hrlvcd rod rim rurvlve However Georg win In in travort Ind relerved not mny and received In overwhelming mpmmmurmWnstmmm REFORM Tho etrll wn dirocicd ogalml In ogrecmcnt between the native rnl lhI IIrii gnvcmmmt providing or council nl coopenIIui to ho on up ilciwcm Llll IIIIII repuhin Ind Uitlor lha IIrIkcrr nIIn dcnouncui tho uhale concept oi power rhrrlng Their uccm lnmJ Ih ru Irnulon ol the excmttvo rni menu the call III the twin fluid IIIi paltry In in iter roconcilirtian between the two communlllc not better In IIIlnn with tho rrpublic Nw Norhcrn lrcldrld sure my lIcrlyn re in liken di rth rrmtI lhvrw an the Ilrillrh gmrmmrnl cvpncied Io relnin lull rcrpnnri hilly tnr at lenet iaur montiu THE PICK emnw rm run In um Ol PUNCH rough in lb gm amour ymlo wrrI mily do to him it ille Ind Ito wrr not typo oi mm to icnvo one with memories looking back on the lo your there Iro two other moo other than he who no outIIInding In one memory Lent Blackwell Ind lloberi Ilmulry Illrcirwrli IIvmr repre sented Toronto Egilnwn lmm ton to Ill Ind war Ittornoy grncrhi lrom to Ii hug mill in both phyrlguo Ind billty hId born III nthlcle bucth pitcher oi motor Ila guilty but but Ior log nth Iirlthr Ito econd mm In the Drew gnvrnmcrll Ind llgured much more IhIIl molt poopl rvnllrod lip wI prIcichIIy tho onlyI mIn in the government nit whom Drew conIlrIInIly til cursed policy And he imoll ringioihrmdty took on oi the public problem Ind when nec wiry bIIIId out tit mom merit Inr dumpio prclly well or bi nwn plopred the govern ment rcntrovcnlul now liquor policy and guided belor the public Then whcn Ihe very crIIIrnI IIrIko It Yard in Windmr Ier Minttor thru Daley Iuddenly incl In go In llIII Ind lllIckacil went In Ind Iettlcd Ihn Ilriito ll Most Provincial Governments Otter Some Form Of Tax Relief By IANDIIA lNOALBBI Tito CIIIIIII Pm To curhlon iprIyerI Igrlnrt Inlirllon mot prnvln govcmnltot tbiI you My altered oomo lorm ol NIL will the exception Now inundIInd none at to provin clrl budget brought down to fur locrcmd perrollII locom IIer The Nova ScotII budget bu yet to bounced Pin to us Incruiod revo nur Irom the booming to some Industrial Io limo now program wen In rlnunccd In OnlIrIn Ind prov Ineo In Wertorn CInIdI OnlIrIc Ind lirniIobI In porod higher IIer on mining comprnlol Money lrom pro Ideally Innomcod iii In to cm in Slrkrtcbowon will be used Ior governmIntdi reeled dIvelopment tho In duciry In AlberII revenue iron higher Inc on pectId to be urrd to dlvcrrily tho provinclrl economy crcrrod rmum rcvenuo Itrlthl Dolmlbl wIll help my ior more roul Irvicet CrowCInIdI In by Tit CInIdIIo Irer row most province Iro uttering to brain rIniing iron proplilyIIX crrdlu to rub ridiet or pensionerr Ind Iow Icom IImilIeIto IoIeIItx reductlonr Hm pmvlncobyprov Inc rummory oi lot budget dovelopmenir HALE TAX BOOHED Nowloumoltd Spendln in protected Itltmm miller and rovenuo II till mil lion Including Ito mllllon in Maui iIx IcuIllrItIon pry meru Tho rIleItIx III II incurred to eight or cent rpm min on till Ind lectiv July the perronol In come in IItc rim to to per ccnl item do per cent oi brrlo lcdml in Now nrunruiok Protected expenditure pl om million on rovonueI Ind recoveriu oi mu million will roIIIIt In deliclt oi 11 million bring ing the mvinclli debt to about it million The eight percent III II on clothel ootnorr Ind IorM mlctoiiim Ind Ill trier tut led by ItIlu room were removed Prim IIllrd fourth womnirn urplu NI ellimrled despite the govern ment nnoungoment oI iIlI iorgort mill to duo iion In thrprovlucer Il tory Mmur Included ductlor In property urrment rod mioItlon oi the elghiporcent IIcr In all vrrd goodl olmlngmrto IIIlI and horn vIItIId It lot Ihrn id ctnlr Protected pendlnl I110 million on revenue Moon million EXEMPTION IIAIAI Quebec illth Ituirtt buinlwltl lilt IIxInrrqutl ertimrtedrpondlol Al tom blillon up 15 per con over Itllii on revenues that billion Ior In Iliiltlvlld clly cli oi $375 million Slnllo per Ionrerroln IeI III 600 Ind mIrri eoupiuleomlhl lou Ihn 5200 you my loan pIy lncorn iIx There wm lncreued ex emptions lor Ibo Igod Ind tho bmdlclppod Ind In locum in $500 Itbmvlm In the mount room an In bo lot erming Mint in no cmptlom mIIrio amendilute Ir crtlmrled It lull Miller In Incmxo it per cent on rovenuo oI 31110 billing or dolicit oi 63 million up tram It million In yeIr Tbrouxlt In Incomo upplov ml the elderly blind Ind onublod will be united In lmmo oi kor Inglo person Ind 0100 lot Irrled coupler IIIOE TAXAYRIE TIx cut tncludod elImInltv tier of the rover potMl ate in on looluerr MIIIID no or In and on wido rnnre oi household Ind who1 try IrIIcler Mining Ind lumber lirml wore hi vllh higher tImJ in million or mine prolitr Ind ill mllllon on dotrhiod crown duo on tlrrbor peculrtlon III at 10 ml WI Imposed on owner who buy Ind tell roII Irtuio without Iddlng my real vrluo fun in to per pent on 00 pummel by nonreti denlo Coordr Ill Barrie Exumlm II Ii tieid Etrcoi outlrlo Telephone norm Second CIIII lilil hulltrutlun III ber MM Mum pottrg Irnntoed Billd xoepIod Subrcrlptloo Ilidl only union 10 weekly moo 1y slngit copier Inc By llIrriI 110 orrrlyt imcoo County 100 yclriy IIIIIncI cl CInIdI um yoorly other countrle mod yearly Motor titrow oil 03500 IItIMlII AdverIIIIng lillcert ll quota El Welt Toronto III I710 Cltbtlll Montrerl Iiamoer oi the CInIdIIn and Audlt ilumu arculr our CIIIdlrr Pm Ir Ivcly ntltled to th uu pub lcrtlm cl Ill new dIIpItch er In thi pm credltorl to Illo Anoc Ited Im or Ind Ilro the but now publhb Id thrrelil th hurt Exemlner Copyright III III orIgInII III Ind idlIIrrIIi mItrrlIl Itod by It employee and prndurrd In Ihlv Howrplpti Copyright llrglIIrIrlun bet mill miller II