Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jun 1974, p. 4

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Elitefilm Examiner mm by mgr llmpepove Wm leited Ii Weld em Beale OnlIIlo lebb PubllItheanI Meme WIllIe Idlm Mu Heather MInIglng Editor mm JLNB ml PAGII Reasonable City Budget But Knife Was Bit Dull local mmebtllru lobe to the mat the last week uty corde Indoled us with btbdact that raked taer about mm per mt Not bad but not good ullm Inm frl township managed to keep ll budget more tn line thrust have been uupmungto run thie week thal the thence commute and dty treasurer oloe made mbtzkc Ind lorgot tn tndude on extra 36000 to meme mm new lexpaye ll em weptmin because instead Ipplylnz the unexpected bonanza to me taxpayer doth or two ml Ip probed low more expgrrtum we elm 11mm levels We mppore tow political goodiu ln thebudgetletbepdcewepa to YOUR onsmrss RENT ItIAN Intent In Deal Alhln Am Nu when to lune mlorcmelleetlu nu prduble Inner Germ mwa Ilr im er term II molded ol the pane shatters Aew dIllon June Xetll Flt trod tble ulvo Lhe but no be he at Medea ll only rub bum In W17 1114 When encoder mm the penal It to eon tlnue retentlruly Iowan by yur mov ule thIn our mu utlonIl prod cotmdlkoc stlmlundermr mmnulenelmnhlorlm cent In rate of lntllatlon Nertyonrllletobebopcdtluteoun nu mn pm mete even closer lathe when Immummmm Ith that government penMw readied lxord mwlon rm lhIn bone Ind prermt us with smaller dIeIde IIrller hlke No one really expected um to be now did they DOWN MEMORY LANE Sent Sand thson Btu moul dun III to In per rent lruorltmenrld llrgy The objective was on Iran to per real It the as banshee Ba ItIIn trItutm money between Idlerent lard el gov Irnnent IrI elimlnelrd there ue Irtrully modest deellnI In manhunt Immature II permma you nIlloeIl product In yerJ1 per rent from 1731 Mint bl cl see per bent Al the lode level the II level to ml per rent Government Spend la thlIJo be the more paid rIlly Iecqblo ol mne ln bluer Ied blade reven roent rItber lbIn enable lIxII Illll bltberf MUG DLMND falling unseat romance Ipodlnl ll helm Idlvlw be lor are lor the polltltlIeI It the rv celn the ultldnn But ember ee allletem bu my Ilnlcent led lI NM derbtlnl Any oolltldur would rItber he meow ney 1h rutrkt mdtne And th trvlul re em or brittle money to ll Me to tonxieln lat the ov Imrnertt lI mndln tau mob no btm ll Provmcral Tory And The Election wlth Gordon 5mm prosaic WI 50 nm the pm mm mm mm Hm lmjz Salter WWI out there captth ol ptadnu words on by roan moron lnntI Dr ltlrelnxer In be cum Perl lune In wltboul economic problem lenle iumlner June l9 due rtotllnlCamdlanDlv Mod getttzrmtmrrmm twee borrows to membmr My yuan ha ol the clmtlon Senator Barry Gold nL mull name emn tn collectan or My mm 551100 My mum waler pnrtdent of the Untted stator mm mm mm pew but It ud ettlut justanlvedhomelmm mmmr banana owenbcoause bur0 Mtungfigmfinm puma at hle ettou Ilry against Oommtm gttfnimddmu trarbdtnttuI tetwor Shaw Big WWI it it mull Ml domed er l57thlelaliouyJ rteuw tour cht More Ind Slurry Hde II by emmhl Robert Ind Small Joe Plant 317 Battalion 11 177 DouwM5m mm lllI exmxtre vlcwml mt Immutrnlronlully cm 3mm Clog dun tron Farah Young western Anger mill ol the Butt ol Now let on the we ml the av mlgms Fotot burritoan apt Slim Gordon Ind Ontano Omntry Bow mm III mmrnled ernmeot own um thIl ln IrIrclnn tor new thlner trellon IIIlnIt InnlIlon Jack llttbboh 51C merry at la do Ind money on the In mm mm ctIuI Illl we law otw 31mm WGCI OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mm mm In In undldnle ln evrry rldllll tour yam enth 20th Battalion Gunner nrtly loam tlI Illenllon on July rm woven wt Hebtor Brown Military Medal meantm THE an wanIR Incanettendrr poucleItlut tr gram Ardue Jay 54th Battalion Ro Guelph mt $10me or Rev and Min We we Desiring manly ft 17 Irtottrrlunze W1 Gum Wm 53 nm was becomlnz Ml ury and Army of Occuyaonln Gemany 13311 ms 1m to vleual world do recently 56m 0310 Gm mtnatcd 11 the television moon and lhe be Fred on ton both warned In ac phmomp to ma mm Flrst WI two WWW ren to date the lnooniperuble de Mrs John Ianon of Peel St Thomas Km 01 men want but It is some 1515 mm 91 times all or non when the likes of ggnliclmngnabmtgg Bugs Bunny Ind men announce thrrn HellC on the TV screen mro THE Mtzr awnL serum men tlllo broom $25 l7 tattoo rider oelormcd Nonmndy bertde cerlIln term none tn term It lhe bulo lf MLffgl WW mv or the one mt thou the yCY box 11 ttlItIIlo of mm tutIelII Imu lLIllum for my lrnoorllloorluolonl mu gmlmlllr not BY mm Em mow mmwlomi MM mI nuInta wt Johnson muted mum prnra dash be them The mutt was barrage or lottere PM Inn too InunII bub Ind ti not cleIrly nearwort gm ln the mIln true III the lederel BantuvolrmmotDDay Kilhored dcrcd why tho ontllnmlln 55 WW wented It mm In II much no uIott unto me tloy noon Mme cohuquence About one ln mm mm manor Mm on berm They lncludod Bob Gralnm than they were about humIn bclnzre lemm Wme went to In Hell It the In men IN urloully huddled who II Purely Jtllt Tm theluI the document In It VIlleIle Pelerunlen refugee IlrIo detrde Ind Ittlwdu mm turned on the Golan Md Ilter the melt wet or Abe mtlnulrwe el the Brute Pele Iml MI The More lvvmeol the MI mu 1h meet Wt MW an ll Ml In And um um up mum mmum ramble Md mu in Guardmum leatdlbglledgrll letrlo mm 57 my duty well none tot mm were II th ml auk be Interlntbemlrlltuhnowhn ItytI necked Into an to ry IItttI about II In em Lle ordered II was ten the bell WWIM IVIIW Ila tmtructeq otllem Ind he blue butlontdooun cull E1 ol the turneddown roller thI CIIIAJII Prue lW Koran ur rtalmeltbe eIlIblLIhment 0m of mm mm 11 mm gntertalnln the rum ln Ito mm mam rlghmlrre rltttntoruhlp mm at extreme elllltl Intent wavy 513 pew at 51 gnvlu the aunt teml Ind er Words at or pulse acorn FurIn Allllll IIIIyIl turned mlnde ma neme Nm Beret ln Cum We have my to VIARS AGO mixg Emu namm um Benlee nlmrlr rebuan ItuI lb ilm My berm too sotno at out yr WIN be W101 horn momo 31 Mn Inmlner June tout Om Iomo ol our mu new no Hilly that Worm eounr vorlttrn tn the my HIM cm numb it the rvirm uanyB Then we no photograph of tow mum 5mm ht Innb In warmvb till fhltblmti moon It mmrmm neon de 01ch Ind the In mm mm WNW WW tIrIIt Ind t5 Al ll the ml WW In llte llrIt Imement In 11 um gmfzgdm 11 Evan Nm lh TWI Now may 181ml grim and turns Bongo Itheyre etlll corran tn L110 mm mgmm demoed Ira cleared or mm mm 0m on mm or when worn Inurtunttnx ll II In Irbt rI Ind Annycttanct ted byuwt Don Randall IndentlwollldlllngAtcwrerdmnon SannI It the In obvtnutl lllttlvlIllllnlIrilltndmll htltntttl 3mmn3bmm Wlnntltmlr$llituy$llrl lo 15 to reatttt tone mutt on Germanhold IDPHrmly more mnecrnc dtm We Mr Irwin now Mr malaise IN whllawaMgdfmg qu Wm 1014 lhtllvlmlmedollrt mllllelrlelogemlullttulrould not WWW WW UN MU CHINA mm NM by the dcmnde Ind needI It In nub lttuI howled ol mil II Wk the WWW MW mm NY cum WM =3 lmrbtyhnlmbwmhlll Mwduugloggom In Mmy In tlrrr olbter la In truth we the mlnlsrr hill on WNW mm millml hi my lgllnmlqlg 5133 WW0 Mk ll aw mum ht wt rerlIlA Kingsth mm Mm In mm um um lo mm In rlemhlp and Iteblllty of WM chum pretermMl the In WW Nth lh thlI Mr Bennett IP Im d2lrbytn mu Itlm tImnItI Ind mln not tInntnIto the not to my overolhr It mglmume ht bolilll one 0er Fe mm um In vlwrlul It out In procrdtue need In Imam plum present luneIlIM lordIntIn to do In mnelnl It me an been man emi pow mm mm mm rm mm mm cum and tn the old hm wrangle hm mm mdmlwrzm yo 1m to the am no more More mm rIIIde Im II Tormte been runnch by the ddrnu Int Md 021 both Alum kmqu mm wuglwhqiygg me Ianlnn out but Pelerttnlen ItIle hopehtlIlgn unnurnrnnmm mm mm Mn mm Nettle untlorma tots Jul well the when Irmd men Illke to our the unl with tour whttI Itrtw ntn been torm at lbevoluhteuI In In numb WM hld comm rlurtnl Alllllllllllollllllemlltr It try ann um onto lmolmnent tn an um mm If mm mm WW All In Ilro 1mm eIrly ln mo Iev 113 gfzywllurllmfm get mm r1p 11513 by non BOWMAN mm ztnnntn lo Vllhlla fth that Mr or by min rerublle Ian and my amid fmdln gmlm Mame ml Emulate or thVIrntclrtgw An ollletel Immnwnt II um and strum new that true uld Ihe tour uhltI to reduce the from for ltttll on Illout revolutlon db lltchl violence lttrl Imonl Grime dttllern Wm MI the lerlrlnrr In II be nmn rlmbllhollln To dbunrtIh the mtltlery Muted the navyI northglt mlhlthil IDWHTIII llmlMUv cuiuontfkrlgtmhy UM mm mm mm 59de mm lrom lhe dorm IIIn euttm muthrm lntl nvrr It mm In nrnrl lluwrllnle um nutth oomuntItIIntmb Jmuon tut whlch muthvI the win tn Howl II be III theme my In our mu lrtltllureltnn llmneln we sodHm run no not been oulle rut nr lmvol In rest And umns man the Ilr toru to 1mm lho Mllnll up Item llm Wm Imwmml ml But there mm to he mm MN mg mm mm The gnmlleluau Indlhe nIvyttt pile blue lln mlltlu rdtern at ttrr mt lup publlr Apnrehmlm about the am mid in than mm alum mm mum MW mm mm mm ltetlrntll ot mm nntttm mm of mm mm In mm even the part at It 1me our ln mo mm to 0mm In mu MW Irene ehIrnrtm tor ltlght Gun II Mmhmt the current Iltuatlon Em mmw Gumth me giant mu duty an but two Imth Mutt ll tn mldtn Ill nlre mum nl arm and no tnllutmo lotlwlre the overture ln Comte but we mm mm EVEN mm lIr tun Ill the Chlllll Irmed Wm belmrtnt tn exlrM ttwn mm In hunt the cute bornme deaths III III lttzrly rtomttd by Montreal mlpmtlerfl WWW mmyur Mqu If known otttIlly worm Merlllm armour to have It lured In em moreutwreel at lle Inlldlwree to Mel lllI elrrlelto Wl Ale Mm WNW eluted ty uolooolel 15Vllylrnel mm Manon In Home ntrthrrltler lo 1hr power lmn the pollllolllll In ude tIclred neon lll tell the trrlrln mm to utmth MI to why bmcoI Dual 94 curmu Amy arm throat at only treat that nuar norrtnt mat the potent ln In mm mth do tun Ind he lure eurow MM or 11100 telly Monte lteedudlnz out UnI or hummuer mltttery dlllmncn Ind bow or the cape rum death Wmmgmnrt ultlrrI TI It Carlyle moo yearly All It In mm menu 11 mm In with lnllIllon on the rnmlr meme lownrde the country Wcy mud hjmoumcr trnrt one mmlugw two Immune tantrum an on Illfln Munlon lmlrmrwtl wopmlllrnu mtg13 in Sgrklorvunntllndl tlftttl Am Helert um yearly ln lane mth ln alter an MW nutmcntr tlollllmllnlunrl lltn WWW mm Md um mly MM NM Mum not Nelloml Murmur rtlllm lllongn Itrtt luring to the In memmmt Iyntrnt Icmlllrll mm mm In Humor We Mam Mat Weavszhlglh Tgwnalfv Wet Utrlvn hlnu Ulla rhlmlelrla all WWW WWW on um In on IthMtllll lrll ag mflm ended llo wrnl tn Wonltlnnton Smoy cmk nix tlr amt Premtrr th En atlnree WWII Abeth 60 1011 the lnlut vlntonmt 1r rnmmlttn tnntop vomlol mt nnzollaled tomr mlrr luIJotneruane we LIM unburzielrolldlncmllnlrul llrlt $33M 3km NIvy rmddrrrd m1rlonrltwlmlle7trItggylmdm wttb mrlmdlnrh mm Mmwfm 52W lnnIblkllltrtlA Alw lll llr moo rm anagtAlldlllllull Vol OlrrulI gtmutyattv OtIlrrnIn lttIn new ltt El 33 mnglgtlgmtlwgnzt mrzflumzrlihx so mgr Itlnmntlwmoxt hm rim Wm mm lee gto dlhehr III 11le men one llle Cehldlen Fm ll excluI 1hr lntI MontI mlntIter em Ian tartan mm uuny ml mutt ollllrllhln Iooot lIetHnt usue ol Certltoo rnly rntllkd lo I0 Im the tram 0hr rn nIVI worm Inw mlltlmmtcr muttan BIBLE THOUGHT WMMWWMW on or rule but the mt roc Benllnel no pubtJtItlou nt Ill IIIWI dlspbtclt new IIoe01nlthlusIrIter Ium mm mm who rm Wm um 15 Id 653m tty enrolment wtlh the led mlhmlt ol Slr John ulllllll Ipencrrrttnttbnar Ideal In IttIck named by rm Whore unk tnnrntII mn mm ltymrlnle or why Mormon IbeArIornterl em or Hauler llll vlrly lure mmtrrwtd Im ntIntI at two IInItt an commute Iolrtuul mm WM Vt mnn wan ltn Inert nrgnuI trtMnnntI Inn llnly Itnnt IndIIleo the hell om ouhlllhz mm the world mtnnrulnr led tube In on Ttllrdto all Ill hrrllrrrn wwlennt III In er trom lire rebttlter ul my mum dlhltltr trutln ll mmnr Burle Eurnlner rlIlrne An Inmrnmnrnt dtI No IxnlInItlnn Wt rtten tl no the ll lte rtutt cl null WWI deal borne ol llItI we man my Nll tmrntrd umhl tlrtrbt to In tout Iran lrlwled Heller rbu month by why the amt untmm hll nltmtwlnd Ironmrltr rm lmtl mm lmwtod lor Val Mal when by merry rumIlr In Wllor mundedltwlllm whim th abutt rm am am bun trounrt beck In Il Nan Illl mmntel rum htI chtldrrn to bl denied the gal rm aw rnrtttnw became the mt cemeteh etmtl Imy me by Imptayc Ind re may me Mm nun mmt to mu nl Ibvrnte llllItlIter Idem lumbar It on mm or them ho It th Irm tmtly norm on tho Arml Ind Ilr tom nm part bl Al produced In Iltlr newwloer My ll Inllor back The Inoumnwnl llM rttd thled motel Loorolnnlne nor or one reneullon mmln level rem golnr llIhln all lled tom mt um nor comm Ellllullllll Nurn PM Mle Bl not My ll the army Ind tho lor the vulvm ollce tome mom Eelterm um Imther llun Ill role at ottbllc llln thrtr coortr It Ito ncltrlod manly out blue nu ohltn rlrtn Ilr lorce Iru tn une tor their Mnltn wtth putt trl eulnen no In color ol per lo Ire lmed by the rtlf navuotlon nl the St uw wooWald Tynan conltrooc mm true on blue ollu an uullvrm Iottrh than tom Au thorn Ire youn mt nItlonIl ertrte mu River rooted tn Montrcel Ia thereln We at Grmr tho tlwulrlere It the terlun nemhry tn run In mu Ilnnunl torlnlhlInI rrr Wr the In urro to Wed HIll Tumbull r4 mi

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