Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jun 1974, p. 3

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other Dntiriani nhieo the Barrie Pipe Band with Vhiie liiver MUSIC CONSERVATORY CONCERT Suite to Bnrrle ant areI mica mum and individual pcrtnnrm took pm in the Nreleml Coniemrtnry of line LTi mount concert nl icon glen Nieze Sunday Minoan Barrie Dciy Show June Features 800 Performers timoiabie has been dawn no lor Barrie Day June It Ontario Place where Ionis mo Barrie Irri Iron residentr will prontoie the oily Ind entertain Except tor the olticlal opening rerrmonles It 1030 Im Easy Chair rod niuilc at no pm and pcrtorminco by the War pica school cbolr It prn times tor other performances in Ipproiimoto Ii rock pro celled ange will pconnvilie tinll bhnw oi the day Honour ihe EImVIie and District Brion Oorpe Ind the Barrie Sn hoot Drum and Bug lI Band will perform pcriodlcah during the Itternooo en the waterfront emu of ammo Pinto lolouinr the opening cerem Iololri Janet Jecbonoviil en iertiin for 30 N331 it out he foil lor Citixcna air coiislillng oi he mentorxrtrnienler cltliens wiu sin for no rritnutei Then the itlcianiiendl will sing tor minutes Alton min the dun so to to rock id Wail Million and Potvln loik rock group ot tour will perform tor minutes Oodrinpton school Junior choir conilting oi ho rnerribere tiller over the rim at ilzho urn Alter the Junior choirI 15min iilo performance the Generation Bridge group at four will pee rcpt its vnrtely oi music litre see cadet drum and bugle hand itrlkes upai itihu pm The band is itirterrben ilrong DANCE BAND Dance mltaic will be provided bv Barrie District Central rolle Iilo dome band it will play rrJnuini From dance mini the days SummerLike Temperatures To Continue Summer ilki weather ill coniinue Lluoium Tuordny in tiir Rdunne Ouiielie Brien Dou neily and Phillip Dmitu per term in piano trio till parlormeme htmrtiy wu given by the Camrlisn limo entertainment hanrea to din rlng at no Dom when danc ere oi the Ailindale dlnoe School will perform tor to mill tiles The tempo plunges Igain It 310 pm This time vaner oi limit will he put or try Iinrry leek and group of tire Oodrinrion School Senior atoir will give 15minute rendition It 330 pm it consists of 70 pupils Then ibcre nili be to milqu oi piano olivine Beginning at 16 pm the pine playing uill behooveity quirtellr duct Ind co EIsAviow Elementary String Orchestra takes over It on litter III ilrninute poriormnnce the member at the string orvheslra will be Ioimrd by tho chooiI Itrinl ensenttlo which will Ilso for in minutes Dolley morderr at me prn lor is rriiotiieLThen there will be to minutes at rinsing by John Daviin Ind Trix Rock musle returns min il pm when Breakthrough rte nntl area Theinmost calls tor mainly nu rides with trinlu in thelilo Bitdegree rerun Momi also elicrico oI isolated thunderstorm Timing The OYtmliItI low will be in lo 50 Synopilir Mainly runny today throughout the province except tor the Moose ltlyer and West ern James Beyntecronr Then is the chute otelsolnled thun derilnrnu in most regions lllgber temperaturcr are torn cirt Ncsdny Northern Loire liuron rouih em Georgian llolihurlnn Mainly tiirirvy nd Nos tiny exoepl tor chance of an isolnlexl innocme Warmer Midiy lligh da teddy in lilo low to mid 70kt MW tonight ii to 50 mm lei day 75 to so both Cord linncli member of tho Kiwanis Club at Kcmpen tell Boy presents tzno clie ue to George Entry we tcil educdon iiulort it Part nce View school At toll is Gloria Grnhnrii mother spool lIl lucnllw student iiosldo Georie is Sandra Purchase IliEii bow IIIIR Todly Tonight lilei Windsor on Snrnlu 75 iii Thomas 73 tendon in Kitchener 75 Mount Forest 75 Vingiiiini 75 Owen Sunni 75 liiuikokn 7i liumliioli 73 Si Cilil 75 Toronto 75 IS 75 lo borough re lolnwnwr 75 Nor tiny 75 Sititlilry 73 Eirlton liinmlni Knruiknslng Marie itlnitiitlli hloosoum Eton ordain whidi Iiii rep resent Canada in the dioii chompinth at Ohio in three voltr thanliner Pho to group oi Ich will entertain or is mnuiu Kathy lilxrs and Jim Johnston like their turn at 515 pm They will otter to mimic ot iolit music They still be lollow cd by In Iiilliilhoilinri roup with its 15 minulu 01 country variety krry Gain and Gill Castin cite continue the loik moxie mud at 0100 pm Their portormance will last tor is mlnulen Folk rocti sell in at rziu pm when Windy and Warm EMF oi tour will play inr ii nurtu tea The next Li minutes will he by the King uierd as members token boir icii it ilronr Sevcnl live minutes of concert music Wii be rendered by the Centrnl Collegiate Band It 756 IINeor DIy lan rock group oi tire will draw lth day clon er Indind it wrli play toi is minutes below the rock rroup aunts rriether litre heroi Ham raid the girl we grit to itti comin Dad Van Horror about lumindo nlk arm on the rum dderoad Iber the liaisons live Ive often walked um sell Ills ihmon said The Vin their kids come brick and irrthl the time and In did Undo didnt have my worv rienatlliebotitlttruie lint never got there lids time thite ll REMAINS MYETEIIY insp tliiiock said that Just vanished with on cities llwever enumerating on speculation that the might have been pickni up in car he added HUNDREDS OF Ernie and area steam bulk normed at mired steam locomotive mine limited oi titan bull and Just plain curious ipednlm were on tried SLIMth ma pm utm CN senm engine number mo ram pulling into the atitn at Bmie wool to mtan behind schedule Armed our rcp monk Eiuybodyr mokinn ihcot rice Were simply looking lnr her Theres burn nothiru to wy nticlhcr there ros ear near than or ushelhcr she got IMO our lnsp liiiinek noted that the childs disappearance is mni risennt ot that of to Bauer it who nished August twist the nearby Kleinburg urea liiiis BIucr uho trad been hitchhlliing in triendl house has new hem tound MINOR INJURIES iiilmr IAItiiIDi were sulicrvd by ltlchnrd Montgomery i7 oi till Nterdrame anger in vehicle driven hlury Excedrin or Whlluwn early so Irrarty nwrninx on Count ood 10 hit north at Cone on CONDITION SATISFACTORY 10min Pollard oi Till limiting is In mixinciory euro dillnn In lloyei Victoria Hospital iodiy with injuries the received titer the car she wuiiivirig at alereiirnItely am Sunday itnicli iIliwey womin Iimel on tilrhwny It It the Itll or km The ur received In eiii motod teoo datum oldie the neathmm ol the Ontmin vinclol Ioiice reported that the nnmrupo provider the kill per tormenio ictiooi hbrartari nnd tietty iluniy special education touch er both of whom will tmvci in Winnipeg viilh it duiiriits than the school for lhe spe clal education Itudcnts oiymr rrirs Juno it to in This is the lhinl your the olympics have been held millionth PROCIAMATION Proclaims the Week of lone 2nd to 9th as CANADIAN rownt souioRon wrrr IN ARRIE rdiwiy ilrnat received 000 mm Erection car was lorced onto the nhouldcroflhermibynoun club towards sending the IILLI WC do cumpr mm mm dun Examiner Photo The cheque li gill trorn the APOINTMENT Toni lionhon llctail Sales llnnnuer at CKVMV leased to amount the appointment oi ltr terry lirlitott lo the CltVll Retail Sales Stall Larry is uclt known In the area and looks torrent to norklng with retailers in the Barrie Oollingnood end tilealord irons the humhlp ruiuim her moo when It arrived at the titular here SLurtliy on an emutimid the Marlyn and earneris lrum Urn chron th to the moi cxpmsiu the motors warmed nmurxi the Mile soycnrolrl iritago engnc Number in pulling nine ouwertlonai railway tors on on amnion frurri Mom to the Matt Swine iii Salute hinnc CITY NEWS Till Milli EXAMINER MONDAY JUNE mt LociL AND GENERAL himvn rhiclr The car lhtn relied our Domain was caii related at our Sale 0i Kettles Prohibited ii Health Threat OTTAWA CPI 1th row sum and corporate illnire do gunmen is drailinx regulations to prduiit tho imrtottniou nd vrrtlslng ml eru oi electric kettles that pose dinner to with ticrindnimt man said Pridny We hope in Laue the rozu lotions very roan he eirkd mo dwartmm trunnioned odnoxinv ltnt pl 53 electric kettles tested reloast insole amounts of load into water Ile in lhom Onlv time were lound lo pm duro no loal roulirrinniim BLUES SIGN HESS FT in5 MP First round druil elion liob Nest siltitd contract with Si but little Thuruiay IiNs it was one tour tieloncemon pitiful the liiues and the 3111 niiiior diotcn overall in Vcthiciilayx National liockey Sirine at hlitland lhe to incur slopixxi for about in mimics at Home aiming the amen the titsms re RIIZEJJIII Ammuirrulciy sou pmple were on harm or the trip During the lrnminuie stopovt if it Name the new hit at the oruincs water tank as mixrem cot at to moon lbtir ion 0n ol the in steam loco motive bulv Ior by Muni mii locomtite lorti nimbcr 6w Wu ikiuered in NM at ml The moonloitlyve locomo tive um deemed will toni calm Irnnt cni whioh include the Mulls and number Lumps The smoke statk Ill linrtd 107 Mini Irom the British lo mmtxlie modcl The be was momd lorwrnrd Ind locum at the cxireme llonl oi the engine Number row Locomotive int IL icndct the rar immiiuiely hetund the engine which orip inniiy curried the rust Ire 91 lord in heath Ind with total 721711 41 oration noti league Imilrur drill itcm butts in take picture no the Intu lnnk one RIIII ed ttZuminrr Photo Era Oi Steam Locomotives Relived With Stopover Oi 6060 Saturday Mi but three of the orixirul iimrmlitri um errqu by CN lo 190 0X0 put nri display It super Albert trim It rnulnni rei rm 3m in it the engine as mow to Montreal litre it was oinkiultd and Mubihd Ior gram excursions Al that time the locomrtiie was changed from cl tire to oiiitie power riimimtm the Mei In the re nun Io shovel cool into Ihc rote STITLIK POLE norm iruimiinl Police at Borne reported that Liry llrid oi Richmomi llill nullmd cut to his Inridicnii nt approximate ly am Sunrin iiltll the he on operating ter lite phone polo cri Sitme tiny iloud met oi Cranmer Oro Town ship Tetni dimvge in the mo den no em 3N0TICE To All Eioetort of tho Fodorei Riding SIMCOE NORTH in the Barrie Area The local Campaign Heldqulrilre tor the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY for the Barrie Area will be opondurinp regular downtown commerce hour 9=oo AM 500 PM 66 DUNLOP sr 7264142 and will In pleated to atsiit you concerning enum or other Iieellon problem com mencing Mon ay June II at 900 BRUTJS SPLASHON COLOGNE Aiiuntioie Run ltoad RO rugs 72H MAN BRIO SIMCOE oRuos in mirror 71bit

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