53 trots arent bitten Ioiidioe NEWS ROUNDUP Davis Supports Stanfield Attacks Trudeau At YPC Meet Whammy hicemlyonehiglimanta yvblem I131 Indel purita Mm nIWdrnm blade David Ortikw GDPWinan North Don Watt 196an5 and Mn Mumate hint StriiieCrunch mowers no it Agriculture htimter New Fibrin an lot of people particularly weaken md nu emu Ire xotng to feel the it rout titers in Al on so we no striker trian Log $3M in seeking reel 1I ll mthiiideIo me to IcrIpalIdlltyotthIttiodand more the opersiioo into some bin sly end In Winnipeg nid Kr Hoes Meiiibership KWR Ont CPI ESE it wont hurtyOUr pocketbook either $551 moo Whunmmi ounnec cor Rene to rugs Putt Quebeeoii leader indktng in if in anmm InliuJidyllederni election when betterin Wmmomuu museum thlylohlogicuwth itleslareeredlcnnridhui WWoe toiisoo our wimteer affin mw vany Mm mm Mdl slvyeirold party leader alIo told the mutation the Handwritten Mr Davis nid it the Ab PREMIER DALI to Minoan LU Davin rue Item win Min Bit up to there We wm Iayillsnitheerameor heavens intro whcta roun PESIMIDIE OP Paul ihrun Senate governrwit leader said Sitinth that lead yb rr Istheorntnitbemeol intuit lolmce in Canadian Iiiiadrlng Prime math Trudeau the Vernier said shrug at the limiter imtthesnrwerii=nt find slide ihhgmin the tederal budget that Is IdHnItionlry The Fender raid hit on gum tax on land spec ulstlai ii mrnptlcated Ind my need millon in the tiltu but be matte no Ipology tor it Caouelle West CPI caouette 5C Qedlt perry lender opens his Wettern Canada tIrripalui today follow hag In nnee in his home Sign illuminate Euno Hr Clottelte told ISO party Iaiihfui in this community can miles DoriIer ol mien III riding has been ven more Inna or that hill slim Pro rIrns inter the Social Gedii pirty than it would hm re ceived under the Miracle Grants For North mum Ont OP lion aid tnr northwestern Ontario In the tom of main for hospital nonmdihl well halal and new concept called ditt unwuitht mi ienbesmlhetour The Prion at Port hence by an nouncIng prorrruru worth Win in help the rneoinlim tuned hers It Dryden and at Fort Frances 0n Silurde second on the tour the government cid ers unveiled mitds that will out the provtnoa about It nul Cable Service TOMMY CPI Two men the been charm with dta with service at Iletro cnbla lnleririoo 0o try cutting liner three timer in the last two months 1hr tirit brisk April it its rupted TV Iervlce of 10000 lantern Breike my to Ind Elly ll knocked out crevice toe the end moo aroserlbers Peter Dourlu Myer end Stephen Vincent hilller ho both or Toronto are charred lolntly with mlsehiet in the it incident Sawyer laces ilnnai charm of mlichiel in the two incident to Miy Phenomenon TORONTO OP An libs usual welurer phenomenon of brilliant hiio mind the run we observed in southern in into tor raverII hours Bitindny mornloL In Iorne Irene obich err note second large hole The Toronto weather oitlu Iild the halo were wind by the reection or bending ol the suns ildit by in cryetIlr wilidi made up the hint doud through Mild the sun hid been shining In carer Iuch II this iha wasther attire routines people not to look directly at the run because it the possibility at eye dunner President NIAGARA PM Ont OP John llory motorold Unl rersilrv oi Toronto stiaient and port me hummer at 0th radio Tom was elected that till Obthtlo Young eulvs Cornetvotive Aaro Ii on Saturday elected more lett Walker lilrniiton lint vice iderit iorri Connor Ottawa alley Ieoond vinopruldcrit Jodi ileurrnan Toronto third mmoent rurr Torrilinsori Toronto fourth vice reticent Tomutrig 5nrrii vice preilderit Scnit htuDougni To mote leih vioepreildcnt doctors Bill Veronar month tieepreiidentr lion Baton tom don elrhth vicepreiidenl Gil Minder Iidw ulnih vice president Investigation WATIJRLDO Ont CII The ilnonilion rftiirict ol the Untied Ohureh nl Canida hockey ranlrztro satin up met mltue rm approved during the minutes tounhy ventkn Iiilrid killer verity Slim minim Plul tr Catrmriie col mitosis on lie said the at on Sunday den 66 mos Player or rail Wiring 1h newlyvformed rominittne was requested to upon to the coolant execitle In noon poolible Need Lawyer RED LAKE Ont tCPl When In trtri molar lilI lwodiy viait each month to ihir northucnern Ontario poidrnin it town at noon he kequerdiy emlru as runny t7 school children in dry when the itsltlnl solicitor molten hie enll twice math crowd wrdtlon to tint on Iota the court roan create this litildi is limiting shot at mrdnmordrnn comm In dttmnn committee tied win needs residue wnrnctriit end low yer it also line no medical no dallla no le or Itolncent burner min or mieed lou thrown laid on to to The Youth Cornell held its binouet In aunts mutilation nldit recently he him stories were FRONT MW llrom leltl shine iroire the ederal election CW The lornier Liberli cabinet minute told you attecdng the mainline nicet at in ilnptln Ilener Northorlpi Ill Evil that ilroo lender is needed in time winn lead in of other mimutu Ira being replaced Prime tllnhier Trudeau cull lly rolai Nmiid to Iicnrlz nger Promote tor peace he iiid The uncle slid the Liberals would be returned to power with majority alter the July mmi election and the New DemocrIt riots would be de pieted Research MEDIUM HAT GP George lire defence rrttlo tor the Pro resrivo Conrervetive party Sunda that the tie lrrtee reunrdi hllrhrnenl it Sulfield in soulhe stern Alberta will remain in operallcnif Iii pirty wins till 1in tedcrsl election lollnuinr tour or the ertnb ilihrrieol lir lites nid an au nouncerricrrt Feb by Deluxe Minister lirnei Richerde tht the MOM would be ngiiuilly eliminated Wu oIniouiiy polit icnliy niotivnied lifr lioei said the defence mmsni Tho Township oi lnnirtii Planning Board wishes to obtain your views on the future planning oitho Township oi lnnlnlil rnlnliter winted to wince ml 1hll problem not new Old Tuhrrient um Minted with their houses Ind their summer God be of maiibeu hos manly Wat Citizenship MONTREAL CPI landed imminent may be able tom ply ror riilrmstilp after three 7cm reildrw in Can adn the PM Its form the next governnien Seminry of State liuzh Faiillmer rild thir ing the ueekend One of the rhmxnr intend to lenient would be to re duce limo lint landed imml rrinti must or citizen ships lrorn five to three illr PIulluier raid at ceremo niu niaritinl the opening nl two lriorefrorit citizenship ofcer ere Mr Flautkner laid it the rth term the next govern ment he would introduce sweeping overhaul oi the ll umbip Act lo we tool people englgwinhtohmiildr should no too galory than poubig three yum in ion iieid with iii In walla muoniadi WI 090 ll Mid Thereinnoylo peowee EEC DND MTV from loll Nancy Stritichan lliire Snnloni bin that IIIIIID ROW llmm ieltl YEAR 2000 Robert Lem YOUTH BOWLING HIGH SINGLES Dlnne roster lllll Dirnesn junior lion Dnnt senior hey Senior girl Kathy Arkwy um absent Examiner Photo ADD Thereloro the Township of innistil Planning Board has organized rerlei oi public meetings the first of which is listed hereunder INNISFIL CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL JUNE 5th Wih 730 PM ALL RESIDENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND on Secretary to the Planning Board Towriihlp at Slroud Onlarl 705 ONTO nnlilll LOL 2M0 mumtheyhadnotlmete Prom mo until 1961 an num woe Inn Pull must rotor were the only thing bold ttguptndependuieantQucbec prophet limos cornolItnnd about PM the movie who In so no lnotdrrtnrthelqtnwlna clear delity to he next pm incill election it will have to get no or per oi oi the ulIr me tin levequ It is incoricrtvehia ilnt the minty Eartha ma will he rite the writers ol the ltor he Crortltlistee their pxy curron moon to be vocillallru Vacating Oliices OTTAWA CPI Then it little iign ihni mnny hIPi will vmle their Miiclylinnncrd constituency oilim during the federal election campaign it hIi been three weeks since the election wn called and so tar only eight hive reported closing their officer for the remain This only limit per centage ol the meniberi who vo liken ndvunlige oi the prong which nlloli rundr tor oflch Ipaee and terre lily Commons clerk Alastair trIo rer says more him my me given up their oilicra bid they hive not rind detox in Torn Eel ounrcmtive it tor Saint Johntmeuler il one member who has closed Ni of line but the Comma is tired to continue pIylng because of love obll alloni week Iller the eection tvas celled lilay only four llta hid nolllird hir From that they were vuatlnl thrir oi ricer Dnuilu lliDPNI OCAL maturity more than it 7550 PERFORMERS OLIVETTUNDERWOOD PINE VIEW VARIETY VICTORS HAIR STYLE THE HOUSE OF TOMORROW RADiO SHACK BOTH LOCATIONS EECKERE MILK How would you ilka to tab the pain out oi going to the damn The IlnlnclIi nIIn comic Blue Droia nilre inlo prevam ilva dental one plan tor amnlnyn groups that protect you Ind your unity union the high coil of atom em Tha onurlo Blue Crou Doniil Flirt 7mm lhe cost or luminaliena Coniulialloni epeellio nlsprresllo procamn Anullhllll emin Pm live unle peltshin 25 or root ploym OR Ontario Elua Cree tW Farmid Drive Don Milli OntIrlo MlOlHO Tel It 4201661 for lnlormillon contact Omms Rlnpilon Onllrlo Blue arm 60 King Si Kilehaner onlIrlo N20 2K7 Tall SIS 0754700 BNTAHIQ BLUE cnqss DIVISION ll ONTARIO ROIFIYAL AIIOOIAIIUN we the iiorum ontdrio jpiace SPECIAL TRANSPORTATION AND ADMISSION PASSPORT Per thou who do not wish to drive Include bus transportation to and trout Toronto Ind admlllion to Ontario Plieo Adult Student It to l7 years Girlch 12 vein and under accompanied by an adult Transportation via School tlur PASSPORT FOLDERS AVAILABLE AT ENTERPRISE VARIETY MIDWAY VARIETY 400 GRILL HOOARTH RED WHITE LOU OOEDEMONDT REAL ESTATE JUFP REAL ESTATE WALKERS OENERAL STORE hinallii can be included iorproupa oi Talkie the people ou work with Talk to youramployar NI nlIrle BluI cross tIP meniath can tailordenial plan lolliine tpeelile naadl ol your employee group 250 onurddy dune