mu who MJMsazu 2ul man MIR mm lm TLN STRUUD an HODAND IAIY Bank the Teachings 0i Iohn Calvin Claire Presbyterians Distinct isynraxonwn wandIrma Playtcriau dodtv t2dr your charam ms the teaching ct Jun MA WISHI ark hm mdvtd Lama vllure Itthhidl Maw on Church Directory Milk III on ttnandnboutxcon mIItIWJnItottwacon ecued IT Lita Sonnet at VON thrco borne vml horno Mt need rarbtie hwmwmfmlmmswWumn in to my notes tact returner historimiiy and mm the yum Record II II Inckamorlas Coma rC at Geneva who that not turfin mien ohm ol cation tallied him mm his and In on plesum ct Itle Iiistoriu have not been Lind to Ohio raya To Racord dlltial Mullet cl theCInadiaa Lunch Win in Briuuiand Lb ulnalatre movement moved to ma may Lb Ramona and otber tar ropcIa countrth and Insured the am Returned in tho British Isler the moment and in chucth Iere lid Presbyterian It took tinn not in Scotland The openlnl Icnicacc It The rock ol Forms tba om claLrucI ot procedon tor tho Pmbytcrisn murch In Cam Ida which thII year nboeno Iu nntenniu Itth that the church In Melanie conlln uiiy with the mum oi sm lInd rclurnxd in i060 sunvwcn WAR But It Is capblsiwd In Start iiittor at tho Presbw trrlan that In Canada pub Itthod by the church In 1031 that tho Crosdiln church uhiio greatly Inllutnrxd by scotttth Presbyterian churcth In docian and Iona ot worrhlp It not auboervtcat Io lbo Wm 01 Scotland there Control courc to on rat no trial viewed with thatth an by Presbyterian looting bsdt hailccntury to the dlll war IRS when the lawn at church union not the church It now the third largest ProIIsIInt dcnomlnI Iion in CanIdI with about mom woununtcant mem brrI in 101 contention The Fresh crIIn mm In Canada ha II he nalnp June 15 ms when titat general assembly war rvn atltuicd In Montreal 11 tooth ucmrIl Itunbiy will open Suntloyt Juno In Kitchener OnL will thI InIII planned Ior Montreal to IunI ot nut ycar Tho church was Iormod oi union oi tour dittuont hunches oi Picslrytcrtanism Tho Presbyterian Canada In connection with the Grinch cl Scotland Ibo Clil Ina Iralbytcrlan Church the Imbytcrlun Giuldt ot IhI ovt It 5mohucti Maritime provinces In con nccuon with tho murch ot SlollIrvd totIi oi Sol minlttcre iit coufrcrnllons and common that entered the un Ion ot 1m luulrnn IN In telling the lory ot Im bylcrionitm in Canada tho Short History goes back to it bctinning in i000 and nyt mo ruvpondcram oi the Scots Ind lrilh in tho Presby tartan attach ha at time unsound the wild contrlou tlor 0t 0th racial groan oi the Itclonned pcrcuutton In dcai tho that rcprcIentntlws at tho Rclomwl outlook pnd practico on Canadian aoii wcro tho liucucnota the trench CoivinlatI Ilio lirrt ml thrutt ol Proebytcrlanitrn came alter tho ioundinf ot Iiaiitnx In ma vhcn Scottlh and irhh let Ilcra poured Into the colony at Nova Scolia In time other ltroutltu was established in Unpcr and Wcr Canada Ily 1070 It result ct rc olonul unwat the number ol Irctbytcrian ground in Can tda had been reduced to tour two in tho Murltimo provtom and two In Central Canada nnrl tivo an later all came together It the Pretbylcrlan Church in Canada hay the thtoty As In all choralunion ne irritations thcro ucro till which to be overcome arr drtnmodatloru io be made gar tClt IiunIIIYl mm at Sam Inca mum to at the urea MINER Iathahallgenluryaitcuo loo IM in Preabyterim churches Ir Can In no In Winnipeg by Principal Wus IiIm IItricI at Manitoba oh Inc momma Methoduu and malt Cab uoutionaiistItIvmd mloa but Inlay PmbytuiIna bal ked III port to gcncrol Insaniny on rolcmdum thawed that It thIi Inna less than hall Ilia memean Ia nred union The percentage chanted hill to will llll 11 Start Hillary dents tcnslteiy with tho gontroveay that bchrnI increasingly bit Ier Not only were congrega tlon dvidtd on the blue but dirltlom developed within tamtiies that look year to hut In ms worn to United CInIdI wax 379761 tctusod to ratcr ludlng theoiodsn ro lid to the turd oi Scol nd him The rhIl war within tho Canadian Presbytch tor Migrant Ienrtt Ind Iva acrimony has byad no parallel aim the Scottbh Ollle In ISIS 11w miniode thin LI that stian Itrilo Ins the ItItcxntamb who In the sacred nImI engi necrcd Io IImcnIahlI die Unit wu tell at the Prue bytcrlan murclt In Canada Iound ltvcll In dililwlt posi tion Molly coagulation WITlmlllelLlDlll mining1 no wen til church notch to would an church urn thrott II this trying mlod remarla history ltlls rain that to count In better position now in more hopctul poIIUon tor advnu than at any limit alncd 1091 any or arm we unwan lion 1th World Cup contender up mm IcdnesdIy In an ax hlhitlcn tom IIIM pinId IAN H000 at the Videoloo sta The Mariam bounc Iron halttimo ddiclt ainat the Yugoslav tram Vprer nrlng for next montha thorid mp tower tournament ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Scotch Sottlomonl Pmlaytcrian Church Sunday Juno II Im 730 pm REV DR MAX PUTNAM nuctt hIr Moderator 90th OI Atlomhly Klnnlton Ont The PM Chorul PrIIhy tlvlan Men trorn Toronto enlng unit on CLEAN NEW CARS Ball Wu Ir Month SPECIAL WEEKEND RATES iIIARRIE 7288321 7288333 NEWIIIAIUIET mun l05 DUNLOP ST 7264721 OFFICE HOURS ON IIIUIIB Ill AIll NT Fill II All Tlll BATUILDAY 10 AM PM OCornpirio Ind partial removable orntnrcr direct to thl Public to day unconditional Maury BIcIr GuIvIalee Ill new denture provided one It warranty II to lie lusttnrata ll all an drntum Rrpsira Ind rvllnrl IN cha ior conruitatlaaa Mcmbcr ol the Dcnturitl Socion ot Ontario Iccrtdited member our char tor Icrvlccr rmtlorm with the ethical lco trhttluir ertuoirhcd by the Dcnturltt Society Illle Evanun CANADA presents 27th ANNUAL LADIES NIGHT BANQUET Continontal Inn Barrio Ont TUESDAY JUNE Illh 610 pan Glut spam or upon WILLIAMS no lCI EllCS Surwn Toronto Gout Soloist MR DAVID KIRBY Toronto All Lndiu and Men Invited Single or Fain Murray Full Chairman Phone Sdl Ticket 3350 cunisruiu sonar theTRUTH 50cm that HEALS nun 5min puny School ChrIItlu kin Radio krlrI rd Mei Isoath curve not cum lztl Ina 7H II All Telmdly Medial Reading Run om nunnra um mu man an DIL ELDON WILLIAMS ILD vai Mrthcdhtm THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Ilaytield II Dalla CIrl Bill BA 00 PIIto It In Sunday School II Mining mar stoma ron run ounr iill Nu EveIII Srnlu WEDNESDAY 000 pass MIME thlc study no Prayer lieur Convvalelily located qu Concerned CHURCH or THE NAZARENE Cum SI Rut All ONVI SAL IIIrlI Paxton IT Mud Rotten WT Why not loin Ila thi SundIy II we wonhip Himt AIIIInco Church Don It Cool and steel 51a IT KERR Folder SUNDAY MORNING CHURCH SERVICE AT 1030 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 1030 AM anon nunv tramway A1 MI NIIVILTII ttr yea Why Iol led Iiin rcuvate Ilthia yvar FIIIII Worth TIM Pra Iiln Clam An Coming Au AM wow WI WantYou To Coma yvvvvvvivvvvvviv IIIWA CHURCH ANNE ST 400 HWY Richard Cmn PIIIar Ernut Smyth VIIIIIIIon 050 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL AM COMMUNION sconce THE CANADIAN BIBLE SOCIETY PRESENTS AFRICA TODA REV ANDREW ERNDJAR REPORTS ON HIS RECENT TRIP WITH SLIDES OF AFRICA Corning June 9th ROAD TO ARMAOEDDON David WIIkIrIon Film Your Pantcmlal Anemhliu at Canada Congrauctiun PM THE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP OF BARRIE runuc MEETING BUNNY JUNE 130 PM RUNNIDALE RECREATION HALL Speaker TIDV DUKE GRAY Mlnlttcr III UIltIrlan Chord Toronto Euhlcclt UNTIAILIAN RELIEF UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH lenlcu Reid At CT Chlctlu Ch lurk THE SALVATION ARMY l0 Collier Street run am It norm Carp otrtccn Sundayt at 1010 Inn 700 pm PREACTIINO LIVING CHRIST 10 DYING WORLD Futon hnascoraba till Ina Slade Behold it Mu Morning nervch can Errata Dzrvlec Phola lllultM on tor trallpavtatlaa Evcryonc Welcome CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Rou Ind Toronto strut dmd Jim com 042 WChmm Roman Catholic DUNDDNALD AMELIA an M9 SUNDAY MASSES WEDNESDAY EVENING 13 Mn Itau worded or Part Devltieu ITLSI TRIDAYSI Slum mm ma WWW PKIDJRHII ml ITI Steel St Pull MIalIirr org hlra Nm II Mtralu Inhlp Primary cum tundra and II Nlnrry Factuuu ll LII coma School tor all Igu Redaclday nu pass Bibi Shady Ind Pnytl Evrryaao Welcome II Muenlrd ministry FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH OraIIard st nmn at Sunday moo or in whole tInilly 11 In Moralau llorthi live in service wedcad It can Chrbttu Growth liuar Rev IIIan Duran 138730 Berrciuy TENS llIrI Donal lirIIhrrgrr Irirndly Welcome AIIIII Van ST ANDREWS PRESIYTERIAN CHURCH Can It Bill llanley mono Rav Buslrl Stuart MA ALDlv DruIII Cm VII Drum mo us run amum Spcnrr II III mun 11 MRI Manil Werehlp AN EMPTY IIOLSI Norcry Ill Md Clrl TIILIIHII Aullabll All villhu IrlconI Crnighurst Bible Chapel any Cnlunnl FAMILY FELLOWSHIP HOUR Sunday III 709 LUTHERAN CHURCH 220 Steel Street Barrio Rev John Klein Paxtor WORSHIP SERVICE 1100 am SUNDAY SCHOOL 00 am You Arc Welcome At EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In St Vincan Start Burt ON THIS FAMILY CONFERENCE WEEKENDI Ai SUNDAY sutoot FOR ALL Anti 00 Al MIL MACK 100 PM REV WILLIAM CRURIT DIRECTOR OF FAIRIIAVBN CMIPAND Tllr SING LNG TECKIIAMS FAMOUS CANADIAN RECORDING ARTISTS WILL SHARE TIILI IIIDGRAM One at BIrriIa FrlIndly BlthvBIlldvlng MInlonIvy Churehla THE ANGLICAN CHURCH sr GILES cauncn TRNTY CHURCH ST GEORGES Norton and Granville lundIy Rervlcc 000 and 1030 Irn Rector Tl II Kl Im uh Vtmnn Itch Great Men For God ehvven mm COLLIER 51 UNITED CHURCH It Colllrr 5r tNur City Hall Parlor William FrIt PENTECOST SUNDAY CONFIRMATION SUNDAY II AM WORSHIP Ii AM OH GETTING AND STAYING IN TOUCH warm welcome to all nununuunuuunuuuumu ContirmIIIon Ind Reception of Member Sacrament oI Holy Communion GOD IS NO FOOL Welcoma to MM ChrIIIClntrcd PImlIyI THURSDAY EVENING PREACIIING SERIES June Itlll pnu TI Itch Rumblll Manual 0min Illrumor Period Cool SIMS The Yen Itatll Tool The Rev um Pierr Itld In 1000 In iioly Communion Church School Ind Nunrry ESSA ROAD Pmbytrrian Church Em ltd II Durtu Ave IV II III TLD Irlrplloal motto Mu Morton ovlanltt 1100 am Morning Worship The Act It Comprumlin Nunrry Iarilltlu Alllllble Ian Sunday khool Iranian to Teen You are Invited to vrorlt Ihlp vrlth we any chlldrca Irrth oi pralre or toll Iloner HuadIy II it Ina BURTON AVENUE UNITED CHURCH Minialert Itev Pardon orIIaltt Mr GIrrIIIy Ilnly Communlol II Calttvl It In JIM Imrt utter nun Runny Ann DAY or PINTICOST twat Ionavi Iter Communion II 4am lucIIrtII III Sum uvnur NI UwII Inn will mum late on It In turn ml rail FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH It INN lasicr Rev II Elluiv II Codnlltl ll Plan WI IYDRSIIIT SERVICES woo Irn tIluIchI tltoc rn IIID Nit Everyone Wrirom lnnday Aiming IIIIII IIch In God Roar Clll IM III Hill It Ins CHIC Klll 130 Worship drrvirn OI CARL In Sunday Grova tit East It Cool st Mtoirtrr Rlv Arthur storey lltto am Morning orehlp iurlt Spralcvt hlr lion ilmine Church School too am and 1100 am Ntttury Facllltlrl Avvllaolc on Welcome