Whmwmwwm Mwnm4wuwmm preamp alarm Ir m1 borrar harm rm Sean ma Publlaharewal Manager WJI WIiiI Editor Ernarllug MIXWAY HA1 21 mt With This Credit Almost every day the postman brtnga variety at to our home re could be letter from an old or from rchtive Perhaps theres ma araile The usual junk mail also arrives plus an Iaaortmont oi Milt One item arrived just the other day wthldt pleased me lot You could cai thinitom audit card It looks 11on like most of the conuncmlal card that poof wry Therea name and number Indila nude oi durable plasticlike material But unlike most credit cards intend to use till one just as much as can And one oi the best things about thin particular credit and la that no matter ow many times Its used no one is going to rend you bill Dy till time feel Ive raised our curiosity enough ill tell you What LI lirI lied from Blood Donor credit card in IEO itscli console what you are mort Ontario PAGZA ac ucnce oi tth the ea lead to blooddem nmatimes can more time than the ritual donation Hmhar Maw ldller C2ne NevyeIfGots Bill Cord WE Icreaming Ill in Ute Up until now there ha been no way to avoid the the new card will be the Ioiutlon but aven it you still have to wait on can yourseil with the bowl go that posiba delayl Hopelully two in country drl III bad been eutratlld tortured beyond belied pri waiting for is important And dont think theres anything Int thInIgood blood donor clinic Not that therea much to complain about in Barrie Clin irs around the Irea and especially the tour hold each year or the general pub lic in Barrie rInir among the best In attendance It llowever they could be better And the only way they can be made better it by getting ncw doncrI to come out cm no worry about the old donom ll theroa anyway they can make It The were and Ill get my rst chance to use it Thursday Until visit the clinic Im not sure what the advantage of havihg such card will be Perhaps it will apced things up bit At blood donor clinica the records mult be exact Therea no room for er ror when youre dealing with an item that could mean the dilllrrenco between lite and death to some people AI con 75 NEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northarn Advance May rm stapielon Caldcoott pm president Toronto Board Trade addressed largo group Barrie bualncaa men on imitation lilayor Wells Rom llaiilax to Vancouver there Is wave or prosperii Caldoeotl commented Barrie at or Oamdaa emergence rorn some yum csalont Barrier beauty or situa tion on thia lovely body oi water iii an returr than the Of Mr araileled believe it It mot Napier He no ed ol lnduatry in town but cautioned Igalnat bonus Inducemenia lla thought there was fine op ortunlt for furniture and Barrie ahould have is In excellent tou hotel and au gestcd It was the duty and opportunty oi the Grand Trunk Railwa to build one Ho promote industry and local economic Rd it Marga tlhaltdmcidhdagla era pa ea inghting and work together Calde nottj concluded liev ll Pearson ached impresalve sermon It Collier William growth And when donora theyll be there use that expression old donora lm not talking about the age oi anyone There are man young today who quality for latte people or old The clinic Tuesday la to be held In usual at Trinlt Parish Hall So Tuesday the big day We your chance to be hlesavcr Who among you can resist ouch etrallengei DOWN MEMORY LANE Foresters attended Group or Adan ng iia Lima rm itll the shortage can lion Fur 21 liter petition ror dale cliizeru attended wan Couridl Iair ing permission to lrorn Bapla lhe aration liago ol Alla ale had only lolned the town at Barrie II Ward Six two yearI earlier in min Council decided to try and settle Allandaie griev ances at once They largely concerned proteaton road and atreeta in that area across the ba including Burton Avenue Essa ltmd lln Gowan Dumber Ilol ate and Contra rlreota Cl zena Band gave ilrat outdoor concert oi season at Port other Square Anticipated lar ntunbor at Ameri will want to vtait IIA talented actor with touring Bros Canadian thornloci com any died suddenly at Queens Hotel Methodist Church when 80 mcmbcra cart seizure during Barrie engagemerr oi Court Norlh Star Ancient Onicr oi WW3 II IIlerIion pl edlo on cumlll leplrv trIII laled lrnthl PinchlangngI prgaa ol CIIIdI dum In Drallr The Bank olzcauIdI hu JuIl continued tha nancial inmrd trend by lnqrualng ilI interest rate to at per cent alluring he that the chartered banka Ind oth er wrll Iupport the central in in thII inertare Despite these conltaut In rrassca tn lire Inlcrut rule the demand for credit re mrnna him Moreover the rnaiorlly el India instt that their clienla have liquid asset mounting in It least 25 par rent ot the value or tile borne ln ideal title Terri Examiner ll liayllcid Street llarrie Ontario Telephone maul second Cilia Mall llegiatrrrtlrru lib rher lilnl llurrrn portage guaranteed Daily Sunday and Statutory ilolirlava mooted Subacrlption rate daily by urrlrr 70c weekly teeth yurv Iy Single copier 15c lly mIii Barrie tit yeariyr slmeaa County emu ycIrIy llalIncI at Canada tam yearly All other ruuutrrr mu ycarlvl llolor throw all ram yearly tonal Advcrllatng tililcca as Queen St unit Toronto I6 mo ll Gallicer El lien eII Member at lha Canadian lren dAudit Bureau at Circuit Iionl The Canadian Final in cxclurv lvcly entitled to the use tor to publication at all ucwI dIlPllih nthII apcr rrrdltrrl In it or ThI Associntcd lreIa ur ilnulor Ind IIau til local news publilll Id therein The larrla EIIrninrr claimI ight in all original advcn tiling and editorial material at Ited by III elnplolzea and re produced In lhir newtpaperu Copyrlglvl ltrglalratuln Nulrll her routs register at FRENC main conditions belore granting mortgage loan And there ideal condition Include that the llvuIa II well situated with maxlrrarm at acrvioca The intention ll clear the hanlcn want to lillla the how ing martct Towardr what type at ml dcncw are there chairmen who are incapable at having aooma to oredil being Nelle liigh rim remain the only recouru However in till Icciur nl rhourinl price are rising ra Idly it II nilcn necusary it prymore than me month tor lwobadroom lpurtmcni lhare la aogreat IVIil ahilliy nl Iparivneuia Ind there iI avert IcIrclly In ravine nuurldpaliiiea Ultra prim wlll dotbllen go luv again When the IiluIlIon going In cndr The umber bl Iplillllllli available iI not great cnmazh tor the game or demand and Iuppiy to work towards lowering ol reall Crodit II more and more in Iocoarihla tor the middlein eoma conaurncr Unlear Incentive meaalarea Ile combined with threat til lei Ipeculalive iegiaiallon one rlntrilndiwg nncicil will Illllellrparkcl Ind an even higher roll of housing licrre Tromhlny ltlvy hlnnlrell Le Ilevairt Lender lrlarglnrli party which Ilarcly obtained Icvcn per cent at the vola in the tart legislative eilcilona Valery IiIcIrd dFatIrng hu li ailiicvad in two math cat which Iceman impervihie immediately allowing the ricth oi Gentch lompldou lluving elrmlnnlcd the mall Itlppllrlrrl by the maivrlly purly in tile iirIl round Ill vnt lug he hru ulelvlmla the Hill candidate lupperled by the Irlllli pariiew llyI curioua tumor ctr rumstnum Ihlr lllllllllll man hi the minority tlnda hirruril called in lhr no duny omn eullro UltliCll people It oi three nights at Grand Opera llorrso HLIINGUIIGE PRESS AI much as Mr victory im premcv Ill cellaidering how unthinkable it would have been am week ago it IIIe lrlghlml when onI tllinh el the harsh obslIciea wnltiug lor the new president Giacerd Dlalallrg in auc ccedlng leorgel Pompidou owe his victory Ibova Ill to Mr encmtional personality which made him appear the moat competent oi the candl dalea Ieeidng to succeed the dead prerideni Illa IdvcrIIrIcI tried to lrielllily Glacard dFiIlIlng wllh narrowrrlinded and stupid ngnl and by NIY llig on thin they rniailidgcd the IGiilil Despite the propaganda in lo thorn lnllliom of French men pralclred to examine each candidrta cIlmiy II II not Ilrrprlrlng that their rhoch tinally lell onthc cant rildate who reamed to be the onewho had the hidiest da gree of competence and tech uleal maalerl IlilallticI which thou who are governed like to Ice in their Icadera then darn For the political Iulura ol iraMa thI resulll obtained by Francoirhlitterrlnd Juli Ia Ilgnillcapt II the tnly oi illrcard dllalaln ltvu lrenrh ilIvI rejected iha ihancc tailored them to con lwlmmale the immune ol the Corrununlai party Into Ill tlonal lilo by giving It chance to participate or the that time since the end at the Second World War in the op errtlom at lrench govern meal The new club which the tell her taken in France is prob ably lull ll Important lor thI illiuru II the lure victory which he Just been wnn by rompcirnl Ii ltrlrdly repreaeh Inltur man taking Into Ir rwrlll lite nrganired political error In Ilia wunlry Clavda llyan Ally Till othert Barrlellliil Iummer Will Ill time real dem able to provide house accommoda ptcuo contact the town clerk Elizabeth bl Methodist Church motioned Willi special sorvim conducted by Rev Dr Chambers Prealdenl Toronto Center cncc Sunday morning and evening llluairoira man heldln county all at Bar rie charged with chuction egg Ionretina under lbey IrI med II rout by Malice Still sire lt 5555 3153 Ear here People put dont Iam lo Innav roe Ive been din owned by both my luniiy me hi and lb me again It widet tau done any good DID YOU HEAR THAT wmmmummmm mam24 rm Kl lNTERPRETING THE NEWS GreekTurkish Conict Is Problem For NATO by turn cunulv rlll CANADIAN ritual The Ilmmcrlng vita II be tween Greece and Tur ey over till righla in the Angolan Sea with lhrcala that it may develop Into an armed eohllioi la rIuI lng dec concern within the Al lInlic lllrrce An open cleah beiwocn the two countriua controlling lhe North Atlantic Treuly Organ izationa lollilIollliel leak would be IlrIiegic catasb rophe In the view at many ob IEIVCTI Dlpomallc murmur that NATO authorities and United htniu diplomat have inter vcrlcd urging both ride to avoid eiaab that would throalen the WeatI dclonce Itructure In that area The quarrel Ilarled about tour month new when Alberta prnlerleri Igatrul Turxllh government decirion in grant nil drIlIin right near seven Greek laandl Iome located clolcr to lite Nrklrh coarlt than to Grme OTTAWA iaIUN llOlIllUlv One hopeluI algn in the con llicl between lie twe eounlrlea already divider over the Cyprus tqu that they have agreed to meeting between their lor clgn lnlrliltcrv in Ottawa June ale lollowing the NATO lorolgn mnlliera cowlcrence them Some observers Iuggeal that it the two govcrrunenla agree to propoanl to mume Willa tiolu In Cyprtu on the tulure oi lhal divided inland Umt the It morphere might improve lor rein atterrvplI In warit out oornpromlle on the Aegean ell dlrmle Joseph bunt oi the Nether landl who NAN accrualy general hat voice in tree LETTERS TO EDITOR Ml Band Grant Be Coming As An Election Goodie Dear Sir have sent the lollowulg letter to the recreinry at little Itating my dilappolnllnrnt In the liar rie Central Collegiate Druid not receiving lodernl grant to Illpron their iortIuoming trip to loiiand Secretry at state Department ol legal AdtiIer lfitl Sinitr lled Ottawa Ontario near bin ration herein molevnr ripr ping Irrun Tim Globe and Mali and me two local reweprparl Incluitng Ill editorial must IiIte my toclrn noymInce Ind dirI of In ntrnent VALUlln AT rnorraarrna boiil II trustee lor the sim 1Ila largest known rmnl roe County board oi Education Mich 220 troy ounces and tr and anvtndlviduei that the valued at worm OcnIrIl Collegiate Band oi liar rla lild not receive any lederal Iupport ior their loniwomlag trip in llellarwi lhir hand has brought honor Alltl lame to lie lraden llme cla parawu thla city this re gion and this country tor wane number at yeara by in excellent pcrlotmlncel both It home and eborad when so many other uscieca program are Illildlud hy the lederai government and ltle rry worthwhile are in Ignor III nlte MI in cunsllicr that unrat ity and clocllruredr aomnt lug thin gnvrnunent don netrcr nllltae would Ilupaot howave that rim there lI now In ciian on that there may he grant lorihrarnrug II gtodII rllrg truly coupon IAllll Ttilklili rclaileria dating back te lila 11161 Cyprus crue hII uteri hll ottlce to appeal to both tountrlca to apply restraint Salmon any that NATI Im bauadara tram the two coun trio wught to assure lama the Iitualion not critical It many wnuncultllan MIMI EXPERTS IVATGI Neverlbclw NATO exportI are watching daleiopmcnta II the Turklrh government gnu ahead with planI to lend In ntridgfplll Imu into Ae gean water in lhe real low weeks to lelta roundiu prelim 1m to all expieralon Borne Greek Iourccl have warned that thla challenge to GreeteI preponderance in the Aegean Itreiching between the two neighboring mutual might provoke dangerouv dilemma Sewral irlcldcnlI between luhin boat Ind naval patrol mil to Irldcsl tension to the ntuatiwn lleanwhllc lirea ls moving awlllly torrent rvarnllng In mlidrmlzillg ill turret IIlll Ital led to Turkish umuallena oi Il Icged Greek war preparation and Turtlah demnltralinha against the Greek conlulale In lrlanbui Greece whlch llrrt covered the premieo of ex piollnbb oil de lltg in the An genu ll regulating wilh bolll ance and lilu lor nrnla Vblla obstacle in live Its Congreu may delay lulther American military aid lnr Greere deal with France worth the crplivIlcnl at about 170 million or morn lu pianos tantra Ind gunboaia rcporicd to have been agreed in prln clple delayed only by the ralt clout hrencl pmtdenllai elec torus lOllllll TO THE PEOPLE NEW YORK lAIl Curl eulldaled Edison cmrrpuler II bored and out came lean electricity bill in lira Spirit Greenherg wilase average monthly calla had been avvr aging tit they nevar 1f 55 ill to ca dfgtqmewuvm arldal uu mm PallInd they hum mum may GIVEN MINING BridgetInd George bow Iver bad numm caller an hour Ilter they moved in le Iahd me III CHM lie Bridget IIld Ind told berl III but that wed been married In my hurbande lProieatIrA church Sbe handed me In eavca lope Ind told rule that it we ruled it would be the end in both cl we and lot the lath who owned the home when opened the envelope there war picture man lytng binding in meet lcnuidnl Iee Illa hell didnt know whobewubuiwo bolbollu knew what it meant The Mil in no more no iorlous lor in treatment mixed erIlueI than the Falls Road or other Cllbeile areal Both are equally lcloue Ind it will only coinci dentIi that both lnlrrvlewI dealt with people who had tried to live in Protestant arm Were ilnt net lnltrertod lauraiigloo id our parent In and we couldnt talk to them abollt iLrso we Iontvto Catholic prieal tlltl print and IIII him in mm said ld do any tldnl he aid of me lie laid in didnt want Imthing to do with we lie tmled my wile like clot and told to go why We went next to march oi Iro lIrad llaoleelIotl mlniltcr and be married light all ml min Ibowed in kind or covrlparllon George IIld that alter the nodding brill role Dllfnll r5 21 lg 53 of E3555 aligl ea egseea 15 gas pl gr it at 35 it at SE ll OLD mu narrower Since then Prelerleala Ind Calbollca vaI Itartod layering Into dilieleot areas The old horlihtlca Ire rwi up Ind or people like el Ind George in mixed marriages the noble ei terror they tell in Wall bu rrllnncd either side note to pro tect llld George and can tell lrom Ibo way people are alariing to treat me It work that both sidel would like to gel Mi Regardless ol wbIl bap pena there in little lb or in tiny emulator can hem lbemulves WI me two IlnIil chlb dren Iaid Briton and when theyre old ramped tell them to lorget Ibout God and religion and all that Ind lust look on peopll Ia people We dont want them thinking about God and chandler II we cut lust live long enough maybe we can meh better life tor them our Job is to IlIy Iliva and well move II alien and II II we have to to mid the hub err think well lnInare Ibo rIya alter pause not Io cure Clintons sunny Water Route To The Pacic 111 BOB BOWMAN The early eimierera booed to lind water route acre 0am Ida that would lead to the PI ollic Thea hopee Were not ela Iinty rplulled until 71417 when Sultuel llearue made hie lrio born lludeon Bay to the mth oi the Corglormine lLiver on the roast oi the Arctic own mm wu to ing to lacover route in ion lie had been told by young Frenchmen neared Vlqu that the Ottawa lliver led to In poem met there ma In English wrecked on the short lumpiain loll SI lloleaa bland on AW Ti 1013 and paddled up the river until III got to omentday llenlrew There war trail to Muskrat Lake Ind he blew In indlan chic wtn lived there lie thought he might get more in Iorrnationlmm hiln Charmalaln walilod from the ottawg litm te the late carry in acute alumliaa The mea qulloea were bad Ind Cham Blloln awaiting them with re that he dropped hia Ialloiahe an instrument tor da iemllulrg longitude and tub turie lla wasnt able to llnd It Then the lltdlun older lIugbtd It Vlgneua Ilory Ind the young man Massed that it was lie Champlain couldmot continue the trip without an IIlrolIbe and tile lndiIlu accompanied him back to Glaudicre Fall which In in the heart at no lawI today Here lth per lormcd In lutemtlng ceremony to protect mountain Iralmt all enemies They paued It Into whHI every menu the party dropped tome lobIeco and in the plat iota Ind timed Due oi Ule mldl long rpeedl Ind then mIrnpiIlla rt 31de Illa Journey down the The lost astrolade waa louud to real armor when he waa ploug on lield It wII in remarkable lllil ol pre lrrVIliou Ind the date of ill nunutacture tore could be clearly new ltlanowlnamtucurnlnNW Yolk DTIIEII MAY EVENT termrun entered Strait of Belle tale ea lint lopage la Gluada tiltsLI Verenqu ml rod to build tort on Lake Winnipeg rala Americana captured run George Niagara lulHlblllax and Saint John were made tree porla choitiah Iettler took up lloNab trout llcnlrew County lainlord Dudlam Inlvctd le be Governor oi Canada loudMontreal Mining Corry pally began cluttering prevent Thunder may Irea More limbo tent Iilver epesll was build rosewulre ran Ina vuten hallway instruction hogan IDllsplillghlll NS opal mlncrI ended Ilrlle that Item in 1W INSlvorlda Irrat cooper ative rcllrlrry opened It lie glnn leNeriormdhnd Md Iirat provincial election uldlthttmmmhxtm Till PICK or PUNCH le coupimpair Aim Ind would you care to cmurrre Ian wnvlvilriruvilvanmm dInI in the it