MWN MI LWu 3573 PAGE Hour wu0m050=uf11 111 11111111111 710111 Do Not Allow Them to Starve FOR FREEDOM Uld Name lirsoinrd 11 Cl 11 911 1111111 VT 111 31 11 1111 ilf No All Date I1eil 11 if 11 iy 11 11 11 111 Taking Offirers ourse 1111111114 1111 11 i11 1111 111111 11 ll1e1l 121 loonyt 171 ii 11 3124111 llewitl 1111 1111 11 at the 1111011111 ll tir lulu ll 111 1111 111 llil Kiln1 IIIJ 111111111 11 ll 1011 1121 lii 111111 Alis Staiiier Iloy Iraisid 31 ll 11 1111 D1 111 Mr 111 Mi N1 111 11 11 litli1il 1101 111w 2111 11 1111 111 Yll mph mm 11117 311 1llittl living iv 11 Hm 11111 11 11 111111 111111 cut tltlt1 11111 il 21 111 11 Wall 114 11s and ltllltlit 1y 11 111 as Ipr ilso icrett 111 9111 sstei Common11 1A 111 111 11 Iilil 111 7111 lows Yoiii 5111 11111111111 11 llxlll Main 111111 111111 21 111 lltl 11 1111 Alexander 111101 11 Min 110 1lllT VII il Willllllt 111151011 23 was 111111 i1111ly liked ill person In 311 lliiliiti 11 and Wings larade loinorrow 11 IIl0Uii Illl Considered 112111 11111 of 121 1111 No 319 TS no iolilpcteni irelex iininei lllltltll WW gt11llfl Ii1 llsiwl iiid had ieioiniiiihlcd 11111 111 11c parade11111111111111within111111111 commissioned 11111111111111 1111111l ti llrownell lorf l1N1l naval officers report 1111011 Aprii was the leader of tllt 11111 1l1 illlf tiiiilzon in connection with 1111 39 1943 icfciitil to the llllillllill which eradiiated on May II 111er 11111 311 1101 lilnllltl Pilot Officer 111e5 came from all lill1 of tlieiiloimltf1111115 Ieillllsiii L12 Wey Dominion 11 111 1711111111 811105 liner Ulli SINl 111 the Dlgtlllzitlligtlwtl land and Newfoundland iroiipiFlyiiiQ Cross announced Captain ziiliiilclly 1111 111111111111111 last week The citation is coiiiiiiaiidiiiu officer mode lllti 15 follows Since joiniiii presentation and Wished the Illtll 513111111111 Pilot Officer Ferguson llllO to his iiltlll by 1115 coolness iii the most Set Dicks Newfoundland 111 Illltllgte situations lle has led his 115 jllll in the Officers Mess Llllllitl now stationed at Comploilot to 111401 Willyll lllVL llldllll 55011 and Tur and keen lieis of 11107011155 the 111317111 incl lillt been of great as lle also presented it certificate 11 Borden who was mentioned Ill 711 Berlin Ciiloeiie despalches for efforts overseas lie 11 will great effic Viisisliul down 111 Beluiiim ant Ties llltiflnllllll ILKAIIIINILR BARRIE ONTARIO CANAL 1111 CADETS PRESENTED WITH ENSIGN HVI CLEAN UP BRIGHTEN UP LOWE MASTER IAINIERS FINISHES Gallons $395 Quarts $125 EUARANIEED PAINT Garden Rakes 59051115 SPADES 85c up ILY For Greek Relief iNNisriL NOT By II Ullllctl Inspects Towinhip rut IIJJ Run lviv Iixl H111 31 Ly 5151031 11111 lazk Fittl Office 15111 fie went Iva SPECIAL PAINT and ENAMEL 79c Qt 113Ll ufti 31111111 015 boy they Stock of FISHING TACKLE fairly cuiiipletc ROOFING 35 lb $169 All Sizes in GALVANIZED COPPER or BLACK SCREEN ARDWA Phone 2556 zteo 11 11 1111 he stole 111111 Still 11111 111 clove1 Ii ROOFING Roll $198 VIGORO FERTILIZER for PRODUCTIVE GARDENS EMPKE 71111111111111 St ilvtll lu 11e had 11110 to 110 111111 1101111 of 1101 Ii 1111 II till 11 t1111111 ill 1e111iiit 11f No lHVol llt1llr 111111111 crimpierloiLs 111 Help tptc antien Mobile thaptti 111111 luv 111111111 here ll 111111111l01iii111i fAi ii1li will but llii tlllll Iltl 111 went ii1mst 11111 11 11i1ie1111 15111 In liilltii li 111 Pic Ileiirv 13Kf1lloilen with his llllftllfs Wheeler from Seclcys 11111111111 Jack Pros loronto Don Duff li 11111111 11 1151122111 11 Toronto people v11 tun 111 lla ll illar 11 111111 llomclv start 11 Mrs Harold and 111111 110 diftlltc of i0 All of 11111111111 llie 1111111 1111 111 1111 police are Jack 1111131011 111311113 ioidiili 11111 1111 111111 io1i11 11111iiy 1111111aii1 tereiiiuiit 11 11111011 1111 hollow 11111 ruisisttd of if the colours This was iiiiest Lewis United Mr Mrs Jack Milk 13110111 and Inlva Booth IoIoiito With Mr and MIS Booth Trenton Wllll 111111 15151111 tonsiileialile Storm Iiiiiigc Along Shore 1101 11011igtle 11111111111 11111 1111 LIltld law 1111111 itll toiiiplitely 11111111 11y lil1l illlltt 1ltli iiv lltl llli ti1i llit Illiuis Illlt vaugt011 111111 1viv 11 111 1s The and 111051 1111111 llcv 11 11131131 111 15 Ivill1 hereby dedi aizd the lit Barrie Squadron of 1r i1etsof aiiid1 this En t1 them an emblem Minty and selfdisci pine lkllilitlllltl them of the prin values for ACL llill liviii with liLs wife and family Oscar Miicliell llamil toil with his brothers and sisters Monday 11 2111311 1111 and 151111109 ill zii dale 1111 11 111 11111 311in 11111i1 l1 11 ll Vtlt 111curred 11 31 17 11111 the accused 11111 custody the fol louvii15311111111111g 11 11101111101111 Ilili Illlt 111111 111 11114 011 allegedly itol Wilu tilled WlIll elec 1911 fixtiiics toleinaii 11111115 Illtl 11111r not brink1n Geo with his parents Ioroiito with her father Shower for shower was held for tll new lyweds Mr and Mrs 1011 Cherry nee Marion Carter who received many useful presents the people Miihcr Iorgnto Mziilorie SWltZtl 1111 111 1111 11 N11 1111151 II 1111 v11 raid 11111 Newlyweds 021er 1111115 1111115 lucakuhtcu 111111 =111li1 1111 1111111 yiiiiy 3111 to he 11 yonjlp Lou 11111111 Shortagc of vlttllll Help 10iiitd in having Farmer Labour gosls and only 11111 1111 111iit1111 there were 11111111101 111 failiieis of liiiiisfilmhl Ullwlnl lhumw mo car piefcired by 1110 Toronto lzce llgttSgtlIlll 51111011 goods pre ferred by 1111 York County police 1111 1111111111 and entering preferv 1111 by police in Siiiicoc County 11 NEW LOWELL EU 111111 101 1111 111111 Lane and 111111 and their 1111111 obliizatiun to 1l1ii1 their country as men citizens and 111 son of letjivl Mary St and which they Fellows follow 11 by of the evening WA alectinz llic Womens Association met at liollle of Mrs on lliursdav afternoon luiicli selvtti dancing was mum for the rest llllls Illllf1 to think up Jobs 1111 111111 1111 had they been able 11 111111111 tlieiiimtliis piiin rains have 1gt1l til Lilitilll little 11lill have been 15111 211111111111 of the future gt llie Ensign 11115 received by Iilot AlwliilllliLtll irxd Stevenson while the liie Wall 111 Thomas The 01e11 Eitl 1111212111 1111110 on Illllllzt 11 1111111111 $111110 band played itd Save the King mi followed lt past with ilie linsicii being carried llltilll 1110 110111 of th t1lm 1511231111 1112 The Ensign vaspiesiited by April lloilulas lloyd of Toronto who in 1111 111111 11111 111111 111111 12111111 few Dir1HlllllllxltlCSSCdhiS pliasiire it being given the priVII 111 presenting the Iiiisiun of the congratulated excellent 1111110115 This was march ietiu 11 1111121115 who have lielp are 11111111 if they Ilttfll wli llvl column of par Chum will tiieii wonder 101 11 111 11111 s1iilicicnt to warrant lllLll cost now 11111 11111 advanced the hostesses Mrs Mrs Murray and plav is to be given lll Wisley llall Friday Mrs 11 111 and iii spiing 5110111117 done se1n iiiglit Stainton ftllllllltz lice on Wednesdav Barker llflllht here to Jeriv Laiiier Charles held lLeague squadron izii nice and Mrs Geo has sold licr Great credit 111 li itlaisliall St i11111 Mrs tomptiments to Writer of 11 11111211 1115 received ciniy of nurchills History ipperu my 111clier WE STILL HAVE P1118 ORANGE WIIIIIC SHELLAC BIZAIS ALI SUBSIIIUTES mason SEED Special 59c lb Turnip Seed 85c lb PI ROOFING Roll $235 Caiiio Iittloil as wcl 11 the pupils ur and duty 11 1itliillstll the Empire Gary be ttillllv our heritage and 0111 conduct day in day ttltrl to lite in accordance with Eiiipiie stands Londoners Grateful for Jinn Sent England Dear Madam Will you Dlmsc coiivcv our vcrv izratcfiil thanks to all concerned for the lovelv iiisn berrv jam It is beintr much on Joyed by our children in the east end of London It really is jam W1 feel you kind people are 40111 51111111 For llicv are Jolly modimmom good deal to 59nd Mrs Carter Rood wishes The YOU AN SAVE You can save many tunes ments iii The Barrie Examiner Melville Haverson Pctuwa Tins column deiies 111 tlillllll IS llUllll 1W 11 ICW lays Congratulations to Mr and Mrs leonard Robinsml 011 the baby Mrs John Wood Stavncr paid After the final march past with Group aptain CarlingKelly tak ing 1h salute the Air Cadets were dsmzsscd The weather turned out 111 be ideal for the ceremony The RCA Band played num oar of selections in the bandstand greatly to the delight of the audi Afterwards the visiting of rs were entertained by the K1 ESTABLISHED 1899 inciit Walter lleivc wiitei the very line and interesting art icle on the history of lltlltlllll1 published in last weeks Ilxaiiiincrprior visit in Mr and would be splendid if there were Paddison last week gtoiiieone in each village and 1111111 let who would make 11 record oflIiVL mlm in Mrs the hack history of the community Illlllill irl Mrs Ed sound Growth P10 and Mrs Schcll and faiiiilv Just Treatment Carmans CllCL at Old Sunnidale flee l11p51 syiiipatliy is felt forjhe Mrs lensoni 1wli11 died suddenly in Barrie Inst 11 10W Just Treatment to policyholders and benex ficiaries is but One reason for 43 years of successful Continental Four Square Service More Cottach Rnnsacked Several more cottages at Iloiiscaveek Sinieoe valuables tfiiends 111 the late the rm ourics Potato Profits Why Be Procurede Luke Mr and Mrs Frank Sharp and 11 ranccs Toronto lmlidays nyvlththCltlttPTSSTSWY7 cours Beach ransacked 111111111 the weekend of May were taken 211111 sited over the lMi and Mrs Horace Gllpin Mr and Mrs Toronto NTITIINTIFIIEINSURANBE BUMPANY HEAD OFFICE GRANT MAYOR Tina 150 Dunlop Street Barrie Three youths were airestcd 1in Richmond Hill when the stolen 0111 BM was found parde in Itlllllcllbinifh M11und Mrs Goo Duff Mair lune near that townllie car con Horie Rowe tziiiied considerable Constable Carscaddcn assisted minIon B11105 Allfllcl MEWS Dun Iocziting the cottages entered getting the goods identified cottages which were broken iiitoi ronto chkcnd visitors From Protection Ke and daughter lliciurgcnt demand for potatoes for military and civilian consuiiip tion places responsibility upon Ontario growers ocst crop possible in 1943 An ob JCCllVC of atleast 10 per cent 111 creaseiiiprodttctinnovcf1912 requested With and friend with the loot Illlltlels Harold parents and das with and Mrs Thos isiitcs Miss Aiiiiic Johnston Ham llIUll and Raymond Patton witli Mr andiMrs and The produce the To Put COLLECTIQNU labour for seed potatoes higher than usual it is more impo1tantthis year than ever before to provide the best in from disease with providing abundant supplies of readily available plant food for the growing C591 7777 experienced eachycar from such potato tuliei sca ICC and prices protection together WHCETVI kisses EEETINENTEL Efficient Service Consistent Progress TORONTO Company TIllllfziliftii MAY 1943 principl for which the British The secretary of the Wonr 11s Institute received the followin ltltlr from Miss Prime London food and clothing We have been the lucky people 111 rccciye clotti 111g Jain and honey We know it entails lot of work We arc in deed grateful to you enclose our report so vou can Ssc what we are doing very 1111 1liaiik you 111 devotional exercises were 111111111 10 till Who have helped 11s by Rev Cruse reading Work in the City liizlit lunch was served by Wes Bates Mrs Thomas Empire Day at School Empire Day was observed at the school and good programme was put on bv the pupils is due the price of your si1b5cription by read 111 and acting upon the advertise liiic job printing for reasonable Lloyd prices at The Barrie Examiner Purely Canadian as coininoirscal Wane toiiia and black leg but this year the alert against comparatively new dis ease known as BuctcrialRing Rot This disease was first discovered In Ontario during the 1938 season and since that time potato growers in some localities have unfortun fitely experienced extremely heavy llosses from this case Every precaution should be on beforerpotato planting to guard against these diseases circumstances should potato bagsbc used forseed pota toes unless they have been thor oughly disinfected This year groWers will be Co operating more than before in us ingitheitwivailabl mainland Eioweis must destructive dis 1111 Under no secondhand mam chcit ibefor ery Several groups have already planned to work either tively oipn custambaswovers coopera of gay Crispy corrous 113 $1095 ehavc cottons been such great favorite and this year We have the biggest and gayest collection ever Crisp ginghamsusccrsuckers chambrays piques come labour and machinery diffi Iculties That will be good business prov1ded ample precautions are Vriiic POWER COMMissiONuor ONTARIO words all machinery should oroughly disinfected before moving from onevfarm to another OntarioApotatoyhgroWerST can in crease their production and prol iitsthisycaraifpropeupl precautionsore token Seed treatment isimportant and will pay good dividends not only as protection but by production QI improved quality quantity Further particulars and recom mendations may be scured from any Coiinty orDistricf Branch of thatOntario Dept of Agriculture or by writing direct to Parliament Buildings Toronto ERATION BRANCH ALLISTONThe annual meeting of AllistOn Branch of Slmcoe Coun ty Federation of Agriculture was held in the toWn hall farmersypresent enjoyed the films shownby David Smith Barrie Mr Smith was also guest speaker and took for his subject Credit Un Officers of Alliston Feder th HALF SIZES ans and and increased FED PRICE LIST iLADIESLRECOVERING 1125011350 MENSRECOVERING $350 Tips ribs cords in handles etc extra heres another of the many do ens of styles of gay cot tohs1youll find here Corded striped chambray in bright belt and buttons so The many veral shirtwaist Style with colors to choose fro ions 5121211 1111517 12 toga 1812 no THROW 11 151 OLD UMBRELLA Due to wartime conditions Vumbrella manufacturers can no longer obtain steel for umbrella frames So dont throw away your old umbrella let us have it repatred and recovered for you fl ation are President JWood vice president Nicol Wilson sec retary Ernie Irwin treasurer Her bert Dunn lt gt+ JTell itwell on Barrie and district the tell thronch The Barrio ii sell mop done