IHURRUAY MAY 134 THE BARRIE EXVILNER BAVW UWIAR 10 ML ADA YnUL 33h WHIIIISDIIIIE Wm GILFQHD LJ IIIIII III lmxc II 54 Im12 ml Mr 21111 II III III VlltlIIIIIIKIl lIItlII larriiII Ilvil 11 WHO 413 131 1I v1 IrI JI III KQIIEII EWII 72 321 IIIIII MI III VIII with ML 51 W3 hid llIIIIvl II III 11 privy It LHHI L41 to IIl 11 Hm 11M IIII rn Ion MHll Itll rnn III IMHHIIH lxt Mix RUM lem IHi xi luff AMI YEW 31 an no1 1111 lt itlctu ml IIIIII I1IIIII IIII IIIIIl III1 iIII II It him hir In 13m Stun 111 NI II I1 iiitw HI lwlfxul 1011mm ll 11 Vlllllt llll lllll tlltll II1 llt III IF Ii II Minn fax Ir r911 111 ill hurry IMH inmIIIIII II II III III IJIII ztnl lIitI lrin ll Mi lelfl LH tltl Hth ltv lII III III In III II II AIIII Mm int tfin lri AIIIITIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIII XIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIl II IfItII II1I1II III IIII MIII ISIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIII II IIIIIII lttil guns rqallllh lllui Hllllilll 111ml liltltlI II i1 15v ii 1i L1 MPH =1x1 lut 1zhr= III 51 IIIIII 111I1w1 1111 IIIII III III IIlil ttlll natlurul ilmlc llllllt letcling 1111 I= WNW MI 11 11 Iii mi hlIIiIIIIlIlIIIIII11IlIIx ItlltlllI In IIIn IIIldiIIaIId Mr 11 it 11 II II III III Im IIIIIIILII II IIIII IIIIIIII mg Hrllllll Nlllllg llll llluxlnllllll Ul null lrum 1111 011 111 1111 In lIc build IlilL ini 23min 13121 II An 01 Mr 1111 lIt Altl 11 i1 IWtll Iiwv lnI 13mm cu lurchi HAHN Mi Wilin llttlllt and 3M IIIII mlli 13111119 lixri ll11 ItttluWl il1l1tltf In lHIr lath Illvrllinti Portor have until UniLu thtclllil mm II III IIIIII IIII gr III III 751211ch umrisc when his vcli which 11mm to Italic 11 iIlllU Hi xl in wa 1310 111M 111x hqu with Mr WaIrIIII who tlllliu WlliI Icavnl in 11111 111 111 IIHI MNVHIIIIVMI um 11 111l II III II My 1111 Iyx um Im llLUI In snwmr nut I=1E ht 11 1111 till 11n1hh 111 111 11111111 11111111111 11111 Mimm Sitw IWVIM fig2llliIli 11311 EU 03 11min IL 11 111111 111 ltll1i art and it IlllllJllill WinIan ll 1111s 11 311 Swsfics 111 Hlt tillltlltl 11111115 Mr 11iI mm AH WINII IrrvIIIIr MW M15 Juxllcn IIIII IIIIII III II 1I IIIWIIII II II IVII WW VII kcnti Efllrxlm with Mr and Pun21 livIIiifleutIILH Imfh Miss amnion Mch wric MI II II II it llilmiltuam 1111 out HUI1I1I Ul llInIlton 11m 1m Hum 40 in 11 Mt WW IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIQI III IIIIIIIII 511111141 Morru Mr Hltl ll IniII l1 mythI ma 1pm IIm II III II II XIIIKIM 1141 MI 111111 Iltzmit II II II III III IIII tomi yuwIIIILOIIII mun II II III irII it Am II II IIIIIIIII 7M ML W111 lIilIImton hm ritnrn All 11tI 11110111 urn ill II 1111 llUlllt mcr Ll Innntzi 111 luroIIzo WY Lmil lihl II HM Min lltllr Stratum loIoIIto ll lllNllll Sl Mrs lltl Nohlc 11111 mn 141 IUD II II III 11 141111 111 tl 1111 HUI IIllI1=IiII MI NulIlII unit MAMIv =II 111W 1111 no 111 Mnt MN Jtull 11151011 With Him for 11 mm MIT nil rM IILiIVfIlIIl IrvilmHI IM IMMI ml leV llllt 3193gm IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII III trImIlItrII Jgniim 230 pin mm hon Sim llilldRV lnrnlirxhllil Milli liiillicthjliixiinpill 01le Will HM ii ii YWHJII WW it Mr and Mrs Gordon lcho and III MIMI IIIIII IIIIIIIIIV IIIII II IIIl IISIII l11itlilv Jim IIIIWI IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII II 1H filmlly in Own 01 hi lllI II III 3igt 111 Mr and Mrs 11 5mmIS IIIIIIIIIIIIItIiI lztItlIlIIIJlllt m1 11 SH IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII MIIIII IIIIII MIR OIIIII IIII IIIIIIII 111 IIII IIIIII III III III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII spent Snndzlv vlih fricnds in to NW nIIIIIIIxI III gquLIVK IIITIII 11 NH lIillivIliilldv lIlln lilltil MMEMW mm 011 MM bid WI lmwllut dill mm tglintin1im1ilwlllvi tilllirih irtiv VHS hrnvv Ilcrlric 11 MlI ml MIIi iHIV ywlii lhc hcarv 11111 and wind 1Ir1n lbyQIIliIiIINTHIIIKHII III IIII IIIIdIIfII ISNIT iImIW IIIfII 3111111 here Sundav ItrIIiIII II run II III lt ltlillithqnlilllthill mum hdw 11 hm MH lllW llhlllllltl on his proportv 11nd Mrs Min 15011 lmud will MW 30 IS IIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIII 11w onuI hllltlilllv nlontz Ihc 111sz IIII IIIIII MIII MIx KIIIIIIIII NW MISS FIDIHI IIIIII All IIIIII hindrancc scedniu 111 1111 IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIIIII qIIII 5pm ilcn warm ltilllll In 11 lltIIIIIIIII III111 Sunday in Itilhmdscn Tommi Ill4Wl rt I1 COIIIIIILI EWIqu IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIiIIIIlI Ii IIlIIlIiIllI mlIIiI HI thinking lltItchCI fol lhc holiday INA JfN Mill ll IV MII IIIIII Mrs IIIIIII Shogunm IIIII II Ls flmII IIIII Mlm Bciincit rctnrnt1 to Toronto ICDI nntl Mrs CillVlll lcnnctl le visitors MI MN RIM III IIIIIIy iIlIIIIIIII IItIIIIIlIIIIItIIIlIIIIILIII$6131 1111 13me VII with IIWILOIikstownI mum win Wm HQIItIEIIIISIHIIIIIIIIIII II III IIIII lllUllt hcrc trs ltllts Inc luv tcv Ii UL Hkmd ml hp ho Wiibliid Hi 01hr ll ID Mr Si NCllil5 11 mull LQI cast5 hoiithons llltlllllll Ill IN and ML llmwn and cm Sndhurv Iiiildm imd ill Mintlid wonml rs 11 Two 111111 Mrs 1I1lt1 I1 11m 1111 1th mm an rl I0 IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII hump an IIIWIIIIIIII film Illt 11 silntmi Int IIII III IkImI ml at Morrisons and xctlI 11 mm mm 01 DJ IIII wIIIIIII III IIIIIIIII IIIIII II III liu IloIec 11 11 warm ImltvaI mI 11111 ilcll Hobart 111 sorrv to hcar II Imam mp In IIIII III III Mm llorimbv returned from ML Marv Md IIIIIII IIIII ol hcr 111nm and how for pllllilt lit 11m is WWW Wh 51 mullVS Hmmu luL WW LAC Gordon Fcrunwin 1i$1v1115 lMdV NWWW IIIIIIHFIIII XIIgIIfIlrivorIYHNIlI IIIIEI tst lcvcl for llIlilllV Vtqu Imvjm nnprovcd in 11Ilth IQIII WWII IIII IIIIIIIIIII II Cunumtnlatimis to Mr and Mrs IIIIIIII Sm AIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII BIIIIIIIniIilIny cottIuIzIIs 111 1h 1mch IIVIlrt M1 and Mrs McWaIttbrsj antlIReidgI Toni Morrison Hillsdolc on the IIIIIIIIIIppIIIiIIIcIII IIoIth tIllilll ItIvIoIIIIghlcr Dorotpv Toronto spent Miss llclcn Jcnnctt and Jimmr Pm baby KW Mr MON IIIIIIIIIII III IItIIIIIaIIIIIAIII IItIo It ltII lltllil the wwkmm IIII MISI MCWIIIIQIKI TIIIIIIIIUI TIN IIIIIIIIII JIIIIIIIII IIIIII sIoInI Incl IMarv Barri was ilIIfurm lo bc 11 MN MIS Duwmr and hummer pm MCInmO 0mm Immn WU Mmln or rum mmmumw ispcnt last wcck with her narcnts1Slims at J05 lcinielts vcokcnd visiting Mr and Mrs II 51I0 per1001115 III III II IMr and Mrs Salisbury bcfortI Mr and Mrs Jock Scott Mics Jib Mclluuh Toronto with Mr BARR FLOUR MILLS ll MilMM miltnvinu for Gravcnlnrrst vhcr sliclMdbCi Nixon Mrs Dcrwin Birric 01111 Mrs Mauricc liltzucrald tth 1m 4xnr IIIIIQ IIIkIIII IIIIIIIIISI IIIIII MISI NVIIII JIIIIIIIIIOII mom TIIIIIIIIISIIII IIIIIIIIVI TOIOIIIIII IIII WWWM wwWN OWE Emiv Ml and MY Chet Townm mdl ed to Toronto on hm lk my mum new Pm Mac Fm Bhv we IIII NITRPIIII Qm Mrs cmv vm lrw been 131 RCOC staticncd at Birric Iv Ehnvalc and Wavrrlev fricnds mum in RVI Wm31 3rflvll5d his hmmor Nun Firm FOR Chm has IIIIIIIIIII the AIrForce and sonic tlmoI was Ifiinowl to mu chVI Ioronto were vftlend Vlsllotx SALE hows for camp on Tuesdnvn lgctnt hoinc III Allandnlc last and MXISIM1lIlflPl FIraw IBY Li 011 0W tX IIIIIIIIIIIIIICII CI ISIIIIIIIIIICII III III miblfimpmgfri951MrsfnnmrrmicroMimicFulfmmbrmfmrwwrlc 17 Ii 89 Mrs Jas McEachcrn have lzikmiwas horn and grew to manhood hI ArlcncI Mr and Mrs Reg French utIJIIIWIttchi Mr and Mrs Cliff Brown and children Mr and Mrs Barlow at Browns energy and activity in many instances begin to do cliur and their genornl vitality is on the wane little ailments and Bitknmscs iiccm harder to shake than formcrly and here and thcrc evidences Muse lquiivllllb cominunitv His other Mrs 17II GI lntc Richard Prawlcy van months 1130 and and Nligs nnII about four years ago up IiSldtlllLt in the vacatcd bv Mr and Simpson Mrs Marlin the died about his mother His brotlicr Mr 211111 widMouLClucxiund ofabretikIdown begurto appear mitt Tommi WllFllollzlllv VISI U0 Lsmmm 1m mrrrrrmvumwrm Now Is the time those Wishing to help maintain tlIIIr health and Vlguu lilllllii$lllmt tors at Scotts MlES Scott will and NcIl cxpccls to hc in the IIInit should meacwm of Mabums HeIIIIIIIIIId NMeIliIuI MII IIIIII MIII WIIIIITII WQOlIIlt be SpidlllL some tIIIIIcI with Mr Shmily They help tone up and invigorate the patient by their tonic action on mg 311d Mrs SCOU am Hyatt Clvm 8115 WIN in Iorovin on pricemcabogpm All dm counter MmA Km 32IgdecuIII $131131 dIlummg GmW gt yI Is II VI Look for ourtrade Iimkaltedleart on the package with SWIM 110 IMIIICI 038 CIIIIIYXIII IIIIIIFIIIIIIJJZIIIII ThoTMdlbumCoIimiwd Tomatolht illicir farm on Thursday She c111 dlno i1 to 1111 on lllt WnlllLlihl PM Knox Church 111 730 11111 The svinnnthv of 1hr commimjgv Joe Ellsmcrc loniiko littkc 953I1Il11I19Mr outttr JSImwauplujluylggiig 1119TWIIFIIIIIIIT nov ie ie MI their son Robcrt Mrs Istpwartl Shent last work Willi licr aunt M15 foIrnIcrly Miss Clara Filclcy III WHRL Ska10 II II iornon ov raccn wen to orontn MIII on Wednesday to attend the Sv te ClrathglgllgiomgnmlBIIWQI nod meetings as lclcciitc from St and Mrs Jnmicmi Inst Ide Johns Church Rcv W111NWllllllI gesdgl Their father Rev IESISRMSPCA 59W lays rover who has been vizitiw htrtf letutlldto Toronto iviih Anglicmcrvices Willb hridonr them 7W Egozation Sundath stPaulcatI pwenthOMm of Mv3was IIII St Peters 11 am Christ iliui holidaywrunlu late in 1111 CZIIISIhI IVGSIYluyslI30 Dii of the holidavanIVO tgrkafmanti Rev Robert Newman BA ITh utter 1061111 be in en t0 lllVP ltheir own vegetables next wimnig Visitors duringr the holiday week They planted Victory galdemon 911d were Air the 30110 Mrs Monday Pitt Toronto Mrs Jns Roach De Mlsse pit Mr and Mrs Newman and Cally all 113112 disnfmtclid Mldhurst Harry Brock Toronto holiday wegkend at VI F119IIIIIIIPIIS withI family at Wm 5119f Cqbt IllnEs if the RC ASC ems 1s Sellandlen BMW Mrs Thompson Orillia Ed Vol llck Toronto at his home Mrs Mabel Burns Hamilton at her home here Mr and Mrs Georgc Cooper Toronto with Mr and Mrs Harold Coopci Mr and Mrs Fred dson Miss JeanIRichardson Fergusonvale the Misses Richard son Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Moses Mulholland Toronto at Mr and Mrs Castons Mr and Mrs Laidlaw and Katherine Toronto Whose home is in Port Crcdit re canth returned on fut1me frmn England where he had been for three vears He tvavnllnd rm In same boat on which Prime Minia ter Churchill came to the United States Holiday visitors included Mr and M35 Walter Milllgan and Mrs IBurns Toronto at Mrs Cross Ileys BBHe Stgcpl and RiPllrWl Stewart Toront apps uliy Baldwins Ml and MrS Isgfbgnevorton Tn Cliff Brown and son Arthur mm in he mens MWSI rte at Mrs Castons Mr lid ll 17 lI ll Florence and Melba Jardine To ronto in Mrs Greenes mums Allen Barrtej Iii Mrs Ralph Hodgson and Johanne with Mr and MrsPhil Newman Mrdnumt more limcnll to 0111111 llltiltltPllOllt system SpenCers Mr and Mr ll ff7 Iohi Imnm II MI In HIM XIIIIIII vs II llilsmmPLWMtg I3 II II II II II IIIWI MI Marmmt DIIIOIIIIYI relate Dv anOIIIIMIV llllltxl 1111 lllIt III hl IN oi what lulu 1101 mluluurmtzvg II If III II II II chase and John Purchase Al SIEIISIQEIIIIFIJ 3951le IIIIJgIrIldgg 011 part lint III to particularly Important tonat Mrs Edcnrs MiNMW tnaham hIIIIms Dismalaging Wreath Cookstown at Tug 01 The funeral seryice took place in Bondon and the remains were brought backto Knox Cemetery that ltllpllon onscrs coopcrutc so that every one may get llIrInuinlunl scrvlcc Craighurstlwaor interment This The weather very dlscnumm took lacel on Mimd 1th t0 the farmers Up to Satu daI Ip WI night some farmers hadntndonl wm Newman as 18 0mm clergymari The banibearers were gesltoggrtgdgf Jck Sutton Gar To is aniiesonHenr bang toevrwet It 1310 and Francis Williams She is surY IIIh omenswnistrtuteWI mjvwcd by her husband Emest members of the WI motor HornerLondon daughter Mrs ler Mrs xBoncs on Thursdav Sutton Lambeth and bro mgnhefeheg1gihhrmeatherI David JamlesonI gamer Avord unduly longr lllth Short SI Smith DlESlde Roll can we Icgusnmnox IOFJATS 779W13311911LulmhmpJim line mwmiv continuum wasteIfatI CmsIdemble busimm Under normal condItIonsI the opelIlIand llIHRC the IicrvIcc of maXIImum use to cvcryonc MW sIeedlhE number of people havent anv gurdenIinthe gardens Thccsscntial pninlclolickcpl inInIind arcrj lfyou ndllic line innse Imngnpu th11 your telephone rings yonrurcccivcrproniptlv IISWCI promptly Do not allow children to playwritlr the triflepllonc The other party on your line may be held up in nialing wind call And traumatic may call you and nd your 1113 was transacted number of Rh people of Canada consume exclus ters were read ive of butter about 450 million from our hovs thankImg the WIII 101 pounds offat annual 1m OMS of is n7 mumt sitnmng was efgg 110ng Oils and fatsom peacgime Emounb I1 Bu MIS ES EaVe talk bce kce in approxrmzltely 200 million Thaw mm as Canadian industry lt Im99 The assisting hmtessce mums every Ye Most ihese imports were fromIcountris in the Southern Pacificand Africa With thse imports nowpracticalI 1y cut off they mulit be ngIde up to considerable extent fromsuch crops as axseed soybeans sun flowers and rape seed SUNFLOWER SEED Oil obtained from sunflower seed is regarded as one of the finest di ble oils It is expected that about 17 million Ipblllidli oi oil will produced irOm sunowers grown in 1943 Wehmd Mm Elston Miss McKem zte Mrs Horton grid Mrs Fletcher MRI MUNITIONS IEvery ship evervI tank every piece of ammunition large or small must have suitable pro tective coating or which linseed oil is the base To meet mom creasing demands for linseed oil the 1943 objective Ipmduction of mlwbcaringO linseed in Western CanadaI is 20000000 bushels 67 ctr cent increase over the 1942 production in Western Canada Illeary rulunui of mild they are rcrIy important Your couripcrulion will be appreciated SMITH IManagcr