336$ form THE BARBIE marinara BARRii WW 311Alllil77 3010 Womans Viewpoint in If The of Irlnlh in tirrnft lira in ai Iil At iii lftr it very tire lynx2t l7 311 TH iizd lltlr lapel iwizwi ruto pWed asszr clzii Kin lhlls liar not lhll Ittl Ini liltllti iii llr Mrs ltiiit litin llisl liirwn iraii liliti ii iii it it ifi tall in number of the members if iu illeaver lichckh lil ed tire lOdilfellows lliillll ur Allah lMirrziiay rttllll1 Hil mes social evening tii i7of the brine Followin the lthe Ileaver ltL idiaw for the lllill llrliln lodge was made and was Mrs Ed Ilryswir Si tLit ll The Nurses graduation erlt rc lgt of Royal Victoria ll isintal llarrre iarc always very interesting and al together delightful itfiilt For ithis reasin many friends are look ing forward to attending the HHS Exercises which are being held in Barrie Collegiate Institute Auditor iunrpext Thursday evening June of the 1043 graduating class Man liorie Creighton Riadfud Dvllttl EUffington Kathleen llawuill Red wing Eveleen McDonnell Brad ford Doreen Smith They are to be congratulated on diplomas 7+ w47 an interesting gathering lhursdav another bale which lthe contents of clothing and supplies ing was made or donated by Mrs lrs ltiibznson in charge Seven young ladicsare members Drury North Bay Josephine llawir their success in qualifying for their Barrandale all was the scene of afternoon when many Callers saw of are being sent to relieve bomb victims at Liverpool England The clothe to relieve the siifierinz on This and That tllllt tire si many zltcs rif it me irrclr tho The staff of The Barrie livalnincr at happy iett gether at the me if Mr and Mrs George llill ll 7s llll iday veiling izciiiila iiurl lll iltgtl iitl Hinllr programme arrangeif number interesting iiuues loaned by aila iiiriis On HS if uni7 programme was con tlll by ll Atkcy wtir laclicn WlllrillL the brim with Miss Flora Morrison lllll7 Mrs McFadden was hostess at l1ll7lllllftll supper party Monday lclllllg in honor of her daughter lil who was celebrating her slll7fll5l birthday lhe supper table was attractively irranged with lace cloth and entrJ of siuipdragons swcct peas llld pale pink tapers About fourteen guests were present to celebrate the gala occasion Fol lowing the supper the guests went dancing attire pavilion llarries first AD Voluntaryl Aid Detachment of the Royal Can lfllilll Army Medical Corpsl is Wanda Watterworth Wanda re ake probationary course forl hree months and tlrerrreceive dc finite posting MYTnFla willbe gieiillyiirissed in Barrie for she has given unstint holy of her time and ability to urther thcvoliirrteer war work of lre colnmunity She has been most active worker in the Red Tross Auxiliary and especially in the salvage work She alsohas been Red Cross visitor torthe Camp Borden lVlilitarywHospital ind volunteer at the Active Ser vice Crinieeri llospital There she willi vwell produced 777 when thev secured to he very good orogranrines dine by talented lllli ti ea omnninity Smgs and ti Iiii it lll l0 iiiizitioii of Dunkirk owe7i letter from Jack lllCGlllllthmniL lll WOMA HAHN The VOHINS INNTITUTE file Lu7 FIRST BAPTIST YIl zie Bid Tilil weze thrilletlv luck ram Bury vng ae weekeiid very en vannus 1ciile dg llttllll tilj iuysf was uwd king Will lead it ll ri rr evenznzz service next By Jessie Allen BROWN Good Radio Illllllllllllts The tllt prograrrirnes ile stiad ly improving Mist of them 7are There was tune items but they have the au professional loilclr llli lil tlllillilltll ill itll lllillgranrnim is tilllgtlitlltlllll 7At times Ill it lltli il earlier in tire Sctrsnl it seemed as1 lil til7llii tth an amusing skit If ickgrouiul came too much Imus 2i presented by Verna Aconlcy mp mo fiiregroimd and was Oil7 77 lzs ilph Rililllsiill Alfred Shepqimiou Now hi music is whercl 775 lzlllili illttf Sllll Allv littones in the hackgroundi Wii Hill lllillm BUSH ilhcrc has been dearth of comele on our Canadian programmes course Of we have had times it is as funny to listeirto Bcrt7 explaining each joke as to hear the joke itself Allen Young is givmg us in my opinion the first real were very patently trying to be like various American comedians but now they are surer of themselves and are developing their own liire We have good musical programmes of every type 7Sonretinrcs won tor if some of the realistic war programmes are wise beterriblyharrowing fortlroscwltlr Navy programme recently which was very well donetoo well done in fact The suffering of sailor mothers and wives Whatgood does it do No programme can please everybody but all in all pl of good ones Willaklemmh7 We will need to make our meal ration go as far as possible by us ing stretchers of cereals and vegl stables and so on tutes we are going to create short ages of these things These protein foods are necessary for growth in children and to replacewastetis= sue in groivnups Proteins are all pucpostoods as they can lie used7 riici iiiiui foiiiei member of the gtlillllxnugicnl luloiiiil of many pro the Happy Gang but it is just what it is Iranr llelxious refreshments were serv M7 and is not comedy programme f7 even if they do tell jokes Someg Pearl doing an Eddie Cantor and comedy programme At first they They must loved ones in the forces There was with broken ICgSllllEllll7LI in the lsllClIlllAlll orts on Saturday to the Hamiltoniwater must have worried lot of Ishene Elizabeth Stevenson Home If we use tool much cheese eggs fish as substi 79l1ARIO CA5 ADA independent for Thursday Fllddy and 50de Draggitts Alliance W9 WWW wvvmw mmmumuW Kipp 77 VS Al IIl Wllh Wm Il QLICK RELIEF FOR pA1N lgio of 7p 17 rcr11ltnr tom gt7 Rtllth IlelcldLIth SODL I51 Antiseptic 11 Ammvwmv Settles Upset Stomach lliili suv Soothcs Nerves lllt 777777 777777777 7i7 77 in tillltlilt liil li fee 77 7xlbblb Sizes ti umi li ltitliJ5 Lens li lll llll We Zlfh 49 89 2570 Vinrlmiu 7e TOILETRIES 34c59c Ira BUBBLE BATH bath peifiinicr Milliliil trcste cleanser water 25c 50c $100 lorii lllltltl FLOWERS on POW Drill It clings title hallo17 Atuonru LADY ESTHER CREAMS I90 290 55c Hinds ll Woods Milk Foam 20c 30c 55c PEBEco $val4ler Mcrcolized Complcxron Cream 87c Neet Cream Hair Retriever 88c Sllit Ii KI IUNING Sym For the HAIR ltltll Shampoo Kile li7l llili Dandruff licuiovcl Ile title Ellie larpinc Shampoo 15c for 25w liarehaiids lolden lIair Wash 55c liiigiuils Illitl le uimnc the $1335 Velvctta Iliilliaiitinc oiillllte 350 lliylcreeni Ilair lre7 $110 Stops 57 Perspm mm 18C Pllte DORODO 77 xtlc 23C 45C 75 DURATION 777 777777777777LED077777 77 Lotl Tml 01 M7egr7uoclrroinc PM Oder Brmh Anuscptlc Summer Strives stockin 490 Ullguemmc Hydlllgtll pClUlde 16 150 39 For crits scratches and all PALM BEACH BandAidmedicatcd open wounds 777 White 3100 Cleaner Adlliievae strips igc LEANS Zam gt Spirits Arnm vrJuLVv rAIvmllCTl 121 15 WHITE SHOES COTTON ac 20 7777b77 77 timm pliesewes the shoes 250 77 7777 77 77 77 777777777 77 77 train ilft zilztutillt of lit in rmly on hams and laiisetiirs writ bl bk13M Willi sugar have barn scat silppllul with charzs slting tires 39 WHO ill C93 hi exact anionic of nah xiiea ctizllWECH 40 Hid 50 lilllllll is th can be iitli onetime bf iridVi 07mm 17 777 6771717 gixiliiiil sugar beet prospects are no llltnt lullOlltng wlil mines 7ii375 bright mil be Dfiltl lanai unumnv 3o 25 17 Camda usually derives admit at 11 1000000 pounds from this source 7777V Competitive Prices and Personal Setwce 50v 5n thc togen BOBBY AN ING Ive wii ed krft ginn by ltor lle in the House of Caninmns lzrtlitl it Many slips nhlclr null hair brought sugar to Canada lane been incited lo 313NorU1 Africa Many ships Mgr 3rdii Let as lithl Lprt rI flier wt tin IL SIUAK Ll LJifzdg ll IIQL FIRST AID SUPPLIES lie prepared to treat the little hurts before they become serious livery home and automobile should have the essentials for carer gency treatment complete FirstAid Kit for the car and for the house Antiseptic Totton Gauze Bandage Adhesive Ointment etc Dont wait until the emergency occurs Stock up now and Be lrrpared BFI 30c 75c Surgical Dusting Powder Get New PEP and ENERGY ibliemllllg ifijfiverpoolhaSbeen carried on by7 Mrs Ward Price andher friends for Several years now through the Mrs Plowright Minesing at number of friends have enter tained in honor of Wanda prior to hervdeparture It lovely miscellaneous shower was given in honour of Miss Elsie Plowright daughter of Mr and the home of Miss Velma Thompson Newmarket on Friday evening Many beautiful gifts were received by Miss Plowright from her num erous friends The living room was centred with white bell from which pink and white streamers dropped to the basket laden with shower gifts The dining room table was inviting centred with pink and white shower cake with tall pink and white candlesat either end of the table The daintylunch was served by candlelight Miss Plowright who has operat 72 limiters roll 25 PRODUCT or PTDHS7 The Packers of FULLFLAVOURED Small Leaf 19 arrows SEEZWHlWmarrlea iiilily it ient Mrs AllanThere7 was Moore ofBarrie the societys the Vanity Beautygheppeirh Newmarketfor the past year and half leaVes at the end of this week for her home in Min both for growth and to create en ergy Carbohydrates and fats arel single purpose foods and can only be used for energy Canadians have been wasteful people and have used 77the expensive proteins for energy We can use less meati than most of us have been having and still have sufficient for our needs We must learn to do this and use cheaper and more plentii ful carbohydrates for energy So use the meat for flavor and add cer eals macaroni dumplings dress ing pastry and other such foods toi make our precious meat go farther Use Green and Yellow Vegetables Most people are using less butter7 now it is rationed Butter is one of good sources of Vitamin soi if you are eating less of it We need to increaseiother foods which sup7 ply it Vitamin likescolors and is to be found in the green and yet low vegetables Wei Canadians are not much forusing thedandelion and other greens to be found wild We could well use these and alsm rincreaseeour ruseof other available TOOTH POWBER Nongritty Alkalize with ALKASELTZER EffervescentAnalgesic 29c and 57c fieKeepdhings hygienically cleanuse stor babies COMBS FULLERS EARTH Lb 740 for 9c for 690 ll ozs 37c lDA BRANDT SPECIALS Here are few products reduced in price for this weekend Secure your needs now LINSEEPMEAL PSYLLIUM SEED IODIZED THROAT Liaisingto SHAWNGwrllenmessacrii34i Fluid 350 Take this pleasanttasting imam AMIN BCOM PLEX TONIC In 777 Rundown am77 fitAnaemuL P80 1e One pound size Restgre strength and 015 reg 15c 11C gour LIQUID 16 027 bottle 19c $12 Forty years of continuous service to thegeommunity is the record of the Churchill Womens Institute which met for its regular May meetijng zit the home of the presi splendid attendance over forty five ladies being present Mrs7 first vsecretary Was presentand brought greetings Miss McPhee of Barrie was the guest speaker and Mrs Alex Colivan also attended ind renewed many old friendships Greetings were read from the past oresident Mrs George Constable who was unable to be present Mrs Monre and Mrs Watt ofTo ronto performed the candlelight gLeeremenyo nthebirthday cake and Mrs Sinclaircut the cake The president referred to thesplen did record of the society and gave credit to marry of the fine women greens When you plant7your gar den do not forget SwtssChard which carrb7e used in the summer1 Vvhen spinach is not at itsl7st Foundation Garment Cafe We ned to take thebestof care of our foundation garments and proper washing means lot Use lukewarm water with plenty of rich suds madewith mild soap If there any elastic in the gar mentrnevet never rub the surfacesofr the gar ment together If it is necessary to scrub use soft brushRine several times in lukewarm water but do not wring Roll the gar ment in bath towel and knead to remove excess moisture immediately andsmooth the gar ment intOVAshapefIrontthraps and the fabric parts if necessary with moderately hot iron7 but never iron the elastic parts Ment Loaf who had helpedcarry it on Mrs John Todd Mrs DrLiltle the first president and the late MrsR Sloan and Mrs Jas Allan Mrs Todd in afew gracious words thanked Miss McPhee and all who had taken part in the meeting Have you renewed your subscrip tion lb ground beef 1A 1b ground pork 17 1b ground veal 71 egg 34 cup milkf11 teaspoons salt dash of pepper cups soft breadcrumbs lronion chopped hard cooked eggs userhot water Squeeiei the suds through and through but Unroll DRUG srom BOOKS STATIONERY KODAKS and FILMS DIAL Beat the egg add milk bread crumbs salt pepper7 and onion7 Stir in the meat and mix well Pak halfthts mixture in greased 779055 77 slimline your liver Wafes WM 77 77 60 Capsules A11 1DA DlOdUClS are Sold ona ruarante faction 01 your money hack $115 in your home 35c 550 $125 77 77 B71111 BEANb 71RgAgIllfLs77 Keep Yeufit in Plant 77 andiheaum 100 bwle REACH CA NEW HIGH Foocl 257e570c $77100 47 25 HEALTH TAKE Sh 70 7iLe7 Oej 7777 777 Clearier 4507250 NERvaroNic with VITAMIN 34 Vigomfor plants Improves appetite are and gardens t450 800 ltestore your pep DRUG STORE Elliabeth Arden Toiletries Harold usden thl73 Wellington Hotel Block DIAL 3719 LOCAL ma nannies TCROSSLANDIS DOUGLAS on 3de healthy ThrofepsLrghter at 1075 god 7urd oz77 707 DAP HOS Tfdllhg rnv mootwo row 15c 2250 ilintex Stocking Dyes 100 KNIGHTS ROBERTSO DRUG STORE DRUG STORE Next to Roxy Theatre Opposite Post Ofce Helena Rubinstein LAURA SECORD DIAL HOCOLATES 35 leiiiisW