WIt II Itnditionotouiythelittieomioen mu uneven thooeoideIIIdontneeIn to IeIiiIItht midto muotohmo the hlme code duet InotoIHI Ind mob mcihumrequlredioiow WW Mimmi Bicyclo It heat the my they no tho mobile boom ti mother use mm mm we 0m mm WW mum on the 01dean the NH amt Wm hut hitor duh they become III It MIND thondeooith runninriigh and now etc hut whim ridtni withoIhIL lighioow ntIuyey uhm oquou nhrthlonnnerwithwt Mei night limy tinny mln Hone mIny III Weepedmy have neonwith hzhiYoquuid Ihheoliliiie onuomoctiortioomiee proho moi themon one hInd fhihheIoIdIItuvermindIrezIIdioroih HM do to lose Ind lo imiurinoi our hm you way Meet Vethinhlit high time him Iohoois ItIried tIan liitie more in II ounxotero goIItenring damn ireiilo tereninlhohkydo ton red withoutevonnowingdown Bicydeitseommouinhecomecompuh uthmdodthrmhoiopmetoiihoy mthisonewieoeonuhidt muithe Iide the moot way on one my mob eiorted only in mile ohooi 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN hutch Rev Baker docierod tho Judging OcLI10192i Boyd coeduaiioaghghmmmlhgdl Ili oeierreol ed II ieIIioI BIrrie Ihleiiihhldhoc II mm IWtngnBlrd Colleziote on WI It It IIhIHIcI VIII and nu YorhhleiropotitanOpeIIInnknwnoo am MIMICloll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI 1ici itw or or moo III ma non limoummcmlhm lonI pemm tnmiht worst UnliIgiI WWI like moblimnoniomnt at itth ohmIIIInmteIVIIIuIcInI IIIan In iorhidomeldoentoirom Iiie won RoeIOu ItBtnieaoii Oluhh Ital yolk ion merdtondiee in in Mrs Mama In ml umnmtwmucrcnio NItIonIt lineal Mt muti hudworoond othertJIrviI lKiwmie Citihe SMOMIlnhiill corniv Wm WI WWI mm Mi dWIIIdIIIMI Wilton bi Ind iIonion em you both It Dorrie mm mm It Moo unto Aiemdeo smut Inqu with big crowns two night Add do Coil ltdIhld mood onroioneu oe oiooeto muenIItnIItmmnItp It hunt IuotxowoaenteityumnuyI NH ntotio run II II ii InIvInnugmmuIeniI Dorrie mm III II ui Club Sndth no no ghninwoieiorinturohi tome hixhnticeddoii to edxe on mum 013 it omwnm IQFWWP Inmwd onto Baud oi Education MIMIC gtimeni Imhng reopie in iheoe men was gigryugiuggggghmqg glmggvuugp 117 wasgourd It II on It In no no ounoon immrthern Ontario mood through Icioummionixhoun eweuiiended hm my mi ngfennggieiorniomt Igynmtfioinm ginggkurenmn Mm II or an neuron no 413 oICPdIIIoe WWmide loothim mmmoned imn Toronto hi IIIIIIuk $310 mo 75h yenwithIOOO peo iuottrrivedwhon ihehoyewokoiniioyoi 23 II at entedhtchoh some IAd VicioIiI Hospiini and lint ondI were WW Isongtemonoicoonuntm InotnIImIrqunghuI 3s all Ider InsteadOfWIne IChopsllnstead Oi Beef cmnonssnonny WW InnIIIIIIIIIII Quebecijonfer nce whom em on cider hone II MW Tutti mmwmm ohm wine Ind IIIMI above inIiIId Mm am To compehlm the theory II II II oi rout hoeiior the Hoodoo you indutizy ioIioI ooin oonutdundo dinner cmie new or to II itlunt miihothet mm mum ooceptpleprhilt Famuiy memoI moummemu Imu un mama iiendoroon go In to Milk in the period between the evaIIIIIIIeIiIoIIIiIImeIu tn oii ly l0 IOWA Btioh North mom who ho iho mm or Mom at Mum and II on we World War the II II Int II Isnnozznniro mom WWII II Cant Iiford it III we owed demIIMI VIII tIIIII lion IgotfgIIIiIIthIIIzInhqusIhIII Id quhmnx mIIIWyIM IMHIJIMI Inin I1 it iii Wiitniiieivio LETTERS nmmm out 5qu whinide Inn Inan which eton amount Ml sun TOTHEEDITOR Oenldlt mid MIMW me my IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III II minom II III mm moat thot end then on eel on when we ot nldto min of worth throu Ail DMRMTION lti udwoudweunievon live mimont KInti Io Inux Inmf 51 In IIIMMII II JIM III Im In II well II too did when we md to have led to him 11 am they ondvloii oi Mr iint Itmen out the In to mom moi 3th em IIrInIIIIonIIIIe to do bdnil mind Wdmh up nrohtan III that It indunirinliud mottoin In bumuimymentl deiio Telephone mom to it wit Cindi June It woo In III Iiii my othm in Britoin lmd BecIuII oi titio mordtn prime minister town cit dur Imith honing tonigoiv to thohoonveniiomkiedom Since the war oomloniiomi negminmmlwm nMmlWkl II III tutu Ian DI Ifmdbzoal 32 III heIIhIhnIItInl $3233 tuhhmwnfhi Return quoIImnIIIo wmmm ture oitho British North Noon mm mom xoodo toran prim on economy pemtti In increuo WI him on umuooeoeiui Ittenwt to no DImIM NW IDEmMMItI Gmttmbml we hwhralmeuinioig In by the elui emit In whom Ind um wgwdi $1935 gm minim Wit mtnoi Wormwood am WI on noun III Idteo doll by with nImII cmfmltgdlhhtr dmmm WI Moth MACMIIWWW mo iIee hi Idvice irom moot thior oi pcel Iointlvo to do non loilItionIry woman mm mm Ind Iii tor volunim the W1 oxpionnilon citdtnl those in Canede Ind 1y Binnie copies tic iiy out it nonibielomopi ennIehm mmumommm choice it like my mom in thinII II Iteol 11mm II other counlrtee him you ukt iho viIit did not AWN tho it with the cripptlnl Bin prim inIioId oi iIih mm Inn at um Ito Calhoun st thoOonIIrvntItII Pnriy endlhin MNn uIIIIroIInI in III In mm iieIlhio em Volth minim two Me mulmm mm WHMWMHI III Britein iouodnurin the iimle pm only 51mm lierlnviteilonhomhinyoriomu norm ocnnomic Iyoiomn had lost Whyddil mItIueh eiiI County moo Ietrty BIiInce ilIrt to men the may WI II other Vietorn linden Mo to Ind Iotmahilu lollI Net hv iotnd our two oii moo no outty inuence thoeleaion aw met to Mini intuition pIoiitI dwindled Sign oi thermilve nIthoM IINIIionel Advertistnl omen will in the Mine but it did etloni iooeI in on tioiu Dimmi Int lion come ohm in In unuouoi no there III you not out II much II waIIIIIIbvimiiIootlIo III 33$ WI hi oi IhI cInIIuIn Freon EIrl mm unto the iionIIrc minm ior omvtntiel Ilutu one which mm min then untited to tho co and Mo mete to lore ihe conodltn Pun II exam lIteIIiive undidlte in Martin moot Modem toide who tiy pIuh hi mu tho Inin mi mum to in re Simone and in hit compo any hId eoooood into Condo IIII to Britnino iliIhtecono mood did noLtorroopond to my my momng In cIIIiII so new mo vein lion end Mr SI uurtnt iound WWW ll 01M IY MW lit IiW rm Copacliy 0er mum my enhm oi CInIdI unto yuriy Ali gmioeelohntionina Vlnunt inhlI meat Iudammo remion Im il poeltion oi thtnI oiui Is Queen St wm Toronto mu mo Inmumt to time II twin etu hioution tndl plmtuu obelenor yincmlwtltle and Audit Dumh oi Clinile wailoodfmdwlem gt my ination itoIt no oh my ooi pnh eItion oi oi um diInItch gloved unoil pinto tn in too mum avii WIIII mannanow leer mm tom ninthiI modiudtauor MINNIE My MM WWII1he thI III umuy bombIth with in hm II 115m MI in MIMI Pteu or neuter mud tiIIIIII viiotmein mt moo eon hm hm mum oi MDIHIIIWQ Iuitou tho hIlI Mimi Ind eholhelocelnewnpuoillh WNW rhlndn mu tlmuntonninliou doiittioe Ihtawkdgo Ina Ipoo 1mm knowln ito Iixniioom contln titted men and named on It Iein Mme only jmmioflieoth Imam gum gulquedlo yhechundionnnmn other 1henIihey Ietumed to eIiili IuIIIItIIdIIIIIb um ii in the Km InIIIgoIIEIIIIIlaMISIII Illninwmmntii mils wooIiItmIiitoIoetthryin MIG ext nowier Ionian oo Ind tho yum tgm did not how who end tn it lho Northern Moo CM moon who Ihnpt re It nnIt oiourirnnueeiioru loll Ii lhey Ire loid hy wotrdoio MM III II um tiid not to IWIyIunttl optimum IW PlIREmthM um immenwrul In WWM mmumdl uni Iittmjn III erI lIltiltIIPlit oi it could hove been Ilium norm votttdiottiochonduptmiho tII