ColdWGier Anxiousjr To Retain Identity ago in llrdmla adrenalin An issue oi iba CoilIla Neva dated tor ii mi bad John Gray Motor ol lLIYPiiBLISEII out moan estadruibe ailiagalatmritbttamrono macaroni rlluntiitadbnaumodhrgenniaoarewitiralargeiix Ilerllypapcbatkinlhogoy oimlrehaodiaelisiedihnceh latimorpoatntllce uronr orients Tougher Rules Proposed On Conflicts Of Interest Grara PIONEER SCHOOL BELL bill irona the iii iv are Craig sheacli Ilettl Drtgt School No In Elsa toII bio Cools and Shelly baker drip which has been mounted with Elizabeth Marsha in on In orunrrlrntai lmn Itami baclgmurad No school cerv hsr been receiving launch at ed the area around the Ear teniluri at ivy community roarinaunily irorn ill to tour park shown admiring the bell tEurulnrr Pbolbl narratives it tomorrow conprrxl 33me wgmym 333er are are or not 0min tsiatlm into ed in many mm mm liPa may milled to mini care the propnanis an unanno mm mm at guy Mn mpg rim you Imp donorla at some on 1v reorrllzou in nature sore norm lala tall it it atm or team Blather led datum Illr bullion mu armrobe bounded goes rel reported licera photo mo Willey uauwinna no to what consti Medan mum tiles mum not will prorirrdal gnmnmanlharheiber lam litiilculy ibis leg ed as more oi name Ind arbat no Immune bas Itelr oi oi and t0 do id tn The In the in iii was ml lud to Hell line Discusses Water Project BRADFORD illicit Cun rtruriion oi second mong water lnlnta It Ontario llrdroa Nantleoke generating atelier on take Filo near Port Dover was discuacod in report trvrn Arthur Evans illPP as vice chairman oi the Ontario Hydro ltlsane laotlbaold expression ti two birds with nor d064 rearedth Cenle of the Ontario ixatslatura star is iormrr wardto ot Simeoocoum ty editing the cornmeal lion recurante mating to sol us two problem move The Ordnrlo mini oi the ro tironmenl bud been tin It the tuture nccd tor area at aritcble supply at water tor the trend litter am tor some time its END re ed Ont Irioiiydrohadle ldaaee end intua at tho Naniieoto ata tlon to provide wrter intake to coal Unila sioanrilra lMM littoral inhibition it was explained With tinanelal cooperation iaom iba enviroan rnlnlalry Dritcrlo llydro mod the intake on an enlarged basis so that the local water can be inppednii the till linen the and cries tboau lbortty will Mid tillaolion plant to purity iba wrath Ind iced bit the power firnta batolobeinau It enters he Itnlim laid Mr Etnnr who hna been member oi the legislature since 1960 its lninad the bitch is de alrncd or new oi hilltop gnilom per motor with mom on oil1 gallons drauned lor the atotlon Ind the balance or the multid ad lurch Semi hm led in Ind icet in diamrter the air is constructed or cvrrugotni aired le it is lilo that time Drai Hydro has used the some od pipe leciarloiis Air rana reported mutant ramn Tba other trial at Nantlcoiia to concretelino tunnal supply in cooling water tor Untta to and tampering water to hep the but rise or rainsnip lathe Lilo lrurn alrnniicon insert Itll degrees Fahrenheit Construction oi the normal ed inlets proved much more re boomian than concreter tunnel Aiblcd hlr Evans and the concrete technique beer used All inlnlo oi lastly 17 led in diameter could larva been but her the some money The pipe was plated in sections with brcoloot coup ling band installcd to seal the Wmmdml not conflict ralar NEWS 53 idiots Divert positioned the aecticru end their bolted tbs uti mr and lower pom oi the mo gs togethervio male am it we explained lo aceomaoodslo the pipe trench was bloated in tho lakol rock bottom and then bed at drinking aandialdnnwidclrlorcstlllo pipe Alter lnsisilrttorr iba trench wna bncktttied with one tool layer or granular haulerlui and then the listed rock was used to bring up to the level oi the tall bed reported its Evans in ahsliow not where tro buildup would rouse prob Now PLAYING 40 734 Cnmts llvlllintm Genriirily ldvrrlilibrrt lllilliltllliiltl lmDJiJBiPlIliiti Starts Friday Roger Moore or James Band In WINNER liF 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all mm Bar Iiitilarda to In men Properly ill the area and Air Conditioned blurring ateet mill and rctlnery its only question Cnrlrrun woman oillrnobeiora tho cooperon lid para bl gorillas present rhestd Prone Milt tilttan tax it peep peeled raid llr Evnnr XXXXXXXXXXX wow PLAYING Salroar iyay ClilIill TILL FRIDAY wow PLAYING TlLt rrroav diiil UalitlDSllJlil litDIAiiildiiiilrdlllD lilllll Uillllir ill Amlliriltll iii libODIiSi MASSAGE til it Willi urzAruAs RAID AUnlvolMlPlctule licblilcclovo aouar marrow HOW MANY IAGII DOII MURDER WIANP comm rowmnsialrurarvrrloiiocion mun WNW our arbitrary lirrdis irtd thinninthap lidngsaauwncra counter and the rise or con sidespitlloiloiunlooarxmns mlmwmm AUTO RENTAL llal barrier in liradiord It Irena Diet 71337 lnr Iuda or sham in Compony nu marry luau July TilTl not 21 15 ran nouns Iran lISTERINE MOUTHWASH lboa cornRiv rounoio SUNGLASSES Available only in the Cosmetic Dept OFFl lNSECT REPELLEMT orovocrrtracro werrnuou it or Birponolon or to Tahiti Your Choice 11 or PRICE iii EFFECT lliliUUGii JULY TIL Till MRRIE MEN ENEMY JULY ll Georgiunilrenlro Gdorgion Collage Throtra tin too and Daclllrih direct barrio THE LION lN WINTER by James Goldman MURRAY MeLAUCHLAN July 15 only THE WIZARD 0F 01 by Falnlr Baum July August mt Hi Box Oitica 703111546 4er part rim to Int para WOOLCO TM PLASTIC BANDAGES NARA LAXATIVE POWDER coarogmkalrg 2112ildt 169 WE manic rust nadiroao mm command ilrasical Eatrayaganr Irbd pan liar our Dpena hit Minlniora Mulls it Moduli ll Chilan and Golden Ith It Pm tint suspended Screw MATINIZE ruurnnliv nmu armour be or oar out II and 953 COLGATE TOOTHPAST Regular or winirrianeh 100 iii linrrdly dual ml2 for 129 more SWABS set ll in Nooliortb Pharmacy operated byriaek Austin Drugs limited division at Dominion Citrus and ilrlga lid ITEMS AVAILAilLl AT 5676 HATFIELD STREET UARRIE ONTARIO PNESCRIPTIONSERVICE louliortiildnoynhhioitwith