Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1973, p. 25

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for to I1 MY Zutdaler thwhwhl Item Irutn IEKQII IH IIIIWLMI nut heulh Int North PIII kedvttne at beIrtt On at deIthInI your plutr II In Ill hII Ia Ind that oerulomttr he em tram htt wrtmI In lltlr artlrle II net Inated I9 mu He then Ila at true ten lulu but Item meme te the pruttce In It thu then In that IM uni II II not met III South at In our nude on the blddlhz new It Wat led EM Itlnl It hum tellmd hr the III III thlxpultl our herd Eat dMllNlpbnd trurrped ht pIrtuerI Ia III thrn return ed Ieltb Ind West when ht A0 to the mntmt dent one IIId am not rulted the wt new hm mIdI Imu IpIdIt gt chem that put In pm we even them It rte mute the Lhuhr lhklltlhll trumplnr pltlmrl rr Al wtth III Icnml prlnclptet IM Idtlce Ibotlt All In dt er nottodetl mtmtmt tobI tolleted NletIUy In Ilmt hIhd when ttrltt Idhtreme to ntII mm lttre ly to man Ielutleut nltter Ihetdd led Ptrleelly he to hrtndt wt on hh ThLI Wu Nutty Nd we EIII Item rurwlnr dummy that UK datum unnot have to wln Imu trltttu II West remllm on leId wllh III In It ham Wut nn TIle be pecxd to take In more delete Ilte lrleb It left on lend II lrlrh luv Ind EItt nutIt ttterttert ml thI hull try the xxslllIllxllllzxixilItalIlesziaxnthrtxssxxllilxrsllIltxtjsittl muttoneluteme IICKII wemmnrnmn Tutu Mutt lite rel km Idth to chm It It to lILu to your heIlhIII tIIy tor Nut Idtdee meal that youth IIEIJSJIII llWI mill IIttI It And LIIIII lJIII IIJII Bl Ill bed ny to It HumIIIrn am math one you In II III Mr the com Welly In III Nit at The whitened Better detIILt ot the unrel hzed pktttre Ire hut It In dtlert uh Ieetl 0lazllhll All In Wm em bl meet theutd be enacted by rem hearth per teIII ereledt tItr um mt 2543 Ilbly I0 brtnu 7w bovlleltdehL It It We 9W Wm MI Oct utter It It It your turn twelrtbuto to the mm and Your reewut bttlty lett mom ct tome Indy else It put te mt ButIIrtII tltu tiller ttIt Execute the MI the mm II where tenten worth mere mottled rttu In tttItIen In utlI epenlnx Cmtten thee INII It he to Ind on the re IIrIy theret much to do Ind IIIrn whlle you hm Ihh mum et emu Aeuutut UM rem Ill humJ In tour work 93 Im other In the em phItI II de moment Elem Feb IHIIIth lterntndxr to touch Ill hem It borne Int trutm ht ptrtnerl Note thIt West moot Ittont MORNING VIEIJINGI In In Tom In MIMI AM Ovltltll TILI tmtttwn IImln mun ELEM II It rm My vmt Hentm WNDNEADAY tl 124713r221xuux11121IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIseenrIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIItII IIDrnrln Hm aettttn tenurean New from mun It FIEUAUATIIMI Icne Unmet tvmmu wrath mnw WINK It HIM WIIIM ml IIHMI Old ltll NHLNM Wulht all Jiltmul In rotten RI um Iwmelt 4t llv Met Marnett Iwttetltt Ht uuuxuxurzuxxxr It mg eettnm Dellm Id Allen llEllen IIIInI lInn oentnw IltIl tillh BR II II tthl alEenum Illittetmn term IT uniN AN TAdlmml Immn truthE Mtnl TM Ullllll ADARM In mm In what 99 do mu heIr mnhtnr whats perm TELEVISION PROGRAMS MONDAY 10 FRIDAY grew IWIIIO It 091 when WIIIIIII mom TTETAIm weed Saterdl LI mun new tune lIIr IIudtl FKINUI ULY EVENING Am timMmt lIulw Nunt II PM Iteltl WI lwamlll 943 ll ILN Ill warm but HIM WIIIM lwtl TNIM leal UVlmelnt mm men PM HA It the Mum Jim TInInt vl IWIIM rule IIIMVII IN amt Mull Wm We lhtn thu we III the LtUmmhlu Ilh Vllll DII IItI II tAMgEnllI term Itmtknut we re mmdewnhodt UN =th 94 IM Mummll vl lth rtme ta KN GOOD IIBALIII Nerdity Net Cause Of 3me Btlide YRWN tm that liked Baht tut mm but Mt 11y IhILt ltmt rte the ththtt mtl reme Itm at when III In me In hItIn Mam Itth Elrlh AdmIla tut You hm le he rIretuI with II MRI Itlirthhtlmuheduetehe MEdmt Meanderha II deter nhkhttndduehndtbtdb and by wmdhht that Ina In the name It damp WAR II IIIyttLIIIIlhmothIlenInI beer Itch umtl In the letter Iptae rm It not handl terrmt eluted tr dtlnte Imthe detect uIII net then In In at the Inntotlt Iluld the lttlrmlt lluld Int tnrn tinned by NIH III tur Ilrt lhur Is In Wm that Iulure thlltt would tut than utldI there my be Add mother the httt detest WM but that mu be the mutt OI any at ttrml tutors Such mother night he math doteetlte me on to dml 0f the ml be bled to tItI WI Intltxtcet nhle mute the Ianemt at them know some not mernl dtxm Ire lame htutdt Io Ire tome lthbtwmhtd Btlapndmmyumud marshal lichen hm It by my Wm nt mm In IhmoIttIrt5i tee Int dont hm Ithlch LA not It tmm hIt do we mean It llD that rerletttt Ilout mtetu do mmmtlltwme watt Ln ITxKUTJ name Itertllty dim hurt dleeue berth amended then ya ItI thIt mm It It depends what DIIr Dr neIImI hate them hethtmt ulth verlml lIcSlln Inlere wrrttm mtbrd olnlmcntn III IhII Tarot not Inked In so Ind hm moltnuII mare from the Mulder My IttIIercIetheI tdr dImp III the tlme Oruld thlt ewe ItlIltn IIII Yes It course It meld mum throttle IrrlLItIenhm Itch ltll ILv lumednn weld be to mutt mlertrt the theme II the sort tth that often lpcrIItrn mt Ihmil an be dlrum MA tnmn OFFICE HOURS Mltutemenmt tut Semt lead my come herI by moms tostttt ADIOS DOWN Computer Irmludu IIpInue lleuld muture Whether AIIIn ruuntry tttu hthlIrII on LIItIrI ImIIIett Jenner Mlttmtl ll leyIl ttnrllth helm It Im well Ilght tlwdrl ItIItIIttItt whl IHIMTE drtnt term III number Almllt Ntllltll not BIIerI 1111th II 5t 14 deed IurrtmlLv nu eat It At IIIII theres ONE Iecretery you wont chtte around the olden arty onurcnesswonn II It Chun IIIII II Courlytrd re amt mutil ltte out It JIDUUHI lLSIthn Am Ind sh In Salk 310 It Ce hrtdn Indltn Jl IIrlr on on thleh vdrlety elVD It In IM LuW DI Flt urmmu CALLIH NI DUMB an arena tu renown NUIIIN DONALD DUCK IOJWDLEI MR ABERNATHY BLONDIE HUBERT TDTHE GEISERMILL nlt tum uttuvut Kremlin run mt It WU rrs AMA FIJI uaumeczm SWEET 5P9 DINING ROOM COMPLETE IIVING ROOM Tlc BEDROOM Plus UNCLAIMED FREIGHT mthMMMT ANW TOUR CHOICE OF POLE OR SWAG LAMP mnuutorsrnrtrhssr 129ml tnttnmttnnwutgw HOW WA WUR GOLDEN AGE CLUB DANCE MOTHER owJeve FOR NONI HOWD UU NAM SENSE OUT Df TIIAICALL WITH HESATTHE OH DAD AO WHERE HISVOIC kllRS 591M WTGOOD Ettoqu TORW oust tut RNINWI mtcrnu me All IXctlhlot SAW arts wu tor Alertmm mwmm stem outtetttsmrn om war 19 rum err CAN tlll lthIIYI twtrtvntted MURDERER CUEAPSKATE Dtttlne Mu ud here It Athltlhl Ierd II on Drone IWUI when Elthllllhl Nutte deem Imeunt tUndrr IttlmIII ttwdr 1ma Inte norm Stnn IIltt ltnd Julpll TU II IIIJI Hm It IddlI Illtlllttt WINNIE tIMm mm mm It um Stetttel Iet nhut tank 8pr TIIUIIADAY IIII It AFTERNOON llttt we WWI HIM ltlru III 14 UN cttem HM tlmhllwllhlllel ttu tenth Me It Nilt tttt LIN on In rd DAWalld rm rite tt out IRhltdlrttll IIJIWIR mm It IDI IT on um we It At totttem wml INIMIMI ml II it It Hamllln uul 1Whm My Llne Hemmer IImtlt CMMWKII ttlvnuM km ttmrty llthll Rm lLvnrhwlt DIN Inmmtd llyI III III lIrum hm III twne wnII It When ILWM9I Dltl erI let mum TIult KW tm InIun It mm mm MITMM El Nl ht trn um MMIMIITMI IWMII 1M 00 Wall IIlltllll of IM Kltt then BUZZ SAWYER Mttnttlem tIrInt httII BELEVE IItll ltlrl ere mt Ickttlllll 14le Spell out tour short mnle below UAO numbered let tt lnlnqe My Aunt tern to encll tittttL hllhlAtt It Iup Iohlu It heltum THURSDAY JULY It EVENING Itmttt II elllINm llet cum when IIMWIM team EMTkall led ATM Wlltlll HM we IUITA the It mt MI trttnlh thnlrhl HltMur lel till tlrtl um tlPbm lutlln We llMl with then It the It II EMluvmgtltm Mltt evetu 14M 1A IIttmI wet mum Ildmmetu tttt lNm letm IllsTOILET Illl IEIIH Wu et Ittt the ml BIEI nettle he out 1th Int the It BM Drllltl tRIITOOIlOIEIII how to work RE It LONOEBLLOW OnIlItttrIIml lllttdltollhalltIM thI afghan We adulthe tto with ETllAllll III ll em hTttlt IAN thy the cedI letter In thItTtht or ll INTI It ght 15mm In Amt EIWVEIMA IllIIICIl BIRD GETS AIRSICK when run IUP Km rpm lDttdtItIl Emmet IMIhIII ghetmlrnutm lth WW ttI tttt In truth Ml Ht II In Inle INIA W51 CONUM WWI NEE NAIR NII UllIL IT NEWS AS MUCII AS HER we Mmztm Afrm WEI Assnmm Ems rxtrrouuorrsl zr zw rm err art rm or rm mt arroux mt qt 1m crurw trr Irne re mmrutrxt uzunrus drtruwru YIItIrd TNIEIMII THOSE WHO NAVIR IIITRACE mentor me We IltImL OURCII unEtTEwEmmmU Tm tom tar IIttum tttntlutt lrct yet WU IItI tleret thle tunert II It trimm tturIII lttIIn VIlllY hm II It1 TU Amt tttlttt NEATITEAIE REGIME 55 lel WWIE Ell rite lutthrrrmmebm were on IAIII IntONOULOSHEA llADtuIMuttytvrthetlltnetMulttptltuweutlttlmwtytptn ID Nlnl Intum Indltlttnta WT rm llltlrxrxlllxlIflllltltlzrltlf3lelxxllIllxlxtxxryrxxrzI II ISM rmctnmeo tneet luhmhItIMu nu th but TilIMAM Ix mmn Marv Il nrk Amman Hupmnttlll

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