IMLSSOICCYILO the ithiStRhCGd BIBLE David la Ahamed mnwrmtmmaymnemmm ammonium llaidlml Drriiltieyoulhthtehepherdvahomemtaomndatodaelcmiltca nttadhurmtheutahdmntheueatgandmoiilnahtho Bibitrmtaucheaolneuhoerleroiarllaomthermomnv hnbeootuaiegmdaryJillttTlMWMbemetdthe attentionoithomlaetSatuntLiastoitiaaludptorublmibo fore the anamormsm it In Samuel hhnaelivrbo had unolntedSaoivalacnthebaeclitaedemandeduhloetnchauothcrea tienahadbutmetlonnltcriaaolrmalontotbelhmeuei WW vithhlanianmihmhhebellovedhladaoiu hadbomdlahatyWSohemnlnteanidehotlntemt ainoeiheyouthoouldnotruiovrhliesaulheldthethrone Religious Leaders Divided On Jesus Christ superstar GEORGE MW R91 Jlmu Hall Loscrvatorallb APRaIiuIRrHct lidhodilmdulltoroltlihe mommihenaoulalaeu meuyllil trer dind mi mi Y0 WI superb ataaana ttluattltliuu evocative and uhila not via WW ied MW and in honey arti usually reliable rich an mi It ii neuritic appeal to inlual raluae mmm liiealtldtanbrevd iteutt usdcdlnbea antihlan and aatlScmlNc relinoae true we iv IRWIN ill in him rcrtl Picture the illnll ultra aaou North Amine mm urgmum it la arelSemhic demean rret In lag and nethtnrlaa than not owned by the too datum it Gob tent at the dim amm Ming tr on then In allotted education ATTACHED IT rune Novena aloe motor can taatlotaa aiilliatad with the NI lineal Jewlrh Womanho lattont Adrirory tii termed the ilhn Ithluilil mm no the will mule av mum oi autiSaaaEllerd The meal detailed anllyli ti the Lille no nude her Bible ethoiar extant meridian ott Irtu winner tor the Vanau Israeli Iews Still Obeying Sabbatical Years Biblical Lew JERUSALEM AP to not love are cool tale the eiaborata obeying the biblicli ill or the Sabbatical Year during fehlott til iarualand neat lie itliol Btu iaruaera are pioittor Haler at loopholes lte been their country In bull and yecelohlu 1st in that alaauttwaoir it indie thereot God told rermanhUithu mmmaodaucm AW yearn aro lid the worth ear tholat ahadt lot It rut lie ittt montorejomlmhm rotation tor 3163 along with it oi braca union oi rritrton and ninth call It tame Bot to relxloua ten it batitalpmtootdorliah atdu them to wort lha lend warm Iear oi nolailat uh lital law The more orthodox lm rr true to avail themselves or even this contort Some dare their arm tor year and tin of Mod oi Sabhatteal lend Ooa retcioua odilernent in central larael ltaietallaim haaerophyea modern heel new mm to the Amykm mtg committee Attire tn yariooa lotto deaomiuadonai noted cleanoe Cristian terthoohe oi anti Jeelth hiaa derived mainly from traditioolal the middle am ruler than the Bible he uye oi the iliit threry deuce oi damnatic an hen prtered into unv tc ta mad the ole iaiae bood oi the ieIa tvalledlveI emblhty tor Jeeut my dealtcaoio motion lowland atoeptayarihcrthanttorn the New Teetanad All oceimasacholanttadayauea thliPilallnllnrup Mouth hanh roveroor notoriouiorhiaaabttraryaa aim veraloe thoueeadr and him More version It nurse than the aim play Robot Tmml me the title are more talcum lie care It the it more in rldtour elm tta rattag mNna It will be we by counties Suddayorhooiue chiidaun Retired Bishop Iidmiie Mailing Few Wrong Tums ST CATHARXES Dot ltL Rev Walter Bamall acre are who retired irorrt acllve mlulttry at the and of lime readily ts he in made tee it turn during his eh year career 0M wit coolereote in widen melt Oeriney rendttctor tel pertinent ethic youll get to iiiilttlii Nirortnrgi innM In am mi hatah Peureeetat Betiacea Peeler We mutttie oil Mona tinia lit aau leruiy Service pm lraageiiatia Service Im ml yea launa huff Steetiu Wei me rate Pnyrl and little Study Fri 11 LII lilaaa Prayer Meeting Everyone minute MANY GOOD BOOKS FOR YOUR HOLIDAY READING PLEASURE ALSO GIFT ITEMS FOR EVERY OCCASION Availath at CROSSROADS illDliUMl PHONE TilW church in Statue Cum ESSA ROAD thytrrtal Church ll Ian at Burton Arc Rev Ari Pattiaoa Me hire SI Hutu Ornalat it an Norlat limit with hamry Ia loalor School Tba Maudllret and uruaall runntzuaamnaarmarmrntmr communal Roman Catholic DUNDONALD Am are male SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 11 pm ST ANDREWS PRESDYTERIAN CHURCH Career at our and lrniay It lONi NOW WITH HIST IAPTIST lTTLlCTT ludayuns llu Ina tin WEDNESDAY EVENING nu ma hiaaa preceded by Pariah Dervtlana iiET FRIDAYS llama ans lil you lllaiatarr Rev Ray Waidoch SD Draulatr hliaa ea Theodore lILI are Public orally em mar chorus Conan Time Witt Ur MMANIIEI BAPTIST CHURm etuh Anyllron Bishop oi hire hr in rrhen IboL uroru our value turnout In her leg wanted to go to llaraorRa de ii you alt on this bun luv an hetere you It ana Family miay School Nareery Ia Ailll pl hilala Study tralttae Alaayi lrinml the bits travelled aloe Bond Street he hurried hta are to the Baldwin Ian Aliaadaie SUNDAY ASSTLT ST JOHN VIANNEY Seturday hunter ran MISSIONARY CHURCH retard EL larch it an VINCENT BARRII latarln Patten lav ileary Sud INN Im Prayer Heeling 110 am impact CKDD dial ISO Niam frtmuy our street CLASH NR ALL AGES ==== 00 are SPECIAL SPEAKER REV HENRY FORD union to let them till whichhas acarr gt rut ya the uratth ear mm mod laid out Sunday School 1m Fm my 50gm LurdthvralalleorvhoieJhe Alida aaye Shoat 9min grm plaou to water to avoid using the land may desert iarrrrera ere co in the rrtetbod Rellr column irrr All that more you avarlw la Shoat smile or cal onardThe land mymoot no cro Hiaahlcd no imltii vegetahira plotted The Sthhalical ieliona lunar calendar be tihniiaorlind quul smelly In Into the Shout manta turn to Arab iarmerr ior pert oi the Numbe aM yea raijher army tail nil an arc rare ca train hhcEwortawai lully picked in violation the rnveytl metal Mllele oi aw dun merchants open it rattler milieu communities trtarsrmh ttahera throth the nAdle agta to the Auschwttr now in ran at hLateaioall and tyith ally tmlenable be rare REPUDIAIED TN VATICAN Roman Catholicism See vuty Vatican Wit repo dialad the idol mueab ilti and alum at lean runnell and idle iirat idler are lit down The World bruit at Monte looming Im IM moat lrotcaiatatsI took aim concern ti yuan war pariah priest Fretted mt lleeveoit my home It ra nt plied ylttrhop hamII la today a7 proaohinr no and has terred htaam hither tor it yearr Saturday rue yna Ammo riiim mm lta hat rtrange hind oI corner at tar as the you are it lha anieletayhoehnlt in at etuaelty be rented Rlndror Landon Nutrition and Seaaay not us Sunday llilh amt DELL HEART or the whale iamliy anaaay 112M am tummy ar rum tomatot Paeehyirriau Church rd hr raid For my liar mm mun 1mm Samtaxy 72H hire Danae iiaaabrrgcr SPECIAL SPEAKER RIV HENRY FORD Nurtery Pecltlllu at all Senlcee It IAI to out utilitarian oatmealrt vtataa outed ltadaeaeay lshu pns Chrialiaa reIla lion Galore voiced WI ringer tolerant to mom So mry aeverth your all ilahd owned by the govern ment uranium rota tornch and unailholdera lit to or the Slate Rabbi nate to eonJom Uililliy Wltiiou Arab rIDEATITY SECRET The buyer whore identity la OTfi tirna hill of pur chore whereby he willlheo firetlcaliy oon the one million recm oi iarmlaod during tha Sabbatical iear Payment Lt lied until Salabullcal and the buyer is bomd to Ieell the land hack to the Mich hunt lle rctcieee tansll rota iiish From Mercurytlilled River and rabbit aooonnoeay tha roerchrotl to the Arab mar ket to mate run to troll iron Jeelahmued land Lt into the orthodox leaa kitchen Apart lrnrll the biblical pert agaonorrtrir have avoid that Shmita la physically good tor the land eaya Rabbi va an apolrermaa ol the actions attain ministry it enriched by year oi in aotlon wroday Rabbi Druk eaya the maloriiy oi brute largely nonoorervaot oi lew ishrtaw are unaware that the urn goth throuzll Sab in at Year toetilcleat are the ioopholeer Ilar lland Strobe llye the discredited notion blatantly reviled In an mm which ahowa iewiahprlclthood jealitatle and biMIhIHIY the Jodih Tetmic ea scene oi roati Itdea out when 11 oi rote and It Jewish to hysterical with cman and Mi in Mimi Pilate tin Rh roan governor who actually aaoieoocd item to death and where troops talented Rho and extended llim it pro teotcd in the roost Iavorahie title as weak lad wall rrarnior strotrr nyl mmr ill Strata sir urar lurel in or an coraminr bod tor the church Birhop Bax achieved marry chanyee One oi these vraa the canon which today oeraatitt div reread peraonr to rerntrry in the lunch lie hat aLto Tr wider inlerprelaton tho church were Irlry Bishop Barnett atld mood or understandinu tiidly tnhiaiorical deriving trom clicboa oi the Root vaiueeend that too tor the church he lays the general eymd the national eased tor and Into ndiyeoottr mlnlrtry Some ol the older member oi horliilrd when nurenrd brinyinx more Canadiut indium Into the mine looking at the role oi relirlon modern eocieiy are eating new de llllaletcr Paul hiliia Orranialr lire Norman Tract it uh MORNING WORSHIP Guaet Shelton Rev Keith McGowan Everyone Welcenta today he believes the dehuma FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent hate Rar il Itbula niradly lclrerea Aulta Tru FREE METHODIST CHURCH Baytilld url Dalton Sta Rev Carl Bull BA BB Parlor an out aha Sunday School lilhd urn Wanth Scrrlce Marilyn Gillespie Direct iront Ireland SUBJECTI Onilrie Iovm tiltappearr ta DEATH BED PROPHECY comes ro rash The true story oi Salva tion Army eiiicer mar tyred In Southern Ontario twat 950 am sure School and Adult Clem IChIl are to years Rev Smyth Mlnlaierl Rev Tunira illWAY CHURCH rrvrroosru ANN at too not it Cudrilutou 5L Phqu TENN WORSHIP SERVICES lloh Mai Eugtlrb Service mt you Errata aarvlre Everyone Welcome Sunday Morning Raoio Back to God liaar Ciilhi Fill Ill Hill lit cnrc are All mo Ina Hnnhlp Service an Cahle it Ina Sunday COLLIER srcnuncn so0D vouner WELCOME to CENTRAL onurcn Mi ran ErrnlngServIca CHRISTIAN SCIENCE the TRUTH SIICIETY lhuiHEALS Church Service Sunday School Chrlriial Science Radio Serial onoo lm am Saturday It AJL tall ua Sunday Still Being Eaten By Fishermen The bdgr owner told he ihr indict eel three Itmea muoh iiah the treaty every day and no harm atom to mm Guide Arnold Polly oi the Grury Narrow lndian re am told Georpa the lodge owner natrr tobi me anythin abotd warning the guests nu how that route ruldu are ordered to avoid warning the uteri about the mercury In the JR hlr Pelif doe cat the lish he riea tor touriata though other guides do He tell whole raw onion rod read DOCTOR PROTEIN Dr Peter Playiuir medaaal ottirer at health or lionora reoioo recently wrote In The Return Northern itiner it all three Iii he told that there it no danger or mhitttiat or lourltla born mar laden liah Fla tcStcd hear there ua ten in may cater chewed hitter mercury content than any Sell in the Japanese int lie wee ralerrlng to him Imtit Japan it ere more than in persons have died trout aeaiwd merrury platon continuing program threuahoui the steamer Aurora Out tor Vernon wansley looted into thin hutch oi pldrerel treehly caught in one at the worlda Lowe mereuryooliuled wav terntho Digliah River eye Bill ll lan going to die rallnl walleye it told way as any to to he raid llr yanaley and hit three oornpvnlonv lrom hitrahtll town la were typical oi oiht err who had not been wantedor raced ill the id Richard CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE via an turited to fun st Vincent and will 6an St harria la Partorrimgit liodeu United Church KL SERVICE TlllIESl IiiiO WANTS TO BE iliit SPIRITUAL TtlUW Mectlal tad wed each month PM ree mmqum me 3m Grera St Earl at Coo EL Minister liar Arthur Storey cvle fitsta Heahh Minister tPotter and Later mlnhiilermiuladtul are raourcea tiano legislature that warti stem would so into ei ii mm tutudearer Sundry Morning Wollhi that not Childrrur Bible School 100 uni Evening Service 100pm ltedaraday Rihlv Study thlo riudier threuteut the melt Far laiornoallou contact 12341 Our program are or elrued to meta God mi and vital to you We Welcome You To Join Us SUMMER SERVICES CONDUCTED AT Noreery Factiillar 00 All Drcal catull All are welcome Rev it It Puaden Minister Mr Garrauay Orraalat pi uorurmnent policy to let mienhail or rat at their town risk corrurtercial ilaNnu hm been cloud area tun iiViD ll there Is until ayllcm tha warolatr are not reached tourlna ouch at hit Warulay Three tourist lodrea Stillch lLrnio on the innit polluted hart oi the ryatcrn the We Ehrlich Rllcr Treyere med by Amerlcuurand cat ler almotl anelurtrely to Milt my llaalhr marred with El iuiNTiiiUlt mercury ielria below 1090 out not CHEM alrount pelto oi hugegaoumg th at the an at ill alaill bvelbmoaria per btllton Weoau our limit Inan or term only dirt itemwar towaan hold ihozmariohgeemmhltltm wm iii hm hm ou reruns Jury 29130 PM ootinu ahora lunches may REE iii rnnm iii PASTOR WARREN oi ucer at Another lourlri Adoilh Merriam oi St Genevieve ilo add he hat not been valued Everyone Walrcrua THE ANGIICAN CHURCH 5TGLESCHURCN srororocs TRNTY CHURCH It Cool Street raa rat lera Ia atom The Veu liaall their nation tau tirevilla rva uav turn ea LTH My at teary aaaaea on Day luteMlI IENIRULI It tl dill Celuaulien lane InnaHeir Ceuilitltlen Sorter My letter thin ill are lterr cman Sunday emitrt It In lton cornmeal one am tall 30 um Rector The liar it Kaye 10 timing Prayer cut oount etc at 1000 prtaper billion in Mule oi ween IVIIVDII ll WILCOMI mwnnomnq 99Ir1vvmm umvew tnmkhuemo