in mm mm urmermr 211m Jun Norman Book In Kingston eon Pnutch the In down Protnltml Gotrrl rounded treat mdltol Kittll hell In Illh More At ti earlier the Intuit strlizhtrz on Helm II III mundane my on on dotthnhnertny Itttrhltu tool on Iron em III trod rum thnItII corneal thewlull Inner that mod thI this ylu tile or IIth wort Al LIE ASSOCIATED PW lb inane known than St my mum on Item AI or it Aline Itmd rum them not line Ruhl lime to mad it the more Ibo II we in extend to 9115mm lbI rm lrtmel hope lemu Ltl WWII hill Rent hum loud mu AllWA mum mental let to rm my Baht It Im tm hllne run end prom Lie PiliItu mm om tint mil old tiled in lion the LhI iii in ii EnE ES 32 95 EEEr Ea it Eh EE gs ear El 55 Fr 2352 E53 st 38 egni 51 turmerly l1 mm Int Itroo Bu Kern who III 51 hidlx tuhiacrt warmth In on back we not on lilyl birdied our Ito bet nine Norrmn coilettrd elm Ierhtitrlmlwmllm we olnrt ty let IorIyI The We Go Ilrlrn uth 54 52E In 1976 OlympicsCompetilion cm the Iran the ox 2m ltlndnrdlJto Iround It on in porn state not lo in into tttItI Bil MM Bebe Rnhl urrer CanadianGyinnaslsllIay Nollie theumn Fortth wmmthllld ltltIlmidt For Second Time Illwrit tAPl utno wt linrm Tekriston let moaned Min In interlinetr one Ilrrd daily In WEBTV In AI ternI Arron molly cloning on home run recent on been diverted non Ne tint Illa lot more thin MONTREAL mos Peg niu lint imp oter nntll Dave Contention till Wood Loses Both Games utter late throw mm gill John limbo during Ituon In the tonrthIIn tin Fndly hilt It Ctnnnn Compdm Itch Irmd Itt tAP Pom For Setuninyl must the mlllri at the CGA millinth tell rill III In bad Ind Ieil the week when will he who huge the in plume have In no tllrugh prequelh Well to not ry Illa mind tttily In order In hole road Seturdry try try to quality tel next will primoty be 67 end Studey uccll tannin one It it 09 Int thmll no lot more lrul rriusni In too in TB the Candle than Littler Grits Teeth For Eli ToleadStLouisGoIICIassic ST LOUIS IAPI Mien wnrm lend loinylcte Gem Utlkr baler NI lull drythlnlrmtnnlulonoo Yanks Win Doubleheader unit In the tint ram he iurt didnt Mn Wood who hnd beaten the Yentlrcs cilhl rlrairllt limes lint July It lmlnmk out lcldott nun llnrere cum to the first InnInx at the owner hut passed hell allowed Clarke In rlarh hose Attrr ltoat end it until Whale hit lworlr double lichhy hturm ndild In RBI single Ihurrnen MALtwo doubled end 0er NII tita toorun ethnic ed Wood MILTON ENNOII COST Chm opened the tourth tn niny at the mod Kenn MIL tinnie nnd Ihlrd holemll Bttt Melton threw Whitet moot more play nvlntder Lto rim lIrIll One out later rim Iidder John Jrler deoppcd Celsinn Snnchu llotr two rum scored Iohn momma tworun Ilane end tum double by ALtn GIIInahcr hllhllmtod elm third Inning tnlt pow ered the Anng end Bill stnm part the Orioles Ilotnr mm by Tommy In the tint Inninl And Canton Fish in the second oil Butt Blytovcn belied tho Iilehit pitthinx at John thirtil end led the Red Sox over the Twins He he ton elitan by not minim hole to no two mm per tor the St Louie million tin td till his reunion to Advertty loN tineltc on melt at the prom little um All you an do In that liloI Ition It til your teeth Ind hen going utter Hid And uulrr wiry clrnr old nllrln trim on the lame but trotn omr ddiuet Ihnt The null was live hlrdiu In Air Condturd mrnetohtm the but on oneIlla the pro oil tour thil yearInd SundIy III Arbour ttguru on 11on ht lent hilly ll Mt um halts more non ltwuroodtoneolndxeve lndtnrd It LILIIII Iotll lyht Met meet yer on tho t5tlylrd Norwood little country out course no any ninlttIe well the Mr est winner ORIOLES MATE Elsewhere Inlthe Interim tongue CulilornII Angel whip ped Baltimore Orioles Boe lorl Red Sox blanked tunersou Twin no Kenn City Iloylll trimmed hillueuteo Brewer nnll lrul Ranger held olt Detroit Tim Cleveland It Oakland Chl eezo nt New York Minnesota In Boston hlhlmore It CIlllomlI Dltroit It Tun Ind IttlnIeutro It Kenn City In lodeyl lb tinn Ml IlItI ot tingle runes It not tor Sunday with Clevrinnd Ind Deltlnnli hillnuhre It Kensor City omen New Ynt Boson entertelntngI Illn nesotn Baltiman It Content Ind Detroit It Tam Iulner tud to their drui Itm when Wood wIl rolled In the opener hrtoln he Mild re tin better didnt went him to me By HIE ASSOCIATED PRESS alert Tuner lMnl llhur Wood to pitch with only Court Blocks we dIyI test between elnrin Move Padres no he hm SAN FRANCISCO lAPicquII Itud win Thl mull tr tt illrexo unto sol adage hll thinking 1m hm up when New York Ylntrer ttonel Lelyue hellhlll teem Io mm WWW Mmm nc to In lehlrun mt Inning In in he no that unluth torn Im In romp tn the opener at Irl doye tutnight doubleheader utedewrlttolusptndnluty II IIIIIIIIII toorderhySanDlrgnSuoutor ArmonIfIItogmmrI MeltI will utondlvememtennedr Nth Ml laid told Ntn id teeter uniting uncilon to 31 pct on lilo ll Moons Inter than talked to Johnny order ends the city will be tpitohlnz coach Johnny Ellnt denied nletnlenenu oi the end he raid in good lulu Ind mmwntheguunnhe lezmd ti It VIVIIIIII Andelemhome IJhm qunoCotIIIIIdtrIUon when Vlwwgz ham 5Mxh ht Yln ocomtltotl lit Ilmo In with the MM thll tho but ma mum human wed tortnnumetteltrdbyrn in Salmon my lite on ii Wm in back Sunday Itlh only Iona The double drtut lowered dnyl rest Tenner wtnlngd Wood onceylnmomln rewrd We hrd ohnnco to with to loll Ind made him the hip our but end it you not ill est toser In the motor that youve Im We mm the Yaz M155 Nursqhel Not with tlrvr Yenltre rm onporturetles lend lnlliele Gaylord Perry llo could hive well rte Bushy Game who lost to Outlined his hi and dine IIe wee nitshin ml WNW AP Benton Red Sox IllIt baseman cut Yestn unit will mint the an belo tnii Allan game In Knneen my end writ he mined on the Armiun telnle roster by Jim at Tenn W3 mm when Ylslmmsll we Idyiud In More to moo hmd from Liv LOBSTER Author Now It AM lrsrluitm montoln president the den Who Willi ProtestsBeing Ignored By Shockley ilaIIOlleme In undened Inn wiglotllzmlxlllmlo RNIIMOIBIC development In htnIiIeexueIIInd wooing tundn Davidson me ilmt Kilt llocke tailor Me It with in gmmm My etitution dllnldllbi0t hidden to lock on my term rererdleoe ot the qunlity ot Pin dent raid trldly thlt the NHL made 00000 Minion to mm mm Dertdnan aid the Ith the Itmtttinl utility It Eve nllol both the Amerloen nth Minn Ind gained EllLilW right to driermlm who Central turner both minor Iconic zontmlled try the NHL mInIIIImd till hill It at mm III the WIIA Iwnmtly II unnotlred helll dedirntien ceremonies June to BIISEBIIIJ RECORD Is It ohm hi MI It 516 It 47 In In It Not 19th Welt himy Deg bl to on left wrist the Boston tint here to It in renu tyl PhananIyltII 0510 hwhork WIgBIJIIIN tone Aanrte nliniltih IsIlnII norm IIIIIIIII out Dirge noun min on Prelim we Pittsbumt SID WEB PhIIIdeInitln ti Minnie 3min Neutral Itolmn New York You run into the nicest Bettlnloro Bounn MN quhe uevelend Oehlmd News City Cattlornil to nunde ltd Chteese Ill True or Nltlornl one But lvl RUIN It It on on in II to lltl Wt Ill 473 cntlero St Inuit Itttlhurslt MOINItlLI mateelsierlie itolonialSunniiiltway man he hem Nil lwtroenlsttt tied to the Yes roman mad try mom Ditk titlede Nickel Houmalll Dropped By IIrgol mule to Toronto Amulet trlnrned their roster RIIWIIIIyIIrcIIeIulu live olIyrlI Ir The Kletlaltiiln Football Rom It Cnmdhm Eh Dunmen Alumna Reunite Frldey New You III Chime to Boston lltnzewte Tune Detroit New my Inntutu Oakland IMAM CIIIIprnII Baltimore SI WI more Plleltm lodIy Mimi Giteno Bellman no It PtobInhlI Pttthm TllllI New Yo Wm Inan Sprints Intensive hitt WWW am WEI 13 at Pr Illinnrm Woodeoo Mt II hack Heller lven ltwtllllten Boston lPltttn II Iprn II IIIIII IIIIM MI mm IIIII en norm Bar It Chin thu ri Gov tend Wilcox Nullnlphtl ltlmtw it it with thine rel 4mm port tattle Bob tlalnnltd end Met twin at Jim TIMI itul Wlltntennld intlthmttnrtllr lrylny loundrtrlr iiisiiiiiiilstiio Th mo tuned loom LA ch 14 it tlltllniintllinutetlttltenIV It ulllnlnn lmwm slim mwmuwmmb plultiteluhltanuallatirolnedeplllNIIhynnlletn lenitve my imitatiin it nelspurhzxinyrndellrnIIXIIInIyttiurllonttrlt Baltimore tlleNeIIy Hit et mom both tor future hi uIlNtm the Inn ltltil that hm kept mm mm cdnnieIISunnlhltt In the lottllont til the Ilenullrturld Honllltuluylorllltttlrey rll Chtrkoutthulcitinyptsl othtlitloor IanI we nllllIlt militiamen LSttaye TShtpe no Storey Ind Notepad Itltittnll dunnntows uelutorucltlo ISFIIftEth IAFAAIMINIS ITOWN NDUSES RANCII HOME IMOSIDNEY ttlnllnll lliltll sometimes by accident Younevelknow whencoliiyionthetl liIn orother Iceswill occur There whylie best to play it solo with lowcost Economical insurance package tlcovele almost every contingency Boat motor llellev end most Important your legal liability Econdmlcelhetheeneorvmgthenoedsol Canadians towel over century Uurservlce Is testend our claim settlements eve IdII Your neerhy Independonttneulnnco agent and Economlcel heve one common goal To keep you end your hoe elely dilaal nt llllttlruIIIdIlwinytoetlvllylmitMont mm mm on lllooormn no Ilonlm Iihruh Ht elonnl sew lrlt W1 Wllttnnton tllont thtll bout Gibson NI will time will Sen nun at Plltlhulil Pniinllciohil oi Atlanta San Frde It more to Annette It Mil Montreal et doom New York It tictown Amrtltltt mt II Ell PILGBL 55 660 Arnlrrenlrdtolutocoweoendrn intoInn Agents wot Cum llth Annual Luaue ALLSTAR BASEBALL lull II ylvtluhttntrn um cIll Mlltlnll ovlttl III VI IMI mum Ivy Intern lltnhlm In tlrt ltlll mmt lot Alum Itrtllll lo 100 CANADMN colllonIICIALA MUTUALINSUNANCEICOMPANY InuiltlIotk AllltllllltnIlllrhltI 4min otle Bustness IAuro ORILLIA PREFAB PRODUCTS wa mil North ot Orllllt STEVENSON MICIIISIIEY tltsuneuce AGENCY lro use DUNLOP Ir norm DON CONACIIER 1261