IBclrrie Driver Holding Down IthSpotiPineorest Speed emv it 5ng at 33 is it on 55 oer3 FE or Eye minim lieuyen mind with tho Dal 91mm pitchtd tourtut analog Wald lloclq Al eluonn Ind ml tel um leduse tor reputed fmuuhumngu we mm PM em moonlit ital PM alerted nth mthtox graham Marlo uuIIne my war or him week one therein ter mum on the Hr WIrdII not ruin oi ItII tulun In mint It depends on Illa mother elr but Itl not Ii much tell erdle II not run thI new combined Flatt Iyrttrn tor ltIrrle Ind unul Snudwuyl In good thin tor raring the Irenelthorrhllhellrrenotnt llelunllmktxiam hi on It Nudityu meter Mnhthyrith hwy JmMmetmeo momentum mullwkutomniuuh tm yum Indltntrk tin tut Mum The tale lonrd thermal In the unto ponttlen they were In last Sundry It Bettina train gt canoe MMMMW IDudtueDwnAuLan OitllthElILLE ionrs Vinitmmnm II can Durdnim Troy ll DIN DIlEA GIEM CGh Jill Sevth Rm Pm Pine ll One IEII Dr Juan Gexnm locust Don blush No Girl hymn SokyI Printm It anIIdI Away SFJIIIIII Irttr III to Taurut other Mr Pete Peru to rd run In the bottom ol the wait to Meet the int It belt II II but both tum pin on good encr The pitch ers recently urn them In Shannon etiollud only two rum no tour hill rhlle nllny up only two with Ind emllnl out men The rtnnlnl plrher Buck Udell Illow only one nzl on It htlx lie me up til no they land ntll In the first Innlnl end that trird to hold on In the int lnnlnx tor the lAIiI Bola Bums ltdott will stem end welt Inlm out on wild nilrtt Tom Arn old also dulled loadinl Bum to third More Allen Etiis lur rim hunt Icnvrd tillrnn In not Arnold to sound Don hi0 Hester then nmndrd out Ind hIonly Elliott ttird out to end the Ionian tlottl when then took our urttt the tounh Inninx when lid ell reuxtlt Shannon tuthell lilllh nn the now Ind polled It over the rilht livid lento In It the nine et one run Iplm The my lunin Ind the time hm to Iptd with them suppose lumld no but to Pinttrest SaIIing Leesons Starting Monday Ihe Berrle Peril end time lion Anlrllleoiun In moulded with the Ontario Selling Anne lotion Ind Benton Ind Ilcdnu lml Ll oltrrlnt bate turn to nll lesson to Ill tree The enzyme will he one week In dilution hegtnrlol Monday July tint to him July Hill It Hnrcmt he would he ruling II both tlltkl think II he Iturt the MI ler driven All the nu hm to here hr Ira now it you no lie to title In tonne that cumin he laid With the pan beta lotIIl rd It both lulu you here In tern It oath tram or you lult rent nuke it pay Ettore dlIv In to come down lrnmi North Bey lnn tronl Prtahoo onrh to me It one lurk butt now to mull my palm you have me It bah he laid 1lte Petquth dlIvm lib It rolnz to come nvlr tor Wed netdny olth min hmuin In Two Meets llmbttn ot the Iluronte Stri der mnt Ind Field Club niII In thprnltnx in two track IM held meet todry Dlte Kosowen llld title Ftnllbllnzr Ire entered tn tile IIItdlli throw It on lnlematton II Invitational track Intel tn Toronto which will Ionturo mnny at tho brighter light In unnltur lmk Ind IItId Iilrrr membm ot the Strid an ill be ozrllrimtley ln rtlntl It the Ontario bantlm llld midget rItampIonItIpI be In hrtd In llnllor little For grm ly entered tn the too mot rll In the nlllixtt division NI hie channel In In the beaten lonl lump end no mclrr hill nnd llrrnlte Vucy will he cant Min to the bloom thalwt Ind teveltn throw clasm The tnrte quelilltd tor the rhym PIoIliip hv thnlv leulll tn the Court Ontario track Ind tilId mrrt held July IAnll loaded the him In the Iinh Ind min In the month but Irro unable to rrpitetire In either Instnnro tn the letth Inninl tor the hlniarl lendnit hettrr lion much out did hlrltilien tint on httltittenn etrIIleouI notch or Grotto Ellil lvuldnt oouorre the bell end when he threw to tint tirelhercmen Doll lithiu tel lost the halt to the poor liltt In ol the Ornl Ind Itlcltitlnn nu the winning run to II tirlt wtnrmve than NFW no to lhorlllon lion Burns nnd Wil ton utto had been out In In IIFI tor hlclltllen rtote mend llnrtln then drew well Ind Adllnl htttlnll tor st nnyc hit Ionn riller to Ittteentre rtnr Iny than with the ntnniny run The Lute hate on exhibition Saturday It nm Inninll the loclpart TrItelttre lmm loch notl New Will On Sunday It not the South Stmtne tie hall lnruoe IItlt nnnuel ell lter time will be plunt It the Ivy Ital peril Tttlllll nro In mill entree In envenrr Ind 73 will It the note Allltllltl tick ttl ore Ivileble Irom memhrte at any Soth Slmroe team The next team name tor the mu Is next Tuesday night at run when they niey host to the turmoil dork In Blytldd Street There to minimum enrolr nlrrlt llt sixty person per mo Iioll Tim rtrlrtrred will he one week III dIrIIJon Minnie Huntley July 25rd to frtirv July 77th It the iguvmmeut deck It Itrytirlll Slmt There In minimum enrol ment at ttrty perronl nrr rlnrl those registrrrd IIIl divided Into three mitt groom at Holy ntrnIIJ Gmu 900 Inl not Noun llovlnny Fridly Group It 131 pm In nnl Monday Fridey Group It 000 Earn Mt pm Monday Fri Enoh ltudtnt receive ttttrm tours ot ln=lnlttlnn dllrlnr tho promm There are divided Into eppronimtttly til horn ol on thcwelor trelninx end in hn at land llutrutlinrl Enuh mobile Irhool unit ltslr oi two ouelitird Cenedlen Innhtiny Atwdntion Snlltnl In llmnnrs van tire elm Po lrnt CIIlI Seilholle one motor bent teaching lilll Inll letlly equipment The roll Il Ito tor the wet Ior anyone It yrs ol Ira Ind under Ind moo tor tho woJl tor those over It yrI ol ego ilrztltrltlnnl will he Acctpitd ll Llone Swimming Pool or the Full Speed Vlrey Dunne Reid my Mrcrexnr It Ilerinllty nerdy Senora legion mood chin Young Direct Lennon Roman Gthrlel It Corbett Ninth lure Pm Purlr more One ltlle Win Sally Troy Populnr tired hit Amber ind hi Galbraith Johnny Bin Inttush Ital lion Not Gannon Irntn lute Pete Pllnl Tenth lute Im Purl two One Mile Rowland Lady lichrthar little Twlnllle Linton Ach Son ill Gelhmilh Clay Barrett Ktul Alpha it Lackey Thom no ltyr Troy Johnny Alian Stlltllt Biollonl Van tlie AE llirtltalvt Nate It inrr POST lIllIi tilt PM they rm II home Saturdey III emote not no It Sunset they hit only ten urn rim the nature he IIId llIerdie ll not turn whether the treclr owners thould back to the old Iystrm or lhould you go until one met It lust tawny to merit money III the time In herd to let whet will heppon he laid Iwhltlver heppenn wIrdlI tumult he come too wry to his term yrerl at rlrihx trout his Ilsa Ford One Ilite ol out Ind Laure new and merit to nine at math Eddy Pmlle enroll later playtd hockey lor Coach lotion tuner Indwuenohvlolued Phil Illa tell that Con Srnyth damn um and to it great rotIthutlon to mu to remote the he some Ilerdy Speedltrr Burnt Ilrtua Smith Tllld lluc Flu Pnrle not One title Wee Chttld 04 lacklurt Pet Prologue ll Kerlulle Kiwi Attlrk Arrhdckln Unite Vlllry Start in mt Mtboneld Lauren Brent tonnth Frill Fourth IIIeI Pele Pune Ilsa 0m ltlle Atmbro Jule ole Nail toyII ll heart Into Chlet Totll anthem Unp It litil it Laura le sullen Swrl eld Joe Stedt tiny Joe Johmtnn Robinson Ellwood Welly Dixon AE Jlmnlyl Folly ll Corhttt Filth lure Trot an two One Mile Germs Electron Cnlx arealllew Illte mkhart Ilnh In It tirade Flash Diamond It Gnltxaith Surru Pallet Celnur Aruhltrltln ill rm Lloyd strth IlIle Pm Puree taro One hills ltliu lint tlrullrr Ntollle illiquorndcre Boy Be tnrech IIlmurrIdcrr Boy It Better It it Our Joyce to lienm Senator lludeon It Corbett Glucllle Powell OOMPARES AARONRUTH RECORD won Ihont lullenllu Snrlnntitl room Mama III mill lannetIy known II uprl Vel tii It liililnitmi lm In he other top wtnnert Benin nut Ilullrn end not stein himsell lttreetrd oatltcltler Il tmtlm tor Iltrir distant drives Stein eshed wittt he tinth ed er btllllrcoll driver which he ernlllnrd he pmlteud It Barton to year no drive at trillium Ynlldfhtu llimrhll Mutinhil rill NENVJIIIINSION mm I1 5L IE Nil ollmmIIII loon Vinita Wotan ulll wu rend lrhlelernmt thI point on out the the melor 1qu schedule longer now with it inner In plate ol the old ihtt wu Illa wllEIEdI out welt up to the unto Iimnol tot yerdl we testimony 333 III on ltItI doing yocrnen ur re glamgmlrnmgm thle reme up with In It Wm mm mm wornwhleh kll ntrolt we mdmm outline nation ow dlyl Md wan hetero when he ttrrd the mm ml um or In It II we Iltet the VI WI IIrroIInIhunId art mIItteroI II wro rote HMS Eeri eleo plan to trim In bmHIII1mmM Simrotlido where he how in pllyrd been let grit lipon AusItItlIadriIIrndinn em on to hotel In 79 In the club lenti MWII WII 5w dm ttnell recently tiny hold the Mn WEI record tor nine hotel In con Iem ehlnlolnn relin with petition nny with it more minnow dlim end to with Phil wee mm the primin ntn tn the melt liolml tour min II Sinmtlldn on to Mid letter lolltnl mtltuslutn tI eunrretuietinr the Wm Dr lII Polity tor his brIIIIInt 71 lam well the miterup lilttrty preserved ward to mongolwithinglI VI II on It Pete IInnuglo who the third with 77 Mid hl In tr Simeoelide Izaln HI looie Ibaut ItlI Toronto less WinsI line Quebec Amamur nthI lelrl otrr For In on III thre Ileyl Sle hehinsnn ot Lrhlte MONTREAL tCI Bonnie QM nished third with 2II lny um oi Toronto littd will deeming ltumn My tonalolan lridny In tho liven ot llantrnl our earth the Cotllnzwood Cmmen tlnal round at the Qllhm nIIIttII II II III uorncnl amateur you im on lIlle olA burn to tomato Iirst the Gnmnmcnt ptonshio to win the title with NS linthat ll itlr atom Book Mole total at no em the pe 73 Surnerch toil and Country Cluh tonne ltllll me with rounlll ot 79 end 77 lintth tI llrcku Iilltltl oi Illnrtan mole ot Cw Iruville Que it Eelele tired to retund double the BRITISH STAB UPSET IIOLYAKih htziend lAPl Pettl Iioren oi LI lnIII CIIII NPIBI tlrilIIh Illli Vltfiltil Wndo II It Inllny Ind gained the name Ilnre line at tile WMMW IIIIIIyIteIIITrnnIIII Tournament mm rte meet Eheron Welil ol Etn tintlrl Chili Alllilllli it III IIWIIIIIIII MI Klml on um In the other luntltnll Mon tlllu llmlnnllIndthlhumlnSntln Allhlh PltlltnlyJIItStuluilIJnivlnl Wit tutti thllll Pltdmllnl Ithttttlthlnltllol lli I550 ten the MAIN llltnnndl IntthIStlmtdltl Ilhtl I550 Ilitlniit lhtullolNightltylillthnundlhll Milli Sttsltl Sunn IthlltlohtyMttlnuqlllellitlltnnu IIEUJSSU Sun StylZ Clnldiln NItInnII Illunl qulICelnlEhlmnithinI mm tnlly$60ttennttmtlctrtlllenn InnaIvttetelovlnrluhalve Alllhollhrnnooolom Aneltvl clelutrhmdlnde pylortothedtyolthonmolmr Yr InlllluyouloFREEIdmIItInc otnI uvoundrlncludlanntItloPltcl onlhmolthu Dounol ncludIthlclo Hotels by melt order Until Aunuel 4th TIckelI elIo available It GNE Grandelend Box Olllco and Grey Coach Llnoe Ollleoe CANADIAN NATIONALEXHtaIrloNIQ ii MW Willi7471 COLLECT IERVE you 0m Dltly to In no IIL till MI Mlllltlll DDIUIISIDCIIFIIOM lEAIJlItti MlltS EIIUIIS told DUPONI SDI NYLUNS ACHVIIES IllllFilIlPllElllSWOIllS NYIONS ENNIS SFEEIAI BIENDS lhun lhlouoh Sun AIII 19 hit World terthll llttrn Illtltin IICMP MulirII Iiill Son ll III Mo It In It lllllll ullrltnl Mr Ilroedloom gueranleol dllfmnco $1 tor $I In CASH it you can cover the mm area In the lame quality earner tor less within 90 doylol puleheto twilll SENDIII lttAl MlllIitISJlIIVIll IOHMIMIAIII it will Illl ll till titllltlltl IAll INIIIUII MAIL OKDIII lnen ovnennattkmhymelmlmemhevto inclmneMddtlmtiuAlldllltmbelallltlltlllbl the they youwlnt to Mlle throw at money nvdet peyehll to Canadian Ilatlonnl Elhlblllon Ind ml wtn Itemnen nilendmrern Inveioneto ConennnrlllnnelInhibitiontxhhltnnlnvx Toronto Ont Mon 63 Attention Gliitiltld Eon We VTIIE BIGGER AND wen BEST IN TOWN ROBERTOS PIZZERIA tincIIlnnl Item You Item no Dunlap Allendelel Ill UttII An WMtwolvmvuou r4w4 1mm tumr