nrw pillEWS marinara amoral mm rtat it in Evana Announces Ontario Hydro Studying Compensation Policies pm and try Corby Mam Mm lSiIiil lual will be uzdtmh by lledin Ital tiled the location at extra licences and Associates Limited cumin end rotten lined have on ar an enema mulch Illill ti ricvlalnl land is the aim ti menial oi thorough traum thrnadtue alrad lauded by ilooni precilre which other maria Hydroaproperly dirt rathtltl iaCauda and other tout Bill and and Pat Jnaa Mil Doh Alums Jen td lodllvaa endeared by Ar roustrlen loll my gr loan Stall they mu at Centre nations by up my hStunner the la tieeelnlm oi in addlilmiMJlim Illl Inn at Deludlnlifn nBur lla the lu mild ara Bent er on Del tendon lit program oi eatabliala LLd MMW and limiter on the abject ney bod Oaritldaeri liohert serum mootr no pnulha and mule it to out my cunt canoe Ken yf 53 mutt erminetum the am ilydroaettrttrd1hh mat mun him an Car In fl utility one at the male NI mat nil iltcra ionu pelrn naihera mat Merchant lira er espla Pete Pauanblp bar to be its relItlontha my cm up rrena hampioubhp last nr Wlleii illk Russell hlanhlri Gels lloleaniie Deiardae woo ANTEN NILIS iSulil Germ Berry oi Barrie baa been reeeryln ronxraiuintlonr be pinyin liedlia hiech all then Gobdnnd Bolt Detlyee we the ldeutlllntion oi troll Qulalut lea Mammalian Ad Georse berry recurred the that are both roll to the arm ams Clair Rhllton Drill reieodnicaehnelnmrllrm er in barley iha tranrnmrton arias Coal Diana Peta Panll en the itlyard mallow am line hi hdi mm tdttrtee ermoie on law lax hole or me at Spnnywalrr litll two be en ell course Berry made the roilerr dream driia on the mill rum alh brat Pattrokn and Don Waiaoia OILn are Unit mm lob WA om lidart itch brother Hum Tim lie ilanchard Terry Sarina aabataum Carl Dom ital Thump iirvard Tricia thraoey Jactwa Carl toodea steal my loin Patterdra some hide some Larry North Lad hlzry lat Griltnd Rab noaarhiauy 0m mm my toe W34 Dara uid in ya my my My Ptnlney Jedi llutra Leo Bellth wit ml statlu mm HILLS Stnlit Non itcn or player are repaued Ll the on arm ticn la the ma action at sonarIain god course and there also are rem to women playm participator Orcutlcb liar which otll require further tad mm Mn IIIlS We Mme am penetrated merlal thuUmahd reasonably aclt Ale lletltalresscdthalrrrpprtm Ln tho present imil In 611 BIQIICB he nhen pl treat Rn WWW mm ture in latter we alialmy call in mm sum iv creme ll ill M5 charter item at lwmv Ml tim and larrrr add the mad pqu at the tutor by me come itirndt raid he war Kalle Edited Sad liarr Low now li rat bale tram aheb to aert nlnirtrrttcn It aleadrutoplc aineaeonlyplaaniaa renami APNNED I0 BOARD NOOMTURE ISlaiil Itan Eduardo and Gary lirau have heed emulated hy liedod te armed to Vascy commonly min board it the balance oi the year thanres to relational corny ad lllee to area mm mm titrated larrrt hecticer it ML mm it rpm much aurprlml or myrtle not to these eonnrleattlrr mm my MW at oatnmmutmtiro into the contact with anxiety to hear MN cup Mm ti my QWGSCIgG epu Nimrod mild ochrthhm On 63 Council helidliornlhla lilrome tho ideaelomrnt oi ultimate our competition at the prwlir tut exauim rim ans DUNTitoON lSlalll Dt11lliV Nooaattona mo Cook menu lllilNE nettle MW mam MN rarnr onrdcre These included Mum mm 0m Amid Vandll ll mm WN llavraaihrnrerteelNotlawasa and WM mm mm Jmy hospital Toronto tor the rum neere oi Noilauasapa llcr mm mu tilde hat told hlr truc pita Thcma inr the conierrnre it Nation 73 and deleoaiu have been takiny part in dim slon yroupl twin panel and Register Early in Oro toll Play llAtlKlNNII Stall Eli trier are rm beta registered Colleagues oi Deputy iteeya usiymetidg relic lor Sate llcmrccn on the tool county urdayaiiioiebdteumnmeol ehlrb reads committee liltiilitd glue lamppen mena mot Corhrnne rareeto in iii Lloyd Irldllnrii at St ctdaic 2lhgm twat Laurence Dettne oi Co water mm mm end the uardrn OIrrawoucrrlrr edllhlnslllilmlllal lrlnll eluded Jarlt myhjllllllug calm liaurlro oi hhy the lldl hm ys Mam lea Norm tea urrdcn Ilelyln lirltean oi Cole lingual turd my my Gary almiybrnery Bob and others iAwwII Doll limroii Dru llcCartn and Nick Gerry reoptml lrom llarold Nash tire IJrirla Trrinar In 211351 Wham rharte oi reyislratlona It the pohce lbrre are re itrrcd to committee or atudy Five yeara an in i965 Earl EUlotl now my oi lloe Doro aid SWIM recur oi Collliil woed and lion Starters reeve ni Drillla township all started on county ceurKiL The present werden iamer Wales at Taterenlln armed all county council in IM MIANTN mam AhlI TUNING DtTIAIALVNEh IlllSDtI MEI GUINNESS SIMUN WAIUI guidelinea tor deahnr nlth trans mission ilnee more urination at land in More trantattloda Because the slill will be to NW coaulderable deplb it Is tsilmv Area dele aid that the tint attic oi the ltawn at nvac Jun iiorea atudy will tale irom all to and Susan hicteod oi linwle cl ht montht to com to lie clone Cheryl Woodoi Nyebridpe Elana slated and Anne llaldolch ai Utopia puty rota llcQttten Irnrd on the road committee that year Nmmfdglwm ayes include Anne Reeve Diet licQueen oi to trump la the only oi Barrie oi the uncut county ecttnrli who alsoqu roernber ityeera up it won thorn by county records Albert DrOortltay then recto oi lioirhedasit we Slmcoe 0o warden at the time Dr ly once itth it and tire Adrien Crad dorlr lir Ind lira limo Grade atuLL mp LARGE DAILY ctr litmus PNONE US 1266521 aerr llltilllill ond ILLIEUTII LTD ZEN WI IIEETEE ENE ZEN Slalll lift Gran Iuarr will he the hostess tor meeting oi Ebenezer We metle institute which is to he held on Thureday II II Ivan dimmed LT gagt rumoured 0X Onl lirritation hit at Irlt STARTS NNIGNT no Phtldl aatncrep auoaa realm llldllllt itturlnro Wayne Mariel who let to mm Alex ucruty than retreat Elmvale Gcoryahiac mfgt tiny or Coulaon iiun reoya oi fut mum rrtylltlxllomhtll Mteolwrll Guiliimbury Bruce Stewart ihrntcetaolllradlurdi om rnilzlttphgmlatgrtlrnrfylpm imniu out oi July Waltrm lidhtlcnx The prescra totally clerlt gore eon tat IIIIve pi mumea lrxrll arena will he lunar at Duh and landlord Dayle bl lty then drvuiydreevt any niichrtat ai auri ani Mr and hire 11 hlailey ol itilowdale were yucita at larowcl dinner at hir and Theatre liramllmllia conned lira llanl as soil para an 66m can Thu Hwy 400 and Duekwerih street lurid will he teattap coon ltier llayca and Du Canlloo oi Niagara Falls visited itlends stray DUFFIN ll BEHAN July l3 it THE LION IN wrurrr by Jenna Goldman July 2028 not 2215 in the ylilao last week liary llarev and Cathy illn too pm Bolt out rosrteatte 00 am 500 pm don Walton you reevr ll more walleye decide are lulmy Mel with Witt 21 tichebli Tony neck wae rem oi llumruliwmlrm MW Will and in Elk Vsmiggfymw 333ngclllh Pm in us accord year at lildhurrt Philip in Toronto location wet admlnlrtcrtd by It oyarcur student irom Que board which included iirr her lilsr Janette leclerc tr lira Sapient iiiton oi are dauchierolltr andllrl Em med Kiieilnz more lira Arthur Rice ui liau molt Stone liary hose rind Jan heelnnc ll llv0lwaybtlnlla cite lolllentll Illzo other gtatllcntailuu lra am tour tnzara andud lira Stanley llawhe oi work ADULT ttiaaramnl Panaiislxiihluatrlucn irmhonriireuiierutlnrmuoiuutoopery Now PLAYING Adult Entertainment He was the gongsier mm from the original Hitchcock iiLFllEil HlIlllllillllliS IICNNICOLO WU lltl MVIIDINII ltlana Roll In rt Lody Sing the iiluaa FRENl aurirvroeatartrasc him an Will AlCNMU IWAI IDSINAIY UAW IIarry Newman ta ta Fear la the Key to ILAIII Itll id or Na IIDll DlllllTAlP Nelltl oi hey or or llqrdd Your helre llllIIIS SUNBEAM STYLING DRYER tAyailahle only in the Cosmetic Do rcstlon Ind rolls cxlrrdaln lTEllS AVAILABLE Woolworth Phrraaacy operated by Jnclt Austin Drurr IOIINSONS BABY YOWDIR FRENCH FORMULA PROFESSIONAL HAIRSPRAY 2Ior L49 IlOUll AFTER NOUII AhIIPEIISPIMNT DE 1649 trier rlnua Nil repctaha Your Cholrr llIOUCN JULY tiTll iN EFFECT 11 iii sort to 000M at lltu or CONTAC Ilellel oi hay lever and alter gier to tablets trip or it me lll III3 IiAlllilE UNTAIIIU lleliel oi hay irlcr sinusitis trr colda id taproch CLAllIDIa IIERML ESSILNCE SHAMPOO 011 Crrrne Rinse 12 or hnar mire 07 IDILVSONS ILASIIC NANIhAIDS Verier lit RESERVE lllI RIGHT 10 UNIT itUANIIIilIS AYIIELD STREET Limited division oi ltomtnlon illm and time PRES CRIPTION Yththwtldlhuletouseyoumilitiamen usrrttsroloosiiiWoolworthstoresiliirissiuliiiiiii Ltd RVICE